"I am aware of how will is the hinge that hypnotic success turns upon. I am citing it as both the cause of Wrenmae's success AND my eventually shaking it off." "First, I am not that sure we are talking about the same stage of our conflict. Except for my reference to my "defensive measure", where I recruited Amolina, I have been referring only to the initial confrontation in my old shop, in the presence of Marcus Ayhsen." "Now, I think I understand your statement about the power of a spell. And I can see that being entirely true of something as...tangible...as a fire ball. But with something, as you yourself describe, as subtle as hypnotism, the power of the...caster...I believe would be only one element. There would be the "approach" in how the lie is impressed upon the target. But also the innate vulnerability of the target, at that exact time, TO that specific approach." As Nolan continued, he was a bit confused. The poisoner seemed to be rebutting him, but was simply agreeing and restating much of what Clyde had said. At least to a point. Perhaps then he had not been clear enough in how he measured a spell of hypnotism. It was a simple enough matter, and logically bound, as was much of his innate understanding of hypnotism that he had previously stated to Nolan. Such came from a combination of sources, his general understanding of djed, personal magics such as Reimancy, and his use of Magecrafting. Combining that while appraising things logically, and comparing to the various effects of hypnotism and their end effects, Clyde was able to work up a basic enough understanding of the magic of hypnotism, with some assumptions made. Clyde had long since noticed both the interconnectedness, and the similarities, between different magics. All had a similar root, and through more or less straightforward means were powered similarly through djed or djed effects. One didn't need to know every little fact about every little magic, so long as one had a good foundation, some examples to go by, and a thorough understanding of djed theory. Clyde had all of these. "For myself, while I have no skill in hypnosis, I would assume there to be far more than the simple amount of "power" the practitioner has. Consider, for instance, a lie spoken without hypnosis. A "better" liar will know how to word it more smoothly; how to broach the subject in a more seemingly innocent fashion; how to imply corroboration that does not truly exist; and how to play upon the convictions he has learned that the target possesses ahead of time. The point being that two different people telling the same lie, about the same topic, to two different targets, could have vastly different levels of success, even though the lies are of the exact same degree of believability." “I don't see how any of that is disagreeing or rebutting my own words, though perhaps a few bits of what I said could use some rephrasing. As I said though, a spell is measured by its end result, and by its subtlety. The same end result, carried about by more or less subtlety, would then require more effort and djed spent. As I stated the spell used upon you was in your own framework of thought, and so was possible to be used more subtly and with more finesse, instead of a brute force overwhelming effect as was used on myself. When I say that the spell worked within or without ones framework of thought, I am referring more so to the degree of change caused by the spell of hypnotism, and those the inherent djed spent to cause said effect of change.” "And I believe that hypnosis would compound this tremendously. And I believe this all came into play with Wrenmae's actions. There is still one aspect of which I think you may be unaware. Just a few days prior to the meeting with Marcus and you was the event of my conversion to Rhysol's fold!" "I was enrapt with the salvation at hand; rejoicing over the feeling that I'd finally found a god worthy of worship! One that set aside my offenses and acknowledged my abilities as useful and worthy of contribution. The main one being, at that time, that glyphed bird skull, and my prayers that it could be used to destroy My God's enemies." "..and it was in this frame of mind that Wrenmae "impressed" upon me his status as one of his god's chosen, led to me by his god, come to see me rise in status among His fold. I could not have BEEN in a more perfect state of eagerness to be deceived. My will WAS strong. But it strong towards the wrong end. But it was also because Wrenmae was not actually trying to deceive me. His god was Vayt, not Rhysol!" It was clear by his words that the change caused by Wrenmae was even smaller than Clyde had previously thought, and even smaller and more subtle working, a smaller change or effect upon him. Instead of rewriting anything, he had simply added a small bit, attaching it to his own framework of thought, and then let it take the direction he expected. But of course in this simpler act of hypnotism, he also left himself more open to issues due to its vagueness, as occurred in this case clearly. But then had he been more explicit, he might have had a higher risk of Nolan rejecting it, or noticing the oddity, and thus would have had to use a much more djed expensive and brute force tactic to do a similar end result as he'd desired. "As a poisoner, I guess he assumed that Vayt would be MY god as well, and did not need to be clarified. And certainly I DO revere Vayt. But only as a worthy adherent to the Supreme God, Rhysol. But in my diverted mind, I thought Wrenmae was sent by Rhysol to bring me to new heights in His service. I could not have been more eager to believe...The lie being perfectly imposed upon me, I accepted it with absolute conviction." More clear, Clyde did see the train of thought Nolan was following, his line of understanding and decision making. It did not make it any more or less right, but it did make more sense. "...And then you spoke ill of both Wrenmae and his magic..." "In that instant, you became the embodiment of all that stood to prevent me from rising in Rhysol's glory. And worse, since we were engaged in the pursuit of a traitor, it did not seem outlandish that you were there specifically to undermine that effort." "In fairness, I do not blame Wrenmae for the gamut of offenses I imagined you being guilty of. But by the time I'd realized that my behavior was shockingly out of character, and that I'd been "bent", WE were already enemies and I'd already had you tell me all about the ease, and lack of warning, with which you could destroy me. And the rest is...as they say...history. And I would very much like it to remain that way." "What I mean is that this was not a lie that ran contrary to my established beliefs, like yours regarding the truth of magic. It was in line with my search for how to more devotedly surrender my will to Rhysol. If someone was to now try to force me to believe that poisons do not truly work, I do not think I would believe it for a single chime. And now I will certainly be on guard for subtle twists of my beliefs. I believe my will to be strong." “You say that, but you are still thinking within the framework of the spells you have seen prior, of the hypnotic effects. As I've said, while the more subtle effects need to be in line with ones thinking, and needs to work within ones framework of thought, not all such effects are so subtle, nor need to be, even if those are the more costly and difficult to do spells. You assume that you would not be affected, because you currently know of poisons, and of its existence... But do you not think I would have thought the same, before what happened to me? With enough force even a mountain can be crumbled. With magic it is the same. I do not doubt that as you said you could defend yourself from further subtle charms, but hypnotism is not all subtle.” “Djed is spent in transmutations, in changes. The greater the djed spent, the greater the change. Such is a rule of magic. A basic one. In Magecrafting for example, the more djed put into an item, the stronger the enchantment, and the further from the norm the item becomes. Normally a wooden staff such as this is quite fragile. As it is now so enchanted, it could likely trade blows with a sword and not be so much as scratched. This is because of the djed spent in changing it from its innate state.” “With Reimancy, the more djed I spend, the greater the effect. I can control more, or create more. Such, I do not doubt, is not to different from hypnotism. I also do not doubt that if enough djed was spent to cause a great enough change in you, by a great enough user of hypnotism, not only would you believe that poison did not work, you would gladly take a bottle off the wall and drink it just to prove it to someone, so deeply would you believe. It would not be a small task, not an easy one, and certainly not a subtle thing, but within the realm of possibility clearly. I doubt hypnotists of such a caliber are common, but they do exist.” "And I know who I am. I am Trandino Adarius, which name I reject, in favor of the name by which Rhysol and his city has come to know me: 'Nolan Parnell', a man whose identity I usurped upon his death, at my hands, during the riots a year and a half ago. I am a man who has paid numerous penalties for his foolishness. And deserved all of them. A man questioned, tortured, and released by The Warden of The Black Hole. A man who believes that any who feel they suffer injustice in this life, surely escaped justice in their LAST life, and are only now paying the price for it." "As for this complaint, I suppose it's possible that in the jostling of a move, some seal might have been broken. But I find it difficult to believe I missed something of that nature. I check such things meticulously. Nonetheless, if you can give me more details I will see what I can do." Clyde paused for a moment, thinking over what he said, and taking a moment to breath and think. Cha still hummed quietly in his hand, a gentle thrumming in the background. “Honestly, the details I was given were limited, and it was not considered wholly necessary for me to know the total of all of the complaints and what exactly happened, in order to do this inspection. Why don't you show me where you store the poisons where customers could interact with them, and where you store other poisons and things, along with where you actually make the poisons. That should be a good start.” |