Completed [Pig's Foot Tavern] A Night In the Tavern (Mirian)

Mirian gets an opportunity to lighten a newcomer's pockets.

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[Pig's Foot Tavern] A Night In the Tavern (Mirian)

Postby Deltan Colari on October 18th, 2014, 10:43 pm

As soon as the offer was out of his mouth, Deltan was fairly certain he'd underestimated his companion. She immediately began playing along, aggressively playing with his hair and nibbling his ear. Deltan felt her hand caressing down his arm, then scratching slightly along the back of his hand. It was felt remarkably good. He barely noticed that, as she did this, she also covered his hand with the excess of her dress so he could not see what she was doing.

His hand had remained on her hip, and during her aggression it had slipped up toward the gap between her blouse and skirt. Noticing this, Deltan made a conscious effort not to pull his hand away. Instead, warm fingertips just barely worked their way beneath her blouse. It was a timid motion, but definitely intentional. He marveled at the softness of Mirian's skin, blue eyes looking somewhat awed as he stared into her dark gaze.

Mirian then produced that knife as though by magic. If he hadn't known better, he would have thought she had indeed used magic. Deltan looked at her, then the knife, and then her again, confused. He felt along the sheath, noticing that the knife was now gone. "What...? How?" he inquired in startlement, giving another jerk as she promptly ripped his belt off. Well, he supposed a deal was a deal.

Not terribly happy at being tricked, Deltan just chuckled and moved the hand on her sheath to rest on her knee instead. He was blushing a furious red now, but no longer seemed to be resisting quite so much. If anything, he seemed self-conscious, watching her with a sort of hopefulness, praying that she didn't think he was a waste of her time in the morning.

After a moment, Deltan asked somewhat awkwardly, "...So, what now?" Truth be told, he was looking forward to what they both know would happen. Even if he dreaded disappointing her, he was beyond really fighting her on the point. She'd be getting her way, it seemed.
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[Pig's Foot Tavern] A Night In the Tavern (Mirian)

Postby Mirian Jade on October 19th, 2014, 12:02 am

His belt, along with everything else, slipped free. His sword, his coinpurse, whatever else he happened to have on it tumbled into the bed and left the strip of leather alone in her hand.

His face had become beet red, although he didn’t let his apparent embarrassment hold him back any longer; after he had gotten over the surprise of her knife, he moved his hand to her knee, and she took the time to gather up his fallen items––marking out the sword and coinpurse for later––and tossed them onto the floor.

When she glanced back, she was surprised to find him looking at her with something quite different than the lust she had been expecting; there was instead a sense of… being lost? Hopefulness. Inexperience, perhaps?

“So, what now?” he asked nervously. What now? What did he mean, what now? Surely he couldn't...

The realization hit her like a bag of bricks.

Holy shyke.

This man was a virgin.

The first thing that crashed over her was a sense of understanding. That was why he had been so nervous. That was why he hadn’t wanted to sleep with a prostitute. That was why he had stalled for so long. It all made sense!

With the realization came a sudden grasp of the sheer gravity of where they now stood, and of the role Mirian had unknowingly taken on. She would be the first woman he had ever slept with.

A sudden feeling of responsibility settled over her heart, along with a shard of guilt. His inexperience wasn’t enough to change her mind about her ultimate intentions, though; he would be spending his first night with a common thief, but he didn’t need to know that. And thief or not, Mirian realized that, tonight, she needed to be more. For him. He had been far more chivalrous than she would ever expect from a native Sunberthian, and she was suddenly overwhelmed with the need to return with chivalry of her own.

Her fingers lost their lustful edge, turning from grasping and insistent to gentle and encouraging. Mirian leaned forward slowly and placed a firm kiss on Deltan’s lips, pushing him softly down.

“Let me show you.”
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[Pig's Foot Tavern] A Night In the Tavern (Mirian)

Postby Deltan Colari on October 19th, 2014, 2:02 am

"Let me show you."

Show him she had. She had somehow known he was a virgin, and had been quite understanding, assisting him and teaching him as he needed. Deltan could not have asked for a better first time with a woman. He liked to think she enjoyed it, too. As for him, he definitely thought it was something to remember.

Deltan lay asleep in the bed, one arm draped over Mirian's waist. Their clothes and weapons lay scattered haphazardly about the floor. Once he had gotten over his initial embarrassment, Mirian would have found her companion for the night to be quite bold.

Once they were finished, he had drawn her close, nestling against her comfortably. Deltan had gone to sleep almost instantly, drawing in deep and even breaths. Occasionally, he murmured in his sleep. Once or twice, Mirian might have recognized her own name. Even asleep, his fingers occasionally played along the soft flesh of her stomach and hip, though these bouts of almost-wakefulness rapidly became more infrequent, until it was clear he was in a deep, dreamless sleep.

His arm loosened somewhat, in his sleep, and he took in another deep breath, each inhalation bringing the scent of her hair to him, even though he now could no longer appreciate it.
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[Pig's Foot Tavern] A Night In the Tavern (Mirian)

Postby Mirian Jade on October 19th, 2014, 2:43 am

The atmosphere changed as the night went on, as it was often wont to do. Deltan proved an able student, one that wanted to learn just as much as he wanted to receive. Mirian herself was certainly not the most learned of lovers, but she knew enough to teach him of the common spots––side of the ribs, crook of the neck and generally around the head area were where she knew her way around best––and he quickly became inquisitive and explorative on his own, experimenting and taking leaps of faith. The longer they went, the more it paid off, and by the time they lay themselves down to sleep in earnest he had been giving as good as he received. As she waited for sleep to claim her partner, Mirian felt a warmth, something that was made a bit of gratitude––rarely did anyone pay such attention to her own desires––and also a bit of pride. She couldn’t help but feel like she had succeeded in her own role of being a teacher, and it lessened her regret at what she had still yet to do.

He had drawn up against her, and she had turned against him in response––both to let him know that she was more than happy with how the night had gone, but also to keep him from curling around her. She managed to keep his arm the only thing holding her down.

She was weary, and slumber tried time and again to creep up on her and take her along. She fought it back at every turn, and Deltan himself helped somewhat; he seemed to be in a state of almost-consciousness, and every now and again his fingers would move over her skin, accompanied by vague noises that sometimes contained what she could almost imagine was her name. When that happened she would use the contact to remain awake, until, eventually, his movements and murmurs grew quieter and farther apart, then stopped altogether and left him with the even breathing of a deep sleep.

Mirian was slow when she slipped from his arms, unwilling to wake him. She moved inch by inch, gently scrunching up the blankets to make a mound enough for him to rest his arm around. With luck, it would be enough to stave of the realization that she had left, at least enough for her to actually do so.

She placed her feet gently on the floorboards, staying to the edges of the room where they would be quietest. Slowly, carefully, she collected her skirt, blouse and shawl and slipped them on. Then she reached for her quarry on the floor: the shortsword and the coinpurse. The scabbard had been separated from the belt when she had first taken it off him, so she didn’t have to worry about metal dragging noisily across the floor as she set it against the wall. Then came the coinpurse, which was trickier. It was filled with mizas that would rub against each other if she picked it up too quickly, and so instead she just dragged the soft material across the floor towards her. Then came her shoes, which she was not so foolish as to put on just yet––she tied the laces together so she could hold them with one finger and wrap the rest of her grip around the shortsword while her other hand made itself busy with the coinpurse. She grasped the pouch as tightly as she could, bringing the cloth taut around the mizas and discouraging errant noise, and then, with slow, careful, barefooted steps that halted whenever the floor creaked, she crept to the door, gently opened the latch and slipped outside.

She remained as quiet as she could as she made her way to the upstairs tavern, growing faster with each step; she was very well aware that her complete lack of real stealth ability could have brought him to awareness with every creak she made, and so she wanted to leave the Drunken Fish as quickly as possible; she took a seat on one of the open area chairs to shove on her shoes, then forced herself to be calm as she walked to the stairs. Running would certainly wake up somebody.

There was one person at the bar downstairs, half-asleep but able to blink once at Mirian as she passed. Her room had been paid for earlier, and there was no reason for her not to leave, even at this hour, so he let her be. She only allowed herself to heave a sigh of relief when she’d set foot outside. She’d done it. Mirian clutched her prizes to her chest.

“Welcome to Sunberth, Deltan.”

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Mirian took the sword and purse and dashed off into the pre-morning darkness.
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[Pig's Foot Tavern] A Night In the Tavern (Mirian)

Postby Caela Dorin on October 31st, 2014, 12:13 pm

Grade Awarded

Skill XP Earned
Flirting 1
Hypnotism 1
Intimidation 1
Investigation 2
Negotiation 1
Observation 5
Planning 1
Rhetoric 1
Socialisation 5
Subterfuge 1

Lore Earned
Sunberth Location: Pig’s Foot Tavern
Hypnotism technique: Suggestion
Mirian: Not a Prostitute
Sunberth: A Place to Be On Your Guard
Brothels: Home of Whores in Sunberth
Sunberth Location: The Drunken Fish
Mirian: Sexually Aggressive
Investigating by Touch
Mirian: Keeps Her Knife on Her Thigh
Subterfuge: Telling Half-Truths to Hide a Lie
Mirian: First Lover
Art of Lovemaking
Mirian: Thief

Consequences :
-1 Short Sword
-8CM (2 mugs of ale)
-5SM (Common Inn)
-88GM 5SM 2CM (stolen)

Skill XP Earned
Acting 1
Flirting 2
Larceny 1
Negotiation 1
Observation 5
Rhetoric 1
Seduction 5
Socialisation 2
Stealth 2
Subterfuge 2

Lore Earned
Sunberth Location: Pig’s Foot Tavern
Observation: Picking Out a Stranger
Seduction: Using Body Language to Show Attention
Deltan: From Syliras
Deltan: No Desire to Sleep with Whores
Sunberth Location: The Drunken Fish
Height of the Syliran Wall (Vague)
Lore of Self: Deltan’s First Lover
Larceny: Robbing a Sleeping Lover

Items Aquired :
+1 Short Sword
+88GM 5SM 2CM

Additional Comments

Wow! Well Deltan certainly had an interesting first night. He should have known that there was something fishy about all the attention that he was getting from Mirian. I like how Mirian plays her game and I enjoyed the mixture of awkwardness and experience between the two. If these two meet again I’d certainly like to see it.

Please edit or delete your grade request and PM me if you have any questions or concerns about your grade.

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