Bianca White
Patience is a virtue,
and virtue is a grace,
and Grace is a little girl
who wouldn't wash her face.
Bianca White
Patience is a virtue,
and virtue is a grace,
and Grace is a little girl
who wouldn't wash her face.

The Basics
Race: Human.
Gender: Female.
Age: 24.
DoB: Spring 89th, 491 AV.
Height: 5'5.
Weight: 104 lbs.
Bianca is pale, with shiny, medium-length brown hair and particularly blue eyes. Her face is a bit angular, with delicate features and a slight, barely visible smattering of freckles across her cheeks and forehead. Her skin is generally clear, though the occasional spot does appear, and she tries her best to take care of her appearance, believing strongly in first impressions. Her figure is thin, with few curves to speak of. She doesn't have much in the way of muscle tone, spending the majority of her time reading or studying.
She has no visible markings or scars to speak of. Bianca is fortunate enough to possess a silvery voice, speaking clearly and middling between loud and quiet - though she tends to get quieter as she angers.
Birthplace: Zeltiva.
Location: Sahova.
Profession: n/a
Housing: A tiny room in the Quarters.
Living Expenses: Common - 135 GM/season.
Fluent: Common.
The Concept
Likes: Political debates, law, sugar cookies, the library, chess.
Dislikes: Liars, false accusations, pessimists.
Worships: Laviku, though Gnora and Eyris hold a special place in her heart.
Aspirations: Change.
Bianca White is, in one word, delusional. She has grace under pressure, handling stress with a learned ease. She's still young, full of hope that she can make a change. Bianca believes that she can - and will - make a difference. This naivete makes her easily manipulated, however, and she is prone to falling prey to especially convincing arguments, making her own opinions weak and subject to change. She is wide-eyed and new to the political scene, but makes a point to prove anyone who doubts her abilities wrong. She herself isn't manipulative, and she is not a woman of many masks - though she has proven herself to be adaptable.
The History
- »Parents are poor fisherpeople, never went to the university or recieved more than a basic education (reading, writing, some history of Zeltiva)
»Parents saved up money slowly to put Bianca through the University
»Bianca, as a child, would spend majority of time in the Wright Memorial Library
»Grew up with few friends, preferring to read or spend time alone
»Would spend all day in the library reading anything and everything she could get her hands on, slowly developing a love for law and politics
»Quickly developed a love for arguing, and in turn, debate
to be expanded upon via flashback.

Skill | Earned | Total | Proficiency |
Biology | +1 | 1/100 | Novice |
Investigation | 5SP +4 | 9/100 | Novice |
Intelligence | +3 | 3/100 | Novice |
Interrogation | +2 | 2/100 | Novice |
Law | 25SP +1 | 26/100 | Competent |
Leadership | +3 | 3/100 | Novice |
Negotiation | 5SP | 5/100 | Novice |
Observation | +4 | 4/100 | Novice |
Persuasion | 5SP | 5/100 | Novice |
Philosophy | +3 | 3/100 | Novice |
Politics | 15RB | 15/100 | Novice |
Research | +2 | 2/100 | Novice |
Rhetoric | 10SP +1 | 11/100 | Novice |
Socialization | +3 | 3/100 | Novice |
Tactics | +2 | 2/100 | Novice |
Writing | +2 | 2/100 | Novice |
Appealing To Cultural Values
Taking Advantage of Weak Arguments
Natural Law: A Moral and Legal Theory
Philosophy: Fish, do they live?
Philosophy: On the Nature of Unlife
Keene Ward: Budding Biologist
Fish Anatomy: Breathe Water Using Gills
The Friends of Rodrick Belt
Belt Case: Rodrick Was Drunk
Belt Case: Rodrick Was at the Kelp Bar
Belt Case: Rodrick Doesn't Remember the Night
Taking Advantage of Weak Arguments
Natural Law: A Moral and Legal Theory
Philosophy: Fish, do they live?
Philosophy: On the Nature of Unlife
Keene Ward: Budding Biologist
Fish Anatomy: Breathe Water Using Gills
The Friends of Rodrick Belt
Belt Case: Rodrick Was Drunk
Belt Case: Rodrick Was at the Kelp Bar
Belt Case: Rodrick Doesn't Remember the Night
- Off-white cotton dress
- Cotton undergarments X7
- Black wool cloak
- Ramie chemise
- Silk scarf
- Superfine wool dress
- Superfine wool gloves
- Leather boots
- 1 Waterskin
- 1 Backpack
- Comb (Wood)
- Brush (Wood)
- Soap
- Razor
- Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
- 1 eating knife
- Flint & Steel
- Toothbrush
- Toothpowder/8oz
- Skin Cream/8oz
- Blank book
- Ink stick x10
Heirloom: Her mother's small, steel mirror. It has a small crack in the corner of the setting, but is otherwise intact.
All amounts in GM.
Transaction | Reason | Total |
+422.19 | From Winter | 422.19 |
Grand Total: | 422.19 |
Winter 514 :
Fall 514 :