Fall 73rd, 514 A.V. Location: Lord of Council's Office, Zeltiva
When she decided that it didn't look like she was going to leave Zeltiva any time soon, especially with Winter on the horizon, Ireth made up her mind that it was time to get a proper job in this unfamiliar city. She'd also decided that she'd have to ask about jobs other than busking. Ireth had no one to keep Ellemyer while she worked, so she thought it proper that she seek out a job that would allow her to bring her young daughter along with her. She'd seen some women do it before when she was meeting people in Nyka. There had been women there that were tailors or scribes that carried their children in slings across their chests while they worked, or the baby would be laid on a blanket while its mother worked.
Early in the morning, Ireth bundled little Ellemyer up in a blanket and strapped her into the cradleboard. The frame was made out of a light wood covered in green cloth. Leather straps wound around Elle's swaddled body held the child to the cradleboard, and two additional straps went behind the baby for Ireth to put her arms through in order to strap the carrier to her own body. It had been a worthy investment, Ire thought, because it allowed her arms relative freedom while still being close enough to her baby to be comfortable.
Come on, little one. Today we're going on an adventure." Those words brought a little smile to the weary busker's face. She'd thought the same way when she'd first arrived in Nyka, young and fit and free to roam. And though she was nervous about upsetting the natives, worried because she knew nothing of the customs of these seaside folk, a little fire lit in her chest and she was excited to see Zeltiva.
The day before, she'd asked the young innkeep of the Grotto Serra Danalle, a brazen women only a few years older than Ireth herself, where one might go to procure a job. She was directed northwest.
You need to find the Lord of Council's Office. That's where those sorts of things are sorted out. The secretary there will help ye out. But why a job? I thought you were only visiting? Ye already like Zeltiva that much?"
Ireth had just smiled down at the baby she held in her arms, thinking not about the city but about the handsome Wave Guard that had helped her find the Grotto when she'd first arrived in the city. If there were more people here as friendly and kind as he'd been, then Ireth looked forward to making friends and getting to know this city, perhaps even by letting it adopt her, seeing as she wasn't going to be able to change her location again anytime soon without the onslaught that Winter was sure to bring endangering her and her daughter. That said, however, another thought crossed Ireth's mind.
In Nyka," the city which Ireth continued to lie was her place of origin, knowing the general disgust that surrounded the name of her beloved Ravok, "
we don't have to pay for food. All people are thought to be entitled to appropriate food and drink and medicine. That isn't the way here. If I'm to continue to eat, and to live here, I'm going to need to find a way to support myself and Ellemyer. I don't have enough money to last me through the rest of the season and Winter, you know?"
Serra had nodded. "
Off ye go then. Shouldn't be too difficult for ye to find, it's a huge stone building, very pretty. The secretary ain't too bad, he'll help ye out."
Once Ireth straightened little Elle out in her carrier, she strapped the child to her back and set off.
~ ~ ~
It was all Ire could do to keep her jaw from dropping when she entered the Lord of Council's Office. The stone architecture was just as stunning inside as it had been outside. She gave herself a moment to adjust to the change of temperature, it was a tad warmer in here than it had been outside in the chilling Fall. There were a few people here, their voices in hushed tones as they sat off to the side. Before her was a large wooden desk, behind of which sat a balding man. Ireth approached the desk thoughtfully, and smiled at the elder man. He had looked up when she walked in, and beckoned for her to come forward before addressing her.
Welcome to the Lord of Council's office. How may we help you today?"
Good morning sir. If I may, I'm here to inquire about a job?" A piece of paper was thrust in her direction, just as had been done in Nyka, and she was asked to fill it out. It was simple enough.
But then came the real question. What was it that she wanted to do in this city? She'd been a busker all her life, taking on little odd jobs here and there when the time had called for it, but now what? Ireth thought hard. Something that allowed her to bring little Elle along... Nya crossed her mind. When she'd become friends with Oire and Tynibi, Ireth spent lots of time with their young daughter Nya. She'd taken it upon herself to get the child out of her parents' shop and out of their hair, allowing them time to work without needing to also entertain her. She'd never been paid for her deeds, it had been fun, but Tynibi had thanked her a few times for allowing Nya to get the freedom young children need.
Perhaps Ireth could turn that into a career? Not a babysitter but....
Profession: Nanny/Caretaker Wage: 4 GM, Beginning Applicable Skills: Storytelling, Socialization, Observation, Childcare (yet to be awarded) Location of Employment: (Perp said he had the perfect opportunity?) |
Ireth filled out the form and passed it back to the secretary gently, taking a step back and watching his reaction, secretly hoping that she wasn't being to vague in her paperwork.