When Bitzer spoke again, Nov had to try extra, extra hard not to visibly wince at that thrice blasted nickname.
But no sooner had she begun her explanation in earnest before someone cut the raid leader off mid sentence. Eyebrows raised, the cook turned to get a good look at who sported a pair of iron balls big enough to challenge both mercenaries in the same breath. It was a tall fellow from the looks of things, with black hair, cold, blue eyes, and a tone so stuffed with street it reminded Nov of a leaky cheese puff.
Fortunately for Wolf Girl's public image--and for Noven's vast, personal amusement--the Myrian was quick to quash this stranger's insubordination. With the way Kaie growled her words, Nov was almost certain he saw fangs beneath her snarl.
Bitzer continued without so much as batting a lash. She did however make sure to nod her thanks in the Myrian's direction and respond accordingly to each member of the raid who spoke. None received quite as mortifying of a greeting as Noven's own, but there you have it. Life isn't fair and all that shyke.
At Eleaz's words, the cook tipped his head in subtle agreement. The little petcher was a fast runner. He had proven as much four years ago when both Nov and Seng had first chased him down. Though, the kid had been quite hungry, and given the present circumstances...Nov shrugged the worry off with a roll of his shoulders. No use in dwelling on the unchangeable now. There was too much else at stake.
Web was next to speak and Noven was only mildly surprised by her fervor and dedication. It was with no idle conviction that he called her Bitzer's right hand woman; one was hardly ever seen without the other these days. No long to follow was the only other stranger within the group for the cook. Another tall man, though this one was made for smashing; his frame was all muscle and long limbs and no inch of him seemed unarmored. What is this guy, a Syliran knight? Nov initially scoffed. But then the more he thought about it, coupled with the fact that this stranger had allowed Wolf Girl to choose his role rather than pick for himself, the less his mocking assumption appeared as impossible as it first had.
Luckily, Bitzer spared the merc any awkward, forced quests to discover this stranger's name. Lion, she had called him, right before she placed him in Team Smash. Well, all that brawn and armor made sense, then. He was a fighter like the rest of them. Only, he seemed...different, too. While Nov and Kaie fought with a ferocity and viciousness that reflected the landscapes of their upbringing, this Lion exuded an air of calm that suggested actual training. Lots of it. Tons of it. Because that was the only possibility that made sense. Why else would Bitzer place so much confidence in her decision?
Before Nov could build more assumptions upon assumptions, Wolf Girl struck again. His immediate thought was 'all whores are liars.' He'd acquired long ago a healthy amount of distrust for the mistress of Happy Endings, not to mention the fact that whatever Brega knew--which was probably everything--was strictly secondhand. But, in the end, the cook thought better of it and shrugged, topics of interest stuffed inside his pockets. If one wasn't messing with him, the other surely was. Today, he was willing to bet his mizas on Bitzer.
"Can't say it isn't true," Nov retorted offhandedly.
In the midst of this blunt jest, he did notice the Myrian react to Bitzer's mention of her as well. Except she was moving with all the perception and wariness of a predator, taking a few steps closer to inspect this 'Lion" before her sharp eyes met those of Noven's. A glint of mischief was exchanged on her end and one of curiosity on his. If Kaie found the stranger remotely worth his weight in formidablity, then Nov himself must have hit pretty close to the mark with his own, haphazard deductions...
Wolf Girl moved onto a different subject altogether, much to the cook's relief, and ended her speech with a rallying punch. "Aye," Nov nodded, grinning. He couldn't help it. Not this close to a real fight, to a real shot at improving their shyke stained lots. "We hear you, loud and clear."
To his bewilderment, the healer--Kechaiya, he remembered after a few ticks into her broken Common--approached him to inquire after his knife wound once Bitzer was done. Then to go so far as to mention Leania's tragic passing and ask if Mikael had been found. Honestly, the cook was still surprised that she invested as much time and awareness as she did in the children, though that was not nearly as astonishing as the consoling hand she laid upon his arm. The doctor didn't seem the comforting type when she was poring stream after stream of alcohol onto his gaping wound. But, to be fair, she was doing it to save his life, and Sunset Orphanage hadn't had a proper doctor for the runts in...well, since as long as Nov could remember. It was a minor miracle she was around at all, so who was he to question?
"It healed good, thanks to you, Doc," the cook responded with uncharacteristic good nature, spirits bolstered by Bitzer's rousing speech. "Though I don't know about the being alive part...what I wouldn't do for a day old slab of mutton right now." Which, of course, both of them knew well enough the answer to. The lengths he was willing to go to for actual food were quite long and bloody.
"As for Leania..." Nov cleared his throat a bit and folded his arms once more across his chest. "It happens. And always too soon. The boy...I haven't heard anything of Mikael either since I left for this meeting. Your guess is as good as mine."
When he looked up again, the cook saw that most were readying themselves to leave and head to where the true action would begin. Nov nudged the healer lightly and tilted his head toward Eleazor. "Keep an eye on that one, will ya? He's an old friend of mine...tends to get himself into one pile of shyke after another, and I won't be there to save his scrawny arse this time around."
Then, he patted an awkward but sincere hand on Kechaiya's tiny shoulder. Nov wasn't entirely sure what he was going for, but to hell with it. "Here's to hoping we all come back from this thing in enough pieces for you to fix."