Cosimo de Nayt

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Cosimo de Nayt

Postby Cosimo Nayt on November 18th, 2014, 5:24 am

Name:Cosimo Nayt
Birthdate:Summer 77, 509
Religion:He believes in Yahal
Fluent: Common
Basic: Ancient Tongue

Cosimo stands nearly 7" inches tall. About the average height for a Pycon. Cosimo is constructed of a clay-like material and has an orange-hued stomache. Pycon's bodies regularly change shape. Currently, Cosimo's body is in the shape of a humanoid, but during a morphing accident he acquired a tail. His tail is about 3' long and is also orange with a red tip. Cosimo has two hands and each have four fingers along with slightly larger thumbs. His legs are 3 inches long and he has two feet with five toes. Cosimo's eyes are black like coal and he has indentations above his eyes that take the shape of eyebrows. Cosimo bears the sars from a reimancy initiation. All in all, Cosimo could be compared to a tiny statue.

Charcter Concept:
Cosimo is a little cocky. Sure, he knows numerous disciplines of magic, but he is only 7' inches tall. His height is sometimes a sore spot,and he is easily angered when people make fun of him. Sometimes, he wishes he could just void them into oblivion. After being taught by his father, Cosimo respects his peers. If they deserve it. On many occasions, Cosimo has gotten himself in trouble by insulting those more powerful than him. He doesn't hesitate to speak out. Generally, Cosimo is distrustful of others, and they are required to earn their friendship. If he thinks others can help him, Cosimo will charm them and be friendly. If not, they are immediately ignored. Often, people are annoyed by Cosimo's attitude. Already, his race doesn't fit in to the general public, and his attitude doesn't help. In conclusion, Cosimo could by characterized by a somewhat "devil may care" attitude along with a certain unfriendliness. Don't worry if he isn't very talkative to your character. Its normal.


Born on Summer 77, 509, Cosimo cried right as the sun began shining. Cosimo had a normal childhood. At least, as normal of a childhood he could have when he was a Pycon standing 7' inches tall. Growing up, Cosimo certainly wasn't rich. However, he never starved.

Currently, Cosimo is a Syliran Mage Squire who strives to become a Mage Knight.

Beginning in 510, Cosimo's Patron Knight, Stratus, began teaching him abut magic. Cosimo's Patron knight is a Mage Knight who continues to teach Cosimo. As a result, he knows numerous disciplines of msgic. Before Cosimo was born, his parents moved to Syliras for unknown reasons.

Throughout his adulthood, Cosimo was taugh numerous magic disciplines including Reimancy, Morphing, Hypnotism. Although he learned three disciplines, Cosimo's Patron Knight was well-prepared to teach him. Lessons were tough, but Cosimo was determined. He strived to make his Patron proud and prove that he had what it takes. Even to this day, Cosimo's lessons continue, though they aren't quite as frequent.

Cosimo was taught the Ancient Tongue by his Patron. Stratus wanted his student to havd the ability to read ancient books. Asa result, he taught him this language. Stratus also taught Cosimo the ancient fighting art Pyken.

Yahal may bean unusual God for a Pycon to worship, but Stratus was granted a gnosis mark and began teaching his student about the Gnosis. Yahal isa god worshipped by the Syliran knights.

Cosimo chose Both Reimancy and Hypnotism to control Elements and read Minds. He chose Morphing because he believes it may help him find his "True Form"

During a morphing lesson, Cosimo made a mistake. He was attempting to morph into a snake. He did sucessfully,but while he was returning to his original body hr messed up. To this day, Cosimo still has his tail.
Last edited by Cosimo Nayt on November 21st, 2014, 9:08 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Cosimo Nayt
Yer Leetle Mage
Posts: 8
Words: 1903
Joined roleplay: November 18th, 2014, 4:54 am
Race: Pycon
Character sheet

Cosimo de Nayt

Postby Cosimo Nayt on November 19th, 2014, 5:20 am

Skill Exp Total Level
Reimancy ElementsAir, Water 30SP 30 Competent
Escape Artist 10RB 10 Novice
Morphing 5SP 5 Novice
Hypnotism 5SP 5 Novice
Pyken 10SP 10 Novice

Lores :
Lore of Reimancy: How to combine Air + Water into Ice, Lore of the Reimancy: Oww! That hurts. The dangers of Overgiving

Item Cost Total
Starting Package +100GM 100
Last edited by Cosimo Nayt on November 21st, 2014, 6:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Cosimo Nayt
Yer Leetle Mage
Posts: 8
Words: 1903
Joined roleplay: November 18th, 2014, 4:54 am
Race: Pycon
Character sheet

Cosimo de Nayt

Postby Cosimo Nayt on November 19th, 2014, 5:29 am

·20X20 room in Stormhold Castle
·Food for a week
·Set of Good toiletries(Comb,brush,razor,toothbrush)
Last edited by Cosimo Nayt on November 20th, 2014, 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Cosimo Nayt
Yer Leetle Mage
Posts: 8
Words: 1903
Joined roleplay: November 18th, 2014, 4:54 am
Race: Pycon
Character sheet

Cosimo de Nayt

Postby Cosimo Nayt on November 19th, 2014, 5:31 am

Thread List:
Cosimo Nayt
Yer Leetle Mage
Posts: 8
Words: 1903
Joined roleplay: November 18th, 2014, 4:54 am
Race: Pycon
Character sheet

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