OOC Info [Sunberth] Job Applications

For working opportunities in the city.

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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Avarice on December 5th, 2014, 8:16 am

All applications up until this point have been processed. Enjoy folks! :)
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Dieter Hauer on December 5th, 2014, 9:52 pm

Character Name: Dieter Hauer
Race/Age/Gender: Human, 25, Male
Time in Sunberth: Entered at the beginning of the season. Going to be here at least this whole season.

Desired Job: Basic Mercenary at Tall Johnny's/Guard. Whichever you deem appropriate.
Start of Employment: 10th Winter, 514
Suggested Wage: Basic Mercenary 1-5 with 1-3 base with competent in two relevant skills
Guard 5-7 with 5 base and competent in two relevant skills
Relevant Skills: Brawling - Competent, Broad Sword - Competent, Boxing - Novice

Employer: Tall Johnny
Location of Employment: Tall Johnny's Casino & Cage fight's
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Glen Fiddich on December 8th, 2014, 3:45 pm

Character Name: Glen Fiddich
Race/Age/Gender: Svefra / 27 / Male
Time in Sunberth: Since some time in Autumn 514 AV.

Desired Job: Barman at the Drunken Fish.
Start of Employment: Since some time in Autumn 514 AV.
Suggested Wage: 3 gm from the price list.
Relevant Skills: Possibly Brawling (novice) / Unarmed Combat (novice) - for breaking up bar fights? Possibly Persuasion (novice) - for convincing people to / not to have just one more drink?

Employer: Father Manowar
Location of Employment: The Drunken Fish!
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Bledrig Fearn on December 10th, 2014, 7:14 am

Character Name: Bledrig Fearn
Race/Age/Gender: Human/28/Male
Time in Sunberth: He has lived his whole life in Sunberth and will probably stay the rest of his life too

Desired Job: Undertaker
Start of Employment: Since he was 21 (so Spring 507 AV)
Suggested Wage: 3 gm (so 1 gm lower than what the actual is) just because I believe that people in SB don't have that much money to spent on dead people
Relevant Skills: Undertaking (Competent), Embalming (Novice), Spiritism (Novice)

Employer:Own employer
Location of Employment: Dust Bed
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Ka'la on December 22nd, 2014, 8:26 am

Character Name: Ka'la
Race/Age/Gender: Konti, 66, Female
Time in Sunberth: Around 10 years. Staying until they think it's time to leave.

Desired Job: Amateur Cage Fights
Start of Employment: Shortly after her arrival
Suggested Wage: There isn't a listed wage, but based on what else is on the lists, 3-5 looks fair? Ka'la is competent in Brawling, so according to the amount-plus-half rule, that would average out to be 6 gm / day?
Relevant Skills: Brawling-Competent. Body Building- Novice

Employer: Tall Johnny
Location of Employment: Tall Johnnie's Casino and Cage Fights
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Julia Tristal on January 17th, 2015, 5:41 pm

Character Name: Julia
Race/Age/Gender: Human, 16, Female
Time in Sunberth: A season or longer,

Desired Job: Courier/Thief(thief is more like a side thing rather than a job)
Start of Employment: This season?
Suggested Wage: 1-5 GM
Relevant Skills: Running, Acrobatics, stealth

Employer: Anyone that's willing to pay (Maybe join a gang)
Location of Employment: All around the city.
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Jenna Wyne on January 26th, 2015, 6:33 pm

Character Name: Jenna Wyne
Time in Sunberth: The end of last season she arrived.

Desired Job: Tanner/Hunter
Start of Employment: Autum 514
Suggested Wage: 5gm/day
Relevant Skills: Hunting 14, Tanning 10

Employer: Self Employed
Location of Employment: Apartment/the wild!
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Janus on February 1st, 2015, 6:59 am

Character Name: Janus
Race/Age/Gender: Eth, 84, Male
Time in Sunberth: Middle of Winter

Desired Job: Herbalist
Start of Employment: Mid Winter
Suggested Wage: 6 GM
Relevant Skills: Herbalism - 30SP, Medicine - 10SP

Employer: Doctor Petricious
Location of Employment: The Clinic
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Andar on February 13th, 2015, 3:42 am


Character Name: Andar
Race/Age/Gender: Kelvic, 1, Male
Time in Sunberth: 1 year (entire existence) and expected to be there for quite some time.

Desired Job:Andar has developed skills to burglarize, cheat, and scam his way to just scraping by.
Start of Employment: as soon as he had some degree of dexterity (3-4 months of age more or less). He intends to get quite serious with his trade this winter of 514. AV
Suggested Wage: 6 GM/day. He's particularly stubborn at what he does and devotes most of his waking hours picking pockets, breaking and entering, and defrauding in all its glorious forms.
Relevant Skills: Larceny, Stealth, Intelligence, Impersonation, Disguise

Employer: He's his own boss. Though he has worked a job or two with the aid of a close friend and comrade in stealth, Vargus. Vargus is a fellow kelvic who uses his alternate form of a rat to sneak into places and gather intel or otherwise rob blind whoever resides in said location. Vargus is a soft spoken lad who lacks initiative and is quite cowardly.
Location of Employment: Andar works out of the Sunset quarters where he has some eyes and ears among the throng of orphans. Beyond that, he is limited to his own discovery as far as potential targets go. Andar is quite thorough in his manner of deception and stealth, preferring to have a backup plan just in case things hit the fan (which they often do in his line of work).
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How'd that get there?
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[Sunberth] Job Applications

Postby Akai on February 20th, 2015, 2:30 am

Character Name: Akai.
[b]Race/Age/Gender: Human, Mixed/Female
[b]Time in Sunberth:
Just arrived, Plans to stay indefinitely

Desired Job: Mercenary working for loan shark, plan to collect payments from those owing the shark money.
Start of Employment: End of Winter season 514
[b]Suggested Wage: 2gm
[b]Relevant Skills:
Brawling 30 (competent)

Employer: Johnny Palo. Made NPC, (short version of CS available if needed?)
Location of Employment: Throughout Sunberth, as I will be finding individuals to collect fees.
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