OOC Info [Sunberth] Job Applications

For working opportunities in the city.

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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Lucian Hill on October 9th, 2014, 8:57 pm

Character Name: Lucian Hill
Race/Age/Gender: Kelvic/5/Male
Time in Sunberth: 5 years, and indefinitely into the future.
Desired Job: Thief
Start of Employment: In Spring 513 AV.
Suggested Wage: 2-4 GM
Relevant Skills: Larceny, Subterfuge, Acrobatics
Employer: Self-employed
Location of Employment: Everywhere.
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Dor'gen on October 11th, 2014, 4:17 pm

Character Name: Dor'gen
Age/Race/Gender: 217/Akalak/Male
Time in Sunberth: Arrived Fall 1, 514 AV
Desired Job: Mercenary (Advanced)
Start of Employment: Fall 1, 514 AV

Base Pay: 5-7 gm/day
Desired Wages: 10 gm/day
Relevant Skills:
  • Bastard Sword (Competent)
  • Flux (Novice)
  • Unarmed Combat (Novice)
  • Small Shield (Novice)
Location of Employment: Freelance

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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Ayviss on October 12th, 2014, 3:46 pm

Character Name:
Race/Age/Gender: Mixed Blood (Dhani), 22, Female
Time in Sunberth: Have been in Sunberth all her life, and staying for two seasons or a little more.

Desired Job: Slave
Start of Employment: Birth
Suggested Wage: 0 gm/day

Employer: Jack Hollard
Location of Employment: Wherever she needs to be at the moment.
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Amisyria Sivali on October 12th, 2014, 6:23 pm

Character Name: Amisyria.
Race/Age/Gender: Human, 30, Female
Time in Sunberth: Likely a permanent fixture.

Desired Job: Fortune Teller
Start of Employment: Winter 513 AV
Suggested Wage: The Price List suggests 4 GM/Day but as Fortune Telling isn't exactly common place I understand if this is not feasible in Sunberth.
Relevant Skills: Fortune Telling (10)

Employer: Self-Employed
Location of Employment: In a city like Sunberth where things mystifying are rather taboo I imagine that Amisyria will have to work to persuade potential clients into getting their fortunes read. To that end I believe she will go from either Inn to Inn or taverns quietly inserting her ability to "read a fortune" into less scrupulous encounters with citizens. After reading through locations in the Linkmap though I believe she would find the Library to be a bit of a haven and set up shop there if at all possible. At least as far as a regular meeting site goes.
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Dale Hawthorn on October 12th, 2014, 9:22 pm

Job Application

Character Name: Dale Hawthorne
Race/Age/Gender: Human/37/Male
Time in Sunberth: Born and bred, plans to stay for the rest of his life.

Desired Job: Mercenary (Basic)
Start of Employment: Around the age of 14-15 he started anything considered mercenary-like so around, AV 490-5
Suggested Wage: Income list states 1-3gm/day so maybe 2gm/day?
Relevant Skills: Weapon - Cutlass (30), Brawling (30), Intimidation (5)

Employer: Currently whoever pays, though I'm open to any ideas of permanent employers.
Location of Employment: All around Sunberth.
Last edited by Dale Hawthorn on November 24th, 2014, 8:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Hamartia on October 13th, 2014, 3:04 am

Character Name: Hamartia
Race/Age/Gender:pycon, 4 , male
Time in Sunberth: 2 seasons

Desired Job:Spy
Start of Employment:this season
Suggested Wage:4GM
Relevant Skills: Escape artist, intelligence,interrogation, persuasion, and hypnotism.

Employer: Hopefully the Night eyes, if not random NPC's.
Location of Employment: In the shadows, streets, bars and ally's of Sunberth.
Speech: Common/Hypnotism Common
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Adrien Strade on October 13th, 2014, 1:34 pm

Character Name: Adrien Strade
Race/Age/Gender: Human/ 18/ Male
Time in Sunberth: He's been here since he was thirteen and has no plans of leaving anytime soon

Desired Job: Thief and/or Spy/Information Broker
Start of Employment: He started when he was fifteen
Suggested Wage: 2-4 GM?
Relevant Skills: Observation, Intelligence, Larceny, Unarmed Combat, Weapon skills: knife

Employer: Freelance
Location of Employment: He goes all over the place picking pockets where he can and gathering information when he can
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby S'Essy on October 14th, 2014, 3:51 pm

Character Name: S'Essy
Race/Age/Gender: Konti/34/Female
Time in Sunberth: Since Summer, and undecided, but intend to remain for quite a time.

Desired Job: Healer
Start of Employment: Fall 4th, AV 514
Suggested Wage: 10-11 GM
Relevant Skills: Medicine L2, Herbalism L1 and of course L1 Healing mark

Employer: Self-employed
Location of Employment: The Quay
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Raus on October 17th, 2014, 6:56 pm

Character Name: Self-explanatory.
Race/Age/Gender: Human. 18 years old
Time in Sunberth: He has been here all his life and isn't planning on leaving.

Desired Job: He's a cook
Start of Employment: He started working since he was sixteen.
Suggested Wage: 2 gm a day.
Relevant Skills: I have both cooking and butchering. The butchering might come in handy for some of the 'mystery meat.' AKA anything they found in the streets.

'Old man sander's' He's far from old, barely pushing the fifties. But since everybody he employs is at least two decades younger then him. They have taking to calling him Old man sander's. Or just old man for short.

He's an open and jovial man, who does his best to keep his tavern as safe as possible. Both for the furniture inside, the employees and his patrons. The late increase of voilence and the scarcity of food however have been straining him and has gotten him into a paranoid mood. Almost constantly wondering if the next group through his doors are going to beat him bloody and tear up his entire tavern. Stealing anything that's edible.

Location of Employment:
The tavern is located close to the sunset quarters.
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Aider Silander on October 20th, 2014, 6:51 pm


Character Name: Aider Silander
Race/Age/Gender: Human, 24, Male
Time in Sunberth: Two seasons, unknown

Desired Job: Information Broker
Start of Employment: This season
Suggested Wage: 3 GM
Relevant Skills: Persuasion, Intelligence, Investigation, Writing
Employer: Self Employed.
Location of Employment: Selling the information would be set in different locations to avoid any mishaps that would come from bad information, and gaining information would also keep Aider from staying in one place for to long.

"Aider's Speech"

Hey all, just wanted to say I am sorry for any delays and failed promises. I am getting ready for a huge trip out of the country as well as taking on a lot of extra shifts at work. The creative side of my brain hasn't been active as of late.
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