[Verified by Nemesis] Nicodimus Loradi

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Nicodimus Loradi

Postby Nicodimus Loradi on December 12th, 2014, 10:24 pm

Nicodimus Arcorin Loradi


Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Birthday: 14, Fall, 492
Birthplace: Ravok

Appearance: For those few people who have seen Nicodimus without his hood up the man's appearance is surprisingly normal. He is possessed of short red hair, blue eyes, and a modestly attractive face. Nicodimus is slender and while he keeps in shape, possesses a build that puts one to mind of someone who is more intellectual than physical.

Character Concept

Nicodimus comes across to many as very quiet and reserved, one who doesn't socialize unless required to. He displays no signs of outward emotions beyond an extremely rare show of anger. Some think it's because said feelings are tightly controlled when in reality it's a complete lack thereof. Nicodimus is emotionally dead inside. He feels nothing and as a result has no care or concern for others. People mean nothing to Nicodimus and he could care less if they are injured or killed.

He also has no compunction about the use of lethal force. If threatened with bodily harm or death Nicodimus won't hesitate to kill someone and then not even be thinking about it five minutes later. To him people are tools to be used as needed and then discarded (not necessarily killed) when they no longer serve a purpose. While utterly ruthless and completely without conscience, Nicodimus doesn't kill for pleasure, sport, or without reason. Unless given cause to do so, it's rare for him to take a life.

Character History

Nicodimus was born the son of Cor and Vera Loradi, simple hard working citizens. As a child he lived a fairly normal life and grew up learning about Rhysol and was given a basic education in reading, writing, and arithmetic. He grew, learned, played with other children, and learned the family business which happened to be cloth weaving. Even as a child Nicodimus stood out from the others. This came largely in the form of an apparent apathy toward other people in general. Their pain, suffering, and misfortune meant nothing to the young man. This didn't mean that Nicodimus went out of his way to hurt people, he just didn't care what happened to them. It would seem that nothing pulled at his heart strings. This however would eventually be proven wrong.

At the age of fifteen Nicodimus met a young woman by the name of Vadia who was a Reimancer by trade. The two struck up a conversation while he was drinking in the Malt House and for the first time showed a genuine interest in someone else. The two quickly became friends and not long after that they became much more. The two eventually fell in love and it was Vadia who initiated Nicodimus in the art of Reimancy. The main difference between them was that Vadia studied the element of fire primarily while he studied water. The two would often joke about opposites attracting. Not long after his sixteenth birthday while Vadia was away on a trip Cor and Vera found out about Nicodimus and his new Reimancy skills.

The both of them, afraid of Reimancy, forbid him from seeing Vadia again. This naturally resulted in a large argument between the three with Nicodimus reminding them he was old enough to make his own decisions. In turn he was told that while living under their roof he would abide by their rules. Without the money to move out on his own Nicodimus' sociopathic tenancies surfaced once more. Seeing his parents as nothing more than a roadblock to happiness and a meaningful future, both died that night. Using his Reimancer skills Nicodimus filled their lungs with water and once Cor and Vera drowned, he dumped them into the river to make it look like an accident.

There was an investigation into the death of his parents, but without any evidence of a violent death it was eventually listed as an accidental, albeit suspicious, death. As their only living child Nicodimus inherited everything and continued to pursue his relationship with Vadia, the young woman none the wiser to what had happened. Things continued to go well for the happy couple and within a few months they were engaged, then married. Unfortunately it wouldn't last. The both of them having moved into his parent's home, Nicodimus came home one evening to find their home broken into. Rushing inside he found the main room scored by several burn marks from a fight and there in the center lay Vadia with a dagger in her back.

On that day a part of Nicodimus died. The robe of mourning worn at her funeral was something he never took off. Now there is only one overriding goal in the man's life, to be reunited with Vadia no matter the cost. Nothing in life bears any true meaning for him and he will stop at nothing to have her by his side once more.


Fluent Language: Common
Basic Language: Nadar-canoch


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Reimancy 15 SP + 15 RB 30 Competent
Writing 26 SP 26 Competent
Teaching 9 SP 9 Novice


Lore of Ravok: History of the City
Religion: Rhysol



    Boots, Low x2
    Pants x5
    Cloak x2
    Gloves x2
    Headwear, Cap x3
    Jacket x2
    Robes x3
    Scarf x2
    Shirt x5
    Undergarments x5
    Pouch, Belt x4

Traveling Gear

    Starting Gear :
    Set of Clothing (Shirt, Pants, Undergarments, Cloak, boots)
    Backpack which contains:
      Comb (Wood)
      Brush (Wood)
    Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
    Eating Knife
    Flint & Steel

    Piton x4
    Torch x5
    Tent, one-person

Household Items

    Bucket, 2-Gallon
    Basket, Medium x3
    Nail Hammer
    Nails (Metal)
    Ladder, 10-foot
    Rope, Hemp (50 ft.)
    Sack, Empty x4
    Blanket, Winter x2
    Lamp, Common x2
    Oil, (1-Pint Flask) x5
    Soap (1 lbs)

Cooking Items

    Table Fork
    Carving Knife
    Table Knife
    Bowl 8” / 28 oz
    Cooking Pot, 2-Gallon
    Dish, 8”
    Pan 16” / 16 oz
    Pitcher, Gallon
    Tankard, 32 oz
    Serving Spoon
    Table Spoon
    Iron Kettle


    Bed, Average (came with room)
    Bookcase, Average
    Chair x2 (came with room)
    Chamberpot (came with room)
    Cupboard, Average
    Desk, Average
    Shelf Set, Average
    Table, Average (came with room)
    Wardrobe, Average (came with room)
    Wash Basin, Average

Personal Items

    Sealing Wax x2
    Signet Ring

Writing Items

    Blank Book x3
    Quill x3
    Ink (1 oz. Vial) x5
    Parchment (Sheet) x10



Heirloom: None


Location: Ravok (close to the House of Immortal Pleasures)

House: A simple 20x20 flat inherited from his parents after their death. The living quarters are very spartan and seem more utilitarian in design than something made for comfort.


Winter 514 :
Starting | +100 GM | 100 GM
Belt x2 | -4 SM | 99.6 GM
Boots, Low x2 | -6 SM | 99 GM
Pants x5 | -3 GM | 96 GM
Cloak x2 | -1 GM | 95 GM
Gloves x2 | -1 GM | 94 GM
Headwear, cap x3 | -6 SM | 93.4 GM
Jacket x2 | -1.2 GM | 92.2 GM
Robes x3 | -3 GM | 89.2 GM
Scarf x2 | -2 SM | 89 GM
Shirt x5 | -5 SM | 88.5 GM
Undergarments x5 | -5 SM | 88 GM
Bucket, 2-Gallon | -5 SM | 87.5 GM
Basket, Medium x3 | -3 SM | 87.2 GM
Table Fork | -1 CM | 87.1.9 GM
Nail Hammer | -5 SM | 87.1.4 GM
Nails (Metal) | -5 SM | 86.0.4 GM
Carving Knife | -3 CM | 86.0.1 GM
Table Knife | -1 CM | 86 GM
Bowl 8” / 28 oz | -4 CM | 85.9.6 GM
Cooking Pot, 2-Gallon | -5 SM | 85.4.6 GM
Dish, 8” | -4 CM | 85.4.2 GM
Pan 16” / 16 oz | -4 CM | 85.3.8 GM
Pitcher, Gallon | -7 SM | 85.3.1 GM
Tankard, 32 oz | -1 SM | 85.2.1 GM
Serving Spoon | -3 CM | 85.1.8 GM
Table Spoon | -1 CM | 85.1.7 GM
Iron Kettle | -8 SM | 84.3.7 GM
Ladder, 10-foot | -5 CM | 84.3.2 GM
Rope, Hemp (50 ft.) | -1 GM | 83.3.2 GM
Sack, Empty x4 | -4 SM | 82.9.2 GM
Sealing Wax x2 | -2 GM | 80.9.2 GM
Signet Ring | -5 GM | 75.9.2 GM
Washboard | -1.2 GM | 74.7.2 GM
Blanket, Winter x2 | -1 GM | 73.7.2 GM
Lamp, Common x2 | -2 SM | 73.5.2 GM
Oil, (1-Pint Flask) x5 | -5 SM | 73.0.2 GM
Piton x4 | -4 SM | 72.6.2 GM
Pouch, Belt x4 | -4 GM | 68.6.2 GM
Torch x5 | -1 SM | 68.4.7 GM
Tent, one-person | -2 GM | 66.4.7 GM
Bookcase, Average | -8 GM | 58.4.7 GM
Cupboard, Average | -2 GM | 56.4.7 GM
Desk, Average | -2 GM | 54.4.7 GM
Shelf Set, Average | -5 SM | 53.9.7 GM
Wash Basin, Average | -2 GM | 51.9.7 GM
Soap | -5 SM | 51.4.7 GM
Longsword | -15 GM | 36.9.7 GM
Gauntlets | -2 GM | 34.9.7 GM
Blank Book x3 | -9 GM | 25.9.7 GM
Quill x3 | -9 SM | 25.0.7 GM
Ink (1 oz. Vial) x5 | -5 GM | 20.0.7 GM
Parchment (Sheet) x10 | -2 GM | 18.0.7 GM

Mizahs Gold Silver Copper
Total 18 0 7

Note: Ledgers are subject to change and not final until the beginning of the next season.

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Last edited by Nicodimus Loradi on January 11th, 2015, 5:08 pm, edited 15 times in total.
To be told is to know but to experience, that is the beginning of true wisdom... and there is no knowledge that is not power. ~ Nicodimus Loradi
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Nicodimus Loradi
Posts: 8
Words: 5854
Joined roleplay: December 10th, 2014, 10:29 am
Location: Ravok
Race: Human
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