The shock from the 'event' had faded from her. "Right, lets go sign up. I wouldn't want to get there and find that I'm too late to join." Saede walked over to the fighting area with the group, but split with Garland to go sign up for the tournament that was about to start. While Bakar and Sayana found a seat to watch, she had approached the judge and asked if she could join. "Hey, do you still have room for new contestants?" "You'd bet we do," He replied. "Sign up sheet's over there, but I'll explain the rules here. So first, the time limit. You have Three minutes to spar with your opponent, and you will be graded accordingly." He points to a scoreboard containing how to gain points, and continues to describe the duel. "Punches and kicks are not permitted. For reasons of safety, direct targeting to the hands or feet are not permitted either. Hand parries will count as a point to the attacking fencer, as if they had been struck in the arm. And finally, hand Covering – deliberately covering a target to stop an attack with the hand, as an attempt to protect a blow from scoring on a particular area will result in full points being awarded to the attacking fighter, and a warning from the judge." Secret :
"Ah, right." The scorekeeper had sped through the rules, and Saede only caught one or two of them. No punching or kicking, and stay away from the opponents hand. She reviewed the points board as she wrote her name into a bracket. Nobody had said anything about armor, so she assumed that you could wear whatever armor you wanted. However, she did notice the blunted weapon counterparts over on a rack. There were plenty of them, all different kinds. Saede waited in anticipation for her name to be called. This could be very exciting, and very challenging. She hoped she didn't do too poorly. |