[Unverified] Krian Avenlist

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Krian Avenlist

Postby Krian Avenlist on January 5th, 2015, 5:50 pm

Krian Avenlist

Basic Info


Past life persona: Krian Avenlist
Current one: Still trying to figure that out
Race: Ethaefal of Syna
Past life: Human
Gender: Male

Big Dates:

Date of the fall: 3rd of Winter, 514 AV
Age: Newborn

Relevant Stuff:

Location: Zeltiva
Residence: None yet
Occupation: None yet

Note: I'm aware it's impossible to be completely homeless in Zeltiva, so I'll update this as soon as I play out some sort of an arrangement that gets him off the streets.


Physical basics:

Day ~ 7'.5 / 240 lbs
Night ~ 6' / 160 lbs

Colour Palette:

Night: Brown Eyes/ Dark Brown Hair/ Pale Skin
Day: Molten Amber Eyes/ Pale Brown Hair/ Copper Skin / Forest Green Horns

Note: I'll update the daytime colours accordingly as the seasons change.

Detailed appearance: This will be up when the fall thread is finished and I figure out the clothing and other assorted bits.


Immediately upon falling, he isn't quite his usual self. Confined spaces and sudden movements bother him far more than they should, and the dark is unusually terrifying for someone so large. He'll have a profound sense of loss, but it'll take him quite some time to take in, or even believe, the stories others will spun of his fall. As things progress, he'll find within himself a talent to tug at those volatile emotions, and manipulate them to some shaky extent. This will appease him, bit by bit. As he begins to accept both his feet are firmly on the ground for an indefinite amount of time, he'll start grasping at familiar aspects of someone's personality. These new traits will be familiar and comfortable, but they will feel stolen. It will take him a while to re-grasp and accept the life he had before this one. Even more time will be needed to bow his head back to the Goddess. This doesn't make him forsaken, but timid about the faith he once had in such high regard. He will always love and respect the Sun, but it will take a long while before he can forgive. Even long after the shock passes, he'll be angry at everyone and everything. These heightened moods will make him seem more human than it should be possible for someone like him. As a counterbalance to the anger, he will strive, to the best of his ability to make his surroundings as pleasing as possible, soothing the root of displeasure. He will never be hopelessly hedonistic either, but the search of pleasure will remain a constant drive for him in years to come.

Note: A more detailed personality and concept will be forthcoming once I set up the first initial threads

The Trait Project: Angry, Altruistic, Harsh, Scared, Excitable, Lost ~ Subject to change as time passes, and he settles more into his Mizahar-bound role.

Character History

Fell back to Mizahar on the 3rd of Winter, 514 AV

Note: Other than some possible later exploration of past lives, I don't think there's anything to put here without role-playing it first.

Languages Practiced

Fluent Language: Common, Literate
Basic Language: Myrian, Illiterate

Languages Note: While the only language he speaks consciously is Common, sometimes, in moments of great distress he'll get out a few Myrian curses without even realizing he's speaking a different language. It'll take someone who understands the language to get him to understand there's a whole other tongue, buried in his head somewhere.
SP Note: I chose to start without the third language, as I found none that would go well with the character I was going for.


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Medicine 25 SP 25 Novice
Hypnotism 25 SP 25 Novice
Leadership 10 RB 10 Novice


Religion: Syna
Myrian Curses


1 Set of Clothing
-Black Shirt~ Can't Button-up Completely
-Grey Pants ~ Poorly Fit, Well Worn
-Simple Undergarments
-Humongous Cloak Made of Sailcloth
-Well Worn Leather Boots

The above is how the garments feel in daytime. Come nightfall, the shirt becomes overly long and too wide in the shoulders. The pants that ended just before the ankles now drag over the ground unless purposefully pulled up. Undergarments become a bit loose too, but the strings in the pants keep it all together. The cloak becomes so unbearably large that it drags almost a full foot behind him. Shoes too become two sizes too large during the night. It was never specified where the garments came from, but the strong pressence of fish scent suggests a late fisherman. Most of the garments are well worn and patched up, and none of them should prove fitting protection from the incoming cold.


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +4 Nilo 4 Nilo

Note (Ledger/Possessions): I plan to opt out of the full starting package and instead give him the standard starting clothes that will only fit his day form, and a handful of Nilo in form of silver and copper bits. So I'd like to hold out on posting these down firmly before role-playing the acquisition itself.

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Krian Avenlist
Posts: 5
Words: 1787
Joined roleplay: January 2nd, 2015, 3:28 pm
Race: Human
Character sheet

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