[Sunberth] Major Gang Sign-Ups

Are you interested in joining one of the city's many gangs? See inside!

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[Sunberth] Major Gang Sign-Ups

Postby Ryu Tenko on March 8th, 2015, 9:23 pm

Name: Ryu Tenko
Age/Race/Gender: 25/Human/Male
Time in City: Lifelong

Applying for: Daggerhand
Relevant skills: Weapon: Handaxe, Intimidation and Forgery
Relevant lores: Lore of Sunberth Street Layout, Lore of The Daggerhand
Motivation: Ryu joined the Daggerhand at a young age to try and track down the men who took his father, intending on using the resources available to him such as violence, intimidation and just general misbehaviour.
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[Sunberth] Major Gang Sign-Ups

Postby Roderick on March 21st, 2015, 11:10 am

Name: Roderick
Age/Race/Gender: 22/Human/Male
Time in City: Arrived last season, plan to stay for at least two or three seasons

Applying for: Daggerhands
Relevant skills: Longbow (expert), unarmed combat.
Relevant lores:
Motivation: He feels like he needs to in order to survive in Sunberth. He doesn't particularly like any of the gang members he's met but he's always had a group of people around him to back him up - safety in numbers right?
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[Sunberth] Major Gang Sign-Ups

Postby Shaun Blackwood on May 6th, 2015, 3:29 am

Name: Shaun Blackwood
Age/Race/Gender: 31/Human/Male
Time in City: Shaun has lived and worked in Sunberth his entire life

Applying for: Sun's Birth
Relevant skills: Gladius (30), Shield (15), Unarmed Combat (15), Tactics (5)
Relevant lores: Lore of Sun's Birth (Starting Lore)
Motivation: Money!
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[Sunberth] Major Gang Sign-Ups

Postby Orakan on October 9th, 2016, 1:44 pm

Name: Orakan / Ora / One-Eye Ora
Age/Race/Gender: 19 / Human / Male
Time in City: Born & Raised

Applying for: Daggerhand
Relevant skills: Unarmed Combat & Intimidation (20), Kopis (15) & Torture (10)
Relevant lores: Lore of the Daggerhand & Lore of Sunberth Street Layout
Motivation: Ora joined up purely for survival purposes. The Daggerhand have always been visible and notorious so it made sense to him to seek safety in their numbers. The comforts and perks that come with the membership are a bonus and luxury he never had growing up. Plus, it fits his character since he's your quintessential thug - neither stealthy nor just in his ways. I intend on him having been a member since 511 AV.

ooc notenot sure if this is necessary anymore but just wanted to cover all the bases
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[Sunberth] Major Gang Sign-Ups

Postby Tarn Alrenson on June 27th, 2018, 5:08 pm

Name: Tarn Alrenson
Age/Race/Gender: 17/Human/Male
Time in City: Lived in Sunberth for his whole life.

Applying for: Sun's Birth Dragoons
Relevant skills: Weapon: Shortspear - 30 Unarmed Combat - 15 Weapon: Saber - 5
Relevant lores: Lore of Dragoons, Lore of Sunberth Street-level "Politics"
Motivation: Explained in-depth in CS, but summarized -- He was frustrated with the state of the city (especially after his father and grandfather were killed) and tried to join the faction he believed had the best shot at cleaning up Sunberth a little bit, although he is quickly disillusioned of his idealistic views of soldiering.
Boxcode credit goes to Antipodes


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[Sunberth] Major Gang Sign-Ups

Postby Guri Burak on July 13th, 2018, 10:54 pm

Name: Guri Burak
Age/Race/Gender: 30/Human/Male
Time in City: Whole Life

Applying for: Sun's Birth Dragoons
Relevant skills: Broad Sword: 30/Shield:25/ Unarmed Combat: 10
Relevant lores: Sunberth's streets/ Sun's Birth (Faction lore)
Motivation: In in city ruled by gangs, one has to make a choice for the better of survival. Sun's Birth's Dragoons were the obvious choice for Guri, growing up on tales of his father and the Sylrian Knights. Though the Dragoons are not the Knights told in the stories, they are as close as one gets to being one in this lawless city and for Guri, this is just a small way of following in his father's footsteps.
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[Sunberth] Major Gang Sign-Ups

Postby Sanabael on July 14th, 2018, 2:50 am

Name: Sanabael
Age/Race/Gender: 22, Mixed blood (Chaktawe/Eypharian), Female
Time in City: Her whole life

Applying for: The Night Eyes
Relevant skills: Acrobatics - 5, Poison - 10, Stealth - 10, Weapon (Gladius) - 5
Relevant lores: Lore of the Night Eyes
Motivation: Sanabael has been betrayed frequently and left alone with no real direction. She feels she had to join a gang out of necessity, and did so entirely for selfish reasons; partially for protection, and partially to give herself some purpose. She felt the Night Eyes aligned the most with her personal beliefs.
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[Sunberth] Major Gang Sign-Ups

Postby Nahaali on August 20th, 2018, 5:57 am

Name: Nahaali
Age/Race/Gender: 19/Human/Gemale
Time in City: Born and Raised

Applying for: Sun's Birth - Dargoons
Relevant skills: Subterfuge
Relevant lores: Lore of Sunberth Street Layout
Motivation: Protection, Alliance, Purpose (as a child she was called a mistake and whatnot by her abusive father, so that made her want to be a part of something so she joined.)

Note: I'd like to have her of been in the gang for a couple years now, at least since 515 or so.
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[Sunberth] Major Gang Sign-Ups

Postby Salara Kel'Halavath on September 5th, 2018, 3:26 am

Name: Salara Kel'Halavath

Age/Race/Gender: 8 yo (physically 30ish) Female Kelvic Cougar

Time in City: Just arrived Fall 517

Applying for: Night Eyes

Relevant skills: Observation (35), Socialization (25), Larceny (18), Subterfuge (19), Weapons: whip (8) Dagger (6), unarmed combat (11). Natural cougar abilities for leaping, climbing, running.
NOTE: Awaiting grading for higher skills

Relevant lores: Nothing to do with Sunberth. Lores in Disguise.

Motivation: Salara is a thief who has been restricted by the lawfulness of the regions she has visited. She'd like to meet likeminded individuals and a place where she can apply her growing skills and support herself. Her self-image is as a sneak in the shadows or grifter in disguise.
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[Sunberth] Major Gang Sign-Ups

Postby Hope Hildebrandt on December 6th, 2018, 6:37 am

Name: Hope Hildebrandt
Age/Race/Gender: 14/Human/Female
Time in City: Since birth.

Applying for: Night Eyes
Relevant skills: Escape Artist (10), Intelligence (10), Larceny (10), Running (10), Stealth (15), Dagger (10)
Relevant lores: Lore of City Layout, Lore of Night Eyes
Motivation: Her father is a Daggerhand and he killed her mother, so Hope wants to help destroy him and his friends. She's also been stealing for quite awhile and finds the rush of crime to be addicting, which is as addicting as having every juicy secret the city can offer.
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