After seasons of preparation, also known as procrastination, L'orlei finally sets sail for the mainland.
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Home of the Konti people, this ivory city is built of native konti stone half in and half out of the sea. Its borders touch the Silverwood, and stretch upwards towards Silver Lake, home of the infamous konti vision water. [Lore]
by L'orlei on November 9th, 2014, 6:59 pm
Timestamp: 14th of Fall, 514 AV
The boat rocked gently beneath her feet as L'orlei stood on the upper deck watching as the crew untied the ropes that tethered them to the docks. She watched with mixed feelings of fear and excitement as the last thing tying her to Mura, the only home she'd ever known, was pulled on deck and tossed casually into a storage barrel.
As the sailors shouted and ran about the ship L'orlei let out a sigh and turned to stare up at the mast, imagining the canvas sails that would soon whisk her away to lands she'd only read of in books or heard of from the salty lips of sailors. Her mind wandered back to the conversation she had with the captain two days ago, what seemed almost like an eternity to her.
"Are ye sure ye want to do this, lass? The fall sea's no place for a lady like yerself."
"I'm not afraid of the sea," she lied, "I can breathe under water, remember?"
"Aye, that ye can, but water isn't the only danger on the sea. And Sunberth? What does a lovely lass like yerself want with a flea-ridden shyke hole like that?"
"That is where you are going, correct?"
"Aye, but, well.. Let's just say I wouldn't trust a Sunberther as far as the end of my plank. And a lovely lady like yerself, well.. that's just askin fer trouble, if ye ask me."
"I will pay you."
"Aye, but I could not in good conscience put a fair lady like yerself in such danger, not even fer mizas."
"Please, captain. I need to be on that ship. I can offer more than just mizas. I am a healer, and my services are yours for the journey. I can even leave you with some healing scrolls when we part."
Healing scrolls, even from a novice glyphter, were invaluable beyond the shores of Mura. The captain considered her offer for a long moment, and L'orlei feared he would turn her down even so, but in the end he nodded.
"A dozen scrolls, and the mizas, and ye have yerself a deal. A dozen and a half, and I'll give ye me own quarters for the trip, with or without the pleasure of my company, as ye please," the captain added with a wink.
"Done. And I'll take the quarters, without your company, I think."
The captain feigned a wounded expression before clasping hands with the woman and putting the deal down in writing, her idea. She paid the mizas up front, sixty golden mizas in total for the trip, and promised to have the scrolls completed by the time they landed in Sunberth.
PM to JoinIf you happen to be leaving Mura and would like to join me, feel free to PM. I put the trip at 60 mizas/1gm per day as per the price list, but once I find out how long the trip will actually take I will update it.
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L'orlei - Player
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by L'orlei on November 9th, 2014, 7:25 pm
After a bell or so they were under way. The men had to row out of the harbor, but once they were out in open waters the sails were hoisted and they were off. L'orlei watched as the island dwindled in the distance, she wasn't sure how many bells it took, but when she could no longer see her home she let finally pulled herself away from the railing and found herself face to face with the captain.
"The men moved yer stuff to my cabin. Dinner will be ready in a bell or two. Will ye be having it with the crew, or do ye want it in yer quarters?"
L'orlei considered for a moment. The seamen were a rowdy, boisterous type, and not the sort of men L'orlei usually spent her free time with, though they were often her best customers. That being said, however, she was going to be stuck with them on a ship for the next sixty days or so, and it would not be good to give them a bad impression of her on the very first day.
"I will eat with the rest of you."
"Good! I'll send one of the boys to let ye know when the food is ready. If ye need anything, ask any of my men and they'll see it gets done."
Kontinese - Green | Common - White | Tukant - Cyan |

L'orlei - Player
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by L'orlei on November 10th, 2014, 1:56 am
L'orlei retreated to her cabin after that, planning to get at least one scroll done before dinner. It wasn't that she was in a hurry, she had nearly a season to get all eighteen done, but L'orlei did not intend to wait until the last minute to finish them either. The sooner they were done, the sooner she did not have to worry about them anymore.
L'orlei was still a novice at glyphing, though she was getting better, and Clyde had given her a few tips that helped as well. She laid out a single sheet of paper and set up her ink and quill. The first one she would do by itself, to get the design down, but after that L'orlei intended on doing several of the scrolls at once.
L'orlei dipped her quill in the ink, then wiped it to keep it from gobbing before moving over to the parchment. She started with the central glyph, the focus, and began to draw it out. It started off as a small circle, which L'orlei liked to think of as a pearl, or the hidden gem inside the scroll. It was more than a circle, however, and as she drew, tracing carefully with her quill, wings formed around the circle looking very much like the wings of the gnosis mark on her forehead. This was a design she had done before, though she thought it looked a little better this time than it had the last.
The wings technically weren't necessary, a circle would have done the trick. Glyphing was actually very simple, though it required precision, and more complicated effects did require more complicated sigils. But L'orlei's scroll was a simple one, with a simple effect, and she could have made it by with just a well drawn circle, but she liked to add a little bit of artistic flare. Also, Clyde had told her that intent and meaning helped add effectiveness to the scroll, and the meaning of her focus was clear, at least to the healer.
Kontinese - Green | Common - White | Tukant - Cyan |

L'orlei - Player
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by L'orlei on November 10th, 2014, 2:07 am
Creating the barrier was a bit more complicated, though it could be simple as well. Again she chose meaning and artistic flare over pure simplicity, however, and began to scrawl out a number of small glyphs surrounding the focus. They followed a vaguely shell-like path. The idea was that the sigil as a whole was supposed to look something like a clamshell, with a pearl inside. The pearl was the magic, and the shell was the barrier that contained it.
The glyphs that made up the barrier were a series of symbols and words written in kontinese, all things that represented, at least in L'orlei's mind, things that symbolized a barrier or containing something. To someone who read kontinese it would go something like this:
"Something that looks like a wave, Barrier, Something that looks like a clam shell, Contain, a circle, Box, ect, ect."
It took a bit longer to draw the barrier than it did the main focus, but once she was done she moved on to the next step, setting the trigger. This was by far the simplest part of the entire process.
She drew out a small circle of glyphs near the bottom of the scroll, and within them wrote in stylized Konti script the words, "Release when the following words are spoken: Heal Me"
The words had to be spoken in Kontinese, though she supposed she could have just as easily put them in common, but L'orlei figured there was less a chance of them accidentally going off if the sailor had to speak the trigger in a language other than his own. She would tell him how to say the words properly when she handed over the scrolls.
Kontinese - Green | Common - White | Tukant - Cyan |

L'orlei - Player
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by L'orlei on November 14th, 2014, 7:50 pm
The final step in making the scroll was to imbue it with her healing magic. It did not require any quill or ink, just the gift that her goddess gave her.
L'orlei closed her eyes, reaching down inside herself for that part of her where her magic came from. As with using her djed, L'orlei found it easiest to envision her power in an actual place within her body. She knew that the truth was likely more spiritual. She did not really believe there was some pocket inside her designed specifically to hold magic, but it was easier for her to think of it that way.
When healing a wounded person she did not have to think much at all, actually. She did have to be calm and collected, usually, but the magic came easily when there was actually someone in need right in front of her. Healing the scroll was more difficult, and L'orlei had to will the power out, almost forcefully.
The magic did come eventually, it had never failed to answer her call. Her hands glowed a light seafoam green, the same color as her res, she noted, and the Konti wondered if that was somehow significant. It only took a moment to charge the scroll and after she was done the Konti sat back in contemplation.
Yes, reimancy was primarily used to hurt people, but L'orlei believed it could be used to heal as well. Perhaps not in the same way that her divinely gifted power worked, but power over the elements could be used to help as much as it could to harm. She had to believe that. Was that why her res looked the same as her healing magic?
Her contemplations were cut short by a knock on the door. It was time for dinner.
Kontinese - Green | Common - White | Tukant - Cyan |

L'orlei - Player
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by L'orlei on December 18th, 2014, 5:37 pm
Timestamp: 20th of Fall, 514 AV
Knock, knock. Knock, knock.
L'orlei groaned and rolled over on her bed. She had finally gotten used to sleeping on the constantly rocking ship. Being on the water did not bother her. She did not get seasick, and even if she did, a quick use of her gnosis would remedy that. But the constant rocking about made it difficult for her to sleep. And now, when she had finally gotten used to it..
Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Knock, knock, knock.
"Miss Konti? Are you in there?"
Knock, knock, knock.
"Miss Konti, the captain needs you. Are you in there?"
Groggily, she rolled out of bed and went to the door, opening it a crack. A name sounded in the back of her mind when she spotted the man outside, Derrick, and she recalled that she had met him earlier. He was the captain's first mate.
"Yes, Derrick? Is something wrong?"
"Aye, Miss Konti, something is the matter, but best not speak of it here. Captain wants to see you below decks."
L'orlei frowned in concern, wondering what might be wrong and why he didn't want to tell her there. She nodded, asking for a moment, then shut the door and quickly dressed. Might she need something? Perhaps a sailor was hurt. L'orlei grabbed her pack just in case, then exited and followed the first mate below decks.
Kontinese - Green | Common - White | Tukant - Cyan |

L'orlei - Player
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