Completed In the shadow of His mercy

Ravokians pray for guidance, and receive...

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

In the shadow of His mercy

Postby Inoadar on September 25th, 2014, 4:57 am

21st of Fall, 514

A season of madness behind him, the poisoner walked easier through the alleys and bridges of Ravok. But it was not to deceive an onlooker into thinking he had no destination in mind, or any mission of urgency. He was sure of his goal. The fish, the city's tormentor, was still at large. Supplies were unreliable, food was scarce, prices were inflated. Nothing had changed in the entire course of Summer.

He'd even disproved the legitimacy of that foolish "fish supplement". With Verin's help, he'd shown it to be nothing but lake water, flour and a random mash of fish cleanings. It was not that it was harmful exactly, though the occasional presence of scales was not particularly beneficial. But it was certainly not a healthful supplement to replace the ever-more-difficult-to-obtain fish, that was the singular staple item in the average Ravokian's diet.

And now the loyal and anxious citizenry were gathering, en masse, to pray for deliverance from the ravages of the beast. He'd been told of this event, of course. 'Ordered to attend' would be a better way of saying it. It had bothered him to be so ordered, before being given a chance to show his willingness to do so of his own accord. But that was certainly not going to serve as cause to refuse. He was under scrutiny these days.

He'd seen it in the subtle twitch of an Ebonstryfe eyebrow, or tic of the corner of a Black Sun mouth when he named himself "Nolan Parnell". Since his incarceration and ordeal in The Black Hole, it seemed that his pseudonym was more widely known, if not advertised. Their eyes watched him a bit longer now, as he passed them on the walks of the city, but they did not hinder his movements, at least.

And certainly, attending a ceremony at The Temple itself was nothing they would interfere with. Most likely, they believed a bit of piety would do the arrogant chemist some good. Inoadar swallowed his resentment. He did his part to do His Lord's will in the manner he'd first been directed; as an outwardly neutral presence, willing to aid the less devoted in getting out of the city.

And, in the past, he HAD done this deed; committed this crime. He did not deny it. But when he accepted his fate, and readied himself for punishment, the Black Sun agent monitoring his actions had told him the Rhysol had marked him for a second chance. He'd apparently shown potential, and Rhysol did not choose to let it go to waste. The God had seen into the poisoner's heart and found a man that would embrace his domain.

And Inoadar had done exactly that. He'd already seen the error of his ways, but felt any repentance would look feigned and insincere. But Rhysol had welcomed him into his fold anyway, and Inoadar could not be more grateful. Not everyone shared The Defiler's faith in the poisoner. Inoadar took this in stride, figuring that the suffering he would go through, while convincing his detractors of his devotion, was nothing more than the punishment he deserved.

At present, this obligation brought him to the Temple, to share in the outcry for Rhysol's mercy. His young protege, Vera, was with him. She was downright eager to attend. She'd been a slave, and had been freed as a result of a few timely developments. A few LESS timely developments had forced Inoadar to purchase a slave FOR her; a Chaktawe woman named 'Yoona'. She too, accompanied Inoadar to the Temple. Though her reverence was markedly less intense, she seemed willing to avoid making trouble for her young mistress. Inoadar appreciated this. He would never admit this, but he found that he greatly cared about Vera.
OOCI've had a couple PMs already, so I will say, there is no set order, and I would not feel too bound by full rotations of turns. If you have an idea that will become stale by waiting, go for it. This is Ravok! Let chaos reign!
Last edited by Inoadar on December 10th, 2014, 9:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.
I would prefer you called me "Nolan Parnell"...In fact, I insist.

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In the shadow of His mercy

Postby Yoona on September 25th, 2014, 6:37 am


At first, when Yoona had seen the various clusters of anxious-looking Ravokians wandering the streets, their feet seeming to carry them all in the same direction, she'd wondered if it was some sort of holiday. Though it'd been a good season since her arrival upon the city's arid, unnerving shores, it wasn't as if the Chaktawe woman had taken it upon herself to become familiar with any events and festivals that went on. She wasn't even sure if there were any. And yet, today being a "special" day wouldn't be much of a surprise, if it were true.

And it wasn't. Curious as she was, she couldn't help but question Vera about it; Inoadar was just as likely to have answers as her still-semi-new mistress was, but Yoona didn't want to risk another one of the man's lectures. She'd nearly lost her wits with his latest one, and would have no one else to blame but herself should she tempt him to make another.

Vera soon explained to her that the people of Ravok were flooding to the temple for some sort of mass-prayer. The problems with the giant fish monstrosity only grew worse with the passing days; Yoona had been hoping that the disruption of its diet of slaves would ward it off, but the creature had stayed, making things worse for everyone. And now the citizens knew of nothing else to do but plead with their Almighty for guidance. Yoona had to keep herself from snorting at the concept as she walked, her arms crossed against her chest. 'To think that they truly believe that their God will help them...if he's such a powerful being, wouldn't he have better things to do than kill fish?' she mused. 'Guh...they're more foolish than I thought.'

And yet, here she was, obligated by her status as another's property to head right over to the temple, alongside an eager little girl and her pseudo-father. More than once along the way would Yoona turn her head and squint at the girl, though more out of confusion than annoyance. The Chaktawe woman didn't really have any problems with Vera; she was, admittedly, a kind child with a good heart, and put Inoadar in a slightly more-bearable light. It'd taken a while, but Yoona recognized that she was beginning to like her a little, if only because had it not been for the child's quick thinking, she'd be chained to some stone wall, somewhere, covered in all sorts of bruises and lashes. Or worse.

At the moment, however, the Chaktawe woman couldn't make a lick of sense out of Vera's apparent excitement. What was there to look forward to? All they were doing was heading to a building that'd be overflowing with sweaty, desperate people. And there was no telling how long they'd have to be there, but Yoona was certain that she'd be standing for a few bells. Or kneeling, perhaps.

'Isn't this only for citizens? I wouldn't have to get down on my knees like the rest of them, would I...?'

Yoona wasn't sure, and for once she hoped that her rung on the societal ladder would benefit her. Having to kneel amongst the lot of them was almost too embarrassing of a possibility.

Sighing inwardly to herself, the Chaktawe woman looked up as the tallest of the great temple's spires came into view, a long ways in front of them. Even from this distance, it was a pretty impressive sight; Yoona had heard talk of the building being one of the most beautiful structures in the entire lake-bound city, and so far she couldn't deny it. Someone had definitely put care and great effort into making it.

Pretty as it was, though, a few ticks of staring at it brought a frown onto Yoona's face.

'Well then...this isn't going to be fun.'

"Tawna" | "Common" | 'Thoughts' | Ruki
"I see what I feel.
My sight will change when my heart does."
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In the shadow of His mercy

Postby Vanari on September 26th, 2014, 2:37 am

Why did I do this? Why?! I shouldn't be here. It was a bad idea. I should've hid in my roo--Oh seven hells, I think that Stryfer saw me...

Out amongst the sea of somber, devout attendees, a single Vantha hoped against all hope that she did not stick out like a sore thumb. She wore the drabbest colors she owned--which wasn't hard, considering her constant state of mobile homelessness--and kept her gleaming hair hidden under the hood of her woolen cloak. It was a bit scratchy and warm for the current weather, Fall having only just begun in earnest, but the lass wasn't exactly burdened with an abundance of choices.

Speaking of which, not attending the ceremony wasn't a viable option either. From what she'd gleaned during bits of talk and gossip here and there, anyone who didn't show up to pray about that stupid fish was going to find herself in a world of trouble. The whole thing felt so...Ravokian that Ari found no cause to believe otherwise.

That, and she still had a mission to complete. Mister Nolan Parnell was likely lurking about amongst the worshipers with nary a worry over blind bounty hunters on his mind. And trailing him around, no undoubtedly, would be Vera, too. Ari couldn't bare the thought of her being harmed.

So it was with equal parts reluctance and a grim sense of duty that the vagrant donned her new cloak and stepped out of Tarsin's to follow the other devotees of Rhysol. The longer she walked, the more confident she felt. May this wouldn't be as bad as she had imagined, the lass told herself. But then Ari arrived and a shiver ran down her spine as she looked upon the Temple of the Black Sun. The Vantha had been here once before, in the company of the very noble and distinguished Valerius Nitrozian. But even with his polite and respected presence she had felt unease. Apparently, that feeling had not changed with time.

It had been more or less a full year. A full year since she and Parnell had butted heads over a pile of deadly vines, come to a precarious agreement, and then found themselves newly dubbed as Auntie Ari and Uncle Nolan. Never in her life had she imagined working with someone as shady and moody as the poisoner himself. But such was life. You never knew which way it was going to spin you next.

Vanari let loose a slow, calming breath. The Stryfer had not been looking at her. He'd merely been scanning the crowd for potential trouble, as he and his kind always did. It was his job. She could admit that now, but the paranoia never quite left her.

Once the Vantha was able to manage the bulk of her fears, she started scanning as well, looking discreetly for any familiar features. Pale skin, green eyes, dark hair, or perhaps the limber stature of a girl child. So intent was she on completing this task that Ari failed to come up with how she would even broach the subject once she did find who she was looking for. Should she bring it up with Vera present, in public? She might very well have to, given that they couldn't simply up and leave such an important ceremony.

By sheer luck alone, the Vantha's pensive eyes managed to land on something familiar after all. The man was darkly garbed and seemed the right height, but it was Vera's unmistakable form that confirmed her suspicions. And...who was that standing beside both Nolan and his protege? A woman, it seemed, of dark coloring and even darker hair cut to a length similar to Ari's own.

Well, things just get trickier and trickier, the Vantha silently lamented. Not knowing what kind of relation this stranger had with her former accomplice, she couldn't risk speaking of such dire matters in public. She would have to bide her time. Watch and wait, out of sight, until the moment was right.

"Morwen, keep me vigilant," Vanari muttered under breath.

She'd never been one for patience.


A lonely heart is better than a bored one.

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"My Speech"
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In the shadow of His mercy

Postby Faolan Lundgren on September 27th, 2014, 3:17 am

Faolan Lundgren

Faolan hadn’t been in Ravok for very long but he knew about the fish problem that plagued the people who lived here. He had heard of some prayer event happening at the temple but wasn’t sure if he should attend. After all he wasn’t a citizen and wasn’t exactly religious either, but the temple piqued his interest nevertheless.

The young Kelvic was definitely influenced by his curiosity a majority of the time. Sometimes this was a good thing as he met people and had adventures, other times he would find himself in situations that were difficult to get out of. Lingering near a fountain in the square he generally hung around when he wasn't busy he eyed the throngs of people filing past. He was dressed in his usual greys, his cloak wrapped around him as though it were armor protecting him from the others, its hood drawn up to cast his face into shadow. Noticing others dressed similarly he was pleased that he wouldn't stand out much.

The itch to follow them and join in on the prayer session was getting harder and harder to resist as more people walked past him. Fidgeting slightly the young man couldn’t help himself and stepped away from the building he had been standing near to join the crowd moving through the square. He trailed along with them, glancing about carefully to examine those around him. He had never been in a crowd like this before, it was like moving along with a rushing river only instead of water he was surrounded by people. Walking along with everyone he wondered how he hadn’t managed to wander into this particular section of the city before. He had seen the towering spires of the temple from the distance but had never really been interested enough to get close enough to really look at it.

Now that he was being filed into the temple with everyone else he suddenly got incredibly nervous as he looked up at the lurking building. Being packed into a space with a lot of other people made him a little nauseous, honestly he hadn’t even thought about that aspect of the trip to the temple. Leaving seemed like a bad idea though, he knew that they were all being watched and leaving would just make him stand out. Not wanting to do that he was now trapped in yet another situation his curiosity had gotten him stuck in.

“How bad could it be?” he thought as he took a deep breath to keep himself from panicking. Panic would do nothing to help him at this point, it never helped anyone really, so he calmed himself down through regulating his breathing. Grimacing as it occurred to him that he knew nothing of the religious ceremony he was about to take part in; he wondered at how he managed to get himself involved in these things. His blue eyes swept over the crowd and the temple in front of him, taking in the sights and scents of so many people in one area. Resigning himself to this fate he plodded along with the others, listening to snatches of conversation that were going on around him.

Take a walk in the forest,
and smell the wild air.
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In the shadow of His mercy

Postby Daegron on September 29th, 2014, 3:04 am

The Ravosala gracefully glided upon the sacred waters of the Lake. The Morpher's gaze rested upon the calm surface as the reflections danced; disturbed only by the wake of the dozens of boats that were gathering. And underneath the still and inviting waters, a horrible monster lurked, eager to strike and feed upon the unwary. Had the people of Ravok not known the truth, or at least all the exaggerated stories about it's nature and origin, they'd never guess it's existence just by looking at the blessed lake.

As he approached the dock, he couldn't help and look up at the impressive structure that today welcomed myriads of believers. He was awed by it's tall spires, adorned with figures and forms too many to count. It's massive domes stood proud, inviting people to stand under their protection. The Temple of the Black Sun was a testament of Rhysol's might, a display of his splendour and a refuge for the desperate. Today a great Mass was organized by the clergy. The declaration was grim and stern. All citizens were to attend the mass prayer to Ravok's absolute ruler. Needless to state that those who failed to present themselves and take part in that unique ceremony would find themselves at odds with everyone, unwelcome. The consequences would be dire. In Ravok it was common knowledge that everyone watched each other closely and everyone was watched by the Black Sun. Whether this paranoia-induced vigilance was a means of protection or control, one could not quite tell.

The black gate was wide open, seemingly swallowing the faithful who eagerly raced inside, driven by faith or fear. It's pearly ornaments caught Daegron's keen eye as he tried to keep his balance against the tide of temple-goers. Unlike many of the people around him, he wasn't intimidated. He had visited the temple because he thought it was high time to do so. With each passing day, he felt Rhysol's might engulfing him. He felt protected and safe, grateful to the Defiler for creating a place where he actually felt like home. Though still far from a religious zealot, Daegron could not deny His absolute rule; it was time to pay his own respects to Him, even if it meant lowering his colossal pride. He'd accepted Him out of admiration and awe.

Everyone was going to pray for help and guidance against the Fish. He thought that the case was a stinking pile of shyke. Ravok was Rhysol's domain. If a giant monster freely swam and dwelt in the lake it was because Rhysol himself WILLED it so. It's purpose and conception an obscure mystery coming from a divine mind. One whose portfolio was how to spread corruption and paranoia. There was a plan behind it all. A test of faith ? To weed out the worthless for an impending ordeal ? To unite the believers ? To strengthen His protected ones ? He had no idea. "Praised be Rhysol!" he thought and left it at that.

The flock was already gathered and waiting for the ceremony to begin. Unlike the last time he'd found himself in such a crowded instance, everyone seemed a lot calmer and meek. The vast chamber provided enough room and sufficient air for all the faithful. He casually walked among them, clad in simple garbs and trying to avoid attracting too much attention. He scanned the gathering wondering whether he'd meet someone familiar. It took him a few ticks to regret it.

Nolan Parnell was there. Calm and cold as always, the man with the unnerving gaze and frighteningly wide set of talents was also a man of faith it seemed. Not really a friend but definitely not a foe. He was accompanied by a young lass that looked so innocent next to him. Next to her, an impressively tall and wonderfully endowed, in all the right places, woman caught his eye. He didn't need to look at her too long to notice that she didn't seem to belong there.

There was no reason to keep a distance. They'd probably already spotted him, so he decided it would be best to approach...
Last edited by Daegron on October 1st, 2014, 4:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

The Art will twist you and turn you.
It will break you and tear you asunder; from your scattered remains it will shape you.
It will engulf you and spit you out.
It will fester in your mind, disfigure your body and blacken your soul.
And so on and so forth, through an endless chain of transformations till the time comes and you are everything...
Then you'll truly be nothing...

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In the shadow of His mercy

Postby Yoona on October 1st, 2014, 12:10 am


Instinct drove Yoona to stay vigilant as she walked, her void-black eyes casually sweeping over the many sullen, anxious faces that they passed as they headed for the temple. It was beginning to seem as though the crowd was growing thicker with every chime, the stragglers that'd taken the time to dress themselves up nice finally streaming from their houses. Bar-goers put down their drinks, blacksmiths set aside their tools... People were leaking out of the city's every orifice in the masses.

Sighing quietly, the Chaktawe woman suddenly found herself wishing for company. It'd be nice to have someone to share her troubles with, or rather, complain to. One's own mind served as great company every so often, but Yoona had grown a bit tired of her own thoughts, as of late.

As if on cue, Ruki appeared at her side, a faint outline coming into view before his streaked fur faded into existence, along with his legs, stumpy tail, and muzzle. Surprisingly enough, the hyena wasn't sneering like he normally did. Yoona stared at him, and noticed after a moment how uncomfortable he looked, having to weave his way around the legs of tens of hundreds of bodies in order to stay next to her. A few people shoved him in their rush to walk ahead of others, and Ruki could do nothing but lift his head and glare at them, baring his teeth on occasion. "What in the hell is with all these people?!" the hyena growled to her, his ears lying flat against his skull in annoyance.

'It's an all-citizens event,' Yoona mentally replied, smirking at him a little. 'That, and I'm pretty sure that those Beasts in the Black Armor are wandering about, keeping an eye on the crowds.'

"You're not a citizen."

'True. But unfortunately for me, that excuse won't work, today.'

The hyena let out a snort, turning his attention back to the throng of people as he continued to pad alongside her. "Public events. Remind me to put that on my list of 'Reasons to Be Happy That I'm Not Human'."

The Chaktawe woman almost chuckled at that. Then something brushed across her shoulder, and she whipped her head around, suddenly eye-to-eye with a much shorter woman. She'd been rushing by, but had stopped herself once she noticed that she'd bumped into someone. Now she was staring up at Yoona, her eyes going wide with painfully-obvious terror. Instead of saying anything, Yoona narrowed her gaze at the woman, her expression darkening. Frightened, the woman broke the intensifying eye-contact and darted away from her, pushing passed some people in the process.

Watching her go, Yoona waited until she'd vanished amongst the crowd. Then she smirked to herself. At times, she tended to forget how intimidated others could be by her height. Little moments like these were ones she lived for; had she been feeling up to it, she just might have thanked the woman for making her day a bit less insufferable.

About to ask Ruki if he'd seen her reaction, the Chaktawe woman turned her head to address him. But the hyena was currently busy, his head turned as he focused on something out of sight, behind them. An eyebrow raised in question, Yoona looked over her own shoulder and tried to pick out what had grabbed his attention so suddenly. 'What is it?'

"Over there. By that man with the ridiculous-looking rag on his head," Ruki muttered, motioning toward whatever it was with his muzzle. "There's a person headed this way."

Oh? Yoona looked harder, scanning people's heads until she spotted the odd rag-like thing resembling a hat that sat atop a man's head. Sure enough, right next to him stood a burly, long-haired man with a cold, unshaven face. And Ruki had been correct in saying that he was coming toward them.

Yoona frowned a little, and kept her head turned as she stared straight at him, not even bothering to hide her suspicion.

"Tawna" | "Common" | 'Thoughts' | Ruki
"I see what I feel.
My sight will change when my heart does."
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In the shadow of His mercy

Postby Inoadar on October 1st, 2014, 10:46 pm


"Vera! Tell your slave to quit frightening the worshipers." Inoadar crowed with a wink. He'd seen the way the shorter woman had veered away as if the Chaktawe woman, Yoona, had been on the verge of biting her. At least the slave woman's stature occasionally served up a bit of entertainment. Vera looked up at first in alarm, and then, seeing his wink, giggled delightedly.

Inoadar found himself bored almost immediately. There was a backlash of guilt that was almost equally immediate. He knew that he owed Rhysol the devotion to attend this event. Probably much more than that. But he'd never felt that he lacked devotion, regardless of his aversion to ritual ceremonies. What was in his heart and actions was as pure a reverence as any could claim. But he did not see this as much more than theater for the weak minded.

He had nothing against it, as far as it went to bolster the minds of those that needed such demonstrations. For himself, he was far more taken by such displays as the squad of soldiers that had put on that ill-fated weapons display the season before. It had been a shame that it had turned to such a riot. 'A shame and a whole lot of fun.' he snickered to himself. He often wondered if Rhysol hadn't enjoyed that spectacle more than what had been originally intended.

For the hundredth time since acquiring her, he noted Yoona's peculiar tendency to act as if someone was speaking to her. He started to roll his eyes to embellish the yawn he felt coming, but the direction of her gaze drew him to stretch his focus...


The morpher was approaching. He was unsure where he stood with the man. Things had ended well enough between them, he believed. But after keeping them man in irons for nearly a third of the last season, his concessions of thanks, and admission of how he'd "needed it" could have been feigned to enable an escape from a shop clearly equipped to give an advantage to the poisoner. You could never be too careful.

Then there was the mission to regain control of the KRI. The two of them had been reacquainted there. But again, the presence of Ebonstryfe agents made the cooperation between them proof of nothing. He had, admittedly, been intrigued by the man's mention of how morphing could enable him to disguise the missing finger-and-a-half from his left hand.

Again, the suspicion of a decoy made him question the man's intent. Had that offer been merely a way of putting him off guard at some future date, like now? If ever the man intended some sort of treachery, this was the scenario best suited to it...

Inoadar's focus was all on Daegron as the distance closed slowly between them, hindered by the mass of worshipers vying for better visibility. As a result, the poisoner's awareness was not what it should have been in other directions.
Last edited by Inoadar on October 8th, 2014, 12:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
I would prefer you called me "Nolan Parnell"...In fact, I insist.

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In the shadow of His mercy

Postby Daegron on October 4th, 2014, 5:10 am

His approach didn't go unnoticed. As their eyes fell upon him, he felt important.It didn't take long for his massive pride to kick in and turn his cold face into a mask of success. The sly grin that was painted on his thin lips and his arrogant gaze were an evident display of his mood. He took pleasure in knowing that he'd earned their attention.

Parnell's unnerving green stare was familiar but still one that he could not decipher. As he looked back at him he thought he caught a trace of worry. But he dismissed the notion, thinking that it could always be the man's usual vigilance; always calculating and eager to find details to exploit. Their relationship was one that always carried tension. From the way their eyes locked one could easily translate that tension as two opponents sizing each other. But for now, it was far from the truth. Daegron held no grudge against him. But it was wise to stay on his toes with this one; the way he carried himself inspired wariness. Even so, in the Morpher's mind there still existed an irrational thought that the poisoner's substances, including the one he occasionally enjoyed in secret, still lingered into his system. Perhaps there was something coursing around his veins waiting for the moment when Daegron's guard was lowered, so as to finally act and tear him apart.

His attention was divided as he met the woman's gaze. The pair of jet black eyes that adorned her tanned face were something that he'd heard of, but never actually seen. They belong to desert dwellers, hardy and proud. She was too far from home. Her expression was an amalgam of pride and defiance, of confidence and caution. It made him smirk in the most cunning of ways as his eyes scanned her figure from head to toe. It wasn't hard to understand what exactly he was thinking about. She was a feisty one, no doubt.

The staring contest came to an end when he finally got close enough. The crowds were getting thicker and the temple's chamber would soon be full. The ceremony would soon begin. Yet, there seemed to be a lot of movement around. The subtle kind of movement that did not belong to the usual Ebonstryfe soldiers or their lackeys. Probably his usual paranoia, but there was something in the air; a hunch that things were not exactly right.

"Didn't quite picture you as the pious man, Parnell" he plainly said and greeted the young girl with a nod before turning to stare at those black beads that eyed him suspiciously. It was a silent test of mettle that he just initiated with her and as soon as she'd prove that her grit was real, he'd continue:
"I see you have good company"

"All praise our Lord Rhysol!" said a booming voice that echoed around the chamber. People looked down in reverence, some knelt in a plead for redemption. The faithful would soon pray to their Protector.
That's when he noticed it. Someone, clad in a heavy coat, didn't seem to join the prayer and was staring at them. As Daegron's eyes fell on him, he instantly looked away. And another one to his right repeated the same routine. Could be nothing, really but still, it was always better to be safe than sorry.

In evident alarm, he turned to his "good doctor" and his whisper was an ominous warning: "Something is petching wrong..."

The Art will twist you and turn you.
It will break you and tear you asunder; from your scattered remains it will shape you.
It will engulf you and spit you out.
It will fester in your mind, disfigure your body and blacken your soul.
And so on and so forth, through an endless chain of transformations till the time comes and you are everything...
Then you'll truly be nothing...

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In the shadow of His mercy

Postby Vanari on October 6th, 2014, 10:26 pm

Step by step, inch by inch, she wedged her way through the crowd.

Keep calm. Stay cool. Don't rush this, the Vantha chanted to herself as she made agonizingly slow progress toward the dark haired trio. Being tall had its uses, like reaching for the top shelf of a pantry, or looking over a sea of heads. But sneaking about certainly wasn't one such use.

Vanari tried to move only when others moved, meandering about as if she were just a citizen trying to get a better look. Which was precisely the problem to begin with. She wasn't a citizen. As so many had warned her in the past, walking around Ravok as a non-citizen was basically a self-served sentence to slavery. But Ari had managed not to get caught thus far; perhaps her meager luck could serve her a little bit longer.

Thankfully, Parnell's tiny group didn't seem to be in any rush. So long as she kept moving bit by bit, she had a solid chance of remaining close by. It was only a matter of time and a pinch of luck for everything to go smooth.

But, alas, nothing in life ever wanted to go smooth when it needed to. Because now a fourth member had joined Parnell's entourage and this stranger was even more perplexing than the woman. Broad and stocky with the look of a man who harbored little patience, this new addition evidently knew the poisoner well enough to approach without inciting outright alarm.

Vanari had decided long ago to take her cues from Vera. The young protege seemed relatively at ease this entire time, even giggling once when her master spoke and winked at her. All the while, the incredibly tall--taller than even Ari herself--and well built woman beside her kept a strange sort of vigilance, guard held so high up it made the Vantha wonder if she might possibly be a bodyguard.

Well whatever role the woman served, Vera was not afriad. So it was with moderate conviction that Vanari deemed these two unknowns, one female and one male, non-threats. For the time being, anyway. And while it was somewhat comforting to know neither of them appeared to be Stryfers, their presence still made it riskier than ever to be near Parnell. Ari wasn't sure how long she could keep this stalking game up. There were too many ways things could go wrong.

When she'd finally gotten close enough to hear what the rugged looking man was saying to the poisoner, Vanari strained all her senses to pick up every word she could. His greeting seemed polite enough, though there was an unmistakable wariness in everything he did and said. Ravokians, the vagrant mused to herself.

A voice suddenly boomed throughout the chamber and nearly made Ari jump a whole foot into the air. "All praise our Lord Rhysol!" Panicking, she looked around at the others and mimicked their motions without hesitance. She was getting rather adept at that anyhow, having stayed in Ravok long enough to know the value of such a habit. Eyes cast down and head bowed in preparation for prayer, Vanari silently cursed the fates as she momentarily lost sight of Parnell and his group.

Not to worry, she reminded herself. They were stuck here as much as she was.

Last edited by Vanari on October 7th, 2014, 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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In the shadow of His mercy

Postby Yoona on October 7th, 2014, 1:57 am


Though her unwavering attention was set on the approaching stranger, Yoona spared a glance or two over in Inoadar's direction, to check if he'd noticed by now. Indeed he had; in fact, if she wasn't mistaken, the man looked a good deal more alarmed and suspicious than she felt. As far as she knew, he wasn't being hunted down for any crimes or misdemeanors...then again, there was little that the Chaktawe woman knew about the man to begin with, other than his unnerving knowledge of an array of poisons and his tendency to switch between names at any given moment.

He was a curious character, overall. And yet, Yoona had always gotten the sense that it was better for her to know little about him; too much familiarity would only lead to trouble, and she wasn't sure she wanted to be involved in any future issues, should something from the man's undisclosed past come back and bite him in the rump.

'What do you make of it?' Yoona asked her guardian, still staring at the man.

The hyena looked up and down his figure for a few ticks, paying particular attention to his face, before he turned back to her and muttered "I'm not sure what to. Either he knows Inoadar, you think he could be with the Stryfe?"

'I doubt that. He doesn't look like one. Besides; he'd be wearing their armor if he was, wouldn't he?'

"Unless he was working in secret."

Yoona couldn't think of anything to say to this, and furrowed her brows in thought. There was an entire smorgasbord of reasons as to why the strange man was doing what he was, and she doubted she'd be able to guess at the right one. The best thing to do for now was to wait and simply see how things played out. As the man came up beside them, Ruki lifted his head and gave him a final, skeptical glance before fading from view.

'So, he knows him after all,' Yoona mused as the man began to speak, addressing the poison-crafter by his more commonly-used name. Then he turned his head to stare at her, and the Chaktawe woman fearlessly met his eyes, the hint of a challenge burning in her own black, pupil-less pair. If he wanted to start trouble, she'd be more than happy to counter it; not so much for Vera or the man's sake (as far as she was willing to admit), but...well, dammit, she needed something to do.

All of a sudden, someone somewhere nearby yelled, and Yoona let a native swear slip from her tongue, startled and annoyed. 'I thought prayer was supposed to be petching silent...'

It was a mere tick later that the strange man spoke, again, and though his words were hushed, the Chaktawe woman was close enough to the two of them to be able to hear what he'd said.

Something was wrong...?

Suspicion beginning to gnaw at her brain, Yoona turned her head a little and looked behind them, once again scanning the faces of the temple-goers to see if she could find anything out of the ordinary.

Were things growing to be interesting, now, or increasingly unsafe? It was much too early for her to say.

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