Mahaktua, Khida, Timshel
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A half-collapsed city of alabaster and gold fiercely governed by Eypharians. Even partially ruined, it is the crown of the desert and a worthy testament to old glories and rising powers.
by Khida on October 31st, 2014, 1:47 pm
He did have something to eat. The man tossed it towards her, and Khida snatched -- but she wasn't as adept with fingers as with beak. All she caught was air, the bit of preserved meat thumping onto the sandy ground. The girl didn't seem discouraged by this, however; she simply picked it up, brushed it off, and proceeded to chew on a corner. It was even fish, which pleased her considerably.
She remembered her manners after swallowing the first bite. "Thank you," the girl said, as one recites a formula drummed-in. She was content enough to stand there and eat, her head slightly cocked, one cautious eye always on the man despite his gift of fish. Not so much the horse, though; that, she considered a non-concern.
He asked how she got out here -- not in so many words, but that was the question she usually got, so she was pretty sure it was what he meant. "I flew," Khida answered simply, around the last bite of fish. Swallowing it, she added to that remark. "I thought your horse would scare something out I could catch. But it didn't. And then it was too late to go back today; you rode a long way." Matter-of-fact statements, edged with a shading of disappointment, but no accusation. The luck just wasn't with her today, that was all.
Except at the end, where the person she followed happened to be willing to share food. Khida eyed the bag it had come out of, considering whether she wanted more. |

Khida - Player
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by Timshel on November 1st, 2014, 9:13 pm
When she missed the fish, Timshel raised an eyebrow. How did she survive out here, being so clumsy? She didn't even have clothes. But she didn't seem too pampered to refuse sandy fish, so it wasn't that. She must be capable, somehow.
"Thank you."
Timshel nodded and decided to plop back down next to his saddlebag again. There was no threat here. He reached in and pulled out a bit of fish for himself. The salt was nice. He liked to chew it thoroughly before swallowing.
"I flew."
Timshel raised both eyebrows this time.
"I thought your horse would scare something out... it was too late to go back today; you rode a long way."
Timshel blinked and resumed chewing. "Huh," he said between bites, "Interesting plan. You don't sound too worried for a flying naked girl." He finished the last bit of fish, then lifted up his waterskin and took a swig. Blessed, beast or whatever- he figured he'd learn what this girl was in time.
She was eyeing his saddlebag again. He frowned. "Benshiran hospitality mandated that I welcome you," he said, "But unfortunately for you, I'm only half." He shrugged and leaned his elbow on his saddlebag with his head on his fist. "Thing is, I packed this trip for only Jas and I," he said, watching her. "But... it sounds like you can hunt- small things at least? Not sure how you'll sustain yourself on the critters Jas kicks up, but then again, I'm not sure how you don't plan on freezing to death tonight. Maybe you can help me."
He told her about the Dhani man with the melting cheeks and the treasure he promised. He left out the details about which direction the "treasure" was, just to be safe, but in doing so, he realized how silly it must sound. He felt foolish being so cautious about such a risky thing. But it was too late for him to go back now. He was committed.
When he finished, he crossed his arms, "What about it? Think you can help?" |

Timshel - Player
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by Khida on November 3rd, 2014, 1:20 am
It didn't surprise Khida that he was surprised by her answer. It seemed like people always were. He thought she should be worried. "Why should I be worried?" she asked, nonplussed. "I can just fly back in the morning."
The man sat down, chewing on some fish of his own. Khida relaxed some at that; he couldn't possibly pose too much hazard from there. And he was still talking besides. He didn't offer her another piece of fish, which was disappointing. Something about not really being Benshiran? She didn't quite follow what he was saying, a bewilderment reflected in her expression, but she did understand what he meant: no more fish for her.
He probably wouldn't share the water either, so she would be stuck all night with the taste of salt in her mouth. Oh well. There were worse things.
While he continued to talk -- he seemed to have quite a lot to say -- Khida studied the sand under her feet, wiggling her toes in it. It was still pleasantly warm with the day's leftover heat. She finally knelt down, sitting on her heels and looking over at the man. Three days east, he said, one day north, something about riches and desert. Well, desert would be right. Not that the young falcon had gone so far out before, but she was pretty confident it was all desert everywhere out there.
Could she help? Khida frowned for a bit, then shrugged. "I can probably find your outpost thing. It's a building, right? Buildings stand out from the sand, mostly... But why would I want to? You won't even share your fish." Perhaps oddly, that last was delivered without reproach; a statement of fact, not a complaint.
After all, it was his fish. |

Khida - Player
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