Hey there, Kenash.
So, I've been hit with the realization that as of late, I've not been a proper representation of what a DS should be. This is not just stemming from inactivity, but in terms of both as a person and as a presence on chat and in the plots of other people. I'm not going to apologize for it because an apology is basically just a person putting a band-aid on a problem with a bunch of nice words and lies until something is done about it, but I want to tell all of you that come winter, if any of you are still here, things will be changing.
I've been uninspired as a DS, putting off locations and thrusting work onto player characters that have been so nice as to volunteer. I've lied and been unable to keep the promises of the plots that I said that I would supply. And I've been a jerk to people saying derogatory things about players and ST's alike, then turning the other cheek and not giving a damn when people point these things out. So, in essence, I want to tell all of you that I've failed you as an ST, which is most likely the reason that you most of you have chosen to jump ship.
Something that I can understand completely. So, for this season, I ask that all of you enjoy your NaNo, send me any PM's you have in relations to plots and we can get them sorted out in the winter when we can all start fresh with a steady supply of new days for us to play with. I'll have the calender and all of the thread events ready for the first and we can all start playing together again.
Thanks for listening,