Timestamp: 58th of Fall 514 AV
“Ow, ow, ow! Quit it, you're going to fast. Ow! You did that on purpose!” Shane's irritated cries of pain floated into the shop as the giant, purple hulk tried to navigate them both through the door. Shane had one arm around the Akalaks broad shoulder, the Akalak had to partially bend down to even allow this, and had one leg elevated as if he wetre trying not to put any pressure on it. The skin around his right eye was also partially swollen and discoloured. Of course both of them could not quite fit through the door like this as the Akalak had to hold on to Shane with one arm which meant he only had one other arm to try to keep the doors open and the Akalak seemed more than a little irritated so he was more trying to jam them thropugh the door than attempt to engage his brain.
“Look, look, try to sidle us in sideways.” Shane instructed assertively. The Akalak didn't quite seem to like this suggestion at all. Suddenly he dragged Shane backwards out of the shop. “Wha-!?” He started but he was cut off as he was suddenly swept up and over the Akalaks shoulder freeing his arms and allowing him to sweep into the bulding easily..
Shane was near enough about to protest but the Akalak cut across him before he could even open his mouth. “Where is Caelum?” His Akalak bearer asked someone Shane could not see. The only thing Shane could see, facing behind his bearer as he was, was the cherry wood double doors and a well maintained stone flooring. When he craned his head a little to the side he could also see a well polished bar. “Why did you bring me to a Tav-?” Shane began but he was interrupted by the sound of a female voice. “Yes, he should be around here somewhere.”
“Good, this one has hurt himself. Where can I leave him?” The Akalak replied to the woman as if Shane weren't even there. “Hey, I'm right here, you know.” Shane half stated, half grumbled.
“Umm, just put him on this seat here just now. I'll go fetch Caelum.” The female voice answered and he heard the pulling out of a chair as she spoke. Without much further ado Shane's word was turned almost upside down as he was hoisted off of the Askalak's shoulder and into the chair. The Akalak wasn't exactly gentle about it and this elicited another “Ouch!” from Shane as his ankle hit something on the way down.
Shane now sat in one of the most beautiful taverns he had ever seen. The whole place swam in natural textures that were both pleasing to the eye and easy on the mind. The whole place was also, Shane noticed, exceptionally clean and well maiontained which was something one wouldn't often be able to say about the bars in Syliras. It was a funny thing to admit but the nicest bar in Syliras was actually the Herald Arms; a brothel; and that didn't have a lick on this place.
The place was nearly empty, probably due to it being just after noon, except for a woman with exceptionally dark brown hair in a nice, cotton apron who was quickly disappearing into another room leaving just Shane and the Akalak in the main Tavern area.
“Why did-?” Shane started again but the Akalak cut across him again. “The man who works here is an accomplished healer. You poay him, he heals you. Goodbye, human.” The Akalak explained and then left giving Shane barely enough time to shout “Thank you!” after him. Having been left fully to his own devices for the time being it gave Shane time to reflect on the incident that had gotten him into this mess.
OOCFeel free to stop reading beyond this point unless you're the Grader. In that case, please continue.
It had all started at the Riverfall Citizenship, Housing and Labour Aid Office. He had been informed by a rather surly Akalak that in order to be considered a Citizen of Riverfall officially one had to register there. So he had went there with much haste. He had approached a rather friendly looking green Akalak who had asked him, in little more than a whisper, “Are you looking for work, citizenship or both?”
He'd smiled and replied “Just Citizenship for now.”
“Okay, please fill out the following.” He's slid a form across the desk to him indicating a quil and ink as well as a place to sit while filling out the form. Shane had taken the indicated seat and looked at the form. He'd filled out his name in squiggly capitals, then his race and age but he'd stopped at the next section.
“Employment?” He had turned to the green Akalak questioningly.
The Akalak had looked up from a piece of parchment he was writing on. “Are you not already employed?” He'd asked just as quietly as before.
“Umm, no not yet...” Shane had replied uncertainly. He hadn't been entirely sure what he was going to do for employment. He certainly felt like he didn't want to be under someone's thumb again like he had been with Avira. “Can I open up my own business?” He'd asked the Akalak wondering if it would simply be possible to replicate the good fortunes he'd had in Syliras.
“Well, in order to own property in Riverfall you must be a recognised citizen.” The Akalak had responded with spmething of a frown. “Then again I am sure the Council will allow you to open a business if you fit the other criteria. Which weapon to you intend to show your competency in?”
“Uh, weapon?” Shane had replied uneasily. He hadn't known he had to be able to use a weapon? The only weapon he'd ever even handled had been a handaxe and he'd never handled one again.
“Well, it doesn't have to be a weapon. You can instead show you are profficient at unarmed combat.” The green Akalak had informed him helpfully.
“Uh, is it non-negotiable?” Shane had asked fearing that he knew the answer already.
“Yes.” The akalak had replied tersely. “All citizens of Riverfall shouls be able to fight for home and city if the need arises. Can you handle any kind of weapon at all? Shane had thought for a moment but he knew it was useless. He'd shook his head dejectedly. “Well then, I think we're done here.” The akalak had said with finality and plucked the quill and form from his hands. “Have a nice day now.”
Shane had left the Riverfall Citizenship, Housing and Labour Aid Office feeling worse than he had felt ever since he arrived. It was probably his first major hickup since he had arrived. Everything else he'd done had went rather smoothly. Of course he hadn't really been up to anytrhing that one ould actually fail at. His days had been spent idly socialising and visiting all of the nice places in Riverfall. There was still many places to see of course but, for the first time, he was starting to think about his future here. He couldn't just do as he pleased forever.
This thought had been so sudden and so different from all the thoughts he'd been having since he arrived that it almost floored him. It was as if, for a moment, he was back in dreary old Syliras. He wasn't who the authority figures wanted. He had to show them that they needed him. He needed to climb the pillars. He remembered reading about the Pillars, years ago. Brun had used Riverfall as an example. It was the reason he'd picked Riverfall of all places to escape Syliras from. Those Pillars were Skill, Lineage and Eldership. A person's place in Riverfall society, Brun had theorised, was based on their level of skill in their selected trade and in martial pursuits, the amount of children they could sire and the strength of said lineage and by age. That's what Brun had written. For Shane it seemed the only pillar he could climb in the Akalak dominated society was Skill. His only choice was to pick up a weapon of some sort and show that he could use it.
Shane had been feeling a lot more like himself as he sulked around the city thinking about what possible weapon he could train in. He could pick up the handaxe. After all he'd already learned the very basics of it. He had however found it confusing all in all. He wasn't even sure he understood the most basic tenants of the handaxe and he'd spent the better part of an afternoon on it. He would have to find someone to teach him. He wondered if the Akalak had any specific specialities when it came to weapons. With their bulk and finely tuned abs he was sure they would be quite able combatants without the use of weapons at all. In fact he had seen Akalak regularly doing exercises that looked a lot like fighting in some of the parks around the city.
With that idea firmly planted in his mind Shane had taken it upon himself to go to one of his most favourite spots in Riverfall. Every previous time he had went to the Knirin Gardens he had witnessed some Akalak involved in an almost ritualistic dance that very closely resembled fighting. It was almost as if they were imagining invisible foes to defeat. Shane felt like it couldn't hurt to at least watch some of them doing it. Hopefully he could even convince one of them to teach him in real combat.
And so within minutes of entering the beautiful park he had indeed found a purple hulk to observe. He moved from stance to stance precisely and with practised ease. His eyes weren't even open. Clearly he had mastered these exercises to the point where all he had to do was close his eyes and get lost in it. Shane had been more than a touch impressed with this and, after a few ticks of watching, he approached the Akalak. However he hadn't been expecting a sudden deviation in the exercise to cause the Akalak to run and strike out into the air. The side of Shane's face was struck in a glancing blow that caused his whole body to whirl around and for him to fall.
“Aaaaaaaaaaggggh!” Shane had cried as he fell to the ground. His ankle twisted unnaturally and he had let out a fresh wail of pain. It hurt more than his face did. “Ow, ow, owwwoooooooo!” He had howled in pain as he had sat forward to put his hands over his ankle.
“What?” The Akalak's eyes had openned and he had rushed to kneel by Shane. “What happened?”
“Aaaaaaah.... You punched me and.... aaah... I fell. Ahhhh... my ankle... It hurts.” Shane had relayed between groans of pain.
“What were you doing so close to me?” The Akalak had asked grumpily as if mad at him. “Did you not see what I was doing?”
“Well I... Aaah, it doesn't matter...” Shane growled at him. “Help me up.”
The Akalak had looked about ready to refuse but something seemed to get the better of him and he hauled Shane up amidst much wincing and exclamations of pain. Shane's face had delt hot and had already been starting to swell but it was still his ankle that had been causing him the most pain.
“Can you walk?” The Akalak had asked stooping down so that Shane could more easily put an arm around him.
“I... I don't think so.” Shane had answered uncertainly.
“Fine.” The Akalak had asserted grumpily. “I will take you to Alements. It's probably just a sprain.” and with that the pair had set off pretty much in silence except for Shane's frequent wincing and groans of pain.
So that had been Shane's day. It could, at the latest, have been only about half a bell away from the thirteenth of the day and Shane had already been refused Citizenship and punched out by an Akalak. Shane gingerly put a finger on his swollen eye. He was lucky the Akalak had only got him with a glancing blow. He was sure that his face and soon to be black eye would heal simply. He just hoped he hadn't done any major damage to his leg. What a day, what a day...
“Ow, ow, ow! Quit it, you're going to fast. Ow! You did that on purpose!” Shane's irritated cries of pain floated into the shop as the giant, purple hulk tried to navigate them both through the door. Shane had one arm around the Akalaks broad shoulder, the Akalak had to partially bend down to even allow this, and had one leg elevated as if he wetre trying not to put any pressure on it. The skin around his right eye was also partially swollen and discoloured. Of course both of them could not quite fit through the door like this as the Akalak had to hold on to Shane with one arm which meant he only had one other arm to try to keep the doors open and the Akalak seemed more than a little irritated so he was more trying to jam them thropugh the door than attempt to engage his brain.
“Look, look, try to sidle us in sideways.” Shane instructed assertively. The Akalak didn't quite seem to like this suggestion at all. Suddenly he dragged Shane backwards out of the shop. “Wha-!?” He started but he was cut off as he was suddenly swept up and over the Akalaks shoulder freeing his arms and allowing him to sweep into the bulding easily..
Shane was near enough about to protest but the Akalak cut across him before he could even open his mouth. “Where is Caelum?” His Akalak bearer asked someone Shane could not see. The only thing Shane could see, facing behind his bearer as he was, was the cherry wood double doors and a well maintained stone flooring. When he craned his head a little to the side he could also see a well polished bar. “Why did you bring me to a Tav-?” Shane began but he was interrupted by the sound of a female voice. “Yes, he should be around here somewhere.”
“Good, this one has hurt himself. Where can I leave him?” The Akalak replied to the woman as if Shane weren't even there. “Hey, I'm right here, you know.” Shane half stated, half grumbled.
“Umm, just put him on this seat here just now. I'll go fetch Caelum.” The female voice answered and he heard the pulling out of a chair as she spoke. Without much further ado Shane's word was turned almost upside down as he was hoisted off of the Askalak's shoulder and into the chair. The Akalak wasn't exactly gentle about it and this elicited another “Ouch!” from Shane as his ankle hit something on the way down.
Shane now sat in one of the most beautiful taverns he had ever seen. The whole place swam in natural textures that were both pleasing to the eye and easy on the mind. The whole place was also, Shane noticed, exceptionally clean and well maiontained which was something one wouldn't often be able to say about the bars in Syliras. It was a funny thing to admit but the nicest bar in Syliras was actually the Herald Arms; a brothel; and that didn't have a lick on this place.
The place was nearly empty, probably due to it being just after noon, except for a woman with exceptionally dark brown hair in a nice, cotton apron who was quickly disappearing into another room leaving just Shane and the Akalak in the main Tavern area.
“Why did-?” Shane started again but the Akalak cut across him again. “The man who works here is an accomplished healer. You poay him, he heals you. Goodbye, human.” The Akalak explained and then left giving Shane barely enough time to shout “Thank you!” after him. Having been left fully to his own devices for the time being it gave Shane time to reflect on the incident that had gotten him into this mess.
OOCFeel free to stop reading beyond this point unless you're the Grader. In that case, please continue.
It's a Flashback!
It had all started at the Riverfall Citizenship, Housing and Labour Aid Office. He had been informed by a rather surly Akalak that in order to be considered a Citizen of Riverfall officially one had to register there. So he had went there with much haste. He had approached a rather friendly looking green Akalak who had asked him, in little more than a whisper, “Are you looking for work, citizenship or both?”
He'd smiled and replied “Just Citizenship for now.”
“Okay, please fill out the following.” He's slid a form across the desk to him indicating a quil and ink as well as a place to sit while filling out the form. Shane had taken the indicated seat and looked at the form. He'd filled out his name in squiggly capitals, then his race and age but he'd stopped at the next section.
“Employment?” He had turned to the green Akalak questioningly.
The Akalak had looked up from a piece of parchment he was writing on. “Are you not already employed?” He'd asked just as quietly as before.
“Umm, no not yet...” Shane had replied uncertainly. He hadn't been entirely sure what he was going to do for employment. He certainly felt like he didn't want to be under someone's thumb again like he had been with Avira. “Can I open up my own business?” He'd asked the Akalak wondering if it would simply be possible to replicate the good fortunes he'd had in Syliras.
“Well, in order to own property in Riverfall you must be a recognised citizen.” The Akalak had responded with spmething of a frown. “Then again I am sure the Council will allow you to open a business if you fit the other criteria. Which weapon to you intend to show your competency in?”
“Uh, weapon?” Shane had replied uneasily. He hadn't known he had to be able to use a weapon? The only weapon he'd ever even handled had been a handaxe and he'd never handled one again.
“Well, it doesn't have to be a weapon. You can instead show you are profficient at unarmed combat.” The green Akalak had informed him helpfully.
“Uh, is it non-negotiable?” Shane had asked fearing that he knew the answer already.
“Yes.” The akalak had replied tersely. “All citizens of Riverfall shouls be able to fight for home and city if the need arises. Can you handle any kind of weapon at all? Shane had thought for a moment but he knew it was useless. He'd shook his head dejectedly. “Well then, I think we're done here.” The akalak had said with finality and plucked the quill and form from his hands. “Have a nice day now.”
Shane had left the Riverfall Citizenship, Housing and Labour Aid Office feeling worse than he had felt ever since he arrived. It was probably his first major hickup since he had arrived. Everything else he'd done had went rather smoothly. Of course he hadn't really been up to anytrhing that one ould actually fail at. His days had been spent idly socialising and visiting all of the nice places in Riverfall. There was still many places to see of course but, for the first time, he was starting to think about his future here. He couldn't just do as he pleased forever.
This thought had been so sudden and so different from all the thoughts he'd been having since he arrived that it almost floored him. It was as if, for a moment, he was back in dreary old Syliras. He wasn't who the authority figures wanted. He had to show them that they needed him. He needed to climb the pillars. He remembered reading about the Pillars, years ago. Brun had used Riverfall as an example. It was the reason he'd picked Riverfall of all places to escape Syliras from. Those Pillars were Skill, Lineage and Eldership. A person's place in Riverfall society, Brun had theorised, was based on their level of skill in their selected trade and in martial pursuits, the amount of children they could sire and the strength of said lineage and by age. That's what Brun had written. For Shane it seemed the only pillar he could climb in the Akalak dominated society was Skill. His only choice was to pick up a weapon of some sort and show that he could use it.
Shane had been feeling a lot more like himself as he sulked around the city thinking about what possible weapon he could train in. He could pick up the handaxe. After all he'd already learned the very basics of it. He had however found it confusing all in all. He wasn't even sure he understood the most basic tenants of the handaxe and he'd spent the better part of an afternoon on it. He would have to find someone to teach him. He wondered if the Akalak had any specific specialities when it came to weapons. With their bulk and finely tuned abs he was sure they would be quite able combatants without the use of weapons at all. In fact he had seen Akalak regularly doing exercises that looked a lot like fighting in some of the parks around the city.
With that idea firmly planted in his mind Shane had taken it upon himself to go to one of his most favourite spots in Riverfall. Every previous time he had went to the Knirin Gardens he had witnessed some Akalak involved in an almost ritualistic dance that very closely resembled fighting. It was almost as if they were imagining invisible foes to defeat. Shane felt like it couldn't hurt to at least watch some of them doing it. Hopefully he could even convince one of them to teach him in real combat.
And so within minutes of entering the beautiful park he had indeed found a purple hulk to observe. He moved from stance to stance precisely and with practised ease. His eyes weren't even open. Clearly he had mastered these exercises to the point where all he had to do was close his eyes and get lost in it. Shane had been more than a touch impressed with this and, after a few ticks of watching, he approached the Akalak. However he hadn't been expecting a sudden deviation in the exercise to cause the Akalak to run and strike out into the air. The side of Shane's face was struck in a glancing blow that caused his whole body to whirl around and for him to fall.
“Aaaaaaaaaaggggh!” Shane had cried as he fell to the ground. His ankle twisted unnaturally and he had let out a fresh wail of pain. It hurt more than his face did. “Ow, ow, owwwoooooooo!” He had howled in pain as he had sat forward to put his hands over his ankle.
“What?” The Akalak's eyes had openned and he had rushed to kneel by Shane. “What happened?”
“Aaaaaaah.... You punched me and.... aaah... I fell. Ahhhh... my ankle... It hurts.” Shane had relayed between groans of pain.
“What were you doing so close to me?” The Akalak had asked grumpily as if mad at him. “Did you not see what I was doing?”
“Well I... Aaah, it doesn't matter...” Shane growled at him. “Help me up.”
The Akalak had looked about ready to refuse but something seemed to get the better of him and he hauled Shane up amidst much wincing and exclamations of pain. Shane's face had delt hot and had already been starting to swell but it was still his ankle that had been causing him the most pain.
“Can you walk?” The Akalak had asked stooping down so that Shane could more easily put an arm around him.
“I... I don't think so.” Shane had answered uncertainly.
“Fine.” The Akalak had asserted grumpily. “I will take you to Alements. It's probably just a sprain.” and with that the pair had set off pretty much in silence except for Shane's frequent wincing and groans of pain.
That was a flashback!
So that had been Shane's day. It could, at the latest, have been only about half a bell away from the thirteenth of the day and Shane had already been refused Citizenship and punched out by an Akalak. Shane gingerly put a finger on his swollen eye. He was lucky the Akalak had only got him with a glancing blow. He was sure that his face and soon to be black eye would heal simply. He just hoped he hadn't done any major damage to his leg. What a day, what a day...