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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

The Common Room

Postby Alarin on December 2nd, 2014, 5:11 am

*strums harp dramatically*

So much drama and story here. Perfect for a rakish Svefran bard to achieve things of a storyish nature.

And another Svefra too!
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The Common Room

Postby Perplexity on December 2nd, 2014, 9:41 pm

Howdy ya'll!

The venerable Ignotus Everto, our fearless Lord of Council has graciously provided for everyone a glorious task for this wonderful city! You can find it listed on The Crier's Board. Remember, if you have ideas for things you'd think would be interesting as tasks for players to enjoy just post your idea or PM it to me. If all is well then it will be listed for all to enjoy!

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Postby Kamilla on December 2nd, 2014, 11:44 pm

I am SO in!...Finally, an excuse to get all witchy-woo(hoo!) :)
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Postby Alarin on December 3rd, 2014, 4:24 am

I'm trying to figure out if the Oceanus gnosis would affect the ice in any way.
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Postby Ricky Maze on December 3rd, 2014, 4:37 am

You would need Morwen's Ice Reaving actually, and I might actually join in!
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The Common Room

Postby Bianca White on December 3rd, 2014, 4:34 pm

Bianca won't be of any help, unfortunately.

On a slightly unrelated note, I'd love to thread any of the seasonal calendar or seasonal challenges with all of you! PM me for a thread and I'll see if I can fit you in after I finish one or two of my current threads (including the ones on my other PCs).
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Postby Alija on December 3rd, 2014, 5:02 pm

Alija shouldn't be any help either, but I'm also free to thread if you want to complete a seasonal challenge, or personal goal (or just thread with someone, I don't mind!)
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Postby Enthere on December 3rd, 2014, 8:03 pm

This season's calendar looks amazing...I just have to figure out Enthere will survive it :P

Oh, and I would love to thread with people (Everyone!) especially about the seasonal challenges. So if you need a thread partner, I am totally willing.
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Postby Alija on December 3rd, 2014, 8:07 pm

I'm willing to thread with you, if you'd like. Just PM me if you have any ideas! =)
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The Common Room

Postby Perplexity on December 5th, 2014, 10:50 pm


Slavery In Zeltiva

Howdy folks,

A couple of people have approached me about slavery in Zeltiva. While I will still answer those PM’s to each individual I thought that since there was a sudden influx of people bringing up the topic that I would post something for everyone to reference.

Slavery is illegal in Zeltiva.

Now, some of you may wonder: what about the slaver boats that sometimes go through?

Slavery is illegal in Zeltiva but prominent and wealthy slavers are able to grease palms to persuade port authorities into turning a blind eye. If someone is enslaved in Zeltiva they seldom (if ever) remain in the city itself. They are being smuggled to another city somewhere in Mizahar where slavery is openly accepted.

If you are a player seeking to gain a slave you must have the accommodations that go into keeping such a crime beneath the radar. All player owned slaves must be acquired in-game. You must role-play it out. I will let you know now that it’s not going to be cheap. If you are not an exceptionally wealthy individual then the odds of you being able to maintain a slave in Zeltiva is very small. To give you an idea, lets calculate the cost!

Let’s say you want a Human Male Laborer. That is 300 GM’s. In order to prevent their “goods” from being confiscated by the Zeltivan port authorities the slaver (who we shall say is on his way to Sahova), has to grease a few palms. That costs him several hundred mizas because politicians and figures of authority like money. In order to compensate the trader ups his price to make up the difference. Let’s say he has to toss an extra 300 GM’s their way to keep them quiet. This wouldn’t be a problem you would see in other cities that accept slavery but you want a slave. Okay, in order to compensate for the fact that he is not only smuggling slaves through a port illegally he now has to convince those same authorities to turn a blind eye to his transaction. That costs more money to those officials who would “facilitate” such an event.

That 300 GM’s Human Male Laborer has now tripled in cost. But of course the slaver is still looking to make a profit so the total base price comes up to roughly 1000 GM’s.

Now let’s take a look at you as the player who wants to maintain owning a slave. Firstly you would have to pay the base cost of the slave with the slaver’s fees for convincing the authorities to turn their eyes away from his selling of goods. (1,000 GM’s) That hasn’t covered the expense that YOU will have to pay to do the same. For simplicity’s sake we’ll say that you have to pay an equal amount that the slaver paid to convince the authorities to let you keep the slave. (700 GM) That brings your total base cost of just acquiring the slave up to 1,700 GM’s. This is just for a Human Male Laborer (which is the cheapest slave on the Price List).

Now let us turn to seasonal maintenance. A regular laborer needs to be kept healthy in order to do his job otherwise a sickly, ailing, slave will draw attention. So nothing below Common Living Expenses for the slave would be acceptable otherwise you’d have to rotate slaves routinely. That’s 135 GM’s/season.

Uh-oh! That sleazy politician wants his cut for turning a blind eye otherwise he’s going to turn you in to the city guard! We’ll say he’s satisfied with 300 GM’s in his pocket to shut him up.

That brings your total seasonal expense for just ONE Human Male Laborer up to 435 GM’s/season. Every new slave acquired will have to have their seasonal cost lumped into their initial purchase. Total cost for acquiring ONE Human Male Laborer?

2,135 GM’s. This is a 611% increase in price. This is the cost you will have to pay for ANY slave to be maintained in Zeltiva. All prices are rounded up to the nearest whole number. So a Female Human Laborer is 350 GM’s.

350 + 611% (2,138.5 GM) = 2,838.5 GM which would be rounded up to 2,839 GM.

So what am I saying? You can have a slave in Zeltiva. But you must role-play the acquisition in a current time thread. (Flashbacks will be intervened and denied 100% of the time!)

You must be able to afford the base cost of the slave. You must be able to maintain the seasonal cost of the slave. If you can do all of that then haven fun! If not, then having a slave in Zeltiva is just not going to happen for you. Also, none of this is including YOUR seasonal expenses! I'm also not accounting for the fact that you will have to keep your slave(s) hidden in such a way so as not to arouse suspicion. If you're caught, you'll be imprisoned if not exiled and your slave(s) will be freed.

Happy Writing,

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