Harkon listened as the boy rattled off the common things people asked about. When it came to work and women, one didn't need to see the future to know what was going to happen, at least in his opinion. If you worked hard at your employment, regardless of being a Dynast or Freeborn, you made money. The harder you worked, the more you catered to need, the more money you make. As for women, it was usually fairly similar in concept. Put forth more effort, in the form of listening to them babble, pretending to care, doing things that only they could possibly enjoy, and the results were the women took more interest in you. And the more interest they had in you, the more rewards you reaped. It wasn't difficult to figure this out, it wasn't math after all. But perhaps this one hadn't done any real work yet in his life.
As the boy grew impatient, he wondered if he had sounded like such a Benachag when he had lost his patience with her a few days ago. If so, he certainly needed to apologize, for this was simply downright rude. The hand on her knee hadn't gone unnoticed by the Benshiran bodyguard. Nor had it gone unnoticed by this chubby woman across the square that was now staring daggers in their direction. The woman looked royally pissed off and hurt at the same time, and Harkon knew she must have been the focus of this boy's affection at some point. Harkon began looking around the square, for his job wasn't just to protect the boy from harm, but public embarrassment as well. And Lantern Square had a bunch of the other Dynasties represented, and if this situation turned sour, it would definitely end up on the front page of the Gazette.
Harkon watched as the woman began talking rapidly, angrily with a friend of hers, that was now looking in their direction as well. Then she stood up, leaving Harkon to do nothing but the same. Looking down at Adhara, "Apologies, please excuse me momentarily." The woman hadn't noticed Harkon, her eyes locked on Charvak, as she began storming over. Harkon scrambled for a plan, and in doing so, quickly got a chilled wine from a local slave. He watched from behind a small group of people as she continued over, already about halfway across the square. Harkon pretended to take a drink as he stepped into her path, the woman gently colliding with him. He feigned nearly spilling his drink on her, "Oh I'm so sorry miss." He then turned to her, both blocking her vision of Chervak and Adhara, and forcing her to see his charming, slightly apologetic smile. "I would be greatly ashamed had I spoiled the dress of one so beautiful. Please, allow me make it up to you."
The woman still looked furious, but now with a wave of fresh confusion. She wasn't terribly ugly, though she was heavier than most of the women in the city. At least she had large, creamy white breasts that she had no shame in putting on display. "I. I just need to talk to a," then said with a heavy layer of venom, "Friend." Harkon realized his attempt had failed, but saw a saving grace in the form of her friend coming over as well, a small petite blonde. Harkon nodded, "Very well, I wish you a lovely chat." He then turned, as if to continue along the path he had taken before being stumbled upon, only to have it happen yet again with the blonde. Only this time she had tripped and began to fall forward. Harkon immediately crouched, keeping his drink hand up so as to not spill it, and stuck out his free arm, catching the blonde around the waist. Thankfully she had been the one to trip, for if it had been the other, Harkon feared he might have dropped her.
He stood the blonde up, "Are you okay miss? I fear I'm being quite the klutz today. Why my new friend here nearly met the same fate as you."
The blonde blushed, and brushed hair out of her face with one of her delicate hands, Harkon noting the Freeborn brand. She must be the Freeborn underling friend, that constantly lived in the shadow of her large Dynast companion. "It's nothing, I just came to check on Shela. Thank you for helping us."
Harkon had a feeling that the Dynast would get jealous if the Freeborn girl were to get more attention than her. So keeping his eyes on the blonde, her gently grasped her hand pressed his lips to it, never removing his gaze. "I do apologize, perhaps I can make it up to you, personally." He heard a derisive snort from the Dynast woman, "Why yes, I think you may. You can sit with us and we will discuss how you can make this reckless behavior up to me. And my friend of course." She took Harkon by the arm, and steered him over to their former seating area, sitting him down between her and the blonde. The things a mercenary had to do to protect his charge.