by Jokor on October 18th, 2010, 11:54 am
As soon as he put down the little man went towards his bag and began to rummage through it, making a lot of noise as he did.
“Well, my good friend, if you'll just be so kind as to give my associate back his two coppers then I'd say you can keep the rest, for starters.”
Jokor unceartinly looked around for it's associate, not even knowing that he even had one. Before just taking out two coppers and hiding the small amount of silver and copper coins on his body.No sense in holding those two copper miza for himself, he probably would get in trouble if he didn't give it back. Jokor opened his mouth to ask for who the associate was when he heard the pycon begining to mutter some things to himself not able to understand it because the man's head was completly in his bag now. Before he pulled his head out while giving a yell of triumph and held out a single golden miza.
“Here you go, my good fellow. You can also have this as a sort of, starter bonus.” The clay man held out the coin to Jokor who quickly took it, before the man changed his mind and once again hid it on its person.
“Just a show of good faith, my friend. The more the merrier in my show! Of course, ordinarily we would split the gains equally, but the more people we have working together, the more people we can attract, I say!”
A smile spread on Jokors face, Getting paid for doing stuff like this? and he could even sneak away for some time to get some 'pocket money' for himself This was an offer he couldn't refuse.
"Sure I'l do it."