PM to join [Sunset Orphanage] Just What the Doctor Ordered

Noven needs drugs and Kechaiya deals.

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[Sunset Orphanage] Just What the Doctor Ordered

Postby Noven on October 21st, 2014, 6:50 am


Fall, Day 17, 514AV

Nov rubbed his face in slow, weary motions, trying to remember a time when he didn't feel tired.

The last handful of days hit his reserves of energy harder than he could have ever imagined. After the fight at Tall Johnny's and subsequent fix up with Kechaiya, he knocked out two goons in the making, killed at least one, and took on a new student to train. The fight and narrow escape from being recruited by Daggerhands yesterday didn't help much either.

He felt so drained. All the merc wanted to do was sleep. But every time he slept, the nightmares came, fueled by days worth of violence and dark tidings creeping upon the city one, unsettling incident at a time.

Noven had entertained the idea of acquiring something to aid his sleep for whole seasons, but hadn't felt a dire enough need to act upon until now. There was no way of knowing if whatever the desert bred healer concocted had negative side effects. Hell, even if it did, he was pretty sure he'd try it anyway. Anything to make the dreams stop, to grant him one night of peace without Nona's bloodless, gaping throat haunting him even in oblivion.

Krysus, this is a whole new level of tired...

During their first meeting, both cook and healer had agreed to meet back at the orphanage in a few day's time. Nov found himself looking forward more and more to getting his hands on the medicine. He was beginning to fantasize quite often about what dreamless sleep would feel like post-medicine. The thought of being rested for once was almost as tantalizing as that of tasting real, Zeltivan fare.

Noven leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes for a spell. He was reasonably certain the wound on his stomach was infected. Some of the stitches had come undone and it was safe to assume those Daggerhand goons hadn't bothered to bathe themselves before trying to manhandle him and the old man.

He was too tired to inspect the gash, so the cook simply didn't. He figured that when Kechaiya arrived, she could see to it with far more expertise.

For now, he would just rest his eyes...

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[Sunset Orphanage] Just What the Doctor Ordered

Postby Kechaiya on October 21st, 2014, 5:31 pm

Kechaiya was in a particularly pleasant mood, as she wove through the streets toward the orphanage. In addition to her normal rounds, she was also making a special delivery for their cook Noven. She'd patched him up a few days back, and was now bringing him a concoction of herbs to help him sleep. She'd gathered fauxsil, tolm, chamomile, and valerian, and had dried them out as best she could. If drank as a tea, or as a warm infusion in milk, it should knock him out with ease, and relax his mind in the process. She was looking forward to seeing Noven again. She'd found herself asking random questions to the orphans the past two days about him, none of which was pertinent to her fixing him up. She'd asked what he liked to do, foods he liked to eat, what he did when he wasn't working. The answers were rarely helpful but she didn't mind.

She hoped his stitches were healing well, and being lost in thought, she didn't take the normal precautionary look as she passed by a narrow alley. If she had, she might've seen the ratlike man hiding in the shadows, surprised that she passed so close. He waited until her back was to him, before creeping forward silently. She could see the orphanage ahead, and smiled, watching two boys swinging sticks at one another, yelling in their play sword fighting. There was a light tap on her shoulder, and she turned to see what it was, when something struck her in the head, and her world went black, as she crumpled to the ground. The boys had seen the attack and rushed inside to get help.

Kechaiya awoke with a massive headache and severe dizziness, to see a blurred figure rummaging through her pack. Her hand reached for the dagger in her waist, but she was having trouble getting her hand to go where she wanted it. After several long moments, she got a grip on it and held it weakly out in front of her. As her vision began to stabilize, she could tell she was in an alley. She could hear children's voices, "He dragged her in here!" The assailant realizing he was about to be discovered, grabbed a pouch and darted off down the alley, disappearing. Kechaiya just sat there, still trying to reorient the world in front of her, not even attempting to stand. Her pack's contents were strewn all over the alley, her healer's kit and herbalism kit dumped out. Her wine skin had been dumped, now soaking into the earth. She just couldn't bring herself to even attempt movement yet, sitting there as if nothing else existed.

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[Sunset Orphanage] Just What the Doctor Ordered

Postby Noven on October 22nd, 2014, 6:26 am


" have to...have to run...he's going to--"

"Nov! Nov! Wake up, it's the healer, she's in trouble!"

"NONA RUN!" the cook bellowed as he was jarred fully awake by one too many pairs of tiny hands. The children screamed and shrank away, all too aware of the violence that ensued after one of his bad episodes.

Noven nearly lost his balance as he flailed his arms about. He was still trying to get the filthy petcher of a Daggerhand boss into an arm lock when he'd been so rudely awoken. A few, slow blinks and panicked breaths later, he started to regain some idea of where he was and why two orphaned boys were staring at him like he might eat them alive at any tick.

The cook pressed one arm against the wall to prop himself up. He was still disoriented and dazed, but managed to ask, "Where...where is she?"

"He dragged her in there!" the runts burst in near perfect unison.

Seeing where their fingers both pointed, Nov swore under his breath and lurched into motion. He relied on the wall for the first couple of steps before breaking out into a full sprint, sleep deprivation and infected wounds be damned.

His speedy response, despite less than ideal conditions, had been honed to a razor's edge over the last seven days. Ever since all of that violence and strange activity had started on the streets, the city saw nothing but one emergency after another. Noven himself had become so immersed in fighting, rescuing, and narrowly escaping various folk that he didn't even think twice about just how much trouble the healer might be in.

The mercenary's mind shed its addled shell as soon as the adrenaline kicked in. He did some quick thinking--Kechaiya dragged in that alleyway, not a dead end, thief will run before fighting. Then he made a risky decision and made for the back door of the orphanage instead of the front, where the boys had pointed.

"I'm coming to get you, you little fucking rat," he leered. He seemed to have developed a knack for chasing down thieves and rapists these days.

Nov heard his prey before he saw him. The crude scuffle of worn shoes against dirt, the labored breath of someone unused to so much physical strain. Already preparing for a fight, the merc brought his hands to his teeth and yanked off his leather gloves, stuffing them hastily into his pockets.

Then he rounded another corner and got a nice, good look at his new victim. A grimy looking creature with moldy, sweat stained rags for clothes and filthy strips of cloth wrapped around his hands. Between his claw like fingers was a pouch. Nov didn't have to strain his imagination to guess whom the pouch belonged to, nor why the man was so hasty in getting away.

In his weary, infected state, the merc was still stronger, but infinitely slower as well. He knew he wouldn't be able to catch the petcher in a legitimate chase, given that his target probably knew a hundred different nooks and crannies to lose him through. So, he relied on his strength instead.

He ran straight toward the bewildered rat man, braced himself, and tackled the thief headfirst into the ground.

The man squealed in pain as Noven's full weight crushed him into solid dirt. Then his squeals transformed into shrieks of agony when crack! The merc had snapped his arm at an impossible angle. Moments later, his screams went dry.

Nov shut his eyes and breathed deep through his nose, oblivious to the awful stench of his victim. He was too busy savoring the sweet rush of relief as the pain in his head and chest was drained away. Crimson veins throbbed like a living web across his left hand as he twisted the thief's broken arm against his sweat soaked back. The man's body was twitching as dry sobs rasped out of his open mouth.

Noven opened his rust-colored eyes slowly and looked down in contempt. "That was repayment for whatever scum shyke you did to the woman." He withdrew one of his Tamos from the other to level it beside the thief's face. "And this is so you never do it again."

Then he sank his blade into the man's skull.

If the thief had been a child, Nov would have given him a second chance. He almost always did. But this one was too old to learn new tricks. He was what he was, set in his ways, just like his killer. There was only danger at this point in sparing him.

Death came swiftly. The thief's body went suddenly still and Nov wasted no time in yanking the dagger back out. Just as he did, the sound of more footsteps pattering his way reached his ears. The merc turned and saw it was only the two boys who had alerted him. Sighing, he made the motion to wipe the bloodied blade against his victim's clothes, thought better of it, and handed it to one of the runts instead.

"Corin, clean this. Caleb, help me with the healer's things."

Wide eyed with equal parts awe and terror, both boys rushed to do as they were told. One ran back into the orphanage to get the blade properly cleaned while the other bent to snatch the pouch from stiffening fingers before rushing forward to help pick up all of the doctor's things. Meanwhile, Nov allowed himself to double over and groan in pain. He'd gotten rid of one source of discomfort, but paid a high price to do so. All of that tackling had undone even more of his stitches and he could feel the telltale sting of the wound beginning to reopen.

Alas, he wasn't off the hook yet. There was still the healer herself to deal with.

Nov hobbled down the alleyway to where he could see Kechaiya's small form sitting motionless on the ground. She was holding a dagger in front of her, but otherwise showed no signs of responsiveness. The merc approached her cautiously, clueless as to what damage may or may not have been done to her, and peered into her ink black eyes.

"Hey, doc," he spoke, seeing if he could snap her out of her stupor. Wait, what was that? Nov extended a hand to gingerly part some of her dark hair to the side. It didn't occur to him to put back on his gloves.

There was bump on her head, Nov discovered, that was growing steadily darker. It seemed a shallow enough wound. Just a bruise, nothing internal. But he couldn't be sure. They would have to get her inside and maybe coax out her side of the story before making any final judgments.

"Doc," he repeated, "can you hear me? We gotta get you back inside, it's not safe out here."

Which was true enough, though admittedly he suggested it more to avoid having to explain the new corpse than anything else. Noven nudged the healer's elbow in an attempt to get her to stand, offering his hand should she feel too woozy to walk on her own.

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[Sunset Orphanage] Just What the Doctor Ordered

Postby Kechaiya on October 31st, 2014, 11:32 pm

Kechaiya was uncertain as to how much time had passed before she noticed a man standing in front of her. Then she heard him speak, knowing immediately who he was. It was Noven, the man she had been on her way to see. She felt him touch her hair, the slight pull sending a small spike of pain in where she'd been struck, causing her to flinch slightly. She heard him speak again, but wasn't really registering what he was saying. But she did feel him trying to get her to her feet, and that seemed like a good idea. His hand was stuck out, and she grasped it, finding it a bit funny how small hers was compared to his. Her other hand was placed on his bicep, and she lifted herself slowly. The vertigo she felt was strong, and she nearly lost her balance, gripping his muscle hard.

Still a bit woozy, she struggled to speak, slowly, "Where...? Where my... pack? Has.. your.. medicine."

Her vision was starting to clear up, she could see one of the kids was carrying it. She reached out for it, gripping Noven's arm a bit tighter to keep steady. The young boy handed it over, and she took it, clutching it close. Without that pack, she had no supplies, no medicine, nothing, without it, she had nothing. She found she still had the ability to walk with Noven, but still felt the need to keep a hand on him to stay steady. She would accompany inside, and just prayed her herbs weren't damaged in the assault.

Once inside, she placed her pack on the table, the same table that had a dark splotch from Noven's blood. She began pulling her belongings out of the pack, muttering, "No.. no no no." Her wineskin had soaked much of the interior when it had spilled. Her kits were safe inside they chests, but the bag of herbs she'd brought had been completely soaked. They were now useless. She had come for nothing. She actually felt bad about this, it was her fault the attack had happened, she was careless. In a rare moment of weakness, tears found their way into her eyes, her voice cracked a bit, "Noven... I... I... sorry. They... I..." Her head fell in shame, she couldn't even bring herself to look at him. She'd let him down.

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[Sunset Orphanage] Just What the Doctor Ordered

Postby Noven on November 1st, 2014, 6:50 pm


Clearly, he had over-estimated himself. Because seven hells did it hurt.

The doc being unstable on her feet, Noven had anticipated. But the pain that merely helping her up caused in his abdomen he had not. Somehow, this single, sodding wound was enlightening him in all kinds of ways he depended on his stomach muscles. Or at least, that was what one's conclusion would have been, if one possessed the habit of looking on the bright side.

All Nov did was curse.

"Shit..." he muttered under his breath as Kechaiya nearly lost her balance. Again, he had unconsciously tightened his midsection to keep her upright. And, again, pain shot out from his infected cut like a barrel of fireworks.

But if she had heard, the healer paid no mind. She was babbling about her pack instead. Apparently, it had contained the medicine promised to him, which Kechaiya seemed more distressed over than anything else. The cook winced as they made snail-like progress toward sanctuary. Medicine could always be remade, assuming the ingredients weren't pricey. All of her other stuff, though...

"Quick! Come on, Nov!" a voice yelled. He looked up and saw it was Corin, standing on his tip toes and waving about at them from the orphanage's door. "I found Jillene and told her what happened!"

Well, there was something to look forward to after all, Noven thought, his mental tone dripping with sarcasm. The lass, Jillene would be gentle with. The cook...well, he wasn't entirely sure if he did anything wrong, but he got the distinct impression that it wouldn't matter. Corin and Caleb had seen the freshly murdered body. That alone might earn him a dash of ire or two.

Not that he looked to be in any better of a state than Rat Man or his near-victim. Between the healer and the mercenary, with her barely able to walk and him faring no better, hunched over as he was like an elderly man, Nov wasn't sure who was in a sorrier state. He never thought he'd admit this, but the cook was grateful Corin and Caleb were around to help. As soon as they all set foot back inside the orphanage Jillene would no doubt be ready to handle the panicking doctor. And once that was done, a hopefully more calm and lucid Kechaiya could then see to his festering wound.

Her unraveled state was a bit of a concern for him, to put it mildly. Nov's first impression of the healer had been one of stark efficiency and business savvy, but now, she was clutching her oddly damp pack close to her chest and able to do little more than hobble along. Maybe it was the shock...or something else. Whatever it was, it rendered the blunt mannered healer practically catatonic.

The merc's questions were answered not long after they made it back inside the safety of walls and brought Kechaiya into the room she had stitched him up less than a fortnight ago. He was the first to collapse into a chair while Corin ran off to fetch Jillene. But Kechaiya went straight to the table, which still sported a dark imprint of his blood, and yanked out everything inside her pack, all the while muttering "no, no, no..." in growing increments of distress. Nov's brows knit in confusion as she rifled through her things. Sure, it seemed a bit wet from what appeared to be a spilled wineskin, but that was nothing to...

Well, gods be damned. She was crying now.

And not the bawling or sobbing kind of crying. It was the crushed, I-have-failed-all-of-mankind kind of weeping. Her head was bowed, face covered in a mass of dark locks tangled from her fall, her small, frail shoulders curled forward in shame, and her voice cracked with raw emotion.

"Noven... I... I... sorry. They... I..."

Oh hell. What do I do now? Nov had never been good with comforting people, let alone a female in anguish. Nevertheless, he pushed himself painfully to his feet and shuffled over to the now cluttered table.

"Hey, doc..." he murmured, unsure of what else to say but figuring he ought to say something anyway. Nov gave one of her tiny shoulders a tentative pat. "There's, uh, nothin' to be sorry for, eh? I mean, the guy jumped you. But he got what he deserved and you weren't hurt too bad, and it was no real trouble to me," he lied, thinking she was apologizing for involving him. "And...well, that's pretty good in my book. To be alive, that is."

For some reason, none of what he just said sounded terribly comforting, even to him. But Krysus, was he trying.

"Here, Nov..." came Caleb's quiet voice. Bless the boy, he was holding up a relatively clean square of cloth one might call a hankerchief. "I had a cold, so Jillene gave me a few of these. But this one's clean. I haven't used it."

"Thanks, kid," Nov nodded as he took the cloth from Caleb's hand. The boy nodded back and ducked his head, pride swelling at the cook's approval.

Hesitating for just a tick, Noven held the hankerchief in front of Kechaiya's face to show her what it was before trying to dab at her face. It felt petching awkward, like a bear trying to clean a baby. Seeing this was working rather poorly, he placed a knuckle under her chin and tried to gently lift her face.

For a tick, Nov almost forgot what he was doing. Even beneath all the dirt, tears, and shame, he realized the healer was quite pretty. He'd never noticed that before. And her skin was surprisingly smooth against his calloused hand...

"Well, what a shock. I didn't know you knew what a book was."

The cook withdrew his arms in an instant, as if he'd touched fire. Turning around and stuffing the cloth in his pocket, Nov saw that it was none other than their beloved, Isurian proprietress, standing with arms crossed in front of the doorway. Contrary to her words, Jillene's white eyed stare did not look the least bit amused. Corin poked his head out from behind wearing an apologetic grimace.

"She was attacked," Nov blurted in way of greeting.

Last edited by Noven on November 3rd, 2014, 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Sunset Orphanage] Just What the Doctor Ordered

Postby Kechaiya on November 2nd, 2014, 6:34 am

She heard Noven get up and move over toward her. Feeling a comforting pat on her shoulder, she listened to his words, not knowing what he'd done to the thief. Kech was happy to be alive, but her disappointment in herself was heavy on her heart. This job had been more special to her than most, and she'd petched it up. His words made her feel a little better, in that at least he cared enough to try and cheer her up. The only thing that would make this right is if she could get more of those herbs. But she'd have to go out in the woods to do that.

She felt him dabbing at her tears with a handkerchief, then tipping her up to look him in the eyes. Her own eyes could see his studying her face, perhaps a bit longer than she would've thought, his rough hand providing some more comfort. Her lips managed to curl into the tiniest of smiles, before parting slightly to speak. Then Jillene took the moment away from them. Kech turned her head toward the woman as Noven's arms fled away from her like snakes from mongooses. Kech always found Jillene's eyes a bit humorous in a strange way. Not because the woman was blind, but because Jillene's eyes were the opposites of her own.

She looked back toward Noven, her eyes immediately drawn down his torso. His shirt was sticking to the wound she'd stitched up not long before. There was blood coming through, which was worrying, but not as much as the yellowing pus. That was the main sign of infection. This was bad. "Take shirt off, get on table. Now," in her sternest of voices, so that Noven and Jillene both would know she was serious. Moving around the table to where she'd set her kits, she slammed a palm against the surface, fighting off vertigo. This wasn't going to be easy.

She began pulling out various equipment, "Wound infected, need inspect it. Might need do stitches again." She pulled out a pouch of Belltor leaves, another with Jile berries and bark, and a third with leaves of Vyfox. She moved over to flaming hearth, and grabbed the pot hanging nearby and brought it over to the table. She grabbed her saltwater skin, that thankfully hadn't spilled, and dumped it in, the put it on the hearth to boil. She pulled the mortar and pestle from her herbalism kit out, and put the Jile bark in the bowl, and started crushing it. "You better not tear stitches. I work hard to do," scolding him. When the bark was a fine powder, she dumped it in the water. Grabbing the Jile berries, she held them over the water, squishing them, then dropping within. Looking at Jillene now, attempting to lie, if only so she wouldn't harass Noven while she was with him. "He scare thief away, bring me here." Maybe that was the truth, but she had a feeling it wasn't.
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[Sunset Orphanage] Just What the Doctor Ordered

Postby Noven on November 3rd, 2014, 8:25 pm


The Isur was a hair's breadth away from saying something, but pressed her mouth into a thin line instead. Kechaiya had finally taken notice of the rather terrifying state of her cook's torso. Even Jillene was forced to admit it looked bad.

"Take shirt off, get on table. Now."

Funny, how the most enticing of phrases could so quickly lose their appeal.

Nov didn't need to be told twice. At least this time, the shirt wasn't encrusted onto his skin with countless layers of dried blood. He'd managed to get most of the blood out that night the healer had stitched him up, leaving behind a faintly dark blob that could still be seen on the lower half. Not that he overly minded the stain, abundant as they were in most of his clothing, but the cook was certain his poor, old shirt wasn't going to survive a second round.

There was too much pus and blood. He didn't even want to think about the effort it would cost him to wash them out. Might as well get a new shirt once this was all over and be done with it, the man thought wearily to himself.

Noven felt so tired that just the idea of lying down, hard as the table was and unpleasant as the process of cleaning his infected wound would surely be, seemed divine. He stripped off his pus-stained shirt without much hesitance and beached himself onto the table, feeling for all the world like a leaking cheese ball.

A tiny sigh of relief escaped his mouth as the merc straightened himself and stared up at the dimly lit ceiling. Kechaiya was saying something again, her tone hard as iron. Turned out she was pretty ticked off that he had undone all of her tedious labor. Not that Nov could blame her. He imagined it was about as frustrating as whenever he tried to fix a leaky kettle with nothing but strips of old cloth. Which was a more apt comparison than he cared to dwell on.

"Aye, doc," he responded, still fighting off exhaustion as best he could, "I'll be extra careful this time." And Nov meant it, despite his sheepish tone; he sure as hell didn't want to be lying on this table for a third time, having more painful things done to this shyke wound.

As the healer busied herself with pulling out various tools from her pack, she backed Nov's earlier claim with a few carefully chosen words. Something about the way she said it made him think Kechaiya might have suspected more than she let on. After all, she'd have to question how the man had gotten her things back. And Nov didn't exactly present himself as the merciful type.

"I see..." came Jillene's brief response. The Isur watched for a few more ticks in silence, considering. "And where might this assailant have gone?" she questioned moments later. "Was it dealt with?"

Nov considered lying, but knew that would be a bad choice. Jillene could smell his lies from a mile away.

"He's gone," the cook answered. He figured his landlady would understand well enough what that meant. Besides, it was getting rather comfortable up on the table, and he was starting to drift again, toward that dreaded but much needed, inky darkness...the land of unconsciousness...

...and nightmares.

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[Sunset Orphanage] Just What the Doctor Ordered

Postby Kechaiya on November 4th, 2014, 3:08 am

Kech found her eyes not immediately going to Noven's sutures like they normally would, but rather, traveling over the various ridges of his bare torso. He had scars here and there, but they didn't detract from the strength his body gave off visually. If anything, they enhanced it, and Kech felt something within her, something that warmed her cheeks. Despite the dim lighting, the blush in her cheeks might be seen. Snapping her eyes back to his wound, her lips pursed. It was definitely infected. There was a thin film of pus covering it, was swollen and red. The stitches weren't torn, but were definitely loose, several loops popped out above the skin. Her eyes went to Noven's, an eyebrow cocked, as if saying 'Really?'.

"You keep fighting with stitches, yes?"

The question was mostly rhetorical, for it seemed he would have to, especially with all the craziness this season. But because he'd be doing that, she decided to redo his sutures entirely, by doing individual ones, rather than a long chain ladder as she had done before. It was a lot more effort, but they wouldn't loosen as easily, and she'd been told by those better than her that it reduced the risk of infection. But she had to remove the thread first, and was contemplating the best way to do that. She moved over to the hearth, putting a pot of water on the fire. She was considering snipping down the center of the wound, and pulling the sutures out in bits, rather than trying to unravel the whole thing.

She returned to the table and began pulling things out of her pack, the first being Noven's favorite, the jar of grain alcohol. She also pulled out a pair of snips, normally used to cut leaves from herbs, as well as several herbal pouches, setting them aside. She poured the alcohol over the blades, letting the excess drip off. "I cut stitches, pull out. I then scrub wound, hurt lot. I add medicine, do new stitches, different kind. No cost, my fault infected. Hope not much dead in wound. No want cut out."

Kechaiya gave him a moment to take this all in. Then, placing her left hand against his abdomen as a brace, she brought the snips to one end of the wound. Carefully, she slipped to lower blade beneath the first strand, making sure to get it below the one that was below the flesh. Snip. Because of how close her sutures were together, the skin barely parted, and she knew there would be little to no pain in this part of the process. But it would probably feel rather strange and foreign. Using the tips of the snips, she gently pulled the severed strand free, setting them on the table. Snip, pull, snip, pull, she worked her way up to the opposite end of the wound, all laid bare now. There wasn't near as much bleeding as the first time, but she was not pleased by what she inside.

The interior of the wound was mostly pus filled, yellow goop, surrounded by inflamed red flesh. This was going to take a lot of very painful work to clean. The inflammation would make the pain that much worse. He might be tough, but she knew that the body could only handle so much pain before it forced him to pass out. The only problem with that was the herb for pain, Tolm, was among those ruined. There was only one real option then. "No move." Her fingers reached for his belt, quickly undoing it, and pulling it free from his trousers. She saw Jillene raise an eyebrow at the sound, but chose not to respond to it. She brought the belt up to his mouth, folded it twice, "Bite on this. No have herbs for pain. This worse than last time."

Moving back to the table, she pulled a clean rag out of her kit and a mixing bowl. She poured one part wine and one part salt water into it. She also pulled out her mortar and pestle, dumping some dried Belltor leaves into it. Deftly she twisted and pushed, grinding it to a fine powder, which she then poured into the water. She repeated the process with Jile bark, then squished and added Jile berries to the mix. Walking over to the fire, she placed the bowl atop the opening of the pot to heat it up. She waited until it was boiling, then with the rag as hand protection, carried it back over to the table. She dunked the rag in the hot mixture, got it completely soaked, and the squeezed it out. "Be ready, try no move." The rare concern in her eyes would be evidence of what was about to happen.

She held an end of the rag in between two fingers, making sure that it was the only thing that would touch the innards, and not her skin. She started at the right end of the wound, just as she'd done with the snips. Taking a deep breath first, she then firmly pushed the hot rag into the fleshy crevice. She could not risk being gentle with this. She scoured out the lower face of the exposed skin and muscle, working her finger down to the bottom of the valley, and up the opposite wall. The pressure alone would be excruciating, but the additional heat, alcohol, and salt water is what would put it over the top. She worked carefully slowly, doing a small section at a time. Her hand progressed along the wound, removing pus, and leaving blood in its wake. Several times she had to put the rag aside for another, constantly cleaning it in the solution. Finally, she reached the end of it, and put the rag aside.

She then grabbed a final rag, and doused her fingers in alcohol. She had to check, to see, to get in there, to ensure there was no dead flesh left behind. Using the rag to sop up the blood that was slowly pouring in, she got real close, spreading the wound with her fingers as much as she could without worsening it. She kept at it for quite a while, looking for green or black flesh, but was satisfied to have found none. She stood up, cleaned off her hand, looking down to see how her patient was doing.
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[Sunset Orphanage] Just What the Doctor Ordered

Postby Noven on November 5th, 2014, 1:29 am


Drowsy as he was, Nov was entirely oblivious to the way Kechaiya stared and blushed. But Jillene wasn't. Ever vigilant, ever calculating, the blind Isur watched from the shadows like a bird of prey, silent in her observations once her most pressing questions had been answered.

"You keep fighting with stitches, yes?"

Noven turned his head to find the healer's black gaze settled on his own, her eyebrows quirked in disbelief. "Yep," he replied, forcing himself not to shrug. "And not like I had much of a choice. It's just...what I do."

For some reason, his own words made the cook feel...empty. Even though it was the truth; fighting was almost all he did, all he knew, all he was good for. And that was a bonafide commodity in a city like Sunberth. What some folk wouldn't kill to have abilities like his.

So why, of all times, did his mind choose now to make admitting the truth feel like right proper shyke?

Nov frowned at this, Jillene remained watching, and the healer went on with her healing. Through the haze of his exhaustion, the merc took note that Kechaiya had left his side at some point to move toward the hearth. He was too tired to shift his body for a better look, so he just went back to staring up at the ceiling instead.

When the doctor returned, she tinkered about with her equipment, all the while explaining in that blunt manner of hers everything she planned to do. The more Kechaiya talked, the more dread Nov started to feel. This second round of stitches sounded a whole lot more painful than the first. She did offer to do it all free of charge, though, so that was a plus. Besides, he was far too close to unconsciousness to worry overly much. What had to be done had to be done. He would have to try to think of little else.

He was given a moment to absorb everything. Then Noven nodded his consent and the doctor went straight to work.

It was an odd sensation, having Kechaiya snip at his stitches and pulling them out one bit at a time. Not too much pain involved...for now. The cook took a moment to linger on the feeling of her slim hands, one braced against his stomach and the other busy cutting away the threads. He couldn't remember the last time a woman had touched him for something other than money or training. Not after Mae, that is. Gods above, why was he even still thinking about her? That had been so petching long ago. It was like a bad dream that refused to leave him in peace. Like all the bad dreams that kept him from sleeping.

Nov was almost at the point of no return when Kechaiya uttered something and starting doing something with his pants. That latter jolted him straight out of his sleepy stupor.


He was interrupted by the sight of his own belt, folded twice, being held over his mouth. After Kechaiya's terse explanation, Nov was ready to snatch the thing out of her hand with his own teeth.

"You sure have a way with redefining 'kinky,' doc," he sighed before clamping down on the belt. Then he made the mistake of looking at what she had mashed together and suddenly wished he had five belts instead of one. And...empty night...was she boiling it all?

Nov swiveled his head back toward the ceiling as Kechaiya approached. She warned him in advance, as she always did, and instructed for him not to move.

Then the scrubbing of a lifetime began.

He bit down on the belt so hard Noven swore he could see stars. But that was the least of his problems. Whatever it was that the doctor was doing, it gave a better idea of how it felt like to be on the other end of his curse than anything else had in his life. It was as if he was being flayed, gutted, poisoned, and set on fire all at the same time. Possibly worse. Definitely worse.

The man let out a stifled cry of pain as every muscle on his body clenched in reaction. His mind went white with agony, his face red with effort, and his mouth numb from biting so hard on the leather. Had he any wits left about him, Nov might've groaned about having to buy both a new shirt and a new belt. But the simple act of breathing was quickly becoming the single most difficult task in his life right then and he had no attention to spare for trivial shyke like clothes.

By the time Kechaiya was done, the cook was panting as if he'd run a dozen miles. There were signs of tears trickling down along the sides of his head, as well several new aches in his back now, ironically from the effort of staying still. It took a moment for him to work the tension from his jaw. Enough to loosen his grip and spit out the belt to one side.

Noven heaved a few more shaky breathes before finally hissing one, emphatic word to sum up the entirety of his experience.


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[Sunset Orphanage] Just What the Doctor Ordered

Postby Kechaiya on November 5th, 2014, 5:14 am

She looked down at Noven's exasperated face, smiling lightly to provide some comfort to him. Lightly, her finger wiped away some of the involuntary tears, "Hard part done. Rest some, I make medicine, sew up. This stitches take longer do, but let move more and no rip. Pain no longer bad. Is like father say, 'Is all water in shade from here.'" She placed a flat palm against his cheek, letting it linger for a little longer than she realized, then turned back toward her supplies. She pulled out some Belltor leaves, and the last of her Jile berries and bark. She crushed the leaves and bark, and poured them in the cooking pot that only had a little water left, as well as the berries, squishing them first as she had before. Grabbing a wooden spoon, she slowly stirred the concoction as the water continued to boil off. She kept at it until she was left with a dark green paste. She pulled the pot from the fire, and scooped the goop into a small bowl.

Carrying the bowl over to her spot by the wound, she also prepped her suturing needle, threading it, then setting it next to her snips. Finally, she pulled out two pairs of tweezers. Grabbing one of her bandages, she dabbed at the wound cleaning the new blood out. Thanks to the recent trauma, most of her actions wouldn't hurt much, if at all. She splashed her hands with her grain alcohol, then dipped her fingers into the poultice, and began lining the walls of the wound with it, enough to coat them, but not enough to fill the wound entirely. Cleaning off her hands, she estimated about how much thread she'd need for a single suture, including the knot, then snipped it. She now picked up her tweezers, and used one to grab the suturing needle and dip it and the thread in the alcohol, then letting it drop dry. Using her free left hand, she pinched the skin and pushed the needle through. Once partially in, she picked up her other tweezers, dipped them in the alcohol, then used them to grip the needle and pull it through. She swapped it from one tweezer to the other and pushed it through the other side. Pulling it through, now came the hard part. It took several attempts, but she finally managed to successfully tie both ends together using a double square knot. The entire process took a couple of chimes.

Repeating the process up to about the middle of the wound took nearly a full bell. This was the deepest part of the wound and would require different sutures. She didn't have as much practice with these, but knew them to be quite handy for deeper wounds. She pushed the needle deep down into the flesh next to the wound, then pushed it over to cross the chasm, piercing into the opposite wall. She then pushed it up through the flesh, popping it out of the skin, then sent it back down through, closer to the wound. She now pushed it down, though not as deep as the previous pass through, driving it into the chasm once more passing parallel and above the deeper line. Pushing through the final wall, she drove it one last time up through the skin, and finished it with a double square knot. She'd heard this suture named the vertical mattress suture or the far-far-near-near suture. She repeated this suture several times, then returned to the simple interrupted suture she'd used before.

About two full bells had passed by the time she finished, and her arms and hands were cramping and sore. She cleaned the exterior of the wound with the alcohol and dabbing of bandages, then let it dry. Smiling as she looked down, admiring her work, "That hold you together. Do better when fight, still need careful." When it was dry she pressed a folded bandage over it, and then gestured Jillene over. "Help lift back. Need bandages around stomach." This was no issue for the Isur woman, as Kechaiya secured the bandages in place. Moving down to Noven's face, she looked down at him smiling, a bit tired now, a deep throb now being noticed behind her eyes. "All done. Need rest."

Looking at Jillene, using a stern look, "I need get more herbs for medicine. No let him leave, he need rest. I be back soon. Okay?"

Jillene nodded, smiling mischievously, "Aye, I can do that Doc, no need to get your panties in a twist. If he tries to go anywhere, I know how to knock him out without hurting him much."

Kechaiya nodded, not sure what she meant about the twisted panties, but shrugged it off. Before she left, she started cleaning up the messy area, as well as cleaning and packing her tools. She noticed a few of the children now peering through the cracked door and gestured them in.

"Is Noven gonna die?"

Kech chuckled, "His eyes no lose light while mine has light." Some of the kids started helping her clean, others started pestering Noven and Jillene.
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