Character Name: Treachery
Character Occupation: Squire (if that fails, Hunter)
Visitor or Resident: Visitor but possible resident
Character Goals: Immediately they are to flesh out and get a feel for this PC, maybe up his combat skills, scare a few people and make some friends.
Threading Interests: *coughs* Is your character afraid of Zith? Do you want to give them the fright of their lives? If so please PM me.
Open for RP: Yep but won't be taking a lot of threads because I'm a slow replier and have a bad habit of ending with 15 threads all wanting replies from me at the same time (and then ignoring said pile I'm a horrible person like that)
Everything Else: To quote Puss in Boots; 'Fear me! If you dare.'
Grade critique?: Yes please! I always welcome ways that I can improve my writing.