Location [Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Tiath Othos on March 20th, 2015, 10:13 am

3rd of Spring, 515 AV.

Homesick was the first thing Tiath felt when he reached the stone gate that represented the edge of the city and what would be his new home.

The sounds of city had echoed out to him awhile before he had reached the gate itself, the sounds themselves instilled more fear into him then the idea of moving away from what he had left behind, the idea of a place that big with so many people within worried him.

He had arrived during the mid day, so few people were entering the city and fewer seemed to be leaving, the guards themselves were watching those and seemed to know a few of them by name.

Tiath paused for a few moments and quelled his nerves, taking a few deep breaths before he continued, his hands moving quickly to check his backpack and sword were still safely secured.

The guards by that point had noticed him and were waiting for him when he reached the gate. "Reason for coming to Syliras?" A guard questioned, blocking his path into the city.

Tiath dropped his gaze upon realizing he was being addressed "I was hope-" he nearly whispered before stopping and taking another deep breath.

He looked up and met the guards gaze with a renewed determination , "I came here for a new life" He said sternly before finishing up with a meeker voice "And to become a black smith"

The guard just laughed and waved him through.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Harlow Chase on April 3rd, 2015, 5:51 am

Harlow stood by the main gates to the city, enjoying the simple pleasure of taking a walk outside in the sunshine. He found that though he was more or less fine with staying inside the Citadel after years of being stuck inside it, it was never anything less than relieving to be able to look up and not just see a ceiling. But as great as it felt to be outdoors, he knew he wouldn’t be leaving Syliras anytime soon. Maybe the place and people in it were a bit stuffy, but it was the city he knew. And besides, it wasn’t so bad that things were orderly. But, at least until he had the money to even consider traveling, he left that kind of thought alone.

He took a moment to stretch out his arms and legs and readjust the cape around his neck, letting out a soft sigh. Now that he had stopped himself from thinking about anything else, he was again forced to acknowledge his current state of affairs. He hated the jobs he took, his home was too simplistic to have any real meaning to it, and he wasn’t even in a relationship. Not that he could afford one, now that he thought about it. Maybe just sprinting out the open gate and finding something new wasn’t such a bad idea after all…

“Hey, you! What are you doing loitering around here?”

Turning around and looking up at the guard that had noticed him, Harlow began to focus his Djed as a knee-jerk reaction, Suggesting that he wasn’t worthy of the guard’s notice.

“I’m terribly sorry, terribly sorry. I forgot where I was going. I’ll be on my way right now.”

Seemingly appeased with the hint of groveling in Harlow’s voice, the guard nodded in acknowledgement. “Try to mind what you’re doing, do you hear?”

Nodding without another word, Harlow headed out of the man’s line of sight and started back into the Citadel. Maybe he didn't like the place very much after all, but at least it was something.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Tanna on April 16th, 2015, 3:25 am

There was a distinct smell to Spring, she had always known it but she had never realised how vastly different that smell could be in different regions. The grasslands she had called home had always had a sweet undertone, fresh and clean in comparison with the city she was riding towards. Syliras and its surrounds had a much different smell, one that grew stronger as she approached the towering grey walls of the castle; it was richer, headier, with notes of waste, damp animal and the tang of bustling bodies all mixed in to the musky earthen smell of the rich soil the city grew from. Tanna had never found it offensive, just different, fitting for such a large and confined space. It spoke to her of those who knew this smell, this city – those who knew it as home.

Slowing her mount by applying small pressure to the base of the mare's strong neck, Tanna used the momentum to swing a leg over the yvas before dropping casually to the ground as the golden Strider came to a lazy halt. Straightening herself, Tanna pressed her hands into the small of her back before arching into them; she let her head loll back to give her neck a short stretch, as well, while her hair - a mess of frizzy braids and rebellious flyaways – swayed to and fro with the motion. Straightening in a flourish that caused her braids to whip about her cheeks before tumbling about her shoulders, she caught sight of a passing trade caravan, noting the cursory looks the older male driver and the lemon-faced woman at his side gave her, no doubt due to the windmarks on her skin that she kept plainly visible due to her rolled up sleeves and the way her shirt hung in a deep V at her neck.

Hardly a shrinking violet, Tanna, instead, spread her lips wide in a bright smile, big teeth showing as she offered a friendly wave. Continuing the pleasantries, she called out, one of her hands moving, habitually motioning some of her words, "
Setting up here or passing through?" She had paused along the Kabrin Road, just shy of twenty metres away from the gates, and knew they could be travelling south to Mithryn or beyond but she felt sure their destination was the city. She continued to watch as they rode on before a head covered with a mop of mousey brown hair popped out from the top of the open caravan. She could see his gaptooth as he spoke, his voice more friendly than the looks she had been given "Aye! We'll be down at the Bazaar. Freshest vegetables you'll find!" Smiling broader, Tanna quickly fired out a reply, "Oh? I'll be seeing ya, then!" That is, if she remembered how to get to the Bazaar. It had been a season since she had last wandered the winding warrens that made up Syliras.

Nevertheless, she swung around gaily to face her mount, hands moving to either side of the mare's neck before she drew them upwards, eventually cupping the mare's face, fingers tucked up around Coosa's ears. Lips still pulled into a broad smile, she stepped forward while drawing Coosa's head down towards her before pressing her forehead against the cobwebbing of the mare's own, fingers flexing into the horses's mane as she cooed softly, "
You hear that?" She paused, allowing the two of them to share a breath before pulling back, her hands languidly trailing away from the big head lingering before her so they might sign along with her words, "I'll have some nice treats for you before Syna's rests."

With that, she stepped back and to the side, brushing a hand down Coosa's neck as she inspected the Strider and the packs she carried. Eyeing the mare's dirty hooves, Tanna made a face before addressing the horse once more, this time only using her hands,
Come. Clean you up. Turning back towards the gates, she waited for the mare to take a step forward before the two approached the gates shoulder to wither. Once acknowledged by a guard, she merely offered one of her bright smiles before explaining her intentions. She wished to find Windmount Stables again to tend to her horse; from there, she'd seek out temporary lodgings at Traveler's row since she wasn't sure if she would stay the entire season or not. After having him point towards where the stables were to help jog her memory, she ended their conversation as politely as she could, mentioning that she was pleased to return to Syliras, and wished Syna to shine her light upon the man as she bid him farewell and passed through the gates.

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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Terag on April 21st, 2015, 8:13 am

9th of Spring, 515AV

It was somewhat past nightfall by the time Terag arrived at the gates to Syliras. While the humans that inhabited the region would be starting to find it harder to see at this time, Terag was finding the opposite to be true. The Isur blood allowed him to see better in the dark after all; the bright light of day caused him to be constantly squinting, even if he were to stand in the shade. Either way, he strode confidently up to the gates.

"Halt! State your name and buisness, and come closer to the torch light would you? It's getting hard to see people coming in." One of the two knights motioned for Terag to come closer, while the other seemed to be a bit more interested by the spear that the Isur had on his back. A few steps into the light revealed Terag for what he was: An Isur, quite a ways from home.

"My name is Terag. I'm here to stay for a while, set up trade and earn a living for a while." His speech was a bit slower, as if he had to think about each word before he said it; Common wasn't his first language after all. "Is there any other reason to stop me? It is late. I am no threat, just simply looking for the castle so I can get my housing in order so I can sleep."

The first knight from earlier responded first with a wave of his hand towards the gate, "Aye, everything is in order. You're free to move on. The castle is pretty hard to miss." The second knight made a move to stop Terag for a moment, "That weapon on your back, it seems a bit strange. Do you mind if I ask what it is?"

The Isur's passive face broke into a smile, he always did enjoy talking about his work. It took a long moment to take the spear off of his back and prepare his words. "It's based on a spear, I had a hand in making it." His right hand carefully went up the spear's length, "The blade is longer to help with cutting, like a sword. Long shaft to keep the use of a spear, and a spike at the end for a bit more freedom of choice. I've only improved since then, I hope to put my skills to good use here, learn a lot from many people if I can." The spear was replaced on his back with care, and with a nod the Isur was off into the city and towards his long-awaited bed.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Wrenera on April 25th, 2015, 6:44 am


11th of Spring, 515 AV

It was a warm spring night. A gentle wind, easily manipulated by her flapping wings, stirred the tops of the trees, below. The glistening surface of the river was seen to her left, swerving along as it turned southward, beyond the human-made trade road, to the flat lands, and fields, farther still. Wren veered from the forest, angling her wings to glide into the turn and parallel the road. She saw nothing on the path this night. But it was not uncommon for her to observe humans on wagons or horseback.

She already glimpsed the towers and turrets in the distance, along her westerly course. The fortress was enormous. The few humans she had spoken to had called it, Stormhold Citadel. The humans spoke of the Great Rending as if it were a horrible occurrence. She understood only too well the destruction such things could bring. Having to rebuild homes, and bury the fallen. But she was taught at an early age, The Rending had been the birth of her people. Such thoughts flittered through her mind whilst the impressive building rose ever higher.

This was not her first time to the bastion of the region. She made regular trips here every season. Curiosity battled with her instinctive wariness, and eventually, curiosity won out. Then she'd fly out of her caves at nightfall and travel to Stormhold. She had made several circuits of the place. She came to realize just how vast the stronghold was. It spanned a great distance, no doubt housing thousands of people inside. She had taken special interest in the docks; with their curious constructions of wood and canvas nestled beside great platforms where they were secured. While many things about the city were still a mystery to her, she could at least see the docks. The humans were there even now, moving to and fro from building to floating creation or clambering up the vines of the thing itself. She laughed at this.

The docks were not the only place for her to observe. A strip of structures within the walls were open to the sky, and consequently, Wren's inquisitive eyes. It was to there she flew. Stretching out her wings, she buffeted the air in a series of quick strokes. Her impact with the ridge of wall, graceful and light. She had made certain to scan the nearby battlements for guards. She did not understand the pattern of their shifts, but they carried fire and that gave her sensitive eyes, pain. A few times they had spotted her and voiced their displeasure with her presence there. She had taken to the sky on those occasions without any further trouble. Despite those warnings, she always found her way back here.

Perched on the wall, peering down at those buildings. She knew them by heart. One held workers of furs and hides. These things she knew about from her hunting experience and looked on with interest. Escaping another were see-through objects. Some simple, others beautifully shaped and colored. Finally, the best of them all in her opinion, the place of metal forging. She looked on now in wonderment as the beginnings of a tool (much like her own), took place. A bright device she could not stare at for long periods of time without averting her eyes, generated powerful heat, and it was there the workers began their task. They then took the blazing hot metal over to workstations where they beat upon it tirelessly with hammers, truly giving the metal its shape. Finally they were set to cool in a basin.

She smiled, reaching her clawed hand down to the leather straps at her waist where her hunting tool was housed, stroking her fingertips over the smooth handle. The sharp curved sword had belonged to a human. She wondered idly if it had been created at this very place.

She observed the sights for hours. But the time soon came where she had to go back to her home. There was much to do still, and the dark of night would not last forever. Unbeknownst to those who dwelt in the fortification, a dark silhouette leapt off the wall, into the night sky, falling away before a steady beat of wings brought her to a desired elevation. She would return. And who knew, maybe next time she would demand they make her another hunting tool. She laughed at that.

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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Moxie on May 12th, 2015, 11:04 pm

The Beginning..

The weather outside seemed dreary. Rain pelted down, hitting the earth with delicate pattering sounds, bringing the scent of wet Earth to the Konti's nostrils. She inhaled deeply, letting out a long breath as the group came to a stop. The Konti women traveled with her to Syliras so she would not be alone, plus they were here to trade their precious vision water for some goods they needed on Mura. Moxie was nervous, this was going to be her new home. The castle looked intimidating staring down at her with it's stoned glory. The Konti stared at the forboding gates to the city, her palms sweating.

She was going to miss her family back on Mura, she already felt the pain in her heart for leaving them. Moxie knew though that this was the place she needed to be, her journey began here, and she was determined to find out what was missing. Moxie inhaled a deep breath again, pulling her cloak tight around her body, and the hood up to shield herself as best as possible from the rain. She approached the guards with the other Konti women, as they inspected the group. Moxie kept her head down until the guards came to her, she pulled her hood down and nodded with out saying a word as they passed through the gates.

So many different lanes seemed to go to different places from this point, and the small Konti woman was starting to feel confused and a little frightened by it all. She knew she would adapt to her surroundings and soon learn which paths lead where, but this was almost panic inducing. The other Konti women said their good-byes to Moxie as they had important business to tend to, and left her alone in the middle of many paths to be chosen from. With that, Moxie found a guard to lead her to the Housing Authority so she can secure her residence here for the next few years.

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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Nyria Ly'Mata on May 26th, 2015, 4:56 pm

The 87th of Spring, 515 AV...

Nyria watched from the cart as the city walls grew closer and larger, the merchant caravan had taken longer than expected, due to damage to one of the wheels inhibiting the speed at which the caravan could travel, and with more time away from the company of women, the men were starting to get restless. Whilst she knew she was in no immediate danger, Nyria knew that would not last much longer, even if she tried to look for the best of them, and breathed a sigh of relief when the walls came into view, the sigh seemed to spread collectively and everyone's spirits seemed to rise at the sight of Syliras gates.

The merchant smiled to Nyria as they waited for inspection,
"It's been a pleasure travelling with you, miss, but I suggest you run along and get inspected alone, you'll get into the city quicker on yer own than with a caravan." Nyria nodded and started to climb off the cart.

"Thank you, for everything." Nyria bowed her head in respect for him. "I'll be sure to send word to my mother, she may give you a discount on our water any time she comes to deliver it."

And with that Nyria approached one of the guards, who inspected her rather briskly before allowing her access to the city, before entering the city, she turned to look back at the cart, the merchant waved and Nyria smiled to him, he had been an honest man and protected Nyria, it was sad to say goodbye to him. She waved back before entering the city and already getting lost...
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Solugh on June 5th, 2015, 7:45 am

The 1st of Summer, 515 AV

Solugh's eyes were wide as he walked towards the walls. Approaching alone, he readjusted the pack that grew ever heavier on his shoulders. All he could think of was a place to sleep that was not his tent, which was currently rolled neatly and tied to the bottom of the pack. Well maybe the tiredness wasn't the [i]only[/] thing he could focus his attention on. From the stone work to the people, there were so many things here he had yet to see, and each one fed his curious nature further.

The Sun was quickly fading to the west, and despite all of the distractions Solugh managed to focus long enough to speak with the guards and gain admittance inside the walls. That was step one, step two would be to find a suitable inn...
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Trilsal on June 21st, 2015, 1:07 am

3rd Summer 515 AV

Syna's rays were fading over on the horizon as Trilsal approached the imposing gates taht would lead into the vast city that he had heard lots about on his travel. As he approached mixed feeling of excitement and apprehension fluttered within his being. This was to be expected of course, he was after all about to under go a massive change in his life.

Two imposing steel encased men stood guarding the gate and eyed the large dark red man as he mad a slow trot towards them on his white horse. The sight was almost comical as Trilsal's horse was slightly too small for him, meaning a hunched riding position and legs that were perilously close to the floor.

"Good evening I seek lodgings within your fair city If I may". He was tired after the riding, sore and in need of a good meal so words came slow and short to him. After promising, on pain of execution, that he wasn't there to cause trouble the Knights let him through and pointed him in the direction of the stables and lodgings.

He took an apprehensive breath before leading his horse into the city to begin a new chapter in his life.
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[Syliras Entrance] The Main Gates

Postby Amory Lark on June 27th, 2015, 12:45 pm

7th of Summer 515 AV

Amory was exhausted. Not a skilled traveller, moving from one place to another generally meant a lot of unpleasant hardship for him. He disliked to be on the road. What he liked were narrow streets and gloomy corners of a city. That comforted him always.

The weather wasn't bad. It was a slightly cloudy afternoon. Warm but a little windy. As Amory approached the city gates, the knights guarding it eyed him idly. "Halt, stranger!" shouted one of them. Amory sighed. Looking at the knights with a slightly annoyed expression on his face, he stopped walking, not saying a word. The other knight cleared his throat and said:

"State your name and business here in Syliras."

For a little while, Amory said nothing. Then, he asked: "Why do you need to know?" The knights looked at each other. "Look", said the first one, "either you tell us or we don't let you in. Understood?" Amory sighed again. The knights watched him patiently.

"The name's Amory Lark", he said, "and as for my business here, I still have to find out."
"What do you mean?" said the first knight. The second one yawned.
"I just don't know, alright?" said Amory.
The first knight frowned and said: "Listen, Amory Lark. You're not very cooperative, are you? Why are you here? What do you want to do here?"
"I wanna live here", Amory said. "Can you let me in now?"
The second knight yawned again. "You look like a troublemaker, Amory Lark."
Amory smiled. For the first time since he reached the gates. "No worries, sir", he said. "I'm a good bloke."

The knights didn't say anything. Yet, they did let Amory Lark in. He found himself in the gigantic city with nowhere to go. "Let the story bloody begin", the young man said to himself with a slight mischievous smile on his face. He had no idea what he was going to do but still, he suspected it was going to be fun.
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