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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]
by Faylon Kwanda on October 10th, 2014, 10:26 pm
40th of Fall, 514AV Evening
...the Bonesnapper made him feel alive it hit him in the face. He woke up from a momentary reverie that had caused him to be lost in thought and blinked his eyes once, twice, three times before continuing to move along. Winds were colder in the fall which meant that he'd drawn his cloak tighter around himself; when he'd come to Zeltiva it had been fairly new but it was old and shabby now like he was. Once a young man weathered lines had drawn themselves across his features causing Faylon Kwanda to look at his own reflection as if it were a stranger sometimes. He'd made a friend or two here but he'd made more enemies and worse than that he was guilty of the crime of murder. Or he was guilty of the crime of murder? It had been a few years now but he still remembered the men he'd killed in the alleys of zeltiva as though it were yesterday. No one likely remembered them but him though...
...his movements carried him down the Docks, one after the other, as he went on his way. There was a time when he'd done some work here, manual labour mostly but now he came down here to reflect on his life. He found that his memories were all jumbled together sometimes though and that nothing had made sense. Sitting down on the docks helped him to think. He chose one of the smaller piers that were less active than the others and he came down here in the evening when there was even less activity. Only thing most people found on the docks when the sun went down was trouble but he hadn't wanted that. At least it wasn't why he'd come this far...
...footsteps took him past ships that were docked along the pier. Small vessels mostly used for finish or minor transportation. Nothing extremely important as far as he knew but Faylon wasn't an expert here. He knew the alley's of zeltiva with some degree of expertise but the docks seemed like a fond memory to him now as far as what was he here and how to find something in particular. Moving ahead he'd almost reached the edge of the pier when his foot drug behind him, as though he didn't even bother to lift it but he didn't stumble he just kept shuffling ahead towards his destination...
...when he reached the edge of the pier he would stand there, quietly for a few moments and regard the sea as it stretched out ahead of him. Narrowing his eyes briefly he felt the lines at their corners beginning to show, his ears perked and the hair on the back of his neck prickled but only the howl of the wind answered his senses. Out here the Bonesnapper was his companion and he'd long gotten used to its caress regardless of how it still chilled him down to the bone. If there was one constant in zeltiva it was the cold wind that came off the bay to welcome all those inside the city with its icy embrace... |

Faylon Kwanda - Player
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by Faylon Kwanda on October 10th, 2014, 10:44 pm
...once he'd stood awhile he would have bent at the knees and begun to ease down slowly. Faylon would have supported himself laying a hand on the wood of the docks as he went down to take a seat before letting his legs hang over the end. He seemed comfortable once he'd seated himself there. Inhaling a breath he filled his lungs with the cold air that threatened to freeze him solid from the inside out but instead of surprise he felt a certain solace in the sensation. It was as if the cold wind moving around him, embracing him lent a sort of foreign strength to his body as he sat there in his thoughts. Bringing his hands together in his lap he'd weave his fingers amongst one another, entwining them while he sat there in a thoughtful repose...
...his eyes darted towards the water, its surface dark and especially so at this hour, and he looked into the abyss that was its surface as though attempting to penetrate below the blackness that was there. Gazing ahead, down into the water, his eyes were filled with iron, solid in their resolve and started to crackle at their corners with the unchecked djed flowing just beneath the shell of his flesh. There was nothing to hypnotize here though and no tools for Faylon to craft some great work of magic which meant that anything seeping out from him would deteriorate into nothingness. He was lost in his mind though which meant that he barely had any notion of what was happening...
...at present his mind hinged on one of the last events he had taken part in. The Winter Ball of the year 511av. No, wait it might have been 512av. Well he couldn't actually remember the exact year though he remembered the event itself. Bad luck that event. He'd been stabbed chasing after an assailant and had almost lost his life in the process were it not for the quick thinking of one of his companions at the time. Truth be told he remembered their faces but couldn't be completely sure of their names anymore. Memories could be as dark as the water he was staring into now as he sat their on the docks and once lost in the darkness of the mind might never be recovered again...
...his fingers tensed, these were good memories but it made him feel off as though there were something wrong. Tipping his head higher Faylon looked ahead across the bay just as another gust from the Bonesnapper struck him in the face causing his eyes to water just a tad and his lips to press together hard. Inhaling another breath he allowed his lips to stay parted but a thread afterwards as though he was going to say something but he had no one there to talk to and so he just closed his mouth all over again... |

Faylon Kwanda - Player
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- Joined roleplay: June 28th, 2011, 4:34 pm
- Location: Sunberth
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by Faylon Kwanda on October 10th, 2014, 11:09 pm
...there may have been no for Faylon to talk to but that didn't mean there was no one there to listen to him however he chose not to be the first one to talk. In fact Faylon had been hoping for a few more moments of silence before his reflection of the past was broken however it wouldn't take long. Once again his ears had begun to detect something behind him, footsteps that were drawing closer and he perked slightly without looking back behind himself though his eyes wandered from one side to the other as he continued to sit there at the end of the pier alone. By now the djed that had started to weep from the corners of his eyes had dissipated almost entirely leaving him to look relatively normal just in time for a pair of shadows to creep closer to him from behind where they remained...
..."Now what we 'ere?"...asked one of the voices, clearly masculine though a bit squeaky...
..."Looks like a bumpkin come in from the wilds he does. Maybe a lad fresh from one of the ships."...answered the other voice, also masculine which was a bit deeper than the first...
..."Well he must be daft in th' head to come down 'ere at this hour says I."...
.."You lost boy?"...came the call of one voice before Faylon felt the muscles in his neck tighten as the man came closer and gave him a prod with something solid, probably a length of wood fashioned as a club or something of that sort...
...jostled by the touch of the wood Faylon was indeed broken free of his momentary reflection though he didn't turn his head to look at either of the men when he said..."Leave me alone."...his voice was quiet but clear and he knew that both of them men would have heard him while he remained seated. Yet it seemed his request fell on deaf ears. Another prod from the wood would cause Faylon to sway to the side briefly before his body straightened itself and he heard one of the men behind him say...
..."Trouble is maybe we don't want ta' leave you alone boy. These here are our docks and new fish like you need to pay a tax to be on em."...
...he sounded drunk however it was no excuse though Faylon did ask again politely..."Leave me alone. Please."...but this too would fall on deaf ears save for a bit of laughter behind him when he heard one of the men respond...
..."Look at us when we're talkin' to you boy!"...
...followed by the swoosh of something Faylon never saw but that he would assume was a fist when it came in hard, fast and knocked him in the side of the head causing his body to lurch to the side and fall against the docks. As he lay there, almost motionless he lamented that it seemed as though he would need to partake in the same old dance that had set him on his journey when he first arrived here in zeltiva... |

Faylon Kwanda - Player
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by Faylon Kwanda on October 10th, 2014, 11:28 pm
...laying on his side, the cloak he was wearing still drawn tight around him, Faylon didn't move and didn't say a word. He felt the sting from where he'd been hit but he'd been beaten before and this man obviously didn't know how to punch very well. It would have been nothing for them to have had their fun and just walked away but Faylon's senses, keen despite the blow he'd just taken, would alert him to the boot that was coming his way and rolling onto his back he'd take it off his shoulder with a wince before pushing his arms out to off balance the man who'd just attacked him. Not expecting the man they'd come upon to be much of a challenge it worked and the man stumbled back before regaining his footing while Faylon climbed up onto his feet...
...now that he was facing the men Faylon could see that there were two of them. Why did thugs always travel in pairs? Well it doesn't really matter. Looking at them Faylon, already sensing an impending attack would reach up and loosen the knot holding his cloak around him with his left hand letting it drop onto the docks. He wasn't wearing armor underneath just some old, dirty, clothing and some boots that probably had holes in their soles. Most of his possessions were left back somewhere in the city, maybe an alleyway he knew well or a warehouse he frequented. There was one thing of value on him though and that was the plain iron ring on his right hands index finger...
..."Got a little fight in you eh?"...said one of the men..."Let us have that ring and there'll be no more trouble."...
...but he couldn't let them have that. No he -wouldn't- let them have that. Which is why his response was clear..."Only if you can pry it off my cold dead hands."...not the smartest thing to say if you were someone new and fresh off the boat but Faylon wasn't new or fresh off the boat. No these two might have made a mistake...
..."Are you daft!?"...
..."Who cares. Get 'im!"...
...the smaller man holding the length of wood was first. He was faster than the other man, the larger man. As he came in Faylon would raise onto the balls of his feet, spreading them apart in the process so that he could stabilize his center of balance while sliding his right foot forward ever so slightly and turning that side of his body ahead in the process. It was a quick movement, a trained movement. The Club came up over the mans head as he came within reach of Faylon and he started to bring it down in a heavy blow before his head snapped backwards. Using the ball of his left foot as an anchor Faylon had popped his right arm out and ahead in a swift straight punch that was as much effective as it was a perfect demonstration of that technique in the world of boxing. After all he was a boxer. When his fist collided with the mans face he felt his nose explode outwards, his attacker hadn't even been expecting it, the bone and cartridge crushed inwards and spewed to the outside in a geyser of blood as the man shot backwards, dropped the club and clutched his nose in pain... |

Faylon Kwanda - Player
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by Faylon Kwanda on October 10th, 2014, 11:57 pm
...after he'd bludgeoned the first man with his fist the other was on him throwing blows wildly. Larger than the man who'd been wielding the length of wood Faylon would have to think on his feet if he wanted to avoid being pummeled by his attacker however he might have a bit harder of a time. This man might only be a Brawler but he was quick and as Faylon recoiled, recovering from his previous blow, his head would be turned to the side by a heavy pounding of a fist. Using his left arm to parry the next punch that followed Faylon would cover up and wait for his opening which came as the man started to throw wildly...
...when the Brawler threw a wild fist from his right Faylon would move to his left. Ducking and weaving under the mans fist which would pass over Faylon's right shoulder as he moved to his left. Then he'd unleash his own attach with speed, power and precision. Left cross to the kidneys, right straight to the body and an uppercut that clipped his attacker under the mouth as he came back up to stand straight. The Brawler went down to a knee, holding his stomach and wiping his mouth, while Faylon stayed light on his feet. No one actually got this good at fighting without taking several beatings which is why Faylon pushed the pain in his mind aside, stayed light on his feet and focused on the man. "Walk away."...the only piece of advice he offered the man he'd just put on his knee...
..."Broke m' damn nose!"...came the call of the other man who Faylon had already put down once...
...bobbing back and forth, bouncing on the balls of his feet, Faylon recognized the antagonist immediately and shuffling over towards him he'd press off his back foot and lunge over ensuring the man didn't have a chance to recover. As he came at the man complaining about his nose Faylon would hook with his right arm and drive another fist into the man this time into the side of his jaw to lay him down for the remainder of this fight. Once that fist hit hard enough to rattle teeth in the mouth of the person they belonged to it was all over. Now it was one on one...
...turning his head Faylon would have seen the Brawler start to work back onto his feet and he would pivot around to face him. Bobbing up and down, always bobbing and moving, as he watched the man. Left hand ready to defend while the right hand cocked itself for a vicious assault. Faylon could beat both of these men to death with his bare hands and he knew it. He felt it deep down in his soul. Something was off though and he could see it in the face of the Brawler working his way back to his feet...
...the man was looking at Faylon like he was scared of what he saw. He was worried. The Djed had started to leak from the corners of Faylon's eyes again like an odd dark haze dissipating in the air and only realizing it now Faylon would grit his teeth and bark out..."RUN!"...this time the Brawler did exactly what he wanted him to do and turned tail and ran hard. He didn't realize it but in that moment, almost unconsciously as he fought, Faylon had made himself look more intimidating. Larger, stronger, more vicious. It was the most base use of Hypnotism the creation of a raw and primal emotion such as fear and he had done it without meaning to. In the back of his mind maybe Faylon hadn't realized just how much he wanted the man to fear him but he had run away afraid. Now Faylon was all alone again...
...there were a few people that still knew his name but Faylon didn't know theirs anymore. He was a different man now. Looking at the unconscious man that lay on the docks he would turn away, collect his cloak and replace it on his person before moving away from the docks a few bruises richer thanks to this encounter.
What comes next...
[Fin] |

Faylon Kwanda - Player
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by Perplexity on October 28th, 2014, 8:25 pm
Perplexity's Office Status |

Perplexity - DS of Zeltiva, Mod Privileges in Wildlands
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