Solo Planning The Fireworks

How to become a successful thief step 1: recon and planning

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

Planning The Fireworks

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 16th, 2014, 8:23 pm

Day 36 of Winter 514AV

Lhavit was always wonderful by night, so alien and so … different. There could be no greater contrast with the image the city held by day, the whole of Lhavit had undergone a transformation, very much like the Ethaefal, but without the need to return its glory to either Syna or Leth. The Skyglass stopped sparkling when the darkness set in, instead spreading a steady glow that was neither blue nor green, but something in between. One of the stranger things was that it never felt cold, no matter how many layers of snow had been laying on top of it. It was quite nifty of course, since in Winter the temperature dropped like a bird shot down in flight and crash landed somewhere under the minus. However, since Fall had only just passed, those subzero temperatures were not something to worry about. Well, things would get far worse when Winter had truly settled in.

Still, cold gusts of wind did blow through the streets, pushing and pulling at everything that could be played with, be it a muffler or hair, or even open doors. Some people strode by hurried, nose red and dressed as if they were about to take a trip to Morwen's ice castle right then and there, while others -those humans with their colorful eyes- still seemed to think it was Summer and were not bothered at all by the -by Lhavitian standards- quite cold temperatures.

In the midst of it all, positioned casually against a wall was Brandon, dressed for the cold and appearing as if he was searching for something or someone. That was his excuse too when there passed by a soul brave enough to question what he was doing there. The reply they got was just a short “I'm waiting for someone,” and if they should query if he had been waiting for long his answer was a casual shrug. Not that there were exactly a lot of people who noticed him really, most were too busy, and the alley he stood in was not used by the vendors of the Azure Market.

What did made that alley so special was that it was situated just opposite of the Starry Chalice, which made it an excellent spot for reconnaissance. Indeed, it was not without reason Brandon could be found there that night, quite the contrary; in order to prepare for a rather important job -one not ordered by Kriegsfelt for a change- the Kelvic had strategically positioned himself there, on the lookout for the Shinya patrol. Of course, as a successful thief in Lhavit, the Kelvic did know a thing or two about the routes of the different patrols -hence why he had so far managed to stay out of jail. However, this was a little more difficult a job, since it involved breaching the Chalice which was a location the patrol passed by every time.

For that exact reason, the bat wanted to know when they arrived, how long it took them to pass through, and when they were gone. As well, of course, if the Shinya were always the same people or if their schedule wasn't structured like that. In any case, he'd just heard a patrol approaching, and silently compared it to the data he had collected the past few nights, when he had been doing the exact same thing. The time of arrival did match more or less, a couple of chimes margin off, but that was to be expected. The exact times did differ from patrol to patrol, fluctuating slightly. As there were Shinya who walked slower or faster, or just chatted a bit with certain vendors, one could not simply determine when exactly they would arrive and when they would leave. A calculated guess could be made though, and it would be fairly accurate.

However, that was the problem he had discovered during his constructive days of observation and gathering information; the schedule of the patrols during the rest periods and the time of day when the citizens were working did not match. What was the point in standing around in an alley during a period of working bells then? Well, for one it was just to kill time, so he would be near a vantage point when the rest period was upon him. Because he wouldn't have to hurry and make mistakes as a result. This was one of the most important stages in the business. Recon was important.


When there only were a chime or fifteen left before the Midnight Rest began, Brandon unhitched himself from the wall with a motion of his shoulder blades and headed a little deeper into the alley, thus avoiding the glances people could send him by retreating into the darkness. Since most people wanted to be home when the Rest began, Lhavit was already becoming quite deserted, only a few still wandering about, most traveling to their homes too. Brandon obviously did not, but instead scaled the wall with a bit of effort, jumping from one side of the alley to the other as fast as he could, thus gaining height easily and eventually enabling him to grab the edge of the roof and haul himself up. No problem at all.

Once there, the bat laid his body down, stomach facing down and arms crossed under his chin as he positioned himself so he'd get a good view on the Chalice and the street below while he would be concealed by the darkness himself. Now all that was left was to wait for the guards to show up, and once again compare the time to what he had already gathered. He sighed. It was a good thing he'd put on so many layers of clothes, that it wasn't cold yet to walk about did not mean that it wasn't when one was just lying on his stomach on a roof motionless. This would be a rather long and monotonous rest period for him. Again.

Credit goes to Engghaen
Last edited by Brandon Blackwing on January 9th, 2015, 3:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Planning The Fireworks

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 17th, 2014, 4:24 pm

It couldn't be helped, reconnaissance was a truly important part of thieving, especially so when speaking about burglary. That Brandon had to be out and about during cold nights of winter instead of … well, being bored at home, was a bummer, but it was better than risking capture and spending the rest of his days in jail. Fortunately for him though, there had been no rain recently and no snow either, so the rooftops were still dry and his clothes would be too. Imagine the cold he'd feel if he had been lying on a wet roof!

Granted, it would have been safer to hang around in his animal form, watching the guards inconspicuously with both his eyes and echolocation. However, he doubted that his fur would help against the cold wind when he just hung there motionlessly. There was a reason why bats took refuge in caves or hollow trees to hibernate, the former being the best option. Hibernation... that's right, bats were not made to withstand cold temperatures, he would probably catch a cold or so if he had shifted for his recon mission tonight.

It took a while before his ears managed to listen in on what he assumed was part of a Shinya conversation. The clinking of buckles, weapons and armor plates along with footsteps could be heard, and indeed, a trio of Shinya appeared from behind a corner, discussing the possibilities of severe injuries when a novice aurist stared straight in the aura of a master aurist who chose to retaliate with advanced aurist techniques. Nothing what Brandon could follow in terms of jargon or knowledge on the subject, and he did not really care about it either. What did matter was that there were three guards this time, that they had arrived a full nine chimes or so later than the patrol which had passed the previous day, five chimes earlier than the one of the day before that, etc.

It did not seem as if there was any structure in their patrols during the rest periods, times and numbers differed from patrol to patrol and there was no pattern to be found in the data at all. From what he had gathered the past few days, the Shinya patrols during rest periods were completely random. They did have a route they followed, and they usually stuck to it, but they were not duty-bound to do everything in the same order as they would during the work bells. Even the amount of patrols had increased, was it because they feared Incognito? Or was it just because they were aware that the rest periods were the best times for criminals to do their jobs? He did not know, but it did not matter. There was no use in speculating aimlessly, what mattered were the facts. Those were all he needed to set up a plan.


Day 37 of Winter 514AV

Several bells later, Brandon made his way to the Azure again, having left the market to go back home and still his growling stomach, soothing it with bread and water. He should do something about his diet, living on bread was not that bad in any other season than Winter since he usually went out to hunt anyway, but this season sadly was Winter and no bugs buzzed around at night anymore. Not many of them anyway. Hm, Winter would be expensive, Brandon would probably pay many visits to the Shooting Star Inn or so... Ah well.

A wall stood in his way, blocking his path, but the bat paid it no heed, instead placing his fingers and toes in the cracks and on bumps to clamber upwards, soon finding himself squatting on the top of it, sighing and staying in place for a moment. He had to find out exactly where the flammable philters were stored. He did know that they supposedly rested on the top shelves, but other than that he knew nothing. That was quite the problem. A hand stroked his chin in thought. So... there were a few solutions to that problem. First he could go in and ask about the flammable philters, observe the reaction of the shop attendants and leave again. However, that would make him extremely suspicious... especially so if the Animation Studio was burned down a couple days later...

Of course, he could also buy one, but that created the exact same problem. Still, since he had actually bought one, they would not have a need to be suspicious of him. Just inquiring and leaving was quite shady indeed. But still, he'd rather not have such a direct link with the Chalice and the flammable philters. It would be great if he could get someone -a stupid fool of sorts- to buy one for him.... The bat stared down, watching the alley below as a drunk stumbled towards one side and started to rid himself of the contents of his stomach. Yes, this guy would do. How convenient.

With a simple push of his hands, the bat leaped down, landing rather silently, bending his knees to disperse the impact. The drunk was still standing there, bent over and leaning against a wall, panting as if he was about to die. “Hello, there,” Brandon started jovially, doing his best to sound as friendly as he could manage without cringing as the acid smell of the vomit entered his nostrils. ”What do ya want? Go away, leave me alone. Unless ya bring more booze, then ya can stay.“ Brandon smiled maliciously, this was going to be easier than he had expected. “I'm afraid I have no drinks on me at the moment, but I can get you some... It was obvious that this guy did not have any money with him, he'd probably spent it all tonight, the empty bottle in his hand a testimony of his quest for alcoholic beverages.

”Yeah, give 'em.“ was the only comment the man made before starting to spit on the wall for a while. “Of course my friend,” the bat smiled slyly “But first you'll have to do something for me.”
”I'm not doing anything for anyone, gimme my booze and be off.“
”You're not getting anything if you don't help me. If you do however, I'll give you enough kina for a pitcher of ale.” That did seem to give the drunk a change of heart. ”Alright then. What do ya want?“
“Nothing much really, just go to the Azure, buy me a vial of flammable philters at the Starry Chalice and return here. Simple.” The market was only at the end of this alley, this should prove no problem, even for a drunk.

”Yeah, I can do that,“ the drunk said, not even questioning why the bat did not go himself. One of the perks of working with drunks, they did not always think of making things difficult, and their memory was pretty hazy when they sobered up. They were the perfect people for this kind of thing. “Listen up, the flammable philters cost five kina, I'll give you that amount, if you return I'll give you ten, understood?” The man nodded, then frowned and queried;” What do ya need them for anyway?“ A sigh, he had seen this coming. “I found this cave I am exploring in the Peaks, but one of the tunnels is blocked by vines and poisonous moss. It would take too long if I was to use a machete, and I'm a bit scared of the poison, so I thought I'd burn them away.” A shrug and the bat pressed five kina in the drunk's palm and sent him off.

Credit goes to Engghaen
Last edited by Brandon Blackwing on February 1st, 2015, 9:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Fighting Style and Techniques

Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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Planning The Fireworks

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 17th, 2014, 6:47 pm

It took quite a while for the man to return, and Bran was afraid for a moment that the man had decided to seek a pub and buy himself a drink with Brandon's money instead of doing what he had been told. But then he remembered he'd promised the man double to coin he'd given him for the flammable philter, so the doubt that the drunk would not return was obliterated, however replaced with a different fear. This one he had to admit might very well have become reality, he could actually see it happening in his mind's eye; the drunk buying the flammable philter, walking out, stumbling because of his intoxicated state and crushing the vial, causing it to erupt in flame. A chill ran down his spine.

However, his rational side calmed him immediately, there had been no screams of yells that would indicate the man had caught fire, and from what he had heard it was quite painful to have your person lit aflame and those whose flesh the fire consumed were noisy. Yet, the bat was unable to calm down, this waiting and having to depend on someone was killing him. Nervously he fiddled with one of the buttons of his coat, unable to keep his hands from moving. Gah, he should have gone himself, in disguise or so, than he wouldn't have to rely on people. That way he would be able to assure himself the job was done right and done good. He'd have certainty that he would return with the vial, instead of having to worry and standing around.

At last though, the man returned, staggering into the alley with a bundle of something in his hands, but no vial, no philters. Brandon had to use all his willpower not to charge towards the man and search him for the tiny flask, instead appearing to wait calmly where he had been for the last many chimes. If there had been snow, it would have been painfully clear that Brandon had been pacing around during the wait, worrying and doubting, not nearly as calm as he looked. “You have what I asked of you?” Brandon asked with slightly narrowed eyes, rather skeptical. The man simply handed over the bundle, a tiny object that had been wrapped in a rag. “They said they did not trust me with it so they refused to give it to me at first, but when I said it was very important they wrapped it up so it wouldn't break if it fell.” Indeed, the object was a particular vial the bat had asked for. Good thing the people at the Chalice were sensible, and that the drunk somehow had been able to convince them he had to have it now.

“Great. Thank you very much,” was all Brandon said in response, fishing out the ten kina he'd promised the man and handed them over. “This should be enough to buy a pitcher of ale,” Brandon spoke. Not that it was necessary; as soon as the drunk had stuffed the coins away in one of his pockets, he stumbled back towards the Azure, headed for a pub no doubt. The thief grinned; this was perfect! Now he knew what the flammables looked like, all he had to do was to compare this flask to the others and he'd have little problem getting more. This drunk was too fixed on alcohol to care what Brandon looked like, or to ask questions, and the many beverages he had had and would still drink would no doubt erase this night from his memory. This was just perfect. There was no link between himself and the philters, and thus there would be no evidence that could link the bat to Incognito. Another grin, everything was going smoothly. Now all that remained was planning the whole affair.


Back home Brandon was immediately getting into it, deciding he had gathered more than enough data to start planning everything out. As per usual he would draw himself some sort of map he'd use to mark everything on. Not only great to get a good overview of the situation, it also helped Brandon remember everything better. Seated at the small table in his apartment, a piece of charcoal in hand, the bat started drawing a crude sketch of what was supposed to be the azure market and the alleys and streets in the vicinity. It wasn't really what one could call a work of art, but it did not need to be. The lines were not exactly straight when they needed to be, but that was okay. What mattered was that it reflected the streets pretty well, and that it did.

Placing an 'x' in one of the many squares he had drawn, the thief marked the location of the Starry Chalice and decided to write the initials of the other shops in their respective locations as well, for completeness's sake. That's that, now, there was the matter of the Shinya. A dotted line was drawn, flowing through the streets and alleys like a river, presenting the route the patrol would use if he was not mistaken. For days he had observed the guards' movements, and this pattern always emerged, no matter what time they arrived. His memory also presented him with more situations in the past they had not strayed from that route. Hm, clearly this would not change. Except of course the patrol should see something interesting or suspicious, then they would no doubt leave their path to investigate.

Credit goes to Engghaen
Last edited by Brandon Blackwing on February 1st, 2015, 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fighting Style and Techniques

Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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Planning The Fireworks

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 17th, 2014, 9:10 pm

The difficulty of the whole job of course was that he had to break into two houses instead of one, and go from one to the next. That would make things a little harder since Brandon had a time limit for his work. He would have to leave when the Midnight Rest was almost over, so he still had a couple of chimes to get home and avoid the Shinay patrols he might run into... Fifteen to twenty chimes should suffice for him to get home from the Animation Studio, and about the same time it would take for him to get into the Azure. That was not much of a problem, but the Shinya were.

It did not matter if the bat would not run into the guards when heading for the Azure, he could not start until they had passed, so he at least knew he had a little time before the next one came. How long would it take him to open the lock on the door? A couple of chimes, five tops, maybe two when things went extremely smooth. Well, he should have enough time that way... but he had also the distractions to keep in mind, knowing himself he'd find something to lead him off track, a lockbox maybe, or something else. Add another chime or two, and then he still had to write his note... that had to dry too, so... again a chime or three? Four maybe? That alone made for... eleven chimes spent near and inside the Chalice. Add the time needed to reach the philter shop, and the time to get to the animation studio and one would need at least one bell to complete the first part of the task, with a broad margin for mistakes and unforeseen situations included of course.

Then, the Studio itself. The thief wanted to draw on the table again, but much to his contempt, it had already been scribbled full. The wall it was then. The charcoal in hand, the bat stood up and walked towards the nearest edge of the room and started drawing. This one was a map too, a larger one, even though the scale remained the same. Squares for houses, edging along the lines of the streets -only near his target location though, the rest of the map was even more basic than that. Only the streets were drawn there, a complex maze of lines and spaces that spiderwebbed on his wall, growing in size with each and every stroke of the charcoal.

There was a simple reason why this map was bigger; this was the most dangerous part of all. Gathering information and planning? No problem, no real danger. He might look a bit suspicious, but that wasn't much of a worry. Stealing the philters? Well, the timing would be a crucial factor, but all in all it wasn't that hard. Burning down the Animation Studio on the other hand was something else entirely. Not only would the roars of flame wake up the owner of the studio -who could give him some trouble by hindering him- the Shinya in the vicinity would be alarmed too, and so would the rest of the citizens who lived nearby. Brandon doubted they'd come outside to look when it was possible some mage going insane was running amok with exploding fireballs, the Shinya would definitely come. And that was why this map was bigger.

From what he remembered, the Shinya did not pass through the street the Animation Studio was located in, instead patrolling on a route parallel to it on either side. Again the bat added the routes of the Shinya with dotted lines on his improvised maps and took a couple steps back. About five patrols could be in the vicinity when the flames erupted... Then, they would all come rushing towards the source of the light and smoke no doubt, sensing something was amiss. The bat drew arrows slithering through the streets and alleys, originating from every intersection of the patrols' routes to the Animation studio, ending up with a bunch of lines he could still make sense of, but someone else couldn't. Each time he had drawn the shortest way to get from the intersection to the Studio, since he figured that would be the most likely approach of the Shinya.

If he'd stay in the Studio, Brandon would be surrounded, the guards would arrive from every direction and enclose him in the span of ten chimes. However, not all patrols could get there as fast, some were closer than others, and thus Brandon could effectively plan his escape. First he'd best exit via the back, perhaps through the door, but cutting the glass would be faster. Of course, he'd set up his escape routes before he'd destroy the Studio and not the other way around. The less time he had to waste with locks though, the faster it all would go and the more time he had to get home, since he figured practically every guard in the city would be out and looking for him. Things would get tricky, and maybe it would take far longer than expected to get back home, even if he was to travel over the rooftops.

Still, it would be best to open more than one route for him to escape the studio, just in case. Since the times of the patrols differed strongly during the rest periods, it was very well possible that the patrol at the back of the house would reach him sooner than the one at the front, while the one near the back should have -in normal circumstances- taken a little bit longer. No worries though. The whole point was to be versatile, switching plans when necessary. Front or back, no matter, then he'd have to head West, towards Shinyama -his hand and the charcoal followed the path on the drawing as his mind worked out the possibilities. Then if he headed straight he'd run into the patrol there, the ones who'd take the longest of all. Head south a couple of streets before he'd reached that point, a street or three after he had passed the other patrolling guards' route, and then it would get a little harder.

It might be best to head home from that point, doing his best to escape the other patrols. Would they be alarmed? Probably, but it was also possible they'd just keep patrolling... His hand retreated from the wall, and he bit the thumb of his other hand. If they had heard, and were headed for the Studio, there would be little to no trouble, if they hadn't hear though, he'd have to be sneaky, and that meant that he'd need more time. It was best to assume the latter possibility, that was the worst case scenario, preparing for that was always advised.

His gaze slowly returned to the table, and the map there. Taking everything in consideration, what would be the best course of action? Head for the Azure using the fastest way, and if he spotted a patrol it might be better to shadow them for a while, depending on how close he was near the market. The closer he got, the less time he'd waste by that act, since he'd be able to start almost immediately upon arrival. Give and take a few chimes for the guards to move away. The problem there, sadly, was that they crossed paths with two other patrols. While it was unlikely that they would bump into each other, Brandon found it was something he had to look out for.

The route was set, the course of action was almost decided on, all that remained was to go over the details once again, and then memorize the maps. If he stuck to his plan, there should not be too much trouble along the way; he was quite confident he had taken everything in consideration...

Course of action then. Head for the Azure using the fastest way, when spotting a patrol, follow them when you are close to the Chalice and if not, just continue onwards. Arrival. Work on the lock, get inside, compare the vial to the others and store them in my pouch. Maybe I should wrap them in a cloth to prevent clinking noises. Yeah, that's a good idea. I still have that rag, good. Then, prepare the note and let it dry. Leave the Chalice and head for the Studio. Get there as fast as possible, use the same method as before. Then, prepare escape routes, cut a hole in the back window and open it, do the same for the window at the front. And the one where the actual animation room is... Then, enter through the front door. Get a knife and stick the note to the door of the animation room. Throw all flammables inside, cover ears and close the door with my foot. Run to the back and jump out of the window if the coast is clear. Head West for a while, then go South. From there head home via the fastest route, but avoid any and all Shinya.

Yeah, that should do it. Now, to repeat once more...

Credit goes to Engghaen
Last edited by Brandon Blackwing on February 1st, 2015, 9:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Fighting Style and Techniques

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Brandon Blackwing
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Planning The Fireworks

Postby Khara on January 25th, 2015, 8:49 pm

Brandon Blackwing :
  • Stealth + 1
  • Acrobatics + 1
  • Endurance + 1
  • Climbing + 1
  • Planning + 3
  • Negotiation + 1
  • Drawing + 2
  • Cartography + 2
  • Lhavit: the Starry Chalice
  • Schedule and pattern of Shinya patrols in the Azure Market during working bells.
  • Shinya patrols during rest times aren't as structured as during work bells.
  • The anxiety of having to rely on a drunk
  • Appearance of flammable philter vials at the Starry Chalice
  • Planning: Giving extra time for mistakes and unforeseen situations
  • Cartography: Mapping out patrol routes
  • Planning: Always prepare for the worst case scenario.
  • Course of action for stealing from the Starry Chalice
  • Course of action for burning down the Animation Studio
Items Gained:
  • 1 Vial - Flammable Philter
Comments: Fun read! I look forward to seeing if all of Brandon's planning goes the way he thinks it will!
Please don't hesitate to PM me if you have any questions/comments regarding your grade. I'll be more than happy to take a second look if you think I've missed something!
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