Sorry for yet another thread, but this is something I'm particularly curious about.
Shielding can 'NEVER' be used to harm, and by the capital letters this implies an absolute. But harm that arrives as a possible consequence of a shield cast is within the realm of reason, considering the example of someone rebounding off a shield and hurting themselves.
Would the following scenarios be possible with Shielding?
Suffocation: Creating a shield tasked against air around someone's head. The individual would be unable to breathe.
Starvation: Creating a shield tasked against biologicals around someone's head. The individual would be unable to place anything into their mouth.
Restraints: Creating a shield tasked against biologicals wrapped around someone and then anchored to a fixed point. I am aware this can also be done by creating 'walls' around an individual, but this would be simpler and less taxing.