Character Concept
Familial and MotherlySeyena’s Web is a closely knit family oriented one. She loves her family and people with such a strong passion that it occasionally brings her to tears. Loyalty is her creed. She respects all relationships, no matter how odd or unfamiliar, as she understands the meaning of unconditional love. The downside to this is that she becomes unusually possessive of those she holds close to her heart, becoming anxious when she doesn’t know where they are or who they are with.
Having helped look after young Symenestra children during her time in Kalinor, she has developed motherly qualities. Seyena is tender and gentle and treats many like one of her own children, no matter who they are. Whether or not this compassion is returned does not matter to her. This stems from her love and respect for Viratas and the life that he supplies. She maintains a patient and serene disposition whenever in the presence of others in an attempt to bring calm to them, as she doesn’t know how to act around angry or irritated people.
Uniquely, Seyena makes an effort to be nonjudgemental and accepting of people of other races or walks of life, though she struggles with the acceptance of Myrians knowing their history with her people. She can see that her people are misunderstood as menacing blood-suckers and that Viratas is misunderstood as a lover of violence and bloodshed. She seeks complete understanding of something before deciding her position on a topic, and so has a thirst for new knowledge.
CowardlyWhen faced with a challenge, Seyena will look for an easy way out rather face it head on. She strives to avoid conflict and to dodge difficult situations. If confronted with authority, she will most likely give in and obey. She prefers a more sly and tactful approach to problems rather than a straightforward one. She keeps her opinions to herself for fear of the disapproval of others and it takes a sensitive subject or a lot of provocation to get her to voice them.
SpiritualBeing a highly spiritual woman, Seyena worships many gods and goddesses. Each god or goddess that she worships has a special significance in her life and she holds every one of them with great reverence.
Siku and Vayt are representative of her devotion to poison crafting. She prays to them for help in her work and for an aid in gaining knowledge, so that she can better herself. Despite her love of life, pain and death has always appealed to her in an oddly fascinating way, thus drawing her to poisons. In that vein, Caiyha’s majestic flora and fauna throughout Mizahar stuns Seyena. Spending a large portion of her time tending to Caiyha’s creations and believing that all living things are inherently beautiful, she can’t help but recognise the tranquil goddess as a great being.
Seyena sees life and death as two sides of the same coin. You can’t have one without the other. Without death, life would not be worth living. Without life, death would never occur. She understands the balance between the two, and so has great awe for Kihala and Dira. This respect is only highlighted by the nature of Symenestra reproduction. Though prayers in their favour are not a part of her daily routine, she occasionally finds it appropriate to give them thanks for their existence.
Above all, Viratas is the god she fiercely loves. She has always envied Kalinor’s second sons, who are given the birthright of leading religious rituals. Her mother passed down an old copy of the Viratassa to Seyena after dying to give her child life. As a child, she spent hour upon hour begging older Symenestra to read it to her, and memorised paragraphs, as she was told her mother had. No matter how unkempt the book gets, she will never discard it, and she reads it daily. Her prayers to Viratas are intense, emotional and frequent. The blood that he presides over fuels life and gifts all with a beating heart. She believes that all creatures are connected through their sharing of blood.
PerverseSeyena is incredibly driven when it comes to her goals and will do almost anything to reach them. This sparks a darker, more morbid side to her. She deceptively uses her kind, mannerly temperament to manipulate others to get what she wants. While her motherly affection is rarely an act, she often becomes a self-martyr and a user when it comes to reaching her target.
From a young age, Seyena has felt a sadistic nature hidden inside of her. She feels the need to hurt others and she battles with her morals daily whenever the need arises. With weak self-discipline, she often gives in. Sometimes she simply watches a creature struggle to battle her potent venom. Other times she can’t help but experiment with some of her crafted poisons. These moments are a hushed secret of hers. Thanks to this, victims rarely survive. Seyena fears that this grisly streak of hers will tamper with her relationship with the gods, most especially with Caiyha, Kihala and Viratas.
PassionateThis woman is ferociously passionate in everything she does. She works with rigorous attention to detail. Her thrilling dedication to the gods and to her work is fiery and she speaks about it with a flaming intensity.
Lack of StabilityHer inherited physical delicacy is accompanied by an emotionally fragile and mentally unstable mind. Small criticisms are crushing and incivility is extremely insulting. She is moody and easily depressed by snide comments and inconsiderate people. Her frail emotions contribute to her mental instability. This makes her more susceptible to mental disorders, such as depression, paranoia and anxiety.
It is due to this strange state of a frail mind that she is interested in poisons. In some sort of twisted way, she feels like it makes her stronger, despite her weaknesses. It makes others feel the confusion and discomfort that bombards her throughout her life.
Character History
Post-CreationSeyena Belladonna was born to two Symenestra parents. Her mother, Salyana, was not an Esterian. However, she found it to be her personal duty that she carry her own child and not rely on those outside of Kalinor to produce for her. According to Seyena’s father, she was bold and brave and larger than life. She was an independent weaver who was sometimes too fierce and was skilled in the use of a Symenestran Lash.
The girl grew up the second daughter of a relatively wealthy home, her father a well-paid blacksmith that specialised in exoskeleton armour. She developed a taste for the finer things in life and a love of ornaments, silks and perfumes. Even though she was never an active child, Seyena spent a lot of time outside gardening, looking at herbs and searching for creepy-crawlies. She kept some bugs as secret pets and considered them to be her best friends. She began dabbling in poisons and she dreamed of owning a poisons shop. It would be vibrant and strange, with spiders and snakes and new concoctions of her own. People would come to her for antidotes and advice and signature poisons. However, she knew that it would be frowned upon by her family, due to the nature of poisons.
Always reading in the Crebellum and dreaming about the outside world, Seyena wasn't content staying in Kalinor. Though she loved her home, she felt as though she would get nowhere staying there when she knew nothing of what Mizahar had to offer. Spring 513 came and she decided to leave home. After much preparation, she left on the 2nd of Summer 513 for Sunberth. What she had heard of the chaotic city's secrets and unfortunate history intrigued her. She arrived on the 5th of Fall 514 AV and she settled in Sunset Quarters.