by Keene Ward on December 19th, 2014, 7:37 am
Just speculation on my part, because I don't know exactly the extents of geomancy:
If the reimancer was well versed in the properties of the specific kinds of stone, as in he knew what the djed of granite felt like, he should be able to make it. Gems... I dunno. I feel like that would be a stretch, but again. If he knows the djed of the object, or the processes to create it, it seems reasonable that it could be accomplished, but it would definitely require all the proper lores. I don't know about metal. That seems a bit much, but maybe? Alloys would be a combination of fire and earth, I'd assume. Metal itself... knowing the djed? haha. Hopefully someone gets back to you with a definitive answer, cause this is interesting to me as well now that you've brought it up.