Timestamp: 15th Day of Summer, 500 AV![]() A hot wind rose from the south granting a brief respite from the steady pounding of the sun's ruthless rays. Moving the scythe back and forward, Mason thrashed through wheat feeling the muscles in his arms and chest tighten, growing sorer as time passed by. He had been harvesting wheat for nearly 5 hours, judging by the sun, and he was finally reaching the end of what he needed to clear for the day. Thankfully, he didn't have to work alone today. "Hey, Jimmy! How much more time do you think we have out here? The sun is starting to give me a headache." complained Mason as he dropped the scythe, took off his straw hat and wiped the sweat from his brow." Jimmy appeared startled and just shrugged as he continued gathering the fallen wheat. All around them lay bushels of wheat that they would need to load in their tow cart and bring back to home when their job was done. "Come on, man. I need a drink. I'm sure you could use one too." suggested Mason as he put his straw hat back on and wandered over to his backpack. Grabbing his bag, he untied the strings and pulled out his waterskin. Drawing a deep gulp of water then splashing some on his face, Mason sighed with contentment. "I am ready for today to be over!", asserted Mason becoming excited that they were almost done and that he would have the next couple of days off. Jimmy looked over at Mason from under his straw hat, and nodded while he sipped from his own waterskin. Storing his waterskin and retying the strings to his backpack, Mason walked back to his fallen scythe and returned to thrashing the wheat. Right, left then right. Long sweeping arcs. Right, left then right. Step forward. Right, left then right. A few moments later, cresting over a low rise on the South Kabrin Road, Mason was barely able to see sun gleaming off metallic armor over the uncut wheat. The bright light was a long ways away, but it appeared to be moving towards the Mithryn Outpost with a horse drawn cart carrying people in tow. Must be the Green Company., he thought to himself. After a couple more hours and the passing of the Knights and various other people that Mason couldn't really see, he and Jimmy finally bundled up their last bushel of wheat and loaded up their cart to head home. Beat by the sun, and arms feeling like wet noodles, Mason opened the front door to his house and nearly collapsed after closing it. Moving like a slug to the kitchen to wash up and see what his mother had prepared for dinner, he heard a familiar voice telling a story and his mother responding and laughing. "Stitch?" he whispered feeling completely drained. "Is that you?" |