Closed Unhappy Attraction (Noven)

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Unhappy Attraction (Noven)

Postby Caela Dorin on November 5th, 2014, 1:11 am

He'd goaded her, he'd been asking for it, he deserved it but the man dodged her! It left her unbalanced, something that was quickly remedied before she found her knee blocked too. It was only when he pushed back against the joint and she stepped backwards that the awareness came to her that he'd had his hand on her knee.

Comprehension brought colour to her cheeks, embarrassment draining the anger from within her. The dancer was more embarrassed by this man's touch than that of her attackers from earlier. Maybe it was because she didn't have adrenaline drowning out everything else this time. Despite everything that she could make men think about her, she couldn't handle being touched. Look but don't touch, that was the way of things and it had always suited her just fine. This caught her entirely off guard, unbalancing her more than anything else could and freezing her tongue in her mouth. Quips that sprang to mind died before they had a chance to fully form as the blonde fell into a complete and awkward silence.

Teeth pressed into her bottom lip as she listened to him, usually haughty demeanour dropped for now. If anyone had commented on how endearing her looks were at that moment she'd have slapped them. As it was, Noven was too distracted to pay much attention or if he did he didn't make any comment. He was going on about fakes and slips whatever they were, aiming a punch at her head in demonstration that made her twitch away from his fist in response. As he explained verbally the blonde wondered why he hadn't just said punches and failures or something. Wouldn't that have made things easier for her to understand?

There were no snarky remarks this time, even when he asked for her cooperation to illustrate some new point that he hadn't yet made. The blonde obeyed silently, allowing the contact by her own decision. There was a definite lack of focus on the point of contact as Caela tested out what he'd asked her to. A hand reached out towards him, approaching the last inch or so hesitantly but she couldn't reach him. Waving her hand from side to side didn't somehow bridge the gap and so she stepped away as he retracted his own hand. Her arms crossed over her chest as soon as her arm was drawn back and another half step back was taken for good measure.

The young woman had no idea what he might do or suggest next but she wasn't going to risk any more accidental contact for the moment or rather him touching her as opposed to the other way around.

She perked up at the mention of feet, unconsciously nodding as she realised that constant movement was something that she could most definitely manage to do. The idea that he was going to attack her in the future, possibly the very near future, was not a pleasant one. Once she approached him she'd set him into action and then she might be forced to defend an attack. How could she do that? He hadn't shown her anything! Web had though. She clung to that thought, grappling in her memories for the information in question. If she couldn't find it then she'd have to improvise, which would lead to a whole world of pain.

His final comment threw her completely. She found herself frozen in place and staring at him with mouth slightly agape. The smirk and his choice of phrase... he knew! The young woman was certain that she hadn't mentioned it, that Jillene hadn't either but yet he knew that she was a dancer. Had she seen him in the tavern? She didn't know, couldn't remember, never paid much attention in the first place.

"How did you-" She cut herself off abruptly, wincing slightly and closing her eyes as she realised her mistake. Just a coincidental choice of phrase that she'd assumed with that smirk meant that he had certain knowledge. If he had no idea then her reaction was sure to set him thinking now, maybe even guessing correctly. Petch!

Opening her eyes once more the blonde managed a slight smile. "This I can do," she murmured. The chastisement for his slip into formality went unvoiced. That's probably what he was smiling at, her thoughts offered unhelpfully as the dancer approached him. As long as there was no attacks involved the blonde probably had an advantage. Sure the man was probably well experienced in fighting and therefore moving his feet but surely she was better?

However they weren't on such a playing field, one where Caela actually stood some semblance of a chance. She was going to have to attack him and he would probably reciprocate. Maybe not immediately but it was sure to happen after a step or two. She could only hope that her feet wouldn't fail her now. She had no idea what rhythm to settle into but she figured that she'd improvise. Forwards and backwards was probably easily done and if he went for her she could always dodge rather than blocking, a sidestep or two most likely adequate. It was something that was going to require a great deal of concentration all the same, at least until she grew used to it.

He was posed offensively but he wasn't going to attack. That was a helpful reminder when he actually advanced towards her. The dancer retreated quickly but kept her wits about her. Two steps backwards, a slight step to the side and she was moving forwards again, light on her toes. Her left leg was kept more in front than her right giving her a more sturdy stance. It couldn't be called firm; she never stopped moving. It was a slight bouncing on her toes that would allow her to move more quickly away from him - she hoped - than if her weight was more evenly distributed. A bounce forward on her right foot was accompanied by a right uppercut at his chin. Fist halfway between the two of them, her fist was pulled back as she switched direction, feet dancing to the left with her right foot hovering behind as her left fist went for his right side just below where she thought his ribcage was.
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Unhappy Attraction (Noven)

Postby Noven on November 6th, 2014, 5:01 am


Blondie was unusually quiet as he talked this time. Maybe her anger had drained to make room for exhaustion. Or maybe she was just deliberating the next best way to maim him. Whatever the issue was, Nov had low hopes of grasping it anytime soon.

At the mention of footwork, however, Caela's interest seemed piqued. She nodded along at his comments, even if the prospect of their new exercise brought her little relish. So, his new student had a thing for feet, eh? The cook wasn't quite sure how to make use of that information. Without context, he just assumed the lass had good balance or something equally mundane. Her reaction to his half-joking invitation, though...

At first, Noven thought he'd finally done it. Driven her at last to the brink of murder before their lesson was even halfway done. She seemed outraged enough at the onset, mouth parting in shock as her mind visibly reeled with disbelief.

But then she questioned how he'd--what, known? Known what? That calling her 'Miss Dorin" would tick her off even more...? Nov mentally scratched at his head. Well, Caela wasn't mad, that much was obvious. And not to mention she had winced right after cutting herself off, which meant she must have changed her mind about...something. Not being particularly known for his awareness or desire in figuring out other people's business, the man just watched her in silence, wondering in vain what was going on in that golden noggin of hers.

Cryptic shyke aside, the lass at least seemed willing to take on the new challenge. "This I can do," she stated with confidence. Accepting that to mean she was ready, Nov wasted no time in initiating.

His first step forward was met with a surprisingly quick reaction. Bristly as Caela could be when her competence came into question, she was not without skills of her own, it seemed. So, this was why she had perked up at the mention of feet. The young woman was light and fast, switching back and forth, left and right between her feet with what Nov could only describe as a bounce. She stayed on her toes rather than her soles and took his earlier words seriously. Caela really did appear to have never stopped moving.

When the fake and slip came, he was still caught off guard by his student's unexpected display of skill. The cook put up both arms to block the first punch aimed for his chin and, much to his own chagrin, left his midsection completely open. He saw her true attack in the works and tried to dodge it, but his reaction was a beat too late. As a result, she was able to land her slip against his rib.

The impact was mitigated a few hairs by Nov's slight shift to the left, Caela's still budding skill level, and the denseness of his own muscle. But a punch was still a punch. It left a sting in the place of her fist, though the sting of surprise--and approval--were more poignant in his mind.

"Good!" the cook chuckled, clearly unfazed post-punch. If anything, he was more invigorated than ever, now that his new trainee was showing true potential. It was a heart warming thought, knowing he wasn't wasting all of his efforts on the dead and doomed. "Keep at it. Bet you can't do that again at least two more times."

He was still shifting his weight back and forth between his feet, arms poised for attack though Nov had no intention of going on the offense anytime soon. Caela would need to learn proper blocks and dodges first before it came to that. Instead, he used his next step forward to cut across diagonally to the right, hoping to force her to keep up and remain facing him even at odd angles. For now, they would focus on getting her used to moving around an actual fighter and initiating punches. The merc was all about aggressive offense, so that was what he preferred to pass on to those he trained.

"That's what we're all about today, Blondie," he grinned as he motioned for her to continue. "Go big, or go home."

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Unhappy Attraction (Noven)

Postby Caela Dorin on November 7th, 2014, 1:10 am

Pain had never felt so good. A stinging across her knuckles and a jarring sensation along her arm marked a success that she hadn't imagined she could possibly manage. She'd actually managed to hit him! The young woman had managed to catch him off guard, a feat that wasn't likely to be repeated. For now the young woman was free to exalt in her victory as short lived as it was likely to be. She took a step away from him for the time being. Taking her cue from Noven she continued her bouncing, not moving far but rocking back on one heel and then the other to allow her toes to wiggle. Cramps in her toes were not something that she wanted.

"See I told you this was something I could do," she told him, brushing her hair from her face with a sweep of her hand. "I didn't actually expect to hit you, you know. I thought that you could fight better than to let yourself get beat up by a girl." There was the slight dart out of her tongue as she teased him. Her mood was greatly improved thanks to her triumph and the cook was getting a chance to the lighter, more mischievous side of her personality. Petulance was far from her normal state of mind and now that it was vanquished it was likely to stay that way. Due to his little hiccup in protecting himself, the man was going to have to put up with the young woman's sense of humour. Once started there didn't seem to be any real way to stop the many jibes that could spring into the woman's mind.

His issuing of a challenge elicited a smile from the dancer, her sense of cockiness forcibly quenched so that she wouldn't tell him that it'd be no problem to her. She was tempted to take him up on it although she doubted that she'd succeed in hitting him again, let alone twice. The same trick wouldn't work again, the same pattern of fail and slip something that he wasn't likely to fall for again. The blonde would certainly try to get past his defences again regardless of whether or not she'd manage to strike him but she wasn't going to let overconfidence hinder her chances.

He was gesturing her onwards, trying to encourage her to try her best once more. Again she couldn't resist some comment about him, this time choosing to poke fun at his choice of words rather than his defensive skills. "You know you're big on titles for me, don't you? Blondie, Miss Dorin, anything else you'd like to add? Will I start calling you Cookie?" She raised an eyebrow, green eyes shining with unvoiced laughter as she moved herself towards him again, still light on her feet. Again her left leg was the one in front as she considered her mode of attack this time. Whatever it would be it couldn't be predictable. Slight movement to her right, a step back, a step to the left and back to her original position as she considered.

Her words were used as a minor distraction, unlikely to throw Noven off his game but enough to lull him perhaps along with her constant movement but lack of action. "Seeing as I'm already home does that mean that I can't lose? I've nowhere to go if I did." Forward, back, forward, back, left, right, left, right. The movement continued and still the young woman did nothing. It was practice so she was in no danger but she wondered how long it'd take for her teacher's patience to wear thin. Her hands were made into fists in readiness but she continued her pattern of inaction for another half chime so he wouldn't know when an attack was coming. After that once she was over to the left of her original position, she moved backwards and then abruptly moved towards him diagonally to the right. Her left foot led her there but when her right fist darted in to try to hit at his lower left side this time she'd switched to her right foot.

Again the fist was pulled back halfway to the target as she switched direction, dancing back and to the left and darting inwards with her left fist as if to aim for his right side. Again she switched direction, angling the left side of her body away from him as her right hand went for the centre of his stomach. It was an intricate dance and one that she'd choreographed carefully. If the man saw through it then it wasn't her fault and if she succeeded this time then she'd have no more tricks up her sleeve that she could play. All Caela could do was aim for unpredictability and hope that she'd pull something that the cook had never seen before.
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Unhappy Attraction (Noven)

Postby Noven on November 8th, 2014, 3:20 am


"Heh," Nov responded to Caela's cocky jibes, "Happens more than you'd think, especially from the five foot bully I pay rent to."

Blondie sure was in a good mood now, he noted. It had improved tenfold since she landed her first punch. Well, fine humor was not something the cook was overly used to, not anymore. But he could remember a time when it was, and some sliver of that memory still lingered.

Across from him, his new student seemed serious about taking on his challenge. She toned down her haughtiness just enough to convince Nov she wasn't going to be all talk from here on out. Though, that certainly didn't stop Caela from continuing to take a crack at him when the opportunity arose. At her quip about his use of nicknames, the cook merely gave a half-shrug and said, "What can I say? I'm a creative sort of guy."

"Though," he continued with a leer, "if you start calling me cookie, I might have to take back what I said about not fighting back today."

The blonde hadn't finished with throwing cheeky remarks in his direction, but Nov could sense her goal wasn't just to poke fun. She was moving around in earnest again, dancing back and forth between her feet, holding back any signs of her next attack. She was stalling, but for what he couldn't know. To think of a plan? To keep him guessing? Only Caela and the gods could say.

And then it came. Without warning, Caela dove toward her right, fists raised to punch Nov on his left side. But, just before her fist came halfway, she faked and slipped to the opposite side, now aiming for his left.

The first fake, Noven had anticipated. But when that turned out to be a double fake leading up to a final slip toward his center, he had only just enough time to blink in surprise before using one of his forearms to block her punch. The knuckles of her closed fist smacked soundly right above his elbow. He'd thwarted her, yes, but technically Caela had still managed to hit him. Her movements were unexpectedly quick and her footwork far more complex than the average person's, even for a Sunberthian. Slowly, ever so slowly, Nov was beginning to suspect how Blondie managed to keep herself fed...

"That makes two, then," the cook announced. "Care to name the stakes, now that you're so close to victory?"

Personally, Nov didn't feel he had much to lose. He did extra work so often he'd stopped believing life could be any different altogether, so if it was a favor Blondie asked for, then it was of little consequence to him. Sadly, at the same time, he also felt he didn't have much to gain, either. He'd wanted one thing and one thing only for the past five years, and it was going to take a whole lot more than a penchant for nicknames to come up with something good.

Thus, he left it up to Caela. Noven glanced about her little apartment as he waited for her answer, setting his aversion aside for a moment to figure out the best way to avoid her next attack. His mind made a rough, temporary map of the layout and various obstacles. Nov would need a better idea of where he could go, now that they were on their last leg of the exercise, as well as a semi-offensive plan of his own. He couldn't go down without some semblance of a fight.

Once negotiations were finished, it was his turn to initiate again. This time, the cook began moving more often as well, hoping to force Caela to continually have to readjust. He took a step forward first to get her to move back, since that was still part of their little game. Then, Nov began a series of simple but intentional steps, one to the left, another to the right, a third back, and fourth diagonally to shift angles entirely. His strides weren't particularly fast or complicated, but they were much longer than his student's. Which meant she have to try extra hard to keep up.

Counting on this, the man waited for the right moment, hoping he could sneak in one, wee little dirty trick of his own. Should she get caught up enough in this increasingly intricate dance of theirs, Nov would try to jam the whole system with a well timed, misplaced foot.

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Unhappy Attraction (Noven)

Postby Caela Dorin on November 8th, 2014, 10:38 pm

He'd blocked her. Despite all her efforts to get past his defences he'd still managed to thwart her. Sure it had barely been in time and it had still been a solid hit to his arm that had left her knuckles stinging more than before but he'd still blocked. She pouted slightly. She'd wanted to hit him again, especially as she'd gone to so much effort. He counted it as a strike though, which surprised her... although it did make sense. After all he hadn't deflected it and he'd still taken the full brunt of her strike even if it had been in the wrong place.

"The stakes, Cookie?" she asked innocently. She stuck her tongue out at him again. "And here I was thinking that I owed you something." She considered it seriously for all her joking. If she managed to get another hit in then she could get something else out of the man. Not only was she getting the ability to fight for herself but if she completed his challenge then she'd get some bonus out of it. A bonus that Caela could choose. That was a decision that couldn't be made lightly. What could she gain from him? Presumably her prize would be something that would be a one off or a short term thing but then the cook hadn't specified. He'd set no restrictions at all. So she could really get him to do anything although he did have the option to refuse her conditions outright.

A thoughtful chew of the lip before she supplied a carefully worded answer. "Well I'd be content with something simple really but where would the fun in that be? I would quite like to be on friendly terms with the orphans though. Think you could help me with that?" The young woman wasn't going to explain the reasoning behind that one. He could make of it what he would but her reasons were staying with her. Children were good little eavesdroppers. They could get into places that they shouldn't and they could go unnoticed. If she had them on her side then she'd have the best eyes and ears that she could ever hope for.

He'd been looking around her room but he returned his attention to her once she'd given her answer and was back into action. "Do be nice, Cookie. It wouldn't be kind of you to break me," she told him, making her eyes wide as she regarded him. She wasn't sure if the man would take her words into consideration, she had chosen to irritate him on purpose so she was asking for trouble. The dancer was allowed a small measure of revenge considering as he was still referring to her as "Miss Dorin" despite her protests. See how he liked having a name used that he didn't want to hear.

He stepped towards her and she stepped back automatically. He began to move more now than he had before, his feet beginning some pattern of steps that the blonde did her best to react to. He moved left, right, back and diagonal and she moved herself so that she was always opposite him whether diagonally or straight across. She kept her distance though, not following him when he stepped backwards but bouncing back and forth from side to side instead. Her body was beginning to protest a bit against the unusual bouncing motion but she kept at it. After she was beginning to fall into her own response pattern and wondered what he was playing at, it occurred to her that he wanted her to fall into a pattern. It was the same thing over and over again, something that a good fighter wouldn't do. Predictable, far too predictable. So why was he doing it? A test? Was he trying to pull a trick on her? Lull her into a false sense of security and do something when she tried to strike?

The thoughts ran through her head just as she was considering striking. If she tried to strike and he did something then what could she do? React seemed the obvious answer but the question was how? She had no idea what he could possibly do. He could always try to hit her back, it was something he'd threatened if she started calling her Cookie so it was a possibility. Throw her off balance by changing his movements? Maybe. There could be plenty of tricks that he could pull that she wouldn't even know of so she couldn't plan in advance. She'd just have to trust her reactions. The blonde often danced out of the reach of men at the last tick so surely she could react to anything that Noven might try to throw her off. Provided that that's what he was going to do and that she wasn't just being paranoid.

The dancer waited until he moved diagonally and then made her move, trying to come at him from his left side as he stepped that way. She'd chanced a quick glance down and so narrowly avoided his foot as he tried to trip her up. The young woman was forced to shift direction rapidly, stepping back before diving towards him with the intention of faking a strike at his chin before going for his hip on his right side. If it struck it'd hurt her like hai but he might not have a chance to block or deflect in time.
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Unhappy Attraction (Noven)

Postby Noven on November 10th, 2014, 1:20 am


Noven inwardly sighed. That name was going to stick after all, at least where Caela was concerned. He could only hope she never used it around the orphans, who would pick it up like wildfire to wind. Still, he mused to himself, better Cookie than His Readied Cock. He still owed Matthew a proper thank you for that one, where ever the slippery little harlot was.

Of all the things she could have asked for...Nov mulled over Blondie's request for a tick, not bothering to wonder at the why's and more of the how's. "I suppose I could," he responded, "though you'd need something to offer them. Like food, or stories, or a lesson in some skill they're interested in."

With their terms more or less set--again--Caela goaded him just a little further, requesting he be kind enough not to break her. For a moment, the words took on a whole different meaning in Nov's head. Because when he thought 'break,' he pictured a victim, a victim of the victim, and then a pulse of crimson veins across his left hand as he doled out the only kind of justice he understood.

The merc blinked back tendrils of darkness and focused on his student instead. Clearly, she'd meant for it to be a joke.

He really, really needed to get out more often.

Once their exercise commenced, both teacher and student were all seriousness again. As Noven tried to lull Caela into a sense of complacency through his routine, he could see her resisting, calculating endless possibilities in her head regarding what he was playing at.

To be honest, there weren't that many possibilities to begin. The cook was still recovering from his wound--and doing a shyke job at it, too--and limited to what he could do. Unlike his lessons with Clam girl, there were far fewer movements he could make in terms of blocking and grabbing. That was the most irritating part of stomach wounds. Almost everything involved the torso, so if he wanted any hope of not tearing out the doctor's stitches and getting himself infected, Nov had to be careful. If only he weren't so petching bad at not fighting.

But this wasn't fighting, he told himself. This was training. And for the good of another, at that. Surely, he couldn't be faulted for involving himself in a bit of altruistic, legitimate dealings.

Bah, who was he kidding. There were mobsters to be murdered and a pretty face to be saved. Not that said pretty face was all too grateful for the saving bit, as things turned out, but then the Isur got involved and Noven had no one to blame but himself after that.

Plus, Blondie was moving around a whole lot in just pants and a blouse. What man wouldn't be just a little bit convinced this wasn't a completely terrible decision?

By the time Noven stuck his foot out in a haphazard attempt to trip her, Caela was already in mid strike. But his tactic forced her to change directions and the blonde managed to avoid falling for his trick by the skin of her teeth. The cook was still coping with further surprise that her balance had exceeded his expectations when the fake came. Right for his chin, just like one of her earlier attempts. Anticipating that her slip would come somewhere near his abdomen--which he really, really couldn't allow her to succeed in punching--Nov twisted quickly to one side.

And there it came. A final smack against his hip, and thankfully not the stitches hanging in dearly along his stomach wound. The cook handled his defeat with uncharacteristic grace; he was so utterly relieved Caela hadn't landed a strike on his cut that he didn't even feel peeved she had won the bet.

"Well done, Blondie," he grinned and nodded, returning back to a casual stance. "You've won, fair and square. I think this'll be good enough for today. "

Nov went over to the table and scooped up the dice pouch. Then he turned to face Caela again, running his fingers through his hair once to straighten it post-lesson. She'd gotten him to move around far more than he'd expected. T'was a minor miracle his stitches were still in tact. "As for the stakes, you have my help. But at the most I'll just be there to keep an eye out for trouble makers and whip them into shape when things get out of hand. You'll have to keep them amused somehow on your own."

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Unhappy Attraction (Noven)

Postby Caela Dorin on November 11th, 2014, 1:01 am

Her knuckles made contact with their target, bone whacking off bone. Her hand was drawn back, cradled in the other. She flexed her fingers gingerly. One of her knuckle bones felt as if it should be broken or cracked at the very least. Hitting bone was so not good. "Shyke that hurt! Eat more, will you? And remind me never to have a bright idea like that again," the blonde told him, hissing as she massaged the aching knuckle. How could he be so cool and take every strike in his stride? Endurance that's what it was. He wasn't a wimp like she was where pain was concerned, he'd probably had to deal with it too often for something as pathetic as her novice hits to affect him.

She put on a brave face, triumphant smile taking over her features as her throbbing knuckle was concealed behind her. "Yes, I did win fair and square. No thanks to someone. That same someone had better remember to keep up their end of the bargain. I'll be sure to call though don't ask me when. I have to train your little lady to be a lady after all and you'll have to teach me how not to get beat up. You'll actually be trying next time, right Cookie?" The blonde didn't expect him to respond to her jibes. He hadn't thus far, another thing that he'd just taken in his stride.

Now that their exercise was done for the day, Caela was able to relax too. It was good to be off her toes, the drop back down to the flats a welcome relief from the concentrated way her weight had been distributed previously. She didn't remain on her feet for long however, dropping onto the side of her bed with her eyes following her movements as she allowed one leg to dangle over the side and the other to be drawn up where her hand could rest on it. He collected the dice pouch, easy payment for earlier his troubles. She supposed that that covered what she owed him for the removal of the body. The dice hadn't been hers to begin with but she could always have kept them for herself.

He hadn't forgotten about their bargain although what he'd do to help her wasn't as much as she would have liked. The dancer supposed that it would have to be all her own doing if she was to have them on her side but it wasn't something that she was looking forward to. One thing the young woman wasn't was maternal and so the prospect of wooing children wasn't one that she was going to view as enjoyable, far from it in fact.

She laughed humourlessly. "When things get out of hand? Thanks so much for the vote of confidence. You're probably right though. Children are terrors and I swear they can smell fear. You'll have to make sure I'm not mobbed." Caela was only half-joking. She was terrified that they would see how uncomfortable and uncertain they made her, sense the weakness signing her and head straight for the kill. At least she'd have Noven to save her until she worked out how in the name of the gods she was supposed to handle them. There was no way that she wanted to become their source of amusement, amusement at her expense at least so she wasn't going to let him leave her to their mercy. There'd be some way to blackmail him. Maybe she could start calling him "Cookie" in their presence.

A hand ran through her hair, unconsciously mirroring his previous motion before gesturing towards the door. "Think you can manage to see yourself out, Cookie?" She smiled sweetly, eyes twinkling at the use of his new found nickname. She was fairly sure it was more irritating to him than how she felt about being called "Miss Dorin". If that was the case then it could provide some small amount of leverage in the future and if she was to be hanging around the Orphanage she was sure to see more of the man.
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Unhappy Attraction (Noven)

Postby Amora Jade on December 11th, 2014, 2:05 am

Congratulations, you've been awarded!

  • Observation +5
  • Unarmed Combat +5
  • Endurance +2
  • Weapon: Dagger +1
  • Running +1
  • Lashing About in a Panic for Escape
  • The Man in the Apron can Fight
  • Noven: The Cook who Saved Me
  • Noven: Cares About the Orphans
  • Noven is now "Cookie"
  • Noven Calls me "Blondie"
  • Remembering a Proper Fighting Stance
  • Breaking Someone's Nose is Effective and Easy
  • When a Punch Doesn't make Contact, You May Lose your Balance
  • Using Movement to Your Advantage While Fighting
  • Unarmed Technique: Fake and Slip
  • Unarmed Technique: Double Fake
  • Observation +5
  • Teaching +5
  • Brawling +2
  • Unarmed Combat +2
  • Weapon: Tamo Dagger +1
  • Cooking +1
  • Rhetoric +2
  • Endurance +2
  • Intimidation +2
  • Using a Hot Skillet as a Weapon
  • Caela Dorin: The Damsel in Distress
  • Caela: Doesn't like to be Called "Miss Dorin"
  • Caela: More Than a Pretty Face
  • Caela: Light on Her Feet
  • Caela: Had Potential as a Fighter
  • Caela Calls me "Cookie"
  • Caela is now "Blondie"
  • +One Pair Loaded Dice

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to send me a private message! Also, please remember to edit your post requesting the grade as "Graded."
With love,
Miss Jade
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Amora Jade
Pronounced Thief
Posts: 244
Words: 165569
Joined roleplay: September 28th, 2011, 10:53 pm
Location: Sunberth
Race: Human
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Medals: 1
Donor (1)


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