Hi guys,
My name is Vreynor Stormshard. Most people just call me "Vrey" for short, though. I'm new here - obviously. My only experience prior to coming here, is on iOS Devices, which - to say the least - is much more lackadaisical than this, so don't expect my posts to be as pristine and concise as all of yours. Of course, I'll be pushing myself to do as well as you all.
I found Mizahar a long time ago online; can't remember how, now that I think about it. But I was reading lore on and off for a long time before registering. As far as RP goes, I enjoy playing the role of the behind-the-scenes, guile threat; the one you trust who stabs you in the back. The maniacal sociopath, if you will. Y'know, the cool guys - the Heath Ledger's. As such, I prefer writing in tense situations and enjoy conniving and plotting against others. I have little experience with physical battle-posting, so I'm not a fan of that, simply because of my lack of experience...
As of now, I am astounded and in awe over the detail and meticulous planning put into Mizahar's lore and history. As stated, I've only ever dabbled in iOS PbP-RP, and that was very laid-back, casual, and improvised. This, however, is something far more elaborate, and it kind of blows my mind. Contrarily, it has been overwhelming for me to try and adjust to this magnitude of RP. There's a lot of planning, thinking, and reading that goes into it - not that I mind it, just that it's unfamiliar. I'm used to having "on-a-whim" RP sessions with people who wrote one to two paragraph posts, and everything being entirely improvised.
If I were to take one thing away from Mizahar, it would be a better understanding of what it means to RP literately. I felt, before, as though I was among the "elite" solely because - in my environment - having more than 500 words was considered exemplary. So I would like to enhance and improve to the tier of what Mizahar writers operate at, daily. Nothing, I mean nothing, on this website needs to be expanded; it's already so humongous!
Anyway, I'm glad to be here, can't wait to start, and will see you all on the flip side! Thank you for taking the time to read this post!
Respectfully Yours,
Vreynor Stormshard