Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 20 years old
Hair Color: Dark Golden Blonde
Hair Length: Long, Waist Length
Eye Color: Stormy Grey-Blue
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 183 lbs
Birthday: Winter 13th, 494 A.V.
Birthplace: The Healing Hand, the Docks of Ravok
Current Employment: The Farson Home for Orphans
Past Profession: Performer (Competent)
Citizen: of Nyka
Visitor: of Zeltiva, as of Fall 59th, 514 A.V.
Mother: of Ellemyer Cazzola
Appearance: Ireth is everything you would expect a normal Ravokian girl to look like. Her figure is pleasantly curvy, a tad more so now that she's had a child. Her hair is dark blonde, perhaps the color of gold when the sun shines off of Lake Rhysol just as it sinks below the horizon, and it reaches to the waist of her pants. She normally wears it in a single braid down her back. Ireth has sparkling blue-gray eyes, the kind that had made her father want to sing sea shanties, and there are two simple silver hoops in her right earlobe.
Character Concept
Were life a song, Ireth's would be a constant thrum of waves and fluting. She's never been the prettiest or the smartest, the boldest or the wisest. She's the youngest of six, with five older brothers. Her father died in 510, and her mother nearly died of heartbreak from his passing. Sometimes the notes of her life’s song are happy and cheerful, like when she fell in love for the first time or when she first held her daughter. And sometimes the notes invoke thoughts of storms and despair, like when she lost her father. Today, Ireth is struggling with her emotions, her constant longing for a stability she hasn’t had since she left Ravok, in the midst of moving across Sahova and raising her adored child.
Character History
Ireth's father was Zhidynach Telemnar, who grew up with the sea in his blood. A Nykan sailor by trade, he married Ireth's beautiful mother, Birine Gha'wor, and moved to Ravok, taking up fishing, to be with her. Birine and Zhidynach raised six children, five boys and one daughter. Ireth is the youngest. In 510, Zhidynach died while out on the Lake. The death hit the Telemnars very hard, and Birine fell into a deep depression, literally becoming sick from heartbreak. For nearly two seasons, Birine was bedridden. She nearly died. Ireth, at 15, was taken care of by a friend of the family, a baker woman from the Docks. All of her brothers still live in Ravok.
In the Fall of 513, Ireth joined a caravan and made the 60-something day journey to the city of Nyka. She went to visit her aunt, the sister of her father, with whom Ireth had traveled to Nyka twice before. But deep down, Ireth was chasing a dream. She'd had a dream about someone or someones from Nyka and she went there to try and find out who they were.
At first, Ireth had thought that she was simply going to wait out the Winter in Nyka, but she finds herself enthralled deeper with the City of the Aperture and its people. She continues to explore the city, playing her pipe in the streets and, with Vysia's permissions, sometimes in the lobby of the SafeHaven Hostel. And, to her heart' joy but against her Lord's will, Ire is finding herself very much enamored with the wooing of the young acrobat Savio Cazzola. The two are finding themselves more and more in love with each passing day, with both nightmarish thoughts of the day she thinks to leave Nyka and dreams of never leaving the courier's embrace racing around Ireth's head. That is, until the 19th of Winter...
Come Winter, Ireth discovers that she is pregnant with Savio's child while he is on a personal challenge into the Hollow of Odraz. She also takes on a second job as the babysitter for Nya Mirilind, the daughter of Oire and Tynybi Mirilind, owners of the Mirilind's Celestial Garb clothing shop in the Eastern Quarter of Nyka.
On the 63rd of Summer, 514 A.V., a child was born to Ireth. The love-child of Ireth and Savio Cazzola, the child is a girl Ireth named Ellemyer Cazzola.
Due to complications involving the thief Toan, Ireth was made to flee Nyka in the Fall of 514 A.V. with her baby in tow. They traveled together with Toan to the seedy city of Sunberth, a world too much like the underground of Ravok for Ireth's taste. Though she mourned having to leave one of her best friends behind, Ireth left Sunberth mere days after arriving, taking passage on a merchants ship to Zeltiva, where she hoped she'd be offered sanctuary and a place to raise her daughter in peace.
Never before had Ireth thought she'd travel as much as she had in the last three years. Besides a few trips to Nyka with her father when she'd been quite young, Ireth had never left Ravok, nor ever had any intentions to leave the city of her birth and childhood. She misses it terribly, along with her family, but she's too far on this journey that is life now to turn back around.
Fluent Language: Common Tongue
Location: Zeltiva
House: An average sized room in the World's End Grotto (priced at 2 SM per night)