Closed The Giant and The Wraith: Encounter I (Dor'gen)

Two renowned warriors of Sunberth battle for the first time.

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The Giant and The Wraith: Encounter I (Dor'gen)

Postby Vaylen Stroud on November 5th, 2014, 12:50 am

Fall 23, 514 AV

Waking up to the bare ceiling of his private room on the Cheap Side of the Sunset Quarters, little did Vaylen know the true outcomes that this day held. It was a day that would truly test his brawn, his stamina, his agility, and his overwhelming will to survive. No such test had been put on his shoulders until this day.

Shrugging off the depths of sleep, Vaylen stood forth from the small bed and began to assemble his gear. The black leather armor of night, the kukri and throwing dagger scabbards, the fur-lined cloak, and finally, the Mask of the Wraith—his most prized possession. With all of his necessities collected, the mercenary set out from his private quarters toward the Storage Houses of the Castle Commons, the location of his new employer.

Vaylen had recently become a freelance mercenary, offering his services to any willing to pay. Irith Baughn, his previous employer, had been bold enough to yell at him for killing the teenagers in Cheap Side. And for his outburst, the Wraith ended the merchant's life.

The trek from Cheap Sided to the Storage Houses wasn’t too far, and Vaylen’s mask alone usually parted the crowd for him. The Mask of the Wraith was not a beautiful piece of apparel; it was a grotesque piece of craftsmanship that had benefited his father and his attempts to impose fear and intimidation into the hearts of others as he ascended the ranks of the Daggerhands. Now, bared on the face of his son, the mask was the tool Vaylen would use to identify himself as the Wraith of Sunberth, a renowned alias that he was in the process of building ever since he slaughtered his parents.

As the excited, merchant eyes of a new employer caught the sight of Vaylen Stroud making his way through the throng of men and women, the man’s face lit up like a cluster of fireworks. He ushered the skilled mercenary closer, and by the way the shady merchant’s eyes darted about, almost as if he were looking for anyone who may be spying on him, Vaylen could tell it was an important task that the freelancer had this day. "Sir Stroud," the merchant greeted, "git closer." When Vaylen was nearly toe-to-toe with the man, he looked directly into Vaylen’s eyes—a bold move—and continued his whispers.

“About a hunnerd or so yards down de road, dere’s nudder tradesman. Six foot, gilded black robe, big gold and black hat, dark eyes. Can’t miss ‘em. He’s been toyin’ with me shit for weeks, and I know ye’ve been busy, but I need ‘im taken c’er of, ye understand?” The merchant explained, his eyes staring dangerously. It was one of the few times the mercenary actually respected a merchant. One did not glare at Vaylen simply for the hell of it. It was an act that had to have meaning behind it, or Vaylen wouldn’t think twice before severing one’s throat in a flash.

“Don’t worry good merchant, this rival of yours will see the gates of Lhex soon enough,” Vaylen whispered back, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Just as the murderer was about to add another tally to his victims, the merchant’s hand gripped Vaylen’s right bicep fierce, letting loose the demonic eyes of the killer upon himself. Before Vaylen could react, however, the trader spoke. “Dis tradesman Sir Stroud… he has consi’erable coin. Sometimes I see ‘im wif a giant purple beast, an’ me thinks he plans to send him af’er me. If ye see ‘im Sir Stroud, ye gotta promise that ye’ll kill dat monster.”

A giant purple beast? Vaylen had heard of the creature. It was not human, and it was a mercenary like himself, though there was one difference—the beast was giant. He had never seen him in the flesh, but Vaylen could only imagine the man’s size. The Wraith nodded at the freelance employer, this time the fury in his eyes not directed at him. A challenge was ahead, a challenge to take out the mighty Akalak of Sunberth.

With nothing on his mind other than the job at hand, Vaylen nodded and turned swiftly on his heel. His hands fell to the hilts of his kukris as he worked his way through the crowd and the twisting street. Men and women moved at the sight of the mercenary’s mask, many wide-eyed. But as Vaylen moved farther and farther down the street, he soon came upon the visage of Dor’gen of the Tempered Steel. While his back was facing him, Vaylen could see the thick leather armor that encompassed his configuration. He saw the mane of white hair that trailed down his spine and the near-ebony, dark purple flesh that covered his bones. Elongated ears perched out from his head, and he towered over everyone in sight. The Akalak stood at seven feet and five inches, riddled with dark muscle.

Vaylen stopped for a moment, taking in this new adversary. While he knew this would be his toughest task yet, and deep within himself he almost thought the job too much for even him, Vaylen only found himself smiling beneath his mask—that sadistic, ever-bloodthirsty smile. The inferno that had grown in his eyes on the day he murdered his parents and the day that he had slain the Dhani with Kaie now blazed in the steel-gray eyes of the killer.

And so the Wraith approached the Giant, his kukris coming forth from their scabbards as he quickened his pace toward the target.

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Vaylen Stroud
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The Giant and The Wraith: Encounter I (Dor'gen)

Postby Dor'gen on November 11th, 2014, 5:42 am

'Twas simply another day on the job.

Ever since he had stepped off of the boat weeks prior, the towering Akalak known as Dor'gen had busied himself with work. Being that he had been cultivated by the warlike peoples of Taloba, these jobs were of the mercenary variety...and often demanded that he take a life or two in order to accomplish. Despite the danger associated with selling his sword to various employers, the Akalak always found that his clients paid and that there was plenty of work. On some days, Dor'gen would simply have to escort valuables and protect them from thieves. On others, he would be tasked with teaching a bloody lesson to the enemies of his client. However, regardless of what the mission entailed, the Akalak was always paid and always completed the objectives to the letter.

Today was to be no different.

This day, Dor'gen found himself roaming about the Castle Commons very early in the morning. The hour was such that only the faintest rays of light had begun to shine; and as such only a handful of patrons trudged about the marketplace. These were the farmers and merchants who had come to set up their stalls in preparation for the "morning rush." As this was also where Dor'gen received the majority of his job opportunities, the Akalak was starting to become a common face to these average folk. Some would regard him with a nod as he passed, whilst others would simply grunt or render a half-hearted wave. For the most part, the Akalak gave what he was given in this regard, and attempted to show courtesy to all he interacted with.

After all, it was much better for one's health to not tick off the Natives.

When a few chimes had passed, the Akalak came to a halt before one stall in particular. It was one of the few that had gotten its stock on display and sales were already underway. This particular vendor was attempting to peddle an unremarkable sum of wares...that seemed to have no clear "organized theme" whatsoever. Most stalls sold one type of item or advertised a particular type of service. This one...had a haphazard congregation of items all laid out for sale in no particular order. Dor'gen, now aware of the nature of the city, figured that the majority of these items had been stolen...but that didn't mean they weren't worth taking a look at. For a few ticks, he parused the merchant's stock...until his gaze fell upon a seemingly unremarkable handaxe.

However, it seemed as though the stall's owner saw this particular glance and decided to attempt a sale. "I see what remarkable taste you have!" began the merchant, stepping out from behind the stall. Garbed in an attire of primarily black, trimmed with gold, the man greeted Dor'gen with a bright smile and a tip of the hat. "This handaxe here was crafted from the finest materials available. It's sharp and will always hold an edge, better than Steel!" he said, taking the handaxe into his grasp. The Akalak lofted a brow, skeptical. After all, it was not everyday that someone claimed to have an item that would hold an edge better than steel. "Oh really." came Dor'gen's response, complete with a skeptical expression.

Folding his arms, he watched as the merchant continued his pitch. "What I speak is true! This is wrought from Cold Iron. 'Tis rare, but strong. Very strong." he said, before prattling on for several ticks. "Y'know," came the calm voice of Dor'gen's "darker sibling", "there isn't much harm in picking up a utility tool. After all, that Lakan of ours is abysmal for menial tasks." Nodding, the Akalak held up his hand to interrupt the man's pitch and made the vital inquiry: "How much are you wanting for this?" Without missing a beat, the man said: "A mere eighteen gold mizas." There was a grunt on the Akalak's part and he fished out the coin from his belt pouch before depositing the sum into the man's waiting hand.

With that said, Dor'gen became the proud owner of a Cold Iron Handaxe and stored the tool upon his belt. "I thank you for your business." said the merchant with a bow...before a new sales pitch was begun. "Now then, what would you say to...a little work, eh? You seem like the Sellsword type and all." As Dor'gen had literally come to the Castle Commons in order to find a job for the day, this was right up his alley. "Aye, I am a mercenary. What do you need?" Clapping his hands together, the merchant began the explanation of the potential job. "It's truly simple. I have a competitor who would love to see me dead in a gutter...and all my wares taken to add to his stock. I just need a strong man to send a message. Stick around with me for the day, scare off whoever he hires, and you'll get a handsome reward."

"That sounds simple enough. My price is ten gold mizas." came Dor'gen's response...with a glare that made his wage a non-negotiable matter. "Yes, that seems a fair price. Ten it is." Upon sealing the deal with a shake of the hand, the Akalak began his job for the day. For the next bell or so, Dor'gen took to patrolling the area in the immediate vicinity to the stall. Back and forth he proceeded, with his gaze diligently sweeping about the growing masses. For the most part, his patrol was uneventful...until there was a pronounced shuffling of feet from behind. Turning, the Akalak placed his dominant hand upon the hilt of his bastard sword...and marked the approach of a man wearing a mask.

"Who in the petch is this clown?" asked Goa, to which Dor'gen gave no reply. However, the challenge posed was clear. "Time to earn our keep." came the Akalak's silent response. At once, his bastard sword was tugged free of its sheath whilst his shield was firmly gripped and readied. Upon giving the silent, approaching oppenent a look up and down, Dor'gen felt the all-too familiar sensation of heat blaze up his forearm. The Mark of his Goddess, Myri, reacted to the impending struggle. It fueled his body with divine might, acting as a catalyst to augment his strength, speed, and overall Prowess in battle. "Alright Goa, you know the drill...keep an eye out for that." came Dor'gen's mental instructions.

"You've got it. Ready when you are."

Whilst pointing the blade of his sword directly forward at the Masked Man, Dor'gen began to muster and focus something unseen. Slowly, but surely, Djed began to quiver and move in the lower portion of the Akalak's torso. The tingling sensation began quite weak, but the ticks passing by bolstered the feeling immensely. Soon, the transfer of this might would be commenced and dedicated to augmenting one of Dor'gen's extremities. However...this would take a little time. "You!" bellowed the Akalak at the Masked Man. "So cowardly you are to hide your face! Show me who you are that I may know who I have killed!" This, of course, was nothing more than a ploy to stall for time...and typically, such ploys worked.

Word Count1,217
Receipt-18 gm

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The Giant and The Wraith: Encounter I (Dor'gen)

Postby Vaylen Stroud on November 11th, 2014, 10:37 pm

The Akalak beast swung around at the sound of Vaylen’s approach, its silver hair flowing behind. Dor’gen’s glare felt like daggers to Vaylen as the Akalak’s battle stare became implanted on his nearly ebony-skinned countenance.

While the Giant had roared through the Castle Commons, demanding him to remove his mask, the Wraith only grinned beneath the face-obscuring piece of attire. The crowd parting as Vaylen’s drew quicker and quicker, some stander-bys gasped as he returned Nightwraith—the kukri in his right hand—to its scabbard and speedily snatched one of the five throwing daggers adorning Vaylen’s person. Trying his best to disregard the size and tenacity of the opponent he faced, the Wraith’s eyes narrowed into a promise of death. “My identity is above you, demon! We will see whose blood runs forth on these stone streets soon enough!” The Wraith thundered, his right arm bulging and pumping the throwing dagger forth from his grasp, loosing it into flight.

Vaylen wasn’t too skilled with the throwing of his daggers yet, and he doubted if it would even get remotely near the Akalak, but he imagined it would cause a bit of a stir in the man and a well-needed distraction. The dagger had been thrown at the broadsword-wielding hand, and its intention was to shift the balance of the Akalak to allow the Wraith a quick opening.

Nearly instantly after the throwing dagger was released, Vaylen unsheathed Nightwraith once more and charged the Giant, directing himself toward the broadsword-wielding side of Dor’gen. He had no intention to go toe-to-toe with a shield-guarded side of a creature that stood nearly two feet above him. As Vaylen came in close, Nightwraith slashed horizontally upward due to his lack of height, hoping to spill forth blood from Dor’gen’s forearm and reveal the tender muscle and bone beneath.

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The Giant and The Wraith: Encounter I (Dor'gen)

Postby Dor'gen on November 18th, 2014, 8:17 am


As the words formed and fell from the lips of the Masked Man, the Djed summoned forth by the Akalak made a prompt and swift voyage. According to his Will, the energies traversed the breadth of his nervous system, ascending up to his shoulder before cascading down. The final destination of the Flux was to saturate the fibers of the Akalak's offarm, thereby empowering them with swiftness. Thus did magicks mundane and divine converge within a single being, for the Gnosis of War and Victory continued to spread its might throughout Dor'gen. It radiated warmth from its location upon his dominant forearm; warmth which signified impending ease in the face of the advancing challenge.

The response gleaned from the Masked Man was just what the Akalak had hoped for: a small window of opportunity to complete that which he was preparing. Now all he needed was to somehow close the gap so that his empowered shield could do some good. However, before Dor'gen could so much as begin to form a proper tactic to achieve this end, the Masked Man let loose a single throwing dagger. In that instant, instinct took over...despite how terribly thrown the weapon was. Relying upon the strength of his calves, the Akalak hopped back and away from the intended trajectory of the dagger. As he moved, his decades of training reared its ugly head: thereby placing dictating the priority of his now-empowered shield.

His blade instinctively lowered from a menacing point, thereby allowing Dor'gen's offarm to reach across. This action (as it had been drilled into his skull by his superiors time and time his chagrin) affording his torso maximum protection against incoming offenses. However, the offense launched by the Masked Man was...abyssmal at best. The dagger didn't even come remotely close to hitting its mark, but instead whizzed off. 'Twas almost as if the aggressor had no experience in chucking daggers...or perhaps that was what he wanted Dor'gen to think. Regardless, the Akalak's eyes snapped forward as swift footsteps thundered upon the pavement. The Masked Man was coming...and fast. A well-aimed attack was launched against his sword-arm, aimed for the flesh between bracer and armor.

However, from the Akalak's instinctive position, it was a matter of simply moving his Flux-empowered arm in the way. If not for the personal magick which augmented the motion, the success of Dor'gen's attempt to defend himself would have been abyssmal. However, the clash of steel upon steel afforded the Akalak the satisfaction of knowing this was a skill well learned. Capitalization was the only logical outcome from this position, and Dor'gen pushed back. Relying upon his own strength and that of his Prowess, the Akalak then wrenched his arm straight upward. This action, due to the kukri's position upon his shield, would have most likely done one of two things; either completely disarm the man and launch the weapon into the air, or at the very least cause his arm to rocket upward due to recoil.

In either of these potential cases, an opening would be created; one that could be exploited by the downward position of his sword. Due to the fact that the assailant had come in close, it was simply a matter of thrusting his weapon forward in a straight trajectory. The proximity of their bodies, the differences in their arm lengths, and the total length of the Akalak's blade resulted in a scenario where contact was of high plausibility; for even a solid jump would most likely result in the tip of Dor'gen's blade piercing the Masked Man's side. While a wound of this caliber would not be fatal, it would be enough to dissuade most sane men from continuing their offensive in order to seek medical attention; for blood loss was a vital factor.

Yet, one could never account for what a mad man would do.

Word Count652

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