Closed Dark Trilogy III - A Dark Assignment (Brandon)

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

Dark Trilogy III - A Dark Assignment (Brandon)

Postby Sal Mander on June 1st, 2014, 5:01 am


Day 34, Spring of 514 A.V.

Four days and four nights later, the Bat who called himself Djas and Sal, the investigator from the Cosmos Center, converged on their chosen meeting place. It was an inn by the name of the Monk and Fisherman, found in a prime location by the docks of Lhavit and frequented by an assortment of salty looking seafaring folk and the kind of dock laborers who would not look out of place in a cell. Many often ended up in such confines after one too many drinks led to enlarged egos and overstretched confidence. But all in all, the place was well kept and well run, keeping the mead and ale flowing and serving a fine variety of dishes to keep a sailor's appetite sated.

Of course a career on the seas or the docks was not prerequisite for entering the establishment. With Lhavit's population as small as it was, all the taverns and inns could boast a wide variety of customers who hailed from all walks of life. What differentiated one locale from another was mostly just the name. Otherwise, especially after a few drinks, one place was as good as the next. That the two men had chosen this particular location for their meeting was by chance, having been the nearest inn in sight when last they met.

Inside was as expected from such a place, the din of conversation and revelry coexisting with the smells of food and ale, along with the less inviting odor of men having worked a hard shift on the docks, as well as tobacco smoke that hung in the air like clouds of gloom. Sal had procured for himself a table in one corner of the place, looming there like a watchful guardian over the rest of the inn's patrons, with particular attention given to the main entrance. Any minute now he expected Djas to enter, as the time of their meeting drew closer with each second.

He was a little nervous at the prospect of things to come. Over the last few days, he had met with his friend again to garner further details of the card game and any other information that was pertinent to the situation. The makeshift plan was to somehow gain access to the card game, with the intention of one of them then sneaking into Burton Tally's private quarters in order to rob him of the money he had cheated Sal's friend out of. That plan, in its infancy, was doomed to fail. But that was merely the basis of their idea upon which further elaboration would be necessary before they could put it into practice.

First things first, they would have to get into the card game. If Sal's friend's info was legit, it was a fact that sometimes players were from 'out of town' as it were, such as passing traders or sailors. Made sense from Tally's perspective, since it effectively meant fresh meat as far as he was concerned. He just needed his reputation to be enough to entice would be challengers to his table, without it being too much that he was branded a cheat. A cheat he was though, having maintained a clean record of victories when it came to cards. Tally was selective of his opponent's, never seating himself against someone who had more influence or power than him in the city. It was bully tactics, never going after the bigger fish. Clever. It was also evidence that Burton Tally was no fool.

Sal took another swig from his ale, letting the taste settle in his mouth for a second before swallowing it down. The ale had a somewhat woody taste to it, pleasing to his pallet and worthy of a refill, which he would need if Djas did not make his entrance soon. It had to be time now, and Sal wondered if the thief would come through after all. He would not have blamed the fellow if he did not. After all, what reason did he have to risk his neck for Sal and his friend? Sure, there was payment for services rendered, but there was always the question of risk versus reward. If Burton Tally matched at least half the reputation he had made for himself, this was by no means amateur night. Sal and Brandon were little fish, going after a much, much bigger one.
Last edited by Sal Mander on September 29th, 2014, 2:03 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Dark Trilogy III - A Dark Assignment (Brandon)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on July 10th, 2014, 5:23 pm

Sometimes, it was too easy to fool people. Sometimes, people were just too naive and trusting. Take the guy in front of him for example, his eyes were overflowing with shock and betrayal, as if he wanted to cry “I thought we were friends!” That was the one thing he couldn't say of course, since the bat had only met Glenn Eisler only a couple of chimes ago. Still, it was intense, those eyes were hard to meet, even for a scumbag like himself. It made him feel like he was a villain of some sort and -so he realized- that was quite correct. To other people he was a person they'd label 'bad'. A 'bad' man who did 'bad' deeds. A sigh escaped his lips as he increased the pressure on the man's neck with the tip of the blade he was holding a little. “Your wallet, please.


Just a few chimes ago, Brandon was trailing a suitable target, a young merchant who, clad in fancy clothes, strode through the Azure market as if it was his own property. The wallet dangling on his hip was large and full, the contents would serve well for what Bran was planning to do with it. One could not expect him to wager with his own coin after all, and besides, his savings would hardly be enough. Another reason why he had picked this guy over all other vendors treading down the market was because he was a newly arrived fellow, there was hardly anyone in Lhavit that would know the face that went with the name, not even Burton Tally.

It was when the man seemed to fail in deciding which way to go, that Brandon guessed it was time for him to act. Approaching the merchant he first asked if he was lost and when the affirmative answer came, he offered to guide him towards his destination. The merchant called Glenn Eisler was happy to follow, not even suspecting a thing when the bat choose to lead him though a network of alleys where everything looked alike. When they had reached the middle of it, Brandon quickly vanished into a small alleyway, leaving his charge behind without notion. A short run would bring him back to the place Glenn was waiting, allowing for an approach from behind. If he was smart enough, he would have noticed something was wrong by now, the Kelvic thought while jogging around the block.

If the bat had been looking like his usual self, no-one would have taken his offer, but today he looked like an ordinary citizen of Lhavit. He had cleaned himself only a day ago, especially for this occasion and his long mane was held together in a ponytail, having lost it's usual dirty look. People would have a hard time recognizing him, even if they were well acquainted.

Upon reaching the spot where Glenn had been left behind, the bat started stalking closer silently, only to find the man having disappeared as well, but hasty footsteps betrayed the vendor's position. Brandon immediately started walking in that direction, not worrying at all, since well, that road would end after Glenn had turned a couple of corners. It was a dead end. The young merchant was trapped. The bat caught up soon enough, ignoring the trader's demands to get him out of here, to know who he was and what he was planning. He let the man's begging pass through him as if he was deaf, not even responding when the man offered to pay him for guiding him back out. He confessed fearing mazes, how he couldn't help but feel as if he'd never get out again. The man bid five Kina, then ten, then twenty and the sum kept rising until Brandon had crossed the whole distance between them.

With a quick motion of his arm, his fingers grabbed the hilt of Glenn's dagger, unsheathed it and pressed it into the man's throat. Instinctively, the vendor stumbled back, stepping away further and further until there was a wall pressing into his back and no escape was possible. The cold blade stung his throat again. “Why take only fifty Kina,” the thieving Kelvic questioned, “When I can just take your wallet?” A whole string of protest erupted of course, but the bat only pressed the cold steel a little harder into the flesh. “H-how about we make a deal? I'll keep my mouth shut about what happened here, and I'll even give you my money, but please guide me back out! Don't leave me in here! What if I never find the way out again?”

A short bark escaped Brandon's lungs, a brief burst of laughter that showed no sympathy at all. “Ha! Like I give a shyke about that!” Glenn's hazel orbs displayed an emotion that reminded Bran of a man who had been stabbed in the back had turned around to gaze into his assaulter's eyes. Tch, guilt was already bubbling up, but Brandon wasn't a criminal for naught, some emotions were easy for him to smother in certain situations. Guilt was one of them. The pressure on the blade increased slightly and caused a thin stream of blood to trickle down. “Your wallet, please.”

Oddly enough, the man refused, perhaps trying to act though, perhaps thinking he actually had a choice in the matter, or maybe hoping someone with an awesome sense of timing would arrive and save his sorry ass. The thief merely shrugged and rammed the hilt of the dagger into the man's temple. Glenn Eisler collapsed instantly, landing on the floor with a dull thud, as if someone had dropped a bag of flesh and bone. “Well then, let's rid you of your belongings,” the bat muttered, starting to strip the man, only leaving his underwear untouched. Disguise? Check. Money? Check. Well, the preparations were complete, now all that rested was to change and get to the meeting place.


A relative large amount of time later, the bat found himself in front of the Monk and Fisherman, the tavern where Sal and he had chosen to meet. Clad in Glenn's clothes -which were faintly perfumed- and now owning the merchant's dagger and wallet too, he took a deep breath and stepped inside, opening the old door with a push. Tobacco smoke and the scent of stale beer was his greeting, as well as the turning of heads his arrival brought. A well-dressed and seemingly rich man entering a seaman's pub? Possible, but very rare. Well, not as rare as a thief and an investigator teaming up to retrieve the money lost by the latter's friend during a cheated game of cards. Just like in a storybook, but the difference being that this was very real to both of them. The bat noticed he was getting nervous, the excitement was building. Breathing out in hopes to calm himself, the Kelvic lowered himself in the one free chair at Sal's table.

“I guess this is our last chance to turn back,” he mused out loud, “Are you still wanting to go though with this?”


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Brandon Blackwing
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Dark Trilogy III - A Dark Assignment (Brandon)

Postby Sal Mander on October 10th, 2014, 4:03 am


"Are you still wanting to go though with this?", Brandon had asked. It was certainly a legitimate question, a question Sal had entertained on more than one occasion prior to their current meeting in the Monk and Fisherman. On the one hand, answering no would have sidestepped any possibility of injury or, worse yet, death. But what good was clinging onto life if you could not uphold your sense of loyalty to good friends? It was not so much that Sal was ready to die for his friend. Indeed, if things started to head down that route, he would duck out down the nearest alley to survival as quick as a fox. He was not stupid. No, it was more a case of shifting the part of all this that was ludicrously dangerous to a less accessed part of his brain, where it could fester and lurk all it wanted so long as he kept it there.

Sal's friend needed help, and he would be damned if he did not at least try to help him. If things got bad, at least he could say he made the effort. His friend could appreciate that at least. For now though, it was other friends who were foremost on his mind, in particular the young thief who sat opposite him looking like a rich fool who had stumbled into the wrong tavern. Only, Brandon had a certain sense about him that spoke of more dangerous possibilities than his outfit gave him credit for. It was not something readily explainable, but once someone looked in his eyes, the impression of an easy target was immediately expelled. Sal liked that about the youngster. He carried himself with purpose and confidence, even if Brandon was sweating a little with nerves.

To be fair, the two men were not really friends at all. Rather just two colleagues, so to speak, who had found unity born from a common purpose. To rid a known rascal of his coins was at the heart of it, but for Sal and Brandon, they both might have been lying if they did not admit to it being more than just that. Perhaps it was the unspoken thrill... the adrenaline, or the rush as some called it. Danger brought with it perils in a myriad of disguises, but so to did such perils come decorated in prizes and treasures that at times overshadowed the real danger beneath it. Men could be drawn to do many things when there were prizes to be had. The rush was no less priceless than hard, cold, tangible coins.

"Unless there's a knife at my throat, there's no turning back for me. Besides, there might be more than a few coins to be had from all this." The second part was aimed more at Brandon, since Sal guessed the promise of additional rewards would be reason enough to keep the thief focused. As for himself, just reacquiring the amount his friend lost at the card game was enough for him. He asked for and expected no payment for the deed, though success in his endeavors would of course leave him with a friend who owed him a favor. Favors could come in handy later down the line, when their use came to fruition.

Sal gave Brandon's disguise a critical look, while his nose twitched for a moment as it searched for clarification of a faint scent. It smelled of... rich man. He could only wonder just how 'fresh' this disguise was, but at the same time had to admire the thief's commitment. With a disguise already in place, it meant they were ready for the next stage. "So I did a little digging. My friend was able to talk to some people regarding the game and who's supposed to be attending. Five in total. Burton of course. Then there's Johnson Altman, a silk merchant here in town. Two of them are ship captains passing through. No names yet, but shouldn't be too hard to find out once I check in with my guy at the docks. Last, some guy come up by sea with a svefra ship. Passenger, not crew. I got nothing yet on why he's in Lhavit. But we do know he got in on the game via a referral. Some merchant here in the city, er, spices I think. Anyway, I checked the trade ledgers at the Cosmos and the merchant is out of town." Sal took a moment to catch his breath, before clearing his throat with the last of his ale. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he continued in earnest.

"Burton doesn't take visitors, so assuming he doesn't know what this guy looks like, and with the only man who does out of the picture, we just have to make sure we meet him before Tally does, if you see what I mean. The good news is I already have a locate on him. But there's also not so good news".
Last edited by Sal Mander on October 20th, 2014, 10:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Dark Trilogy III - A Dark Assignment (Brandon)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on October 11th, 2014, 2:36 pm

The bat nodded in agreement at the investigator's determination. The human's eyes seemed lit aflame, expressing his emotions brilliantly. Sal wouldn't stop halfway either, he'd see this through until the end, Brandon was sure of that. Even if there was a knife placed on his throat, the investigator wouldn't give up, that was the vibe the Kelvic got from the man. Sal was a man of mental fortitude, it seemed. That or he was bluffing and a very good liar. The thief doubted that though. Maybe because he trusted his gut feeling, or maybe because he simply respected him. There weren't many people who'd go to such lengths for their friends' sakes, ulterior motives or no.

Brandon himself wouldn't quit either, not now, not ever. First of all, he'd agreed to help Sal and it was his policy to complete his jobs, whether he liked them or not. Secondly, he felt that what was to come would be too exciting to pass up the opportunity. He'd never played cards before -no real game with bets and all anyway, though he enjoyed playing Bullshyke from time to time- but Sal didn't have to know about that. Brandon doubted his chances of walking away victorious, but still, it would be great to actually win against the legendary player. Not that he believed it would happen.

A smile crept up his lips as the human in front of him mentioned the possibility of a reward. Coin eh? A nice bonus, but his life was worth more than Kina, no matter how much he was given. It was a funny thing how people believed all thieves to be coin-hungry bastards, to some only the act of stealing was what mattered and Bran was one of those. Hadn't he been so addicted to it, he might as well have assumed a legal job. Well, he thought with a grin, if there was a job that could compare to being a thief.

“I like your spirit,” the bat commented while stroking a wisp of hair that had refused to be captured in the white leather band out of his face. Sal let his grey-blue-green orbs dart over the Kelvic's form, scanning and criticizing without words. At the end of the brief observation there came a quick sniffing, almost unnoticeable, but Brandon heard it more than he actually saw it. The surprise displayed by the man in front of him was hidden from the bat's sight though, as he let his gaze drift through the small tavern. “Liking the smell?” he asked with an eyebrow raised, “I had to get used to it myself too. I didn't think I'd be able to stand the scent while wearing these clothes, but I seem to manage just fine.” A grin.

And just like that, Sal got down to business, informing the bat about his findings and investigations. He spoke of the people attending and Brandon couldn't help but suppress a smile when hearing the fruits of Sal's labor. This was already more information than he could have wished for, Brandon -if left to his own devices- would probably just have gone over and joined the game. Seeing what would come of it. To him, this wasn't that important, but to Sal it obviously was, hence that detailed report. Hmmm, Sal'd make a great sidekick, if the thief could ever succeed in persuading the investigator to join his criminal activities and becoming his informant. Probably not, but still.

Continuing his report after having rehydrated his throat a bit, Sal spent some more time speaking about the last of the players invited by Burton Tally, the nameless guy who'd come by boat. The investigator hadn't yet said as much, but it was obvious what he was planning; the two of them would take his place. Indeed and what was more, it looked like they'd have to locate him and lock him up in a safe place. That could become a problem, if he was newly arrived in the city, it would be rather hard to find him...

But Sal had already taken care of that, so there wasn't much to worry about anymore. Well, apart from the game itself that is. “I still wonder how you were able to do all this. Don't you have to report your whereabouts and actions to the cosmos and all? You do have to ask permission before you can access certain facilities, don't you? Didn't anyone you asked for information question what you were doing? Like the person you put on our 'entry ticket's tail?” It was still said with a grin, though the premonition of bad news was not something Brandon was waiting for and his his attitude grew serious. “But bad news eh?” he sighed, “What kind? Complications?” It was apparent that it were indeed complications, but one couldn't expect everything to go according to plan. Brandon had experienced situations like that many times before, and had come to accept it. Sticking to one plan was not a good approach anyway, one had to be able to adapt to the situation, no matter what kind.


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Dark Trilogy III - A Dark Assignment (Brandon)

Postby Sal Mander on October 20th, 2014, 11:11 pm


It was only natural that Bran would want to know the source of Sal's intel. After all, curiosity was one of those vices rarely ignored. But if it could kill a cat, surely a bat was fair game also. In any case, Sal's experience in the information game was extensive, having cultivated contacts and favors over the years, while perhaps owing a few himself along the way. If he ever had to put it down to one thing though, his answer was simple. You just had to ask people. In more cases than not, people liked to talk. That was human nature. It was svefra nature. It was inarta nature. And so on. In fact, you could count on one hand with digits to spare those races whose nature it was not.

Still, he could not leave Bran without nothing. The two were in this together, so the least he could do was appease the bat, if only a little. With that said, he did not part with too much detail, just offering enough to sate Brandon's curiosity. He explained how the Investigators worked at the Cosmos Center, as sort of independent agents that did not really answer to anyone in the more traditional sense of employer/employee relationships. There were obligatory tasks asked of them of course, but once they were out on the streets, they were their own bosses. Besides, all they did was for the benefit of the Cosmos Center, collecting and sifting through information and rumors to bring the Center the very best intel. In short, the Center itself just wanted the information. It was less fussy when it came to how they got said info.

As for his sources regarding the players of the card game, that was information he was not willing to share, if only to keep the identity of his contacts hidden and preserved. In truth though, Bran could just have easily have gone out and found out who the players were. Burton had employees and friends, and information had a way of filtering down and expanding across a city. If you moved in the right circles and knew who to ask, you could find out what you wanted before long. Where Sal had the advantage though was getting access to answers quicker. Sure, you might get a name of one of the players, but said name might not have come with, for example, where that person was staying if he was just visiting, or where he lived if he was a resident. That was information Sal had on tap, stored away in the constantly expanding archives located at the Center.

Brandon had pondered whether or not such use of these files would have drawn questions from superiors. But then, if Sal looked up the name of a ship to see who its registered captain was, who would really care? Furthermore, having learned that the fifth player - their target - was a spice merchant, all he had really done at the Center was gain a list of spice sellers in the city. From there it was just a case of asking each one, until finally he had the location where the guy was staying. Simple. But then, simplicity always had the knack of being effective.

But of course, as he had warned the kelvic bat, there was bad news. Bad news meant a problem. A problem meant something for them to overcome. And an obstacle to be overcome meant a challenge. The thief had been amused as Sal's earlier assumption that his motives were coin related. But now, with the promise of a challenge at hand, both men could hide the fact in their words and expressions, but neither could deny deep down inside that feeling. The feeling of excitement, that crawled upwards with sharp claws, never letting go.

"So yeah. Just a small complication. Two of them in fact. And, er, not so small after all." Sal gave a devious grin with that, as if relishing the fact that things were getting complicated. "So what wealthy, right-minded spice merchant travels without an escort I ask you? Well, none that I know of. And this one is particularly wealthy judging from the size of his two friends. In any case, we can figure out how to deal with them soon enough. We ought to get going if we're going to catch our card playing spice merchant before he leaves his inn."
Last edited by Sal Mander on October 30th, 2014, 2:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Dark Trilogy III - A Dark Assignment (Brandon)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on October 22nd, 2014, 3:45 pm

Most people who disliked revealing their secrets simply refused to answer questions that were meant to just that, but Sal was not like that. He was the sneaky type, giving enough away to sate the bat's curiosity, but leaving enough in the dark so not all was unveiled and he could still keep something to himself. Brandon understood the need for secrets perfectly, and as long as it wouldn't hinder his work and wasn't important enough to cause serious trouble if he was being left I the dark about that info, he didn't care. Everyone was free to have some secrets after all. Besides, if whatever Sal didn't want to tell him was indeed important, than he would have told him already, the man was sensible enough for knowing the risk of leaving important details out. Well, he hoped he was anyway.

What Sal did tell however was more than precisely what the thief wanted to know. Apparently, the Cosmos Center was quite loose on the leash when it came to its employees, letting them do as they pleased as long as they fulfilled their job and gathered the information needed. No tasks? No problem! Just go out and do whatever you want to do! A friend has been ripped off by a legendary card player? Investigate the matter on your own accord, gather some information and do your thing. Nice. So what Sal was saying was more or less 'The end justifies the means', since the only thing that the Center seemed to care about was whether or not they'd come back with new facts and interesting Intel.

“Is that so? Hmmm, I might just quit my job and join the Cosmos Center Investigators,” the bat joked half-serious, “It sounds like a job suited for me.” Though, all joking aside, the matter of their target was a serious one. Two bodyguards eh? Which made the total count of people they needed to 'neutralize' was three, and while the merchant himself wouldn't be a problem, the guards would.

Indeed, this was a bit of a complication, bad news, but not overly so. The real problem was Tanroa's river that slowly but surely crawled onwards, not stopping for anything or anyone. Time was the one thing everyone had too little of, but once things took a turn for the worse, suddenly one had too much, way too much. Depending on how you looked at things of course. If it would take five days before you'd be dragged out of your cell and have your head placed on the chopping block, and all you did was counting the ticks and waiting for the guards to come, there was too much of time. But, on the other hand, if you wanted to escape, executing your plan, time would fly and there would be too less, depending on what method was used for the escape of course.

Anyway, if the size of the spice merchant's guards had anything to do with his wealth, they apparently were in for some serious trouble. Apparently. But if Sal was already saying stuff like that, and Sal towered over Brandon... “Hm, those guards, are they human or blue giants?” The query rolled off his lips while he pondered, searching for ways to get rid of them. If they were blue guys, than they really needed a plan, a trap or so. Hand to hand combat wouldn't cut it, they were guards, armed and huge. Trained for such situations. A sneak attack might be better, an ambush. The problem was that the Shinya were rather … well, quick to come uphold the law.

In any case, they'd have to dispose of the bodyguards quickly, preferably simultaneously and quietly. The best option was indeed to visit them before they left the inn, or lure them in an alley and take them out. Still, once they'd seen through the bat and investigator and could prepare themselves, recover from the initial surprise, both Sal and Brandon would be left with two options: be defeated or flee. Troublesome.

“While I agree we have to catch our ticket before the wind blows it away,” the bat said worriedly, “I think it's best to have a plan of attack ready. How will we get past the guards and grab it? I fear we'll have to take all of them out, once one of the three notices something is wrong they'll start searching. For example if we would manage to knock out and hide the spice guy and take his place, the bodyguards would notice something is off right away and may perhaps come running to the card game and ruin or cover.” With that, the bat recrossed the arms he'd motioned Sal to stop with when he started voicing his concerns. “So, I have a couple of questions I'd like you to answer. Where do they stay? When will they supposedly leave the inn and do you yourself already have some sort of strategy in mind?”


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Dark Trilogy III - A Dark Assignment (Brandon)

Postby Sal Mander on October 30th, 2014, 3:38 am


In truth, anyone listening in on the conversation would have been forced to pose one serious question. Was this not all a little last minute? It was true of course that things would have to happen and quickly if Brandon and Sal were to meet with success. But while Brandon had been busy with acquiring his costume, Sal had been a busy bee. Busy indeed. It had only been four days since the conception of their plan, but that was four days of questions, ideas, poking around and so on. Brandon would simply have to take Sal's word for it that in four days, well, he could gather quite a sizable amount of intel on most things.

This of course was all extremely handy and necessary, what with the huge coincidence that there just happened to be a card game days after their last meeting. Burton was getting greedy perhaps, having two games so close together. The real beauty of this though was that info was still warm, so to speak. Sal had, via his friend who this whole thing was for, managed to get the names of the other card players. That part was easy. His friend might have lost all his money, but he had not lost his memory, pointing Sal in the right direction of where he could get his answers. Within a couple of days, since they of course knew where the game was to be at, Sal had been able to get further details from a barmaid there. Hence they had uncovered the date of the next game.

Choosing which card player whose place they would take was an easy choice too. Always take out the weak link in a chain. The two ship captains were most certainly off limits, since they effectively had an entire crew each behind them. That would have resulted in slit throats as fast as lightning. The other two local merchants were also off limits, as they were Lhavitians born and bred, with Lhavitian interests, and Lhavitians friends, and so on. It was just an absurd idea to try and use one of them, especially when it could come back to bite them later down the line.

No, the fifth guy was the obvious choice. He was from out of town, here to chase up some possible spice trading contacts with Lhavitian traders, and taking in a little game of cards while he was here. A merchant trying to cultivate new contacts meant he was carrying money, to sweeten the pot so to speak. That explained the added muscle. But the fact was he was just passing through. More importantly, Burton did not know the guy, or what he looked like. That was a fact confirmed by the barmaid at the hosting inn. That was the weak link.

So attentions were turned to the most current problem. The fifth guy had two problems, both of which needed to be remedied in short order. For the last two days, Sal had been watching the man at his tavern of residence, as well as having greased the tavern keep's palm with a few coins to learn a little extra intel. Apparently the fifth man conducted his business during the day, while always spending his evenings in his rented room. During that time, the two meat heads hung out downstairs, one by a table close to the stairs, while the other tended to move around a bit. The point was, between the two they could keep an eye on anyone who went upstairs, and act accordingly.

With regards to the card game, which was happening late tonight, Sal had also found out that Burton did not let any of the other players in until shortly before the game. No doubt this was to set things up at his end, in order to secure his inevitable win. That meant that if the fifth guy stayed true to form, he would be in his tavern room watching the clock, until it was time to head out and lose some money. Only, he did not know he was going to lose just yet. In any case, the next couple of hours were Brandon and Sal's window. But they had to move now or risk squandering their chance.

Sal informed Brandon of the location of the fifth man's inn, as well as the window of time he was judging that they had. But as to the plan of attack. "Akalaks? If only. That would have been a smaller problem. Biggest akalak I ever saw was about three hundred pounds. Double that and you're close to what we're dealing with. One of them at least. The other is a drykas fellow if his tattoos are anything to go by."

Sal spoke as though the drykas was an afterthought. But that was down more to his lack of knowledge of the race than personal opinion. Had he known the truth of it, a drykas was as formidable a foe as anything else, if the circumstances were favored that way. Renowned and ferocious warriors in their own right, it would have been foolish to discount the danger they posed. But in the investigator's defense, it was easy to be distracted from the drykas by the six hundred pound elephant in the room. Sal waited for Brandon to put the puzzle together. Once the bat did that, he would then need to figure out why Sal thought this was still a good idea.
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Dark Trilogy III - A Dark Assignment (Brandon)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on November 2nd, 2014, 5:08 pm

Sal did not hold back on the information, notifying the bat of where the fifth guy stayed and how long they had before the card game would start and as a result the man would leave his inn. Everything seemed to be rather easy, there was enough time and if they could concoct a plan or scheme there wouldn’t be a problem at all. However, the bodyguards were the ones responsible for making things troublesome. Sal’s notion of Akalaks being much less of a problem than what they had to deal with was … unnerving at least. The bat’s dark orbs grew wide at the statement, disbelief and shock clearly written all over his face.

A Drykas was one thing, but the double Akalak other guy was perhaps a bit too much for the two of them to handle. Speaking of which, what was that guy? If he was double the weight of an Akalak, and those blue giants were already huge, they were dealing with something inhuman for sure. Not that the blue warriors were human of course, but they still were humanoid. Brandon had never heard of a humanoid race taller and heavier than the Akalak. Not even the rumored savages that were the Myrians could beat them in height.

And now they were facing something bigger, much bigger. Frightening. If Sal was to miss the paleness of the Kelvic’s face, he ought to be blind. The bat had become as white as a sheet as he stared at the table, realizing that maybe there was one race he’d heard of that could outclass the blue folk in both tallness and weight. Jamoura. Those huge apes were talked about in Lhavitian fairytales and legends, regarded as powerful and wise. Indeed, one of those tales told about a young monk who traversed the unforgiving to find the Truth. Not just a simple truth, but the truth about everything, the reasons for existence and all that.

Said Shinya monk reached a place, littered with foreign trees and other flora, that was said to be the land of a legendary sage who was the most knowledgeable and wise being in Mizahar. High on a mountain he lived, a mountain positioned in the middle of the land, higher than any other. Of course the Shinya challenged the obstacle, climbing for seven days without pausing, that was how determined he was. Eventually, deprived from sleep and sick with hunger he managed to bring his exhausted body to the top, where he was greeted by a giant ape who sat there calmly.

That ape offered the Shinya monk a drink and a meal, as well as a place to rest, asking him not why he had come. After having rested for three days, the Shinya had completely recovered and asked the ape –who was three times taller than he was- if he knew the sage that lived on the mountain. Of course, the Jamoura stated that the sage was sitting right before his very eyes and the Shinya started barraging him with questions. …… That was about all the thieving Kelvic could remember of the tale, but it was enough to make him feel rather uncomfortable with this whole situation. There was simply no way they could win against such a formidable foe. Not in a head-on battle. With tricks and poison maybe, but still.

A gulp of saliva was swallowed audibly as the bat bought his hands together hand hooked his fingers into each other. Cold sweat could be felt on his palms. “It’s a Jamoura, isn’t it?” the bat asked hesitantly, still staring at the table and his own pair of hands. “That is indeed quite a problem…” He paused briefly, catching a trembling breath. Then, he looked up, only to see Sal sit opposite of him with his usual expression painted on his features. Calm and collected, as if he just had told Brandon he’d have to go buy a pair of socks afterwards. “You do have some sort of plan, right?” Yshul, please tell me he does, please let him say he does! A prayer couldn’t be prevented from entering his thoughts. If there was no plan, there would be no Brandon, no matter what he had said and done. Screw this all, he’d stand up and leave, he didn’t care if he was labeled a coward if he did. Excitement and thrill were good, but this was too much. This looked a suspicious lot like suicide, and that was something he’d rather not participate in.

No, not just a plan, let it be a good plan! I have no need for ‘we go in and take out the two guards’. That’s not a plan. Well, it is but not what I desire a plan to be! Please, Yshul, Dira, Kihala and whatever god of scheming exists, please let Sal have a foolproof plan!


credit goes to Euthisa
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Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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Brandon Blackwing
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Dark Trilogy III - A Dark Assignment (Brandon)

Postby Sal Mander on November 15th, 2014, 9:06 pm


“It’s a Jamoura, isn’t it?” Brandon asked with obvious concern slapped on his face. Sal pounded a fist down on the table in evident glee, casting a wide grin that said he was either very much enjoying the kelvic's discomfort, or was stark raving mad. In truth, it did seem that Sal was enjoying this a little too much, apparently not phased by the prospect of having his skull crushed by a four hundred pound jamoura. But in Sal's relaxed demeanor, perhaps there was to be found some solace. Maybe he had a plan after all.

"A plan indeed my good fellow." Sal's grin grew wider still as he held Brandon with a devious look in his eyes. A waitress passed by, deploying a fresh mug of ale in front of Sal who wasted no time taking a few mouthfuls. Wiping his mouth, he let the taste register for a few moments, before setting the mug down and beginning with his telling of the plan. If Brandon did not know the man better, he might have been convinced that Sal was being deliberately theatrical, knowing he had the kelvic's full and undivided attention.

"In most cases, knowledge is power, and already we have the upper hand. This merchant and his pet monkey don't know us. More importantly, they don't know Burton or his men. Think about it. They came by ship, and they're only in the game through virtue of their contact who we know is out of town. Now, my friend tells me that how it goes is that Burton sends a man out to pick up the players. So you see Djas, it's all rather simple. The jamoura and the drykas are not the target." Sal took another swig of his drink, allowing Brandon to digest his words and figure out what he was getting at. Once he did, it would all make perfect sense. They did not need to get tangled up in the petty business of taking out bodyguards and sneaking around in the shadows. Instead, all they had to do was hide in plain site, where their deception would lay hidden beneath layers of confidence and certainty. If they showed up to collect the merchant, who would know any better that they weren't Burton Tally's men?

Well, there was one man who would know. The man who was actually sent to begin with. Therein lived a new problem, since they had no idea who it was, what he looked like, or whether or not he would go alone. But stacked up against the idea of wrestling with a jamoura, it was looking like the better approach every second.

"In any case, we ought to head to the merchant's tavern and wait for Burton's man. If we're going to take him out, it would be better to do it out of sight of those two bodyguards, lest they get wise to what we're up to."
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Dark Trilogy III - A Dark Assignment (Brandon)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on November 16th, 2014, 4:10 pm

Sal’s face was the perfect depiction of happiness at the wrong time, making him seem as if he found this all to be one big joke. A play perhaps, a comical one, where the audience was to roll over the floor laughing their insides out when seeing the antics of the main characters. While that fist slamming down would make one think the man was succumbing to an inexplicable rage, the gleam in his eyes told a different story. Sal was having too much fun, the bat found, almost as if he had absolutely nothing to do with the whole affair, as if he was just the informant who’d stand up and leave at the end of this meeting, leaving the bat to his own devices.

Brandon couldn’t help but sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose upon witnessing the man’s glee, which seemed to mock his concern. “Agh, by the gods, Sal,” the thief complained, as the investigator did not seem to plan on elaborating anything at all, enjoying his beverage and the sight of the waitress. Even after he was done drinking, the man kept silent, staring off in the distance for a brief moment while the mug was still in front of his lips. “Do me a favor and start talking already!”

While that was supposed to sound as serious as he could manage, the grin on his own lips, as well as the tone of voice he’d used –unwillingly, but still- ruined it all, making it seem like he was enjoying it just as much as Sal himself. It’s because of the nerves, he told himself, not quite managing to pull the nervous, though mischievous grin off of his face. Finally though, after having taken way too long a time to let a gulp of liquor stream down his throat, the investigator revealed his master plan.

Listening with an eyebrow quizzically raised, the bat pondered on the meaning of the man’s words. The Drykas and the ape were not the target, so that meant the true objective was someone else. Burton Tally sends a man to pick up the players, thus even if they did not know the one who was coming to get them, the errand-boy did. Well, errand boy might not be a term that described Tally’s man very well, probably, but… In any case, this did seem like a great idea, no worries about taking down Jamouras or fighting Drykas. No, just taking out the messenger and they were golden. In fact, they didn’t even have to mess around with the spice guy and his guards at all.

Something told the bat that this might not be exactly what it seemed like, that there might be a catch somewhere. Why? Because the plan was too low-risk for him to like it. No need to bother with the bodyguards, only needing to wait for the messenger and taking the guy out. There definitely had to be a catch, though the bat didn’t know what. He trusted Sal, more than he was willing to admit, and thus also was certain that Sal had a good idea of what he was doing. He gave off that impression anyway. The question of whether the cosmos center’s bloodhound knew what their target looked like, and other such minute details did not pop up in his head as a result.

“So we aim for the messenger, eh? That’s actually a good idea,” Brandon commented, even though he couldn’t shrug the feeling of unease when he thought about the plan. He nodded a couple of times before shoving his chair back and getting to his feet. “It might be indeed better to get into position than to be loafing around and drinking ale here, ” the thief couldn’t help but remark at the sight of Sal finishing his beverage and standing up. Bran took a moment to straighten his newly acquired outfit and fished a couple of Kina out of the ridiculously large money pouch he’d stolen. “I’m buying,” he grinned, flaunting with the wallet, ignoring the other customers' burning, greedy stares fixed upon his figure –or his pouch to be more exact- as he then tied it back to his belt. “Well then, let us be off, hmmm?” He spoke, adding the long-stretched sound at the end of his sentence on purpose. A rich fellow needed to have some sort of quirk after all.


credit goes to Euthisa
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Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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