Nal'reim is forced into the mundane task of gathering vilemoss.
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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]
by Nal'reim Qyan on November 13th, 2014, 7:43 pm
Flashback 4th of Spring, 4 B.V.
Walking through the hallways of the citadel, enroute to the Synchrograph Office, a silver haired summoner was silently making his way. He had been forced to leave his research in the Great Library because a golem had come for him and delivered a request form from the office. That form was now being reviewed again by the Nuit so that he could get in and out of the Synchrograph Office as fast as possible. The form was the standard E-43 material procurement form. This one was from one of wizard that served somewhere within the Venenium Herbarium and required a summoner to obtain an amount of vilemoss. A process that is mundane in both task and meaning. To open a portal to the world in question and gather vilemoss was one of the first thing a summoner in training did after the basic courses in the academy. But the task required some precautions to protect the summoner, which Nal’reim needed to employ even in his current state of living. Which is why the Nuit is currently on his way to office, to gather this protective equipment. Since his leather gloves and apron were lost a few week prior to an unforeseen fire reimancy accident in one of the common laboratories.
The black clothed Nuit finally made it to his destination, passing by another Nuit who ws leave as well as a few golems of different types that were going in and out of the office. Entering the office himself, the summoner made his way to the forms desk still looking and double checking the form he received. Nal’reim put down his form and took a blank E-43 form and a quill and began to write the required information...
Material Procurement Form E-43 | Name: Nal’reim Qyan | Occupation: Laboratory 3D/Prairie Testing Grounds, Apprentice Summoner | Master: Guvronsek | Name or Title of Project: Project Gather | Brief Description: Gather 10 ounces of Vilemoss in raw form in response to E-43 form filed by the Venenium Laboratory. | List of Materials: x2 pairs of leather gloves and x1 leather apron. |
As Nal'reim finished the form and left it on top of the desk he turned to leave, grabbing his own form, and he started to make his way out of the office and back to the common laboratory he was assigned for his projects. There he would gather the other required items for the task at hand. Making a mental list he needed a couple vials, his tongs, chalk, and other minor items. He would then head out to the testing grounds to prepare his worksite and the circle for the summoning, which would take place as soon as his protective equipment was delivered. Nal’reim knew this would be a simple task and hopefully soon he would be able to rise to the wizard rank and no longer be forced to do such mundane work. Then he could truly explore his discipline to greater depths and understanding. |

Nal'reim Qyan - Player
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- Location: Oklahoma, USA - Sahova, Mizahar
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by Nal'reim Qyan on November 16th, 2014, 11:19 pm
5th of Spring, 4 B.V.
Stalking from the halls of the citadel into the grassland that made up the main portion of the testing grounds. With his bag over his shoulder that contained all the supplies needed for the project from both the Synchrograph Office, delivered earlier in the by golem, and from the laboratory. Walking through the different sites with his fellow researchers who were conducting experiment of various types. Some of the nuits had different types of magic flaring around them. Fire and lightning flying through the air towards different targets, void portals opening and removing debris and dead bodies of failed experimental creatures, and of course fellow summoners in various stages of summoning research. Each one paid no attention to another, minus those with apprentices or other aids helping with the research.
Passing the majority of the other nuits and pulsars who were hard at work. Nal’reim headed off to a section of the testing ground that he had used a few times before. The section of ground was slightly out of the way and decently flat enough for summoning work. Checking over the piece of ground, the summoner noted that the land had remained mostly untouched since his last summon. The ground was still hard and firm but still workable, the grass in the area had been removed some time before the nuit had discovered it. Most likely by another summoner during the few years of the project before he had joined. Seeing some debris on the bare land including a small log from who knows where and other such unwanted and unneeded objects. The summoner set his bag down near the bare circle and turned around to begin his work.
Looking over the log to decide the best course of action for its removal. Moving closer to the side facing the southern end of the testing ground the nuit took a knee over the log. Forcing his hand out, near the end of the log, with each of his fingers coming together to a point the young nuit willed his djed from his hand and down to the point where all his fingers came together. Focusing on his djed and removing all matter from that point and pushing it away till only his djed remained. Slowly opening his hand and forcing the djed outward, the mage forced all matter out of the way till only nothing existed and void remained. Forcing his hand and arm, which had began to sway, steady from the strain of opening the portal, the wizard willed the plate size portal to say open while continuing to allow the portal to use his djed fuel its flame. Moving his hand away for the now fully open portal. Nal’reim moved as quick has his nuit body would allow him and got to work removing the debris from summoning area.
Nal’reim picked up the small log with both hands a few inches off the ground. Taking small steps the nuit walked the log through the void portal and right as it was about to fulling go through he pushed it the rest of the way, careful not to touch the portal itself. Moving to gather large pieces of debris including two decent sized stones and another smaller limb. He put each through the portal. With all the major debris removed, Nal’reim again stuck his hand out towards the portal with his palm open. Willing the djed on the outer edges to slowly close in on itself as he brought his fingers back to a point. Fully closed the summoner released his hold on the portal.
Rubbing his arm to help stop the twitch that had begun in the later stages of maintaining the portal. As well as pushing his headache pain out of his thought process. The nuit walked over to his bag and started to remove his tools from within. It was now time to begin the summoning process. |
Last edited by
Nal'reim Qyan on November 23rd, 2014, 3:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

Nal'reim Qyan - Player
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- Joined roleplay: July 17th, 2012, 6:59 am
- Location: Oklahoma, USA - Sahova, Mizahar
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by Nal'reim Qyan on November 23rd, 2014, 3:31 am
Lining his tools along the edge of the bare ground, his workspace of the rest of the project, and in order by which the summoner would need them. Stepping back and check over the worksite for any other debris and to make sure that ground was smooth enough for the circle. Noting that a hard stone or wood floor would be much better and making a mental note to commission a wooden platform to be placed at his summoning spot until such time the nuit could get his own laboratory. Finding the worksite good enough to continue, the summoner bent over and grab his first tool, a small dagger, which would be replaced with chalk or paint as soon as he gets the wooden platform installed.
Rotating around and taking a knee the nuit began his work. Placing the tip of the dagger into the hard ground and cutting lines as easy as if the ground were ones flesh. Taking his time with the curve of the circle. Leaning over and extending his arm to reach the furthest point of the simple and small summoning circle. Knowing that the task at hand and the world he was reaching was something that wouldn’t require one of the advance summoning circles used to help control the summoned. Continuing the single non-ending stroke with the dagger to complete the full outer circle. Placing his dagger into the dirt a small amount distance in front of his initial starting point for the outer circle. Beginning the stroke for the inner circle, pausing for a brief moment as the mage's drawing arm began to shake due to his early djed usage. As the shaking passed, the dagger began its trail in parallel to the outer circle.
With the inner and outer circle completed, the wizard began work on the inner lines to focus the power of the circle. Checking the sun and finding it to his right, knowing that at this early bell, the right was his east. Positioning himself to the southern end of the circle Nal’reim began to cut a straight line from the top of the inner line to the bottom of the inner line in one fluid motion. Once completed the dagger made another straight line from the east side to the west side with the two line crossing at a perfect perpendicular crossing in the middle. Sitting back, the nuit checked the circle. Combing over every line to make sure they were as complete and detailed as could be in the dirt. Finding his work acceptable the nuit reached over and grabbed his notes. Looking through its pages for the astral coordinates, the address of the world in question, to place in between the circles that surrounded the crossed lines. Finding them and marking the location mentally on the page to be able to quick check without searching the pages. The nuit placed the book next to where he would begin the drawing of the coordinates. Starting with first number and carefully placing each number next to one another, checking his notes every few numbers to keep the address correct. The last thing the young nuit needed was to open a portal to a more dangerous world and not be able to handle the creature that could come through the portal. Finishing with the last number, Nal’reim read over the address and confirmed the the drawn '3893849280160001' was indeed correct. Closing his notes and putting the dagger away to lay with the rest of his tools. The nuit stood up and brushed himself off. He mentally questioned the need for defensive runes but quickly shot himself down. He told himself that the planet in question had no animal life to speak of. Thus the chances of something unwanted coming through weren’t worth the extra chimes for setting up the defenses. Bending over to grab his apron the nuit prepared for opening the portal. |

Nal'reim Qyan - Player
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by Nal'reim Qyan on November 23rd, 2014, 3:36 am
Putting his apron on to cover his clothing and to protect it from the vilemoss pollen. Reaching down and grabbing his leather gloves that would protect his hands. Placing the right glove on his hand and putting the left one in the belt that was part of his apron. Reaching down and taking his dagger in his left hand. Placing the tip of the weapon to the tip of his left pointer finger the nuit making a small cut. With small drops of ichor coming from the cut the mage bent over and touched the furthest line in the in furthest circle, activating it. With swirling pool created, the undead man quickly bandaged his hand. To get it fixed meant he would need it sewed up. He would need to get used to not being able to heal like normal humans. Once the bandage was applied and his left gloves was on, the nuit grabbed the two last tools he had brought. A set of iron tongs and two large eight ounce vials. Knowing between the two vials there would be enough space to hold the required ten ounces of raw vilemoss.
Taking a knee the in front of the open portal the summoner put the tongs into the portal. Knowing the vast majority of this planet's surface was made of this moss, the summoner opened the tongs and then pushed them around until the iron jaws met something. Hoping the it was the plant in question, the tongs were closed and brought back through the portal. Once the tongs and luckily a small amount of moss were back on his side, he took the moss in his gloved hand and placed it into the vial. He repeated the process eleven more times until he had enough of the required substance to make the office happy.
Closing the portal, the wizard sealed each of the two vials. Knowing he only had a few hours before the moss would not be good enough for processing. He quickly packed his tools and wiped his circle away. Removing his gloves and apron and quickly putting them in another bag for wash, the nuit quickly as he could made his way back to the citadel. Making the journey back to the always busy Synchrograph Office. Placing the vials of vilemoss and the request form on the desk of the office. Nal’reim knew they would be given to the Venenium Laboratory by the keeper of the office. Making his way back to his laboratory of choice to deposit his tools and items. The young wizard and even younger nuit had plans to get back the great library to continue research other other magical forms and the summoning arts. But first he needed sitches and maybe some meditation or potion to help his headache go away. |

Nal'reim Qyan - Player
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- Joined roleplay: July 17th, 2012, 6:59 am
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by Ink on December 9th, 2014, 6:27 am
Fate has dictated the conclusion to your journey...
...And now, only Fortune awaits you.I am
Ink, Mistress of Sahova; and it is my pleasure to award you with this bounty of XP and Lore. If you have any questions regarding this Grade, please do not hesitate to send me a PM. Fret not, I tend not to smite...often.
Player 1
XP- Observation 1
- Voiding 1
- Cleaning 1
- Carving 1
- Planning 1
- Summoning 1
LORES- Shopping the Sahovan Way: E-43
- Retrieving Vilemoss
- Completing a Work Request
- Vilemoss: Hazardous on Physical Contact
With Regards,

Ink - DS in Sahova
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- Joined roleplay: December 3rd, 2011, 6:15 pm
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