[Wind Reach] The Shrine To Those That Have Passed

A Sacred Temple within Wind Reach that is haunted by ghosts but is the best place to contact one or learn Spiritism.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

[Wind Reach] The Shrine To Those That Have Passed

Postby Gossamer on July 30th, 2010, 6:39 pm



Deep in the heart of Mount Skyinarta among the Inarta people of Wind Reach lies a chamber devoted to the dead. It is said to be a place of gathering for the spirits of Wind Reach. This natural rock gallery has a floor that has been polished flat and infused with a high shine that reflects its cathedral like ceiling. For all that its tall, the Shrine itself is not a large chamber. It holds a central alter that is constantly burning incense, while circling around it, shelves line the walls holding nicknacks and things the living have brought to remember the dead.

The Shrine holds most if not all of Wind Reaches' truly important artifacts and most certainly a great many of the spirits of the dead.

It is a place of ghosts - and haunted by those living and those who have died. People come and go in the shrine, sometimes to talk to the dead, sometimes to find a way to muddle through life and keep living. The Shrine had denizens all its own. It had lightkeepers and statue polishers, and ghosts... lots of them. Sometimes, within Wind Reach, there was a lot of unfinished business. People carefully guarded themselves and their secrets, and often take them to the grave inadvertently. The shrine itself is decorated with some of the greatest treasures and indeed magical items the have Inarta produced.

Clocks and timepieces - made of gathered watchstones - decorated the walls. There were mirrors forged from glassworks that have twins elsewhere in Wind Reach that allowed communication between them. There were weapons and jewelry and even kneeling benches for prayer that said to open direct portals to the ears of the Gods and Goddesses. Basically, whenever a master dies, something of him or herself was placed here by the other artisans to honor their name. And if that item was still functional, then it was here it was used - also in honor.

One of the most important artifacts in the Shrine To Those That Have Passed is the Weather Stormvial. A Stormvial was a barometer of sorts, that gauged Zulrav's moods and relayed the information accurately to the readers. The idea was to note the location on the neck of the flute where the fluid filled the closed vessel. Then, according to where it was on the neck (higher or lower) than the actual fluid in the vessel itself, that's what the weather would be. Traditionally the Stormvials were filled during good weather. It consists of a glass container with a sealed body, half filled with a secret liquid. The Stormvial consisted of a narrow open spout connected to an oblong body which was closed to the atmosphere and made all of special glass. When the air pressure is lower than it was at the time the body was sealed, the water level in the spout will rise above the water level in the body; when the air pressure is higher, the water level in the spout will drop below the water level in the body. High pressure = good weather. Low pressure = storms coming. There were levels in between, denoting all sorts of weather accurately etched on the glass.

The Shrine's caretaker is a Konti who appeared one day claiming to have traveled all the way from Mura on having been Called.


Mod Note:

This is perhaps the single most important place in Wind Reach in regards to Spiritism and ghostly encounters. Feel free to socialize as well. And if PC's want to play ghosts, they are welcome to make the shrine their haunted home.
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[Wind Reach] The Shrine To Those That Have Passed

Postby Drusilla on August 31st, 2010, 12:18 am

31st of Summer 510 AV

Drusilla, the resident Symenestra climbed to The Shrine. She wasn't here to pray or seek which way to go in life. No, today was different. Drusilla hoped to meet someone today, Miss Whisper the keeper of the shrine. The Symenestra had come to learn from her, if Whisper was willing to teach... The sweet smell of incense made it's way to Drusilla's nose. She was begining to hear the low mumble of spirits, a normal sound for inside the shrine. Drusilla looked around, "Miss Whisper? Are you here? My name is Drusilla and I wish to ask you something..." She hoped the Konti was here...


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[Wind Reach] The Shrine To Those That Have Passed

Postby Shadoran Neckrender on August 31st, 2010, 2:31 am

31st of summer 510 AV

Shadoran moved slowly through the shrine, her leathery wings folded closely around her.
Why am i here, i'm ...what am i... a Zith who ran away... what else... nothing.
She shook her head. Reafling had told her to come and... listen. She gave a little sigh, and sat down, her red hair cascading down her shoulders. The hair, that was the only thing even mildly similar to her new... neighbors. Spirit's mumbling, no good advice for a Zith there. A voice, and a heartbeat. Shadoran stood, turning to look at the person who had entered.
Looking for someone... just ignore her... damn... i'm already halfway through life, and what have i done, nothing...
Shadoran glared at the floor, as if attempting to thrust her troubles onto it.
No hope there... Stupid Reafling... No, his father isn't going to provide advice for his son's enslaver...
She gave a little sigh, and fell onto her back.
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[Wind Reach] The Shrine To Those That Have Passed

Postby Drusilla on October 9th, 2010, 10:09 pm

Drusilla noticed the Zith. A race she hadn't encountered very often. The Zith were even more exotic than Symenestra, having wings and fur. As Drusilla watched it was evident this one was female... As much as she wanted to admire the woman her stomach gave warning that Zith were not always the nicest of peoples. As the woman fell to the ground Drusilla found herself worried. "A-are you alright?" She stammered out.


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[Wind Reach] The Shrine To Those That Have Passed

Postby Renol on October 11th, 2010, 6:23 am

Is it alright that I join this thread? If not let me know and I'll delete this post. I also assume that Dreamcather's 'Hunger Runs Deep' thread is effecting the entire population right now, so that is kind of a prompting for Renol's actions for coming here.

Renol quietly walked through the corridors that lead down towards the deep heart of Skyinarta. It was a tradition for him to come down to The Shrine to as for favor from Caiyha before he and Fereo went out on one of their long hunts as they were looking to do in the near future. They were both getting a little wanderlust in their feet. As much as any Inarta and Wind Eagle really could, anyway. Enough to take them on a journey for a few days to do some good hunting to bring back to Skyinarta and do some good. After that would be a day or two of fishing in the bay to help catch up the food supply as well. With the new rumors that were running around Skyinarta and the way people were getting anxious and angry about things, he figured one of the best things would be to keep some sort of fresh food supply coming in to give people a little more sense or normality and keep the food coming in incase the stores were sealed off somehow. Odd things were happening in Skyinarta of late and he wanted to do as mucha s he could to keep himself, and anyone else, from focusing on the negative aspects of it as much as possible.

Renol entered The Shrine and looked around for a moment. The room never ceased to amaze him when walked in. It had been overwhelming the first time he had come here as a child and even today it still caused him to pause as he stepped foot inside. The silent static in the air that spoke of thepresence of ghosts, even if you could not see them. Then the sound of whispered voices seeming to come from the walls so quietly you couldn't make out what they said. All of it mixed with the impressive formation of the room and the artifacts that adorned it was breathtaking no matter how many times he came there.

As he looked around he saw that there were others in the Shrine as well. Neither of them were Inarta, it seemed. He was pretty sure one was a Zith and the other a Symenestra from the stories that he had head about the two races. He had actually never seen any of either race before, so he wasn't quite sure. But the Zith was on her back on the floor and the Symenestra seemed to be inquiring why she was there. Renol's eyebrow perked up slighty for a second," I'm not interupting anything, am I?" He looked over them both a few times before settling on the Zith," Do you need any help?" Renol's low, glass smoth voice spoke in Nari out of plain habit. He didn't even think of using common, assuming that both would know what he was saying.
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[Wind Reach] The Shrine To Those That Have Passed

Postby Drusilla on October 11th, 2010, 11:45 pm

Drusilla looked over to the Inarta, he spoke in Nari. She understood him, but her own speaking of Nari had been thaught to her long ago and nearly a decade old. She was sure some words had been changed over the years...But..Oh, well." She fell over, I was asking if she was alright. Who are you? If I may ask..


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