Location [Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Hemis on January 31st, 2015, 12:25 am

As Hemis was waddling towards the Main Gates of Syliras, the childlike youth looked on at awe and fascination at the large stone structures, as it was still new to him that such structures existed and were built by people. As he was just a few meters within reach of the gate, two figures wearing hard and shiny suits were standing at attention; tilting his head in curiosity, he looked up at the tall figures with the intention of examining them. Their armor gave of a brilliant effect as light reflected off of its cold surface despite the dimmer winter skies; they appeared almost like big glowing bugs that had hard and shiny exoskeletons, with the possibility of squishy tenderness on the inside.

Knights... Pretty... were the thoughts of the infantile Hemis, as this was the first time he had seen knights in person, although he had learned of them from his Jamouran family. One of the two metal-clad men had approached him and demanded that he state the purpose of his coming to Syliras; this promted the diminutive male to comically pat down his robes as he checked his pockets, his outlandish hat, and finally tossing up what was in his backpack to find a note written by some of the riders of the caravan he came here by; in the process, the guards exchanged looks mingled with a combination of bewilderment, embarrassment, and a good deal of exasperation.

After having found the letter written in parchment, and placing the rest of his stuff back in its proper place, Hemis quickly gave them the note, which read:
"To whom this may concern,
this is Hemis, he is an 18 year old young man who hails from The Spires, he seeks employment as a laborer and has great interest in learning about the world; he is mute and is very naive pertaining to matters of finance and norms of society. If possible, please assist him in his integration of your settlement."

After having read the message, the knights exchanged another side glance before looking back at the curious youth; it was at this point that the weird odd ball waited in anticipation, as he fidgeted with his fingers and rocked back and forth while looking at the tall gate and then at the knights. The knights then engaged in a long session explaining to the little person on where to go for lodging, to find work, and what was considered acceptable in their society before sending him through the gates.

With this in mind, Hemis headed towards the Welcome Center to find work; he was also going to Traveler's Row on one of the knight's suggestions of where to stay. It was the start of a rather colorful chain-of-events indeed.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Phaylix Whitevine on February 5th, 2015, 2:22 pm

Phaylix looks up from the frozen ground to the overbearing wall of stone and iron coming up. His mother to his left looks up, also, her face stoic and aged. The trip from Avanthal to Syliras was not an easy one. There were many dangers and unspeakable deeds that had to be done just to board a caravan.

Phaylix shakes his head, shaking those thoughts away. He didn't like the idea of his mother doing anything for anyone, any more. His grandmother, Hyliza, had been silent since they'd passed the Spires. She still mourned the sudden loss of her husband to Svefran pirates, and it took a physical toll on the usually beautiful, upkept woman. She had immense bags under violent orange/teal eyes, and her white dress had become wrinkled, the seams fraying and its hem becoming tattered and ripped from her carelessly stepping on it. She looked in utter disrepair, and did absolutely nothing to stop it.

They reach the Gates about 12 chimes later, the other 2 in their group tagging behind. It was a woman, Sudalia Whitevine, and her daughter, Wen. At one point, Phaylix and his family had about 20 or so other Whitevines with them, all of their families being kidnapped. But, at the entrance to Nyka, about all of them besides Sudalia and Wen decided to stay, believing it would fare them better than Syliras.

He sighs, thinking of them. His grandfather, lost at sea, probably forced to do slave work, or dead. Phaylix once again shakes these dark thoughts from his mind. It takes him a moment before he realizes one of the 2 guards stationed at the Gates are speaking.

"...duration of stay?"

His grandmother answers, in a voice that was tired and in need of a good bed. "A good, long while, young man. And yes, I read up on Syliran policies. No magic, all the basics. Now, can you please let us in?"

The knight smirks. "Got yourself a smart mom, kid. And who's this? Your sister?" Phaylix rolls his indigo eyes at the knight's flattery. His mother and grandmother blush considerably on their pale tones.

With a rattling groan, the Gate is raised. The bustling streets and hustle of citizens are exposed to the Vanthas, and they don't know if they should enter. But, even if they wanted to turn back, they couldn't. Too late.

So, they walk in, breathing in the musk of the streets, the tangy earthiness. This... This fortress of a city would soon be called home.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Gyndarios Quickhand on February 12th, 2015, 10:50 pm

Timestamp: 80th of Winter, 514 AV

The caravan lurched forward for what seemed like the first time in bells. The train of horses and wagons waited in a queue of other horses and wagons to enter the city. Passage had been flowing rather well until a bell ago when somebody was caught trying to smuggle diseased cattle into the city. Now every wagon was being given a thorough search just in case there were any co-conspirators of the original criminals.

Gyndarios arm felt like lead. He'd been carrying his mother's shield in it's buckler form all day. Isurian though it's craftsmanship was it was definitely made out of regular steel. He could feel every inch on his tired arm muscles. He probably could have put it down the moment they'd gotten within sight of the Citadel - after all bandits and wolves weren't likely to attack this close to the city – frankly the youth was just being stubborn. After it had first began to tire him up he had tried to shrug it off. He had the blood of Izurdin in his veins no matter how diluted. He wouldn't give in to his bodies demands. He was the master of this body. It would obey his command. This was discipline. His mother would be proud.

However Gyndarios was slowly starting to feel less pride in his 'discipline' and more general resentment toward the Knights for keeping their caravan waiting. Their caravan was second to be checked now but Gyndarios didn't know how much longer he could waste. He tried resting up against the wagon a little to sort of alleviate some of the stress on his arm. His eye was starting to twitch somewhat as he got more and more irritated by the waiting. He stole half glances at the other members of the caravan urging them to do something with his eyes.

Oh, dron san hafltl!” He cursed loudly in Isurian and marched forward toward the biggest ad most important looking Knight.

At first the Knight didn't notice his approach but when he did he took a stepback and put out a hand. “Halt, citizen!” He said in a firm, commanding tone. There was another knight with him. He put his hand over his scabbard ready to draw his weapon if need be. “Do not approach.”

Gyndarios halted where he was with an irritated growl. Anger and impatience driving him now he threw his shield and backpack down on the ground and put his hands up. “Look, I don't have a wagon. I don't have a horse. I've been waiting with my caravan for ages. [b]Can I go?[b]” As he spoke he slowly turned revealing that the only weapon he had on him was his sheathed gladius. When he asked the last question he was facing them again and he glared openly at him.

The knight in charge put down his hand and chuckled deeply. “On you go.” He said stepping to the side with a shrug.

Gyndarios glared at him. The fact that it had been this easy the whole time infuriated him. He stooped down, slung his backpack over his back and grabbed his shield. “Uh, thanks.” He said and moved to walk past him. As he came in line with the Knight he felt a metal gauntlet lightly grip his shoulder. He turned his head.

“What's your name, traveller?” The mirth was gone from his voice. The Knight had deep, piercing blue eyes. He answered him quickly and simply. “Stay out of trouble, Gyndarios Quickhand, and keep that shield underarm or people will start to think you need to defend yourself from something.” The Knight's deep blue eyes seemed to gaze right into his soul. It unnerved him. He nodded simply and was released to go on his way into the Fortress of Peace. He tucked his shield under his arm. His other arm. His shield arm was killing him...
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Claudia Blackwood on February 13th, 2015, 9:29 am


80th of Winter 514 AV

The majestic sight of the capital gates of Syliras towered triumphantly in front of her. All the snow covered landscape did was to further complement the awe-inspiring sight. Despite being no stranger to the city she was born in, she found herself gawking at its magnificent fortifications each time she left or entered the city. It never failed to fascinate her.

She was on her way back from the Mithryn Outpost after delivering a batch of goods ordered by the knights stationed in the outpost. Growing up as a forge assistant to her father's smith, she had done all kinds of errands, with the most common and prominent one being deliveries. Due to an influx of new squires and knights being sent to the Outpost, the commander in charge of the garrison there had requested for a new batch of arms and armour for the equipping of the new arrivals. These included swords,shields, sets of armour and many more.

The walls in the outpost were a pitiful sight compared to the broad and towering fortifications guarding the fortress city of peace. The fortress rose from the snow-capped rooftops dotting the city, a bastion of freedom, appearing out of the bleak icy landscape, like a jewel on a crown. Syliras was still a relatively new city, compared to the rest of the cities that had survived the Valterrian. It was only carved out of the aftermath, when the later generations of humans came back inland to rebuilt what they had lost, hoping to rebuild what they once had. It was not easy, and it took ages, but now, Syliras, the fortress city of peace, stood as a testament to the survivor's will and spirit.

Trailing behind her were two of her father's smith-hands who had gone along with her to assist in the delivery. She was riding in the horse-driven cart together with the two of the men. The once heavy and arms and armour filled cart was now empty, as the trio were returning after a successful delivery. WIth a quick glance, she could already see a long line snaking into the city, where the ever-vigilant guards kept watch for any suspicious characters or activity. Being the strongest and most stable permanent settlement of humans anywhere in Mizahar, the city was always bustling with visitors wanting to enter the city, whether it was more business, social visits, or any other purposes, the fact that they didn't discriminate against any races worked towards its favour as well.

A bell later, Claudia's posse finally reached the head of the queue. Recognising the two guards on duty at the gate, she greeted them cheerfully and gave them a wave saying "We are on our way back from a delivery. The knights at the Mithryn Outpost requested for more weapons and armour for their recruits." The more responsive of the two, a lanky good-natured lad named Owen, reciprocated with a greeting and a wave of his own. "Hey there lass, It's good to see you again. Doing another delivery again I see. Yep, I guessed as much. Oh? New recruits at the outpost. Interesting. Or not." The other guard who was short and stout said not a single word, and the only sound that came out of his mouth was a brief grunt followed by a snort.

She then mentioned to them that she'll be joining the order soon, to which he let out a brief laugh, remarking "Jolly well, Jolly well indeed." Waving their group through, he smirked as he said "Good luck then, you'll need it." His partner completed the interaction with another short grunt and snort. From all the grunting and snorting he did, Claudia was beginning to think he resembled a pig. That was what he looked like, and now he sounded like one to match.
Last edited by Claudia Blackwood on April 3rd, 2015, 7:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Keris on March 1st, 2015, 6:56 am

Keris Rowe
There was a light breeze in the early morning. Birds sung softly, signaling the arrival of spring. The gates of the city loomed overhead, seeming even greater as the sunrise peaked over the trees and lit up the grand gates. Turning softly on his heels, the young Inarta watched as people slowly entered the city, having to rise early for their jobs or even travelers like himself. Chuckling, Keris faced the gates, his eyes hidden under the hood of the simple cloak he wore. Pulling back at the hood, he let it fall back onto his shoulders as he ran a hand through his hair. The morning light fell onto his face, causing him to squint his eyes and move slightly over so that it wasn't blinding him.

Burgundy locks fell into his eyes as he gave a soft smile to the city and its welcoming gaze. The Inarta currently had a rather small set of belongings with him, but he truly thought he could make something out of the city that stood before him in all its grandeur. Chuckling to himself, he moved to the side to allow an older woman walk by, receiving a mousy ‘hello’ from her. The young man gave the woman a small smile, but said nothing in return.

Maybe I can actually make something out of this place. I have equal footing here. He thought to himself as he began moving forward. There were a few guards standing at the gates, making sure no one with illness or bad good entered the city. They seemed tired, eyes heavy from rising early. Sneering slightly, Keris couldn’t help but snort at them. As he past them, one muttered a welcome as he covered his mouth to muffle a yawn. "Don't get into any trouble, while you're here." The guard said, his tone of voice suggesting it was something he rehearsed constantly. "Oh, I'm sure you can trust me,"Keris said in a snarky tone, waving his hand dismissively at the guard. The other man did nothing, grumbling to himself as he turned his gaze away. Snickering, Keris walked past the two guards, stopping as he looked around the city. The town was shuffling with activity already and he let out an exasperated laugh. Things were going to get interesting in such a town.
Last edited by Keris on March 1st, 2015, 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Kreig Messer on March 1st, 2015, 3:25 pm


Spring 10, 13th Bell; 9th Chime; 34th Tick.

It was good to be back in Syliras, that was the unanimous feeling that struck the small convoy that returned from Kenash. Having decided on leaving Kenash early during the end of the Winter season; a decision that best exemplified the Knights desire to return to their far more just and pious home. Kreig himself, despite not as pious or as law-abiding as his Patron or other knights he associated with, was glad to be in a place where the rules were far less decadent and less political than in Kenash.
The Dynastic Families in Kenash had proven to be a headache beyond comparison and thus made the gangs of Sunberth look normal by comparison “Perhaps an exaggeration, but I don’t think I can put it clearer than that” He sighed, the problem with both cities he noted was their source of threats; mainly internal threats such as gang trouble in Sunberth’s case, whereas terrorists and rivalries were Kenash’s. In Syliras at least most threats came externally or at least originated from an outside source. Needless to say, most of Syliras’ troubles had a clear reason in the criminal sense….

Seeing Syliras’ walls was a breath of fresh air for Kreig, along with a sense of nostalgia. Never once he thought it possible to consider the city of law and peace to be seen as a home, now here he is smiling as if he was back at his favorite tavern….except a lot less brawlin’ and drinkin’ and more sword swinging and weight lifting. He turned to look at his Patron, decked in her armor with her face hidden beneath the visor of her helmet yet Kreig had no doubt she was smiling beneath it all. Kreig had no doubt all the other knights were doing the same as the trotted gently on their horses towards the city gates, even the horse Kreig rode on seemed to recognize the city from where it was born and bred, though for Kreig that didn’t make riding it any easier.

Ah well, can’t complain….plenty of that to come for training” And he promised himself to swear profusely when horse riding comes up the next time….
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Hannovi on March 2nd, 2015, 5:09 pm

It was dusk when Hannovi had arrived to the gates of Syliras, and though it was earlier than early, the road leading into the city was pretty dense with visitors and caravans of the sort. Nodding his head to the guards and others that passed by. He was told that Syliras, hoping that he had gotten the name right, was the total opposite of Sunberth. That he would be safe here as long as he abide by the laws. Not a problem for him. It was hard to push the memories of home out of his mind. They were his motivation, the fire in his eyes, his reason for living. Once he gotten strong enough and wealthy enough, he'd go back to Sunberth in search of his parents. A misstep sent him down onto the ground, a pile of dirt greeting his face welcoming him to the city. His ear caught a few chuckles from those that saw it as he picked himself up from the ground.

"You ok lad?" A knight asked offering a hand to assist him back up. "I'm, good" He answered brushing his face clean of the dirt. "What's ya name lad? What brings ya to the city?" Hannovi looked into the helm of the knight unable to see anything other than the darkness. It was quite intimidating, no wonder why people followed the laws, they were afraid of the knights. "My name is Hannovi, I came here to get strong and smart enough to go find my parents in Sunberth." The knight fell silent as if he were waiting for the pun of a really bad joke before speaking. "Well I don't know too much about Sunberth or your parents haha, but if you want to get stronger and successful, I say join the knights. You can train and learn as much as you want." That put a smile on his face. Maybe the knights weren't as scary as they seemed, maybe joining the knights wouldn't be a bad idea. "Oh, can I get your name sir?" Hannovi asked before he trailed off toward the city. "Ah heck. We knights all look the same when in this armor, how would you know the difference? Haha. How about this? You join the knights, and I will greet ya when I see ya." A nod of his head made the deal final. Turning back towards the gates, he walked into the city ready to sign his name over to the law.
Last edited by Hannovi on March 5th, 2015, 7:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Asim on March 3rd, 2015, 3:48 am

The sight of city walls was almost enough to make him turn back. Almost. But 5 years was a long time to be away, and he was curious. Curious for news, curious for some company that wasn't just wild animals. And, more importantly, curious for someone to talk too. Because, with bears, the most important thing to talk about was, food, sleep, and food, again. So, at the sight of the city walls, the massive bear stopped for a moment, and stared hard, before the bear disappeared, only to be replace by a rather large man, carrying a backpack on his back.

After rummaging in the pack for a moment, he pulled out a loincloth, and a long coat, and slid them both on, before adding a pair of matching boots, and then replacing the backpack. Dressed, and feeling much less like the animal he was, the man marched straight into the city, and back into the chaos of civilization.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Kailily Sinclair on March 6th, 2015, 2:28 am

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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Eludine on March 6th, 2015, 4:27 pm

38th Spring, 515 AV

The Konti looked at the huge gates before her. So this was Syliras. She felt that this was the place she needed to end up, The Call had meant for her to go here. She looked at the bodyguard that had accompanied her on her trip. "Thank you," she said, a delicate smile creeping its way across her lips. "I couldn't of done it without you."

"Not a problem, Miss Eludine," the man said. "I'm going to follow you inside, just so I can get an inn to rest in."

"Ah, yes," she said with a nod. "Go ahead."

She approached the gates and a guard stopped her, which almost took her by surprise. On Mura, people did not stop you from entering. "Who are you and what is your business in Syliras?" he asked with preening eyes. He looked at the bodyguard.

"My name is Eludine," she said, and gestured to the man behind her. "This is the bodyguard that took me here. He is just looking for a place to stop and rest, while I am looking to reside here."

The guard just nodded and let them pass. Subconsciously, Eludine breathed a sigh of relief as her and her associate walked in.
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