The people of the Abyss?

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The people of the Abyss?

Postby Zetophi on November 13th, 2014, 8:24 pm

I am not sure if anyone has thought about this, not sure if it is possible in this world...

The Abyss, the Void, Bottomless Pit, the whatever it is called in Mizahar... that isn't Hell or the Nether world.

But has anyone ever thought there may be something that lives in there, or what happens to those cast into it? Or if there may be a Race that lives in there and they haven't been discovered yet, outside of the creatures that dwell in side... or if they do. What if to them, the races are the creatures, and we are the Monsters?

Such as thus?

I am not sure on the whole lore of what could be in there, but I was thinking of working on developing such... because I am sure they are Tired of having people, and such thrown on them all the time.

I even have a char I think I based on it.

Name: Oroaso Noxetuna
Age: He can be as old as he wants to be.
Gender: Male
Race: Nethren...


- His Presence alone (Full): Raw Fear and Extinction Sense, that drive the sense to preserve ones life, those within 10 miles feel like they are being crushed to death, and those who are idiot enough to progress, feel the depths of the abyss on them, the pressure, the despair the falling feeling, the fear... Life and death leave, this doesn't mean the dead rise from their graves... because that would mean they are alive, and have something of life in them... it means bones powderize, flesh turns to sand, that which is dead better run, that which is alive dies, and no longer exist.... unless you are a Ryu... this doesn't mean imitation or corruption of one, you have to be a Ryu... hiding in water doesn't save you... being made of water or a normal dragon doesn't save you... you have to be a Ryu... no one knows why that is, no one cares... look to the weather.... the weather doesn't seem to be affected.... Reality even become crazy in the 10 mile area...

- His Presence alone(Suppressed): is raw terror and drivers the instinct to run, Life and Death Flee, something in those who and what sense him coming wants to run.... has to run, being within 15 feet of him is like being crushed to death by the air around you the feeling gets worse if you get closer, 30 feet, you feel the air around you start to cling and grip with pressure, 90 feet, you know it is him, if you didn't know before... and the air gets sticky around people. You would be Mad to want to get close to him... You are Ryu, you can...
Reality bends around him, as if he isn't part of it.

- His Presence alone (Shut): he seems like a normal person, but scarey as all hell, worse actually... till you get to know him.

-- in addition, people are powerless around him, when he is suppressed or full, not that they can't use their powers or what not, his power outstrips that, his presence alone out strips most powers....

-- He is terrifying to be around, he also holds back most of is Awe inspiring Presence, as not to crush people within 10 miles of him.
-- It is possible to withstand him, you just have to be strong willed, the weak deserve their fate... even in full release, the strong willed... if idiotic enough.... can press forward till about 10 feet, where you ether be a idiot and risk your life through insurmountable pressure, to get to him...

-- He can control how powerful his presence is.... well within logical reason, he is very powerful after all... he can even shut it so no one can sense his power, but his air, he seems scary.

Nature Shape: The Innate ability to shape, and change Matter around him... within his presence that is.
- Bio Organic Constructs: he can make blades, among other things by manipulating his own matter with the matter in the air and ground.
- Animate: The Ability to animate the Constructs.
- other stuff: I am running short on time, think about it when i get back.
-- He can only manipulate matter within the area of his presence, he can't manipulate Living things... as he manipulates matter in the air and ground, with his own, to make his stuff...

Powers/Abilities inherent to equipment:
He can give people some of his Constructs as gifts.
He can give people the matter he has manipulated too as a gift.

Bio: When people and gods even outer gods decided to use the bottomless abyss and 'empty' void as a trash dump, they should have checked it make sure there wasn't a civilization there.... this is where He comes from, Nethrahatah, a city on a island seated in the deepest most depths, of the abyss, where the void of space joins it which is said to have no bottom, well Light Dwellers it does... and Nethrians, should have stayed where they belong... but noo... you light dwellers couldn't stop throwing your damn trash on us... so we decided to come to you... Oroaso, is about the age in our time to send to your schools... hope you like him, because he doesn't like you, you threw trash on his people, you threw your unwanted, you didn't care... according to your Science and mythes it is a bottomless hole or the void of space... no one thought what may be there already... people think that because it goes pop... that it isn't out of existence... it goes to my Home you jerks.

Personality: Does the Phrase: Get out of my Misery or I will put you out of it ring a bell, he doesn't care about this world, but he does like Ryu's alot... he loves snow, and rain, and such. He can get kind of emotional too...
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The people of the Abyss?

Postby Perplexity on November 13th, 2014, 8:45 pm

Hello Zetophi,

If you want to post to the World Development forum you need to submit your subject to the Help Desk first. This is to prevent newcomers from grossly deviating from the subject matter and spirit of what does and doesn't exist in Mizahar.

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The people of the Abyss?

Postby Zetophi on November 13th, 2014, 8:46 pm

thank you o,o
How did you do that, with the borders of your message?
Also I reposted it in Help Desk.
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The people of the Abyss?

Postby Gossamer on November 14th, 2014, 12:54 pm

No. Not just no... not in a million years no.
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