Flashback One Iyvess, Two Iyvess... (Zydrunas)

Red Iyvess, Blue Iyvess...

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

One Iyvess, Two Iyvess... (Zydrunas)

Postby Ssezzkero on October 27th, 2014, 11:26 pm

85th of Summer, 514AV

Sezkero watched the Acolyte in front of her. The snake's wide brown eyes followed the man's fluid movement. He was a travelling Chaktawe, visiting from the deserts of Eyktol and his dancing reminded her of it. She had never seen the deserts, but she watched the Chaktawe's shoulders roll in a fashion that she would assume a sand dune would. His movements were slow and repetitive, as he was not dancing for rain. He was dancing as part of practice. Sezkero wanted to join him, to stand up and start dancing with him, but instead she observed. She didn't want to interfere with his foreign and yet familiar dances.

She wasn't the only one watching him, but he didn't seen to acknowledge his viewers. Another Acolyte had reached the bottom of the stairs and stopped, resting her back against the railing to watch the dance as well. She was a Konti, a race that Sezkero was much more used to seeing in Riverfall, but she couldn't help but be enchanted by the movements as well. Dancing wasn't an unusual sight in Makutsi's Tower, in fact it was a daily occurrence, but that never made it any less beautiful to the snake.

Her observation was interrupted by the distinct echoing of the door to the tower. The small woman turned to look at the door, where she saw a woman and a child. It was clear the woman was not a wife to any Akalak, but was carrying a child, which was obvious not only in the bump she cradled but the gold band around her wrist. She was a tall human, sturdy and not particularly feminine, but she had a natural beauty to her. The woman was being tugged along by a small blue child, an Akalak, who wanted nothing more than to run straight up to the nearest tapestry and run his hands all over it.

Sezkero stole one last glance at the dancing Chaktawe, before rising from her knees where she sat on the floor. The snake walked over to the two, a welcoming smile on her face. She was almost certain that the mother and child were not followers of the river-Goddess, but merely curious. It was the curiosity that Sezkero hopped was benign. "Hello, little Ssir." Sezkero greeted the boy in Tukant, but continued to her words in Common, unable to speak more of the language. She didn't have to bend very far down to meet the eyes of the tall Akalak boy. "How are you today?"

"Do you work here?" The boy ignored her question but asked his own in clear Common, a relief to Sezkero. She found that it was surprisingly hard to live and work in a city if you didn't speak its language, but she was starting to learn the Common seemed to be just as known as Tukant.

"I do. Do you need ssomething?" Sezkero took the moment to make eye contact with the child's mother, who immediately stuck her hand out. Sezkero shook it, offering her name to the mother after learning her's was Hersha. "My name is Ssezzkero." But her greeting was cut off by a tugging at her skirt. Sezkero's hand flew to her hip, trying to make sure the boy didn't tear her clothes off, and she returned to focusing her attention on the child.

"Who's Tower is this? Malutsa?" He asked curiously. Once the child was satisfied with all her attention, he whirled to the tapestry on the wall behind him, his fingers reaching for the cloth.

"Makutssi. Sshe iss the Goddesss of River and Rain." Sezkero addressed both the mother and the child. She noticed that the mother kept glancing towards the door as if she was waiting for someone. "Look," Sezkero took a step back and motioned for the mother and child to do the same. "This tapesstry sshowss her danccing with the Myrianss."

"I don't see her." The child squinted at the circle of fingers in the tapestry. The seven dancing figures blended in almost perfectly with the jungle around them. Sezkero could see the Goddess clearly, on the left side of the circle. Sekzero had administered the Tapestry when she first entered the temple as well, and it took her awhile to find the Goddess as well. It was only after she realized the reason the Goddess was hard to spot that she found Makutsi. Her skin was a little paler than the Myrians, but she stood out in no other way.

"Yess, itss hard becausse Makutssi danccess with her followers, and not above them. Sshe iss on the left there between the man and the woman with the painted handss." Sezkero brought her arm up to point to the Goddess depicted in the tapestry, but her attention was averted to the door swinging open. A Akalak swept through them, heading straight towards the family she was with. His face was completely neutral and while he came in with a purpose, it was clear he was only here for his woman and child. He whispered something to the boy in Tukant, and Sezkero furrowed her brows. It was clear no one but the child was interested in the Goddess, but his next words disappointing her.

"Well, that doesn't make any sense. Bye Zekerzo." The snake slumped her shoulders, nodding a goodbye to the boy as he followed his father out. It was clear the family was just stopping in, feeding the boy's curiosity before his father came back. And the child's curiosity wasn't even that deep. Sezkero turned back to the Chaktawe dancer to see him teaching the other Konti Acolyte one of his moves, and Sezkero turned back, resuming her position on the floor to watch the dance lessons, and waiting to greet anyone else who wandered into the Tower.

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One Iyvess, Two Iyvess... (Zydrunas)

Postby Zydrunas on November 3rd, 2014, 8:29 pm

If there was anything that was becoming increasingly noticeable for Zydrunas it was the distinct feeling of slowly turning into a tourist within the strange city of water. Foreign, not belonging to such a strange and exotic place. Which in return his mind continued to struggle and sputter together some links to make sense of the scenario. Travelling had brought him this far, and with it his eyes were simply pulled wide open into awe. The flipside dictated that he should be confused, attempting to find logic within what could only be described as a dream.

In response, he hesitated. A few careful blinks as he tried to work his way around things. Strange men, clicking tongues and plummets of water that seemed to sprout from nowhere. His imagination was ignited, and the footsteps lead him on blindly with the faint clinking of his load upon his back. There was of course another issue to deal with - one of direction and lodging - but that could wait for the moment. He would find a place in good time, he hoped.

Unless he let himself be distracted once more by impulse and a desire to sate his curiosity. Hands were thrust into his pockets, his cheeks having puffed up into a pouting scorn. The words of Makutsi reached his ears, sending his mind spiralling off as he made his demands for directions. The blue men in response gave little more than a point in the general direction before once more returning to their clicking tongues. It gave him the temptation to run back to the desert without a second thought, security, warmth and the logic of lacking moisture making more sense in his mind.

Regardless, the Dhani had embraced the oddity and tasked himself with a mission of the day. He had heard of the existence of a particular tower in the city, he looked now to prove it. The tower of rain, the dancers of the droplets, the ones who swayed to and fro with the river and waters - Makutsi's tower. Though he was not completely sure if it belonged to her so to speak, it was something erected in her name. A shrine, and something he should at least pay respect to it. And silently pray for some sense to the world around him.

There was a throbbing, the prickling of skin as he became aware, anticipation neatly crawled its way up into his mind. The shape of the tower, the pale and plain stone absent of blemishes - clear like water. The humming came with it, faint at first as he closed in to the target and quickly growing almost louder within his ears. Excitement came too, hairs rising, the wetting of lips as he caught the tail end of one of the local giants stride past him and make his way in through the entrance with his determined stride. There was the clunking, the smallest of leans as he peered inwards to the inside. Within the movement of bodies existed, swaying the contorting of muscles as they moved to and fro in practiced movement. A further lean, his form still bundled up in the layers as he peered and paused. Others, movement, his eyes snapped about to the various forms that made up a collection of different races and his mind racing to make sense of what was there.

Bronze, blues and paled hues, he could only stand there gawking through the gap - even as the giant came back family in tow. A rough clearing of the throat, the Dhani in response looked up partially stunned and quickly stepped out of the way and inside. The door shut behind, and it was with that he quickly slunk to the side to observe and pick upon the little he did know. There was the Chaktawe of course, he recognised the desert nomad by his copper skin and eyes of ebony, the swaying motions hypnotic enough in nature that he begun to momentarily mimic them - back and forth, to and fro. The eyes continued to drift, snapping around as the mutual feeling begun to sink in.

It was a pleasant surprise to feel and know what was there, he had not felt such companionship since before he left the nest those years ago. No one seemed to pay him much notice, at least that was what he first felt as he took himself idly around. A glance to the walls, the tapestries that made up the images of dance - far from what he thought would be seen as shrine materials. Informal, relaxed, this was a space for practice and performance. Orbs gave a flicker, turning from the paler woman to the toned other, and then narrowing down into a stare. Rather obviously and without any true or proper thought, he began his slide over until - at last he brought himself near enough bumping shoulders with the other.

He cleared his throat, lips peeling back into a broad grin as he stared, "Makut'i, tower, right?" He looked down the bridge of his nose to her, a small, slow blink as his gaze lowered down from the jaw line, to the slender throat and mounted mark. Another blink, confused this time for a fraction of a second, before he turned his gaze forward once more as he fell into mumbling, "Look like it, feel like it. Can't be real. Or maybe it be. Very odd. ... you dance like everyone here, dah, little lady?"
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One Iyvess, Two Iyvess... (Zydrunas)

Postby Ssezzkero on December 18th, 2014, 9:25 pm

The ticks had barely passed before she was interrupted from her watching again. This time by another dancer. The small snake's head snapped over to her interrupter to watch him swaying silently with the beat. She watched him for a fraction of a second before he cleared his throat, speaking up. "Makut'i, tower, right?"

The Iyvess watched carefully as the man blinked, slowly. It wasn't the typical way for a human to blink, slow and deliberately, as if it wasn't a natural habit of his. She nodded to the man, bringing herself to her feet. Even at her height, she barely reached the man's collar bone, forcing her to look up to speak to him. Her hackles rose when she watched his eyes shift, crossing her cheekbone and finding a particular spot under her ear. Short hair did nothing to hide the only thing that gave her true identity away. It was her own choice, to cut her hair, but the Iyvess had no patience for her mammal form's nuisance. But it did come in handy for telling her how she was feeling. Pin-pricks littered her skull as she watched his eyes find her tattoo again. Automatically a small hand flew up, resting on the curve of her neck in an almost casual sense.

Or at least it would have been casual if he was not looking at what she was trying to cover. "Look like it, feel like it. Can't be real. Or maybe it be. Very odd. ... you dance like everyone here, dah, little lady?"

Sezkero nodded, her mouth going dry. She took a deep breathe turning from the man to face the two dancers that were now taking up the center of the room. She made a decision, to ignore her instincts. It was clear that this man came into Makutsi's Tower on purpose, as if he had been looking for it, and so it meant they shared faith. Any man who shared her faith was welcome in Sezkero's book. And so she would have to serve the Temple as she normally did, by welcoming this guest with open arms. But her hand did not leave her neck. "Thisss," Sezkero gulped, suddenly painfully aware of her accent. "Iss... Makutssi'ss Tower, yeah. And I am a danccer, although I'm not nearly asss good asss they are."

Sezkero's brown eyes tuned back towards the man, watching his movements. She could almost swear there was something familiar about him and yet the way he had looked, as if he knew what she was, at her tattoo earlier, made Sezkero reject all feelings of familiarity with this man. She would have to cut her attachments and leave the beautiful city of Riverfall...

Sezkero forced the paranoia out of her brain again, realizing the source of his familiarity. "You are alssso a raindanccer." The question turned into a statement as she finished it, confirming her own thoughts. Sezkero could not see his gnosis, but she could sense it. She could feel the connection from him, attached by Makutsi herself. Joy bubbled up past her emotions of unease as she came to the realization. "Welcome." She beamed at him, forgetting about why her hand was placed on her neck, offering it to him instead. "Forgive me if I am prying, but I'm curioussss... where do you come from? What dancccesss do you know? I have not ssseen you Riverfall."

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One Iyvess, Two Iyvess... (Zydrunas)

Postby Zydrunas on December 18th, 2014, 10:54 pm

She rose, watching him in response, the almost nervous mannerisms as he drunk in her actions with a level of fascination. A slowed blink, he turned his head to pause and consider why she was doing such a thing. Was she embarrassed? Had he acted in such a way to cause insult? Or was it merely a misread, the gentle thrum of nervousness gained from the interaction of a stranger. How odd.

His gaze peeled away, looking back to the dancers once more within the room, listening to the patter of feet filling the silence of their conversation. The desert indeed, he missed it in his own way - but he had his calling to travel and to seek. Though what that calling brought he would not know. His lips for a moment parted, his brow furrowing as he watched with a flicker of curiosity, drifting down to the movement of the feet - one back and then to the side - before back up to the sweeping hands. Another blink, there was a look back when the woman as she spoke. He noted that the hand did not leave her neck.

"Wonderful. I am in the right... locality for now," He gave an approving nod, his lips pulling back into a smile. But those orbs continued to look and stare, "If you train, you would get better, no? I think, one day, you will be better than even them. Or you think different?" His gaze shifted once more, watching as the steps quickened and turned - the pattering of bared toes upon stone quicken into a rhythm. There was curiosity, his gaze would not knock such a fact, a wonderment as to the ability of it all. He gave only a slow nod to her statement, "Dah, I am little lady. Though, not a good one." A playful wink, "Two left feet."

His gaze was moving once more, looking around the room as he listened - absorbing and once more taking it in - even as the hand was offered. He looked at it slightly confused for a moment, wondering on the gesture and how to approach it - it was a greeting, was it not? A formal one? How did one deal with this? What was the correct manner in which to address it. He paused, tilting to one side and then swaying round to the other as he weighed up his options and finally took it. But he did not stop there. A sweeping bow, a flicker of memory to what he had seen others do previously in the presence of greeting women, and promptly gave a peck to the knuckles. He pulled back after that, releasing it and giving a sheepish smile, "Thank you for the welcome, little lady..."

He did not bat an eyelid, and moved his gaze away once more - it was the correct practice to do so by his logic, "I am not from... you call it Riverfall? I am from... far away. Eyktol. Like the Chaktawe. Very hot there. Quick to burn," he turned his head around and then gave a sweep of the hand as if to gesture to the entire city, "Here however, it be cooler. Only a little bit though." He gave a flicker of notice as the sibilant speech hit him. It would make sense after all, the mark and the nervousness about it pointed all towards it,"A part or two be all I know, nothing... full. One move I know, it be called the pull, very controlled and full of force... not delicate." Scratching at his head, he gave a look back, a snort as the moves slowed to a stop and paused once more, You? You are a local no? Maybe...? Tell me of the beautiful city - that be how it appear."
Smooth Snakey, Cool Snakey, Little ball of scales. Happy Snakey, Sleepy Snakey, hiss hiss hiss.
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One Iyvess, Two Iyvess... (Zydrunas)

Postby Ssezzkero on December 19th, 2014, 3:13 am

"Nonsssenssse, if you've got feet, you can danccee." Sezkero took a milisecond to think over her own words, realizing she had just contradicted her own statement on her inability to dance well. Mentally, the small Iyvess shrugged it off, as he took her hand. As soon as he began to move, Sezkero froze. It was not uncommon to find herself straying from the touch of others. While she had a noticeably cooler body temperature when she was out of the sun, she still produced her own heat, just like everyone else. But the need to not let anyone question her was still there. Her immediate reaction was to peel her hand away from his lips, and yet she held still, painfully aware of the tingling in her knuckles where he left. "My name isss Kero." She offered the shortened version of her name, finding that this peculiar stranger already preferred to call her little.

As she listened to his words, Ker's mind began to wander. For some reason, she both loved and hated the idea of the deserts of Eyktol. She immediately thought of how she would enjoy laying in the sun, allowing the pure rays to heat her skin. And yet at the same time, she feared the lack of water. As a necessity she didn't need much of the vital liquid, but she had grown up in wet atmosphere's, safely tucked in Maktusi's realms at all times. The thought of having no rivers to swim in, no massive rain storms to dance in, was more unappealing than she initially thought.

"I come from the north, Taldera, 'tisss very cold." She grinned, brown eyes gliding around the room. Most followers of Makutsi came from the jungles or the deserts, places known for needing or having too much rain. "I cannot tell you much of Riverfall. I've only been here sssinccce the beginning of thisss ssseassson." Sezkero gulped, desperately thinking of something to tell the man that he didn't already know. "There are, umm, many blue men here, Akalaks." Her fact was poor and she inwardly rolled her eyes, barely stunned by her own lack of knowledge. "I am here ssso often... I don't know the cccity very well." She admitted, tilting so she was on the balls of her feet. Despite being very used to looking up at people, the tiny snake didn't like it.

"May I assk how you know of Makutsssi? I don't believe desssertsss have very much rain...?" Sezkero let her curiosity lead the conversation. Despite spending most of her days talking to many people, conversation was no swim in the stream for Sezkero. She was gradually getting better, but more often than not, she preferred to leave most of the social aspects of working at the Tower to the Acolytes. Despite it all, she had many questions to ask the strange man. She knew little of the Chaktawe, but she knew they were one of few, if not only, life forms that can safely survive in the desert. If this man was nothing more than human, it would be surprising to find how he did so. Ker's mind also itched to learn his dance. Having spent very little of her life on two feet, the Iyvess found them to be the best part of her humanoid body. Aside from practicing what little moves she knew, Sezkero loved to learn from others, to further her own lack of skills.

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One Iyvess, Two Iyvess... (Zydrunas)

Postby Zydrunas on December 28th, 2014, 2:55 pm

"Kero, Kero, Kero," He tested it a few times and let it click against his tongue, his lips pursing as he tried it. For a moment there was silence, the repeating of the name within his mind so he saved it deep within there. He inevitably gave an approving nod and a stupid grin, "It be a good name. Little like you." There was no comment to the subject of feet and dancing, only the sly turning of lips upwards and the raising of the brow. From there he gently bobbed his head along, watching the room whilst his own internal beat played on. "Taldera? Never heard of there. It be far?" He flexed his toes within his boots, gently rising up onto the ball of his foot then easing back down. Limbering and keeping that gentle sense of animation within his form, "It be unfortunate you know not more about Riverfall and the... Aka-lack-a-lack blue... men. They are giant indeed."

"They do not. But it be the explanation why we are there. We bring the rain, we bring the water for the other people,"
he shrugged, "With them we work, the Chaktwae, the Human... we find the water, the pool and pond among the land, and in return they help we." There was something very matter of fact about his tone, his fingers tapping along in a beat. His mind however was thinking elsewhere, of home and how far away it now felt. The iron weight gave a drop within his stomach, the sickening feeling of missing where he had come from and where normality seemed to lie. His chest inflated then, and let out a long sigh, "Aunt Makut'i we call her, and we know like her that water bring forth life. For without it, even in the dry and lacking, life cannot live without it."

Humming, Zydrunas stooped, his expression flickering momentarily to that of troubled - sands were calling him, and this was a strange dream like place that he felt he would wake up from at any moment. Everything would be ripped out from beneath him, "They call I Zyd-run-ass, but you may call me Zyd, if you prefer." His eyes then flickered down to her feet, a moment of contemplation as he considered what the next move within such a conversation should be - she knew little on the city, but they had the common tie of being rain dancers. Perhaps common ground could be established better there.

With a sweep of the hand forward he lowered his pack and gestured inwards to the room, forcing his gaze up into brightening once more despite the urge to simply let the sense of homesickness and unfamiliarity lie. This was a new place, he had to establish himself loosely even if was only to be temporary. Head tilting to one side he gave a blink, "Would you like to... learn? Or partake. Not learn, I am not good enough to teach I feel." Find some stability in which to spring himself off from, understand what exactly he was dealing with and bring himself up to a level playing field - if it could even be called that, "That be if you want to? I do not mean to make you? I value if you, little Lady Kero do not want to." He gave a shrug then, "But, I would like to view what you can do. Cultural intere-sst," There was a strong forcing of the 't', "could be different from where you come from. No?"
Smooth Snakey, Cool Snakey, Little ball of scales. Happy Snakey, Sleepy Snakey, hiss hiss hiss.
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One Iyvess, Two Iyvess... (Zydrunas)

Postby Ssezzkero on January 13th, 2015, 2:33 am

"Oh, yeah. It isss... far. Although I can't tell you where it isss, exxccatly." Kero offered the small explanation of her home, the northern forests of Taldera. Where the region rested in Morwen's domain among tundra and ice. The Spires offered a sanctuary of warmth for her and her family. "It isss cold in Taldera, but not where I am from. My cccity, the Ssspiresss, was warm." Ker left it at that. She couldn't explain exactly why it was a little pocket of live in an otherwise barren winter-land, but it was. As the snake listened to the strange man's explanation of his own home, her curiosity was caught on a particular phrase. One that implied he was not Chaktawe or human. It was clear he wasn't not one of the six-armed desert dwellers that she had heard rumors of, so that left a uncomfortable question... What is he?

But the Iyvess refrained from interrupting. With this question now begging to leave her lips, she could hardly listen to anything else. The snake's wide brown eyes flitted across the man's face, attempting to take in as many features as she could. She could see the stubble along his jawline, and the tanned skin confirmed his orgin. She could hear his homesickness as her eyes crawled up to his hairline, his nose, and his ears. She glanced down at his hands and his feet. Ten fingers and toes. So what man this thickly accented man different? What made him not human?

But then he was asking to dance, and Sezkero was successfully distracted. Zydrunas actually thought she would be offended at the offer, when Ker was actually excited. Her job as an alter girl required an uncomfortable amount of socializing with strangers, but dancing with or for them was something new, it was easier. "I'd love to sssee your dancccesss." She grinned at him.

Finding a space to move was not hard. While Makutsi's Tower was not ginormous, it was built for dancing, with wide rooms and high ceilings. The floors above them were in use, but it wouldn't be odd to see another small dance partaking along side the current happening towards the front of the main room. Waving Zydrunas to her, the snake glided towards the stairs, steering clear out of the way of other people. But as soon at the two were out of earshot of the others, her previous question bubbled back up. Turning back towards Zyd, she bit her bottom lip, glancing up at him and then away again. Is it rude to simply ask what race he was? Would you take offense? The Iyvess asked herself. When the answer was a concrete yes, she knew she would take a different route. "What cccity did you live in before coming to Riverfall?" She asked the question. She didn't know much about the Eyktol region, but she was aware of the cultural differences between the various races, of which there were only about three that she knew of. Maybe if she got a hint to what city he had lived in, she would find why he has so casually separated himself from the humans in his earlier speech. His brown eyes told her he wasn't Chaktawe and only two arms told her he couldn't be that strange race of Ahnatep with multiple arms. But Sezkero only guessed that one did not distance themselves so casually from another race, unless they were not in fact part of that race.

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One Iyvess, Two Iyvess... (Zydrunas)

Postby Zydrunas on January 18th, 2015, 8:38 pm

There was that look, long, undressing in his identity and flesh that did not seem to lift as he spoke. The Iyvess did his best to try and ignore it, push down the sensation that left him feeling nervous. He gave what could only be described as a sheepish smile, looking at the bubbling excitement that seemed to erupt from her grin. Blinking, he forced himself to calm and relax, his brow raising so slightly to the wave in the general direction of above. His head cocked to one side, and with a shrug he followed, hitching up his pack and belongings he brought to rest in the process. He scratched his stubble, the orbs flickering and following after her.

"Warm be good, very good," He gave a blink, rubbing his chin with careful thought, "But further North, you mean that it will get colder the more I travel that way? There was a flicker of distaste, his entire face pinching at such a factor. He could barely comprehend what exactly that could entail having been a desert dweller until recently. His tongue gave a click, "That... it will not bode well. What be it like? I mean, I do not know. Do you gain a winter coat, bundle up and hibernate?"

"Before Riverfall, I came from Ahantep,"
He paused, considering for a moment whether he should elaborate more on his previous places of residence, but found himself falling silent. It was a partial truth, though it was less living it and using it as a point of contact with society. Such was the way of life, "Full of many a rich beauty, exotic according to the bumbling traveller who may knock upon the gate." He gave a shrug then, "To me, it be normal. Here, however, be..." He fell silent as he tried to think of the right word, his brow creasing deeply as he went through them in his head, "A dream. Not real. With a lot of water."

It was that scrutinizing look however that gave him cause to lean away. His brow raised at her, the inspection becoming seemingly more through the more she looked. It was amusing in its own way, the tentative chewing, the way everything seemed to settle down into thoughtfulness. It made him wonder in response to what she was exactly thinking at that moment in time - but he also saw it as an opportunity of sorts for playful banter. Now was a good of time as ever to understand his more northern freshwater cousins.

"You know, keep looking at me like that and I'll demand you marry me," he spoke with a teasing tone, a lean down and forward as the lips pulled back into a smile, "With your undressing gaze and look at every nook and cranny. Really know how to make a man turn red," He held his chin, expression turning to mock horror, "I have dirty on me don't I? That be it. Would be why you keep looking at me with that funny..." Waggling his finger he continued, "You know how hard it be to maintain this dissorderly mess?"

He flexed his jaw then, clearing his throat as he tried to once more force down that sibilant hiss - a difficult task with the words of the world, limiting in what could or could not be used in present company. Regardless, upon the upper floor he gave a suck in of the air, contemplating where exactly to drift to, there was space, but it was deciding the case of where to exactly set up. Regardless he spoke as he went through the rest of his thoughts, "If you want to know 'omething, why do you not query?" And then he pointed towards an empty space, "There be good for you little Kero?"
Smooth Snakey, Cool Snakey, Little ball of scales. Happy Snakey, Sleepy Snakey, hiss hiss hiss.
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One Iyvess, Two Iyvess... (Zydrunas)

Postby Ssezzkero on March 1st, 2015, 7:19 pm

"Well, yeah. It isss colder, but not from where I come from Caiyha had blesssssed the Ssspiresss, the cccity isss not cold." Sekzero tried to explain to the man, presenting him her upturned palms to emphasize her point. But she was even unsure of how the Spires worked. The city was so protected by Caiyha and the Jamoura that as a young outsider, she had a hard time understanding how things worked, even if she had wanted to all those years ago. It was his next question that threw her off. Did humans grow hair or hibernate? Was that a thing? In her decades among them, she had not seen any do such a thing. Few were particularly hairy, which the snake didn't take kindly to, but they were hairy all year round to her knowledge. "We don't hibernate?" The answer was more of a question, as she was uncertain of herself, but Zydrunas was moving along quickly, so she hoped he didn't notice her uncertainty. Never before had someone grilled her on human culture so much. It tested her ability to blend in, but it also only solidified her theory that the man who stood before her was not human himself. Although, what he was, she could not tell.

As he spoke about his own home, her attention was caught. It was easier for her to be quite, to listen to others, so when he stopped talking and simply looked at her, she perked an eyebrow. Was he just going to stop at water? But he was quick to speak. "You know, keep looking at me like that and I'll demand you marry me," She cracked an amused smile as he leaned down, reminding her agian of how tiny she was. "With your undressing gaze and look at every nook and cranny. Really know how to make a man turn red. I have dirty on me don't I? That be it. Would be why you keep looking at me with that funny..." Waggling his finger he continued. "You know how hard it be to maintain this dissorderly mess?"

Sezkero could only push out a chuckle and continue climbing the stairs. She didn't take this man too seriously on his words, and his animated expressions only proved to her that he was playing with her, but she still could not keep her cheeks from warming up. Unlike herself, this man was very forward, he had less barriers than she did. But her caution had turned to curiosity.

"If you want to know 'omething, why do you not query?" And then he pointed towards an empty space. She following his finger with her eye very briefly, before flashing him a smile that she hoped to be as teasing as whatever her face before had been, she took a light step away from him, twirling once. Her skirt reacted appropriated, flaring up to give her ankles room and create a small area of space for her. She twirled once more, not letting the fabric relax, before turning back to Zydrunas from the spot which he pointed to as a confirmation of his choice.

"I doubt my quessstion will be taken with eassse, but you asssked for it. Zzzzydrunasss, what raccce are you?" The small Iyvess swung an arm around the back of her neck, pulling the elbow down with her opposing hand. She could feel the stretch in her should and rib cage, which only relaxed her. She attempted to let the question out in a more casual way, and so she continued to stretch, allowing the man to join her. She expected Zydrunas to take his time with the answer, or not answer at all. But she would attempt to get it out of him eventually, even if she could not find an answer so bluntly.

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One Iyvess, Two Iyvess... (Zydrunas)

Postby Zydrunas on March 25th, 2015, 4:30 pm

"You don't?" He looked at her as if surprised then, his eyes looking her up and down as he considered her answer. His lips had pulled into a line, twisting as he tried to read the language of the body instead. Palms were faced upwards, the face mixed in with confusion to the question posed back. His jaw came forward then, nostrils flaring as he sighed deeply, "He lied to me. Petching caravan man."

He pouted, hands resting on his hips - neck slowly turning and clicking as he eased himself. Toes gave a wriggle within his boots, fingers gently flexing as he watched the expression of Sezkero change. Blushes, the little glances as she reminded herself that it was merely humoured teasing that he was doing. For the best really, his small prods and pokes would do little more than be positioned for amusement sake. A flare of some self vanity and relentless teasing. Eyes followed the small frame as she gave a twirl, his own feet stamping out the space. With a roll of the shoulders he slowly begun to stretch out, wrists turning as he prepared himself for whatever was to come next. Pulling his arm across himself he continued his stretches, palm placed upon his shoulder as he slowly pulled and eased himself across. Back twisting, he took a solid stance upon the ground, feet set a distance apart.

"What am I?" he flashed a grin at her then, eyes brightening as he looked down upon her. With a hum he considered on the best way to answer, should there be words? Or perhaps action would be easier? He pulled at his sleeve then, slowly rolling it upwards the flesh with careful and thought out practice. Small folds until there was little more than the push up of it past the muscle and the revealing of the snake wrapping around the rain drop. There was a blink at her, silence as he let the orbs rest firmly upon her. For once he was still, a single finger tapping upon the drop - before he released it and let the fabric go back down around his arm. It was in a more matter of fact tone he spoke then to her, "Any other query little cou'hin? Or be that enough for you?"

He moved back to what he was doing then, feet patting against the floor once more as he found himself, a small turn as he ensured he held some space in which to work in. He pulled his other arm across himself, feeling the muscles tense as he continued stretch out. It was an important thing to do when it came to physical activity - even in dance. He could vaguely remember the small lectures he received when in the nest on the subject, though right now the exact content of them was beyond him. Still, he continued regardless, moving his attention down to his legs. Raising one up he grasped upon his ankle and pulled it up behind him, working on keeping balance as he looked at Sezkero.

"North then, dah?" He switched legs, wobbling slightly as he looked to try and keep balance. With a lick of lips he raised a brow at her, watching the fabric fall around her as he considered her and what he did know. It was with a cock of the head that he continued to speak, "Are they all little like you?" He clapped his hands together then, his entire form giving a mighty shake out as he felt the muscles ready themselves for what was to come, "We were where? Dancsse?" He drummed his fingers across his chin then, before nodding slowly. His eyes gave a squint as he formulated the movements in his mind, pieced them together. Moving a foot behind him, he opened his hands, wiggling his fingers as he brought the hands up firstly to the left, then moved them downwards and then back up - ending on the right. Another shot of a glance to Sezkero, he looked momentary sheepish as he brought the hands back round to the left.
Smooth Snakey, Cool Snakey, Little ball of scales. Happy Snakey, Sleepy Snakey, hiss hiss hiss.
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