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Nivel and Athaera reunite, Athaera attempts to teach Nivel how to hunt but things go horribly wrong.

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The Hunter becomes the Hunted (Athaera)

Postby Nivel on October 3rd, 2014, 6:52 pm

The 11th day of Fall, 514 AV

Nivel started the day with her regular training regiment, first by stretching her limbs as far as they could go. She pushed herself a bit by doing them all at once, which was as much of a balance act as it was a test of endurance. The Pycon grew higher and higher, and the higher she got the more she began to sway like a blade of grass in the wind. She was able to stay upright for about 2 ticks before succumbing to gravity and springing back to her tiny self. Moving on to her punches and kicks, she threw them while consciously thinking of more ways to make them effective. She made sure her form was as accurate as it could be and that she was stiffing her clay to cause the biggest impact. Nivel finished her combat training with a bit of shape shifting, beginning with smaller limbs. Spikes jutted out her arms, she spilt her legs in two, she turned her pat wings into scythes, and she made her fists into mallets. She finished her training off by turning herself into a potted plant, which was a very poor interpretation that looked like something a child would construct.

A quick break was in order, so Nivel left the training grounds with her Kelvic mount Patcha in tow and made her way to the bean. Patcha was in human form and Nivel rode happily on her shoulder, as they made their way to their destination Nivel decided she would sing a merry little tune. Unfortunately for everyone in the vicinity Nivel was a horrible singer. The lyrics had no rhyme or reason, and every note that came from her clay mouth hole was like a rusty dagger being lodged into your ear. The meek Patcha didn’t have the have the heart to tell her friend how awful her singing was and suffered in silence. Nivel didn’t notice but the two were getting many angry looks, which made Patch extremely uncomfortable.

When they entered the establishment, Patcha was thankful that the pycon had the sense to be quiet. The kelvics poor sensitive ears were still wringing from the assault and she would need time to recover. The two sat at an empty round wooden table and ordered their beverages, Nivel got a cup of water which she promptly jumped into and Patch ordered a cup of tea. Nivel chatted away about various silly subjects while she bathed herself and Patcha sat with her eyes looking down at her beverage only occasionally chiming in.

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The Hunter becomes the Hunted (Athaera)

Postby Athaera on October 5th, 2014, 1:47 am

The familiar ratty building loomed before Athaera. The Bean may have been practically falling apart, but she found it cozy, appealing. She walked in, going up to the counter to get some tea. She had long since stopped trying to make conversation with the man running the place. All he wanted to talk about was coffee. She was tempted to roll her eyes as he continued to talk, and the moment her drink was done, she interrupted him in an effort to make him quiet. "Yeah, that's very interesting, thanks for the tea." He looked a bit hurt, but she ignored it. Not my problem, Athaera thought. Tossing the payment of two Silver Mizas on the table, she went to find a place to sit.

She glanced around, realising that there weren't any empty tables. It took a few moments of scanning and trying to figure out where to sit before she saw a bit of a green sparkle. "Is that..?" Athaera muttered to herself, squinting. The familiar bat wing ear things, and the tail... no, two tails? It had to be, there was only one creature like that, though before she'd only had one tail. Athaera reminded herself pycons could change shape, and she'd made an effort to read up on them a bit more. But... was she bathing in a cup? Honestly, it seemed like something the pycon would do. She seemed to be chattering away to a woman, who looked bored and irritated, and Athaera wasn't sure she should interrupt. But she thought better of it. She loved the little creature, who'd been one of the nicest people she'd met in civilization. "Nivel?" she said, more loudly than intended, as she approached the pycon, grinning, her eyes a bright green. Nivel seemed to be ranting about something, but it was Nivel, so that could be expected.
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The Hunter becomes the Hunted (Athaera)

Postby Nivel on October 20th, 2014, 11:35 pm

“So after saving all the snails, I put them in the-” Nivels story was cut short by the loud introduction of an old friend. “Athaera!” Nivel raised her arms happily in the air splashing water out of her cup. Patcha's gaze moved to the side as if looking in another direction would make the stranger disappear.
“How have you been doing?” Nivel said as she lifted herself out of her cup and into the puddle she had just created. “Oh this Patcha by the way.” Nivel said as pointed to her extremely uncomfortable friend “she's my trusty mount”

A barely audible noise escaped the mouth of the kelvic that didn't really sound like much of anything let alone a greeting.
“What was that Patcha?” a perplexed Nivel asked.
Patcha made a loader noise but it wasn't quite loud enough to be heard over the many noises of the bean. Nivel knew enough about her kelvic friend that she didn't need to ask again, It didn't take long to realize that her mount while brave on the battle field was not quite as gifted socially.
“Don't be offended shes just shy..I'm sure she'll warm up to you in time” The pycon explained not wanting her old friend Athaera to get the wrong impression. The pycon wanted to go on to talk about Patcha's more positive traits but she didn't really know her mount very well.


Patcha wished she could transform back into her animal form, people still wanted to interact with her but never seemed to expect a response back. She knew she wasn't like other dogs who were much more social and playful. she wanted to be like those other dogs desperately but her upbringing destroyed her confidence. Her time spent with Nivel was helping to mend old wounds but it would be a slow process that wouldn't be fixed over night. She would have to just sit, nod and try to look pleasant until then for the sake of her master.

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The Hunter becomes the Hunted (Athaera)

Postby Athaera on October 27th, 2014, 2:23 pm

The little clay creature screamed out Athaera's name partway through her sentence... something about rescuing snails. Nivel threw her arms out in what could only be the international sign for "gimme a hug!" Not being too big on hugs, Athaera smiled and sat down on a chair next to a woman whom Nivel introduced as her "trusty mount." It seemed the woman would rather be anywhere but there. Athaera gave her a friendly nod in reply to her mumble.

Nivel climbed out of her cup, leaving a puddle on the surface of the table. That can't be good for business, Athaera thought, realizing just how strange it was. And it probably damaged the table, too. She ignored the few droplets that'd landed on her cloak. No matter how annoying Nivel was, her adorable actions made up for it.

"No, it's fine," Athaera said after Nivel continued prodding at her to speak. "I'm not offended. I can understand not wanting to talk." Nivel, on the other hand, probably hadn't ever gone five minutes without beginning to ramble to the nearest person about whatever came to mind. Patcha seemed to be growing more and more uncomfortable, and Athaera made an effort to make conversation with both of them. "So how did you two meet?" Knowing Nivel would try to claim the spotlight, she gave Patcha a questioning glance, hoping she would join in. Athaera felt bad for Patcha. First she had to carry Nivel around, and then listen to her crazy stories.
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The Hunter becomes the Hunted (Athaera)

Postby Nivel on October 30th, 2014, 5:40 am

“I'm glad you don't mind, Patcha is very nice she is just afraid of new people” Nivel explained as she began mopping up the puddle of water with her tails “Although I can't understand why”
Nivel did respect her kelvic friend and her aversion to talking, the pycon just had a hunch that under her guarded persona was a much more lively and friendly person or at the very least one that didn't look like they were going to cry when a stranger was in there midst. Nivel had only existed for 3 years and didn't really know how to deal with this type of situation. Nivel had fear like anyone else but it was all routed in things that could actually harm her, being afraid of talking to people seems a touch silly to her.

“Oh I was introduced to Patcha through My patron knight grey, At the time I had no idea she could turn into a dog “ Nivel chimed in not catching on to Atheara's sudtle hint. “Are you a kelvic too Atheara?”
It wasn't obvious but Patcha had a few identifiable features of a kelvic, her slightly pointed ears, her short shaggy hair and her corneas were just a little larger than average. Patcha didn't seem to be offended by Nivel outing her as a kelvic, the pycon wasn't very good at keeping secrets.

“Oh I was hoping you could turn into a large bird or a bat, that would be neat.” Nivel said in response to hearing that She was in fact not a kelvic. Nivel turned to Patcha “Patcha are both your parents dogs or are they something else?”

Unlike Nivel, Patcha understood what Atheara was trying and was about to speak but as soon as Nivel started her rambling she took it as an excuse to remain silent. This was until Nivel asked about her parents, a subject the kelvic desperately wanted to avoid.
“They are both Striders.... a type of horse that lives in Cyphrus..the Drykas ride them” She mumbled back hoping that this information would satisfy the pycon. Although one thing pycons are known for is their curiosity and in an instant Nivel had more questions.
“Ohh cool! But what are Drykas? And what is Cyphrus like? Is it anything like Syliras?” Nivel asked eagerly in rapid succession.
“Drykas...are human...uh I mean tall folk” The kelvic mumbled “Cyphrus...isn't like Syliras...its different” It seemed like every question Nivel was asking was physically uncomfortable for Patcha to answer.
“but like how different? Do things change into other things there?”
“Things don't change into other's just different”
“do you parents still live there? Do they like it?”
This last question was the last straw for Patcha.
“I don't want to talk about my parents” Patcha snapped “ more questions” The kelvic's anger quickly subsided but she didn't look like she was going to be talking again for a while.
Nivel was a bit stunned having not understood what made her so upset. It took everything in the pycons power to not immediately ask what was wrong, she couldn't think of what else to say so she stood silent for a moment not saying anything.
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The Hunter becomes the Hunted (Athaera)

Postby Athaera on October 31st, 2014, 12:02 am


Athaera could relate to Patcha. Not only was she afraid of new people, she was afraid of people in general. The only reason she hadn't been afraid of Nivel was her size, and the fact that someone so open about things couldn't be hiding anything threatening. As for the Kelvic, Athaera was drawn to her silence. She thought they could be good friends, with their mutual... what seemed to be hatred of strangers. "What? Sorry. No, I'm not Kelvic," Athaera replied, "But I AM half Vantha. Note the color-changing eyes." Athaera gestured to her face, her eyes currently a mixture of a cheerful green and empathetic blue towards Patcha.

Nivel began to batter Patcha with a barrage of questions, which were replied to with as few words as possible. When it was evident Patcha was growing annoyed, Athaera set her hand on Nivel's shoulder, who was busily cleaning up the mess she made with her tail.

After Patcha's slight outbreak, Athaera was glad Nivel was silent. She could definitely understand not being asked about her parents. Though lately, Athaera didn't mind being asked, or talking about them. It must've been something about coming back to Syliras that made her more comfortable. In the confines of the walls of the Stormhold Castle, she felt safe.

Nivel was silent for a moment and Athaera quickly said, "So how's life been?" in an effort to break the silence.
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The Hunter becomes the Hunted (Athaera)

Postby Nivel on November 2nd, 2014, 8:01 pm

Nivel didn't really understand the concept around half Vanthra. Nivel didn't really understand nationalities, there were people taller than her who could do different things like turn into animals or in the case of Vanthra's change the colour of their eyes. It made Nivel question what a full Vanthra could do but she was too busy interrogating Patcha to answer right away.

After the awkward silence Atheara asked what Nivel had been doing lately since they last saw each other. Nivel was happy to break the silence and talk about more positive things. She wasn't planning on ignoring Patcha feelings but she also wanted to move on with the conversation. Patcha seemed more embarrassed now then anything so it was probably best for everyone if they moved on.

“Well, I've mostly just been training and learning new skills so that I can be a knight” Nivel said casually “the process is talking a bit more time than I would like but I'm a fast learner so I should be a proper Knight by the time I'm 6 years old..but hopefully sooner” She put her arms to her hips and tilted her head to the upper right to mimic some of the squires she'd heard bragging about their prowess.
“What about you what have you been doing all this time? Still hunting?” She asked as she pretended to fire an invisible bow in the air. “Yah know, I really don't know very much about hunting...what's it about.”

“Does being half vanthra help you be a hunter? What can a full Vanthra do?” came more questions from the inquisitive pycon. “I'm not asking to many questions am I?” she asked not wanting to offend another one of her friends.

Patcha remained quiet with her head still facing downward but was still actively listened to the conversation and likely other conversations in the area .The Kelvic knew about hunting but didn't speak up and just let the two talk amongst themselves, looking up occasionally in response to particular sounds or statements but still avoiding any kind of eye contact. She was however gradually becoming more relaxed in the presence of Athaera but was still very reserved and almost faded completely into the background.

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The Hunter becomes the Hunted (Athaera)

Postby Athaera on November 4th, 2014, 2:04 pm

Athaera ignored Nivel's confused look as she said she was half-Vantha. She figured the pycon wouldn't understand anyway.

Athaera nodded at the reply. She'd known Nivel was training to be a knight, and leaned forward. These were the interesting topics that had made Nivel so interesting. And adorable. She was definitely adorable. The next comment about her being six when she became a knight intrigued Athaera. She raised her eyebrows, "How old are you now?" She had no idea how long it took to become a knight, but assumed it would take a good chunk of time. Nivel made a face and put her hands on her hips like she was superior. Which was understandable when it comes to a squire.

"Yep... I'm still hunting. " Athaera remembered Nivel's appalled reaction when she'd explained hunting before, and hesitated before answering the next question. "Well, it involves killing animals, to some extent. Whether it's for their meat, which tastes delicious, by the way. Or their skins, to make clothes with and keep people warm." She didn't like softening things. If they wanted to know, they were going to know.

"It's from my non-Vantha side. Full Vanthas are good at storytelling and carving. I'm bad at both." Athaera snickered a bit, intending the last one as a joke. She almost nodded. Nivel was asking a lot of questions, but they were entertaining to answer.

Patcha was quiet, but was evidently listening. Athaera gave her a little smile, trying to make her a bit more comfortable, but she was trying to avoid eye contact. She reminded Athaera of herself, somehow. Or at least the old, reserved Athaera that came out sometimes.
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The Hunter becomes the Hunted (Athaera)

Postby Nivel on November 13th, 2014, 3:29 am

OocSorry for keeping you waiting again

Nivel was in shock at Athaera's explanation of hunting, but it was next to impossible to tell with the pycon's expressionless face. She stood there silent for a moment just contemplating the gravity of the Tall Folks words.
“I...Thought you said you tall folk ate dead animals...I didn't know you “killed them” first.” She whispered hesitantly as if what she was saying was the most obscene thing that had ever come from her mouth hole.
“Do you eat other Tall folk! Do you eat...pycons!” She said in an accusing tone. “Oh..wait you don't eat say you only do this for nourishment and to keep yourself warm.?....” Nivel paused to think of all the tall folk she had meet, none of them ever tried to eat each other, nor did they seem to talk about eating each other. She had seen animals present at the places where the tall folk made food but she just thought they were pets up until now. She thought about how some of the clothing tall folk wore resembled the fur that grew on animals in the wild, but nivel never made the connection. The actions of that girl named Ahri that Nivel had met in the forests that mutilated the corpses of wolves, she must have been salvaging food and fabric from the dead animals. So many things were making more sense to Nivel but she still felt a bit uncomfortable with the whole idea.
“I still don't understand why you would need to kill something else to survive....but I guess..if you kill something really old or something dangerous it's not to bad.” Nivel didn't want to dislike Athaera so she tried to justify Athaeras actions in her Nexus “ As a knight I may have to kill in order to defend the city..I may even have to hunt for monsters...maybe I could apply hunting skills to that.”

“Anyway...I think I'm just over 3 years old” Trying to change the subject, she tried focusing on Athaera's other question about age “I'm certain that I'm the youngest of the pycon squires as I can just tell they have experienced more things...but I can't tell how old you tall folk are no matter how hard I try” Nivel paused for a moment and scratched her head “how old are you?”
Asking the age of a tall folk had been on her list of things to ask but her list was so long that it would have probably gone unasked if Athaera hadn't asked Nivel the very same question.

“I think I'm only a year old” Patcha interrupted “...almost two” she quickly shrunk back into her shell like a snail and tried to pretend she hadn't said anything at all.

“oh..I though you were older than me” Nivel said in surprise, The pycon didn't think the kelvic would say something so soon after getting upset with her. Nivel was happy to hear that her friend wasn't going to start a week long silent protest and that she wasn't the least experienced person she knew. Life experience means everything to a pycon, the more you have seen and done the more power you would have over other pycons. Nivel was tired of other pycons telling her what to do, but she couldn't help obeying their commands.

“Story telling and Carving do sound nice but having eyes that change colour sounds much more interesting. I wish my eyes changed colour with my mood, my face doesn't naturally emote so I have to focus on shape shifting my face for people to know how I'm feeling.”
Nivel did have many instances where conveying how she was feeling was difficult and even just interpreting others facial expressions was a challenge.

Patcha had looked up in time to catch the smile Athaera had sent in her direction, The kelvic returned a forced half smile before once again retreating back to her typical asocial behaviour

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The Hunter becomes the Hunted (Athaera)

Postby Athaera on November 14th, 2014, 1:23 am

The instant Nivel began to rant, Athaera knew she'd screwed up. "N-n-n-no. It's--" What was it? How did she explain vicious killing for survival to a Pycon? She contemplated this as Nivel's shocked yelling burned out. "Shyke. Um... how do I explain this. Patcha, could you help me out?" The Vantha directed her attention back to Nivel. "I guess it's considered less cruel to kill animals, because they're not as intelligent. I mean, different races need to survive in different ways. I mean, there are some animals we don't eat. It's all kind of screwed up." As Nivel began to make the connections, Athaera realized she might be able to help her. "I could teach you how to hunt. I mean, you might need to get used to the idea of blood." Athaera was glad she might be able to apply her hunting skills for somebody. She'd wanted to find a way to teach someone.

The age discussion was much better, and Athaera smiled. "I'm fourteen." Athaera was tempted to begin to discuss that different races aged differently. Nivel's next comment intrigued Athaera. Yes, she was young. Two years wasn't much to experience things. The vantha had been alive for more than fourteen and still felt inexperienced. Athaera could see Nivel's discontent at being so young, and she gave her a little smile. Patcha, being a dog, or so Athaera assumed, seemed about right age-wise.

Athaera leaned in when it came to Nivel discussing that she had to shift her face. "That must be hard, though I suppose it gets easier with experience?" She couldn't imagine having to shift her skin all the time.
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