Veritas: de Leon Law
Concept: Veritas Law enables for thorough and customized legal aid independent from the government bureaucracy. Whereas public attorneys handle families and customers as well as their needs on a case-by-case basis, the Veritas law firm offers service and representation to customers with personal and detailed information of them. Hiring private attorneys is often appealing to merchant families and those with a long history of trade contracts, legal disputes, and other issues that generally require the assistance of an attorney with prior knowledge of them. The ability to be privately contracted and continually represent a customer holds many benefits for those living in complex family situations, with the assigned attorney essentially acting as a mediator and counselor for the customers. Considering Veritas offers appointments and meetings on a tip basis, the attorneys can be met with consistently by long-term customers without extra cost and more comfort.
Private attorneys also provide other benefits, as they often have more experience and thus more insight with their customers, can fulfill tasks with more freedom, have a personal stake in their customer's success . . . so on and so forth. Veritas, specifically, is also a law firm that is specialized in prosecuting and defending clients (or signing contracts) based on Trade and Trade Law. This focus is especially profitable in a city such as Zeltiva.
Business Type: Service
Services Offered:
Legal Representation and Protections: Paying the designated price will enable a transparent cooperation agreement between Veritas, its associates, and the client. The general services attached to this offer include, but are not limited to: representation during a legal dispute, investigation and information services in relation to an ongoing legal dispute, whether the dispute involves trade, policy, felony, prosecution or defense. The length of the contract is determined upon the initial phase of the arrangement. If the client fails to pay, Veritas and its associates may relinquish protection and representation at any time. Veritas reserves the right to decline potential contracts and offers if they fail to meet expected payment requirements, or are too high profile for the establishment to properly represent them. Prices vary based on the dispute; murder, grand larceny, and cases of such magnitude will likely require a great amount of funding.
Legal Counseling and Locational Appointments: Veritas will accept appointments between attorneys within the firm and a client. They may meet you in their office, or any location within Zeltiva, provided you are willing to pay a small extra amount. These appointments can discuss issues related to legal disputes, can result in a contract being dealt and the hiring of a Veritas associate, and virtually any other form of assistance that would require the knowledge of a student of law. Counseling fees do not apply to customers that have already paid for representation, protection or information brokering. Prices depend on the satisfaction of the customer. This is essentially considered a 'tip' job.
Specialized Information Brokering: While not officially listed, one may inquire the leader of the firm, Mateo de Leon, as to whether they are willing to obtain information for the client. This may not necessarily be legal, but generally will be. Information brokering not related to a case dispute may fall on virtually any subject. Examples include investigation of a trader's employees, wares, and business plans, investigation into evidence related to a case dispute, or even information on specific people. Prices vary. Dangerous and illegal information is much more expensive. Agents may be hired by Veritas to handle this service depending on the difficulty. In this case, the cost may be high. A client will always be informed of the projected costs. Veritas will not charge more than the initial projected cost, and money is not paid until the information is successfully acquired.
Miscellaneous Legal Affairs: Anything that falls inside of the realm of an attorney may be asked of a Veritas associate. Prices will, of course, vary.
Base Income: Attorney - 7gm/day
Skill Bonus: Competent Law - 3gm/day
Sales Bonus: 2gm/day - Considering the utility required by the merchants and other notable figures in Zeltiva, private law firms may often be required -- as well as given extra latitude -- and thus Mateo is likely to receive more income than your average attorney.
Total Income: 12 gm/day, 1080 gm/90 day season
Structures - 1 Elaborate Office (1500 gm), 2 Simple Offices (200gm/ea), 1 Elaborate Patio, Deck/Stone (500 gm)
Cost of Structures: 2400 x 0.75 = 1800, to be owed to . . . unknown. I will edit this after the business plan is approved, as I must have an approved business plan to ask for a loan in Zeltiva. : (