by Vizayas on December 29th, 2014, 7:00 am
You will be able to make accurate long-distance shots based on 'feel' with your longbow, probably only very rarely missing as a master. Let's say you become a Master at mathematics. your accuracy increases since you can properly judge the trajectory and power of your arrow, it's aerodynamics, and the current speed of the wind.
One way to look at it is to view weapon and magic skills as cake, where you have the cake, and the cake is good, but you can bring in all these other skills to add 'icing' to it. Using bows as an example, whatever bow skill you use is your cake, so let's say Longbow in this case. There is a lot of frosting you can add, but you are relying primarily on how good the cake is. The frosting is minor, but can pile on to make you that much more amazing.
Now, throw a Mark of Zulrav into the mix and tell the wind to carry your arrows or to make way for it. Your accuracy increases. You find or create a magical bow that improves your accuracy and projectile speed. More frosting.
Keep in mind you will probably only ever find the will to become proficient in two or three different kinds of frosting. Being only Competent in Acrobatics and Running can still improve your mobility in combat! Archers can fire arrows while running, it's possible to be Legolas in real life. I've witnessed it.
To sum it up:
Primary Skill = Cake (The skill you want to primarily use, be it a weapon skill or personal magic)
Secondary/Crafting Skills = Frosting (Mathematics, Riding, Blind Fighting, Gadgeteering, Bowyer, Fletcher, World Magic, Personal Magic, Alchemy, Acrobatics, Running, Climbing, Brawling, Endurance)
Gnosis Marks = Frosting
A good example would be glyphing arrows and placing Reimancy spells inside them.