Completed Starting Afresh:Job Thread #1

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

Starting Afresh:Job Thread #1

Postby Alija on November 21st, 2014, 7:07 pm

67th day of Fall, 514

The night still hung over Zeltiva, the sun not yet out. A fresh, salty breeze wafted through the town, sneaking into the houses through every little crack. Alija was awake, staring put over the vast blue sea, watching as the gentle waves washed up against the docks. Few were up, with only the occasional sailor passing now and them, ready to set of on another voyage. Alija closed her eyes and let out a deep breath of air, then slowly inhaled, taking in the smell of salt and fish, the familiar, comforting smell. The sound of the sea lapping at the land soothed her, making her forget every bad, and have a still mind. She didn't know how she would ever survive without the sea to give her that tranquility she had now.

The cawing of a seagull broke her thoughts, and Alija remembered why she was up so early. Today she was starting her job, her first job, her first real job. Alija wanted to impress her new boss, Rals. She would be there earlier than he would expect, a pleasant surprise for him. Or so she thought. As she hurried down the cobbled streets, she felt herself doubting her actions. What if it all went wrong, like the University? No, it couldn't. It wouldn't, would it?

As she reached West Street, she found her pace slowing, then speeding up, then slowing again. It was as if she couldn't decide what she wanted. Alija could feel her heart punding in her chest, trying to break out. Oh why was she so scared? It would be fine. But Alija couldn't ignore the butterflies in her tummy, nor that sick feeling. If it didn't go right, what would she do? She'd have lost everything she wanted, without even getting it first.

She stepped over a drunkard, lying unconscious on the street, barely noticing him. Her mind was preoccupied with her new job, and trying to plan out the best way to secure her position. She could do this. She had to.

Alija spotted the small nondescript sign, the simple carved words marking it as the Armed Scholar. She took a little time taking it in, remembering the sights and sounds. Then Alija stepped forward and, ignoring the "closed" sign on the door, entered the shop, a faint tinkle of a bell announcing her arrival. This was it. The start of her new life.
Last edited by Alija on November 24th, 2014, 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Starting Afresh:Job Thread #1

Postby Alija on November 24th, 2014, 5:23 pm

"I'm sorry, but we aren't open yet. You'd have to wait another half hour, so I recommend you do some other task first," came a cheery voice from a boy, back facing Alija, placing helmets of various sizes upon a shelf. Alina nodded, not paying too much attention. She gazed upon the swords and daggers, examining the metalwork, trying to work out their strength without touching them.

"You must have missed heard me," the boy began again, Alija's attention suddenly snapping to him, "But we are terribly sorry that we are closed. Please come back later, whenever it is convenient to you."

"I'm sorry," Alija replied, smiling secretly, "But if I leave I'll be late for my job." The boy gave her a puzzled look, shaking his head slowly as if he didn't understand.
"You see," Alija began again, "If I leave, I will be leaving my job, and I don't think its good to miss it."

The boy laughed, throwing his head back. "I alsmost belived you for a second! You are a good liar! But you don't work here, I do." Alija smiled back, getting a bit annoyed. Aleight, maybe she had ben the slightest bit cryptic, but laughing at her was a little rude.

"I work here now, I have the letter," she replied impatiently, bringing out the folded envelope. The boy looked at her for a second, puzzled, then returned to a friendly cheery mood.

"Well pleased to meet you, colleague! I'm Donovan, Donovan Smith," he stook out one hand, tucking the helmet he had been holdimg under the other arm. Alija took his hand, holding it firmly.
"Alija. Pleased to meet you."

Donovan nodded, lost in thought for a second. "We better get you to Rals, sort out all the formal stuff. If you would follow me," he beckoned to the door behind the counter, leading the way, and holding out the door for her.
"Ladies first," he smiled charmingly, "If you please."

"What the gentleman," Alija giggled back, curtsying with exagerrated movements. They both flew into a fit of giggles, before the door, no longer held, slammed shut onto them.

Alija turned to the forge, the familiar smells rushing to her nose. The fire was blazing on one side, the occasional spark flying out. Shields and swords lined the walls, and a monster of a man towered over an anvil, the metal covered in sparks as he smashed the hammer down, the sound of metal on metal echoing the room. Alija felt at home immediately; the sights, the sounds, the smells so familiar.

"I told you not bring visitors into the forge," he said gruffly, obviously annoyed, "Even if they are your girlfriend."
Alija went red, and due to the fact that Donovan had turned away, he had too.

"We are sorry to intrude, but Alija is starting work today," Donovan apologised, handing him the envelope Alija had given to him earlier. Rals took it, tearing it open , and after quickly skimming through it, threw it onto the fire.

"You're in. Donovan, show her around ." Rals turned back to his work, leaving Donovan to smile apologetically. Alija didn't care. No more worries; she had a job now!
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Starting Afresh:Job Thread #1

Postby Alija on November 24th, 2014, 5:51 pm

Alija had a few seconds celebration , then realised how rude Rals was to her. He probably thought she was a spolied young girl who decided to take up blacksmithing as a hobby. She needed tp show him that she knew blacksmithing, knew it well.
"Why aren't you usimg the peen to make ridges then hammer it out?" she asked, picking on the first thing she saw, "Wouldn't it be a quicker way of drawing it?"

Rals turned to her, "Yes, but for this it would be messier. For this, it is more precise this way." He nodded a bit, then turned back to her.
"You know the craft well, don't you? Had a go before?" he asked, and Alija nodded.

"My father owned a smith, with which I helped him in sometimes. I have had plenty of experience," she smiled, eager to impress him. If Rals realised how good she was, maybe he would pay more, or let her craft more, "I have a knife here, something I crafted once, with a little assistance from my father."

She took it out, handing it to him. She really was proud of it. A strong steel blade, with flame shape carved onto the bottom, the mark of her father's smith, when it had existed. The shape was perfect, at least to her, and anyone could see it had been forged well. Hopefully well enough to impress Rals. He examined it closely, then hit it hard against the anvil. Alija drew on a breath of shock, then sighed, glad it hadn't broke.
"Good, quite good," he nodded, handing it back, "You are quite good. Donovan, show Alija around , and set her up at the counter. You can help me in the morning, and in the afternoon, we'll test her out."

Donovan nodded, smiling, then lead her out.
"This is the main room. You'll take the customer's orders here, and relay them on to Rals. He'll tell you when he's done. Just make sure they don't walk out with one of the show pieces, or break it!"

Alija laughed, being led to a door. Donovan oened it, revealing piles of metal, and a few chests.
"This usually stays locked, so people don't wander in here by mistake. Rals will send us to get supplies , so the keys are under the counter. Don't worry about it too much though," he smiled, leading her out, then locking the door shut, "That's it, any question?"

"What's through the other door?" Alija smiled, staring at it. Donovan smiled, taki.g her to the counter to get her eyes of it.

"A basement, or something. Rals never lets us down there, and won't tell us. I bet it's a monster or something!"
Alija nodde. One day she would find out, but for now she would have to hold her curiousity.
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Starting Afresh:Job Thread #1

Postby Alija on November 24th, 2014, 9:46 pm

The morning of the shop was quite quiet. Alija spent her time examining the show pieces, bored out of her mind.
Remind me to get a book for next time! she thought to herself, picking up a knife from one of the shelves. She span it round, then took aim, sending it flying towards the wall. It landed 10 cm off the cross she had carved in, but it was closer than her previous throw. She was bored out of her wits, trying to entertaim herself.

"Follow through when you throw, don't just stop," came a friendly voice from behind her. Alija turned around, hand on her hips.
"And you are an expert because?"

Donovan laughed, "I've been bored too! Some days, like this one, are incredibly slow, while in others you'd be lucky to get a break!" He plucked the knife from where it had landed and placed it down on the counter. "Oh, look! Customers!"

Alija hurried behind the counter, tucking the knife down behind it. "Hello, and welcome to the Armed Scholar. We hope you have a great experience here. I'd like to introduce you to our new worker, Miss Alija," Donovan introduced, before disappearing back into the forge.

"I'm here for my order. Rals said the sword would be done," a short stout man grunted, before bursting into a fit of coughing.

"I'll be with you in just a second!" Alija smiled, then knocked on the forge. Donovan opened it, a smile on his face. "The man wants his sword. You know about it?" she asked, and Donovan immediately whipped it out, handing it to her.

Alika smiled, before turning back to the man. The sword she handed him was a large, heavy broad sword, something you wouldn't expect the average citizen to have, but she knew better than to pry in his business . "That would be 35 Gold Mizas please."

As she took the money, she noticed a large scar along his right arm. That man really was curious.
"Thank you," she said, ushering him out the shop before she could ask more questions. She placed the money in the correct spot, then turned back to her knife. What had Donovan said about following through...?
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Starting Afresh:Job Thread #1

Postby Alija on November 24th, 2014, 10:06 pm

Rals practically shoved Donovan out the forge, and beckoned for Alija to enter. She smiled, glad to have a break from the bore of a morning. By now she had thrown at least 50 knives. Her wrist was really starting to hurt.

"You say you're good, and you seem good, so we will test you out. Weld," Rals said when she entered , throwing her two picleces of scrap mwteal
Alija looked at him in astoniment, mouth wide open. "What you staring at? Go on!"

"But I don't know where, at what angle, how.."
Rals rudely interuppted her.
"I just want to see skill. I don't care about the final product too much, I just want to watch you do it."

Alija nodded reluctantly, picking up a wire brush. She cleaned the surfaces, then put them in the fire to heat. At that yellow orange colour, she took them out, shaping them, drawing and upsetting to ensure the centre would touch first, so all foreign material would be squeezed out. As she went along, ahe explai.ed all this, feeling the need to show more understanding this way.

She then returned them to the fire, heating them till white. Alija removed them again, bruahing them and adding the sand as flux. The metal was once again returned to the fire. Alija bit her lip at this point. Overheating was extremely important, but the fire obscured her view.
"Please pass me some wire," she asked Rals, and used it to check the heat. As soon as it stuck, she quickly removed the pieces of metal, working at an incredibly fast pace.

Alija placed the two pieces together, using the hammer to tap them together, forcing the flux out and ensuring the contact. Alija reheated the metal and repeated the process a few times. Satisfied , she placed it on the anvil.
'"Done ," she said confidently.

Rals nodded, taking the metal. He tested the strength, applying lressured, hitting it. Happy with the result, he turned to Alija.
"It's good. Not perfect, but well done . You should be proud . Remember to turn up here early tomorrow. Good night!"

Alija smiled, hurrying out. Donovan had already disappeared, so she left withput further hesitation. So that was what is was like having a job. She really would get used it. Alija smiled, watching as the sunset over the calm sea. She was happy and content, nothing less than she could wish for.
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Starting Afresh:Job Thread #1

Postby Perplexity on December 14th, 2014, 1:43 pm

You have played well, but the game is at an end.

You have been bested. Beaten. Checkmate!

However, here is a consolation prize: a wealth of Experience and Lores! If you have any questions or concerns regarding this grade, please do not hesitate to send me a PM. I'll be more than happy to assist you!

  • Running | +1 EXP
    Socialization | +2 EXP
    Weapon: Dagger | +1 EXP
    Blacksmithing |+1 EXP
  • The Armed Scholar: Layout
    Donovan: Co-Worker
    Rals: Master Blacksmith and Boss
    Blacksmithing: Welding Technique
  • I always enjoy craftsmanship threads. Good job!

Until Our Next Match,
-Perplexity, DS of Zeltiva
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