Hey there!
The Sunberth Chronicles are a development project that has been on my mind for a long time, and I figured it was finally time to bring them out. Basically, the idea is to start a series of Moderated Flashback threads for people who would've been in the city all their lives to enable players and their characters to be there to experience and help write and expand on the history of the city. This is something open for any player character who has spent a portion of their past in the city even if they aren't currently playing here.
Because the project is still in its toddler-phase, there are no specific events in the past up for grabs. This thread is here to introduce the concept of the Sunberth Chronicles to our playerbase to hear thoughts and ideas. Maybe you have some ideas for things you'd like to do in the past that could potentially become something amazing and be seen in the city today? The purpose of the Chronicles, to note, is to flesh out and elaborate on the existing city history to give it more substance and make the city's past a more active part in the present-day characters' lives. The purpose is not to dramatically change the Sunberth of today, but what happened in the past will most likely leave marks.
Thoughts? Ideas?
Sunberth Chronicles
Hey there!
The Sunberth Chronicles are a development project that has been on my mind for a long time, and I figured it was finally time to bring them out. Basically, the idea is to start a series of Moderated Flashback threads for people who would've been in the city all their lives to enable players and their characters to be there to experience and help write and expand on the history of the city. This is something open for any player character who has spent a portion of their past in the city even if they aren't currently playing here.
Because the project is still in its toddler-phase, there are no specific events in the past up for grabs. This thread is here to introduce the concept of the Sunberth Chronicles to our playerbase to hear thoughts and ideas. Maybe you have some ideas for things you'd like to do in the past that could potentially become something amazing and be seen in the city today? The purpose of the Chronicles, to note, is to flesh out and elaborate on the existing city history to give it more substance and make the city's past a more active part in the present-day characters' lives. The purpose is not to dramatically change the Sunberth of today, but what happened in the past will most likely leave marks.
Thoughts? Ideas?