Completed [Syliran Archives] For the Love of Books

Katelyn's first trip to the Archives with her Patron.

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[Syliran Archives] For the Love of Books

Postby Katelyn Marks on December 23rd, 2014, 1:49 am

80th, Winter, 514 AV

Katelyn's body was humming with excitement. She wasn't even listening to the conversation between Ser Whitevine and the man at the desk. Nor was her attention on the two armed Knights standing as sentry by the heavy doors that lead into the Archives. She stood close by her Patron trying not to fidget while he scribbled down their information in the visitor log. Why was it taking so long? No wonder she'd never had access to a good source of knowledge. Everyone guarded all of the good books under lock and key and sword.

"Come along," she heard mumbled somewhere far away.

Her eyes were locked on the door as if she could see through them. The glazed look on her face was eliciting some amused stares from the guards, and Ser Whitevine tried again to urge her along.

"Katelyn," he repeated a little more firmly, and her head jerked around to meet his exasperated gaze. "Would you like to stay out here a while longer or go inside?"

She could feel her ears burning and the blood rush to her cheeks. It was all the answer he seemed to need. Her Patron forged ahead and opened the doors to the large interior room. Kat quickly followed, spurred forward by embarrassment and nearly debilitating curiosity. When the guards pulled the doors shut behind them, she didn't think she'd ever been so happy to be locked inside a room in all her life. Desks were arranged around the middle of the room and a few small groups read and talked quietly amongst each other.

Tall, long rows of shelves flanked the walls--all of them crammed with books. Old books, new books, little books, big books and every other kind of book in between. Her eyes swelled and rounded in childlike awe, and she found her feet carrying her across the floor on their own accord. Ser Whitevine followed along at his leisure, amused and content to watch his Squire a moment. There were closed doors on either side of the room as well, but Kat paid no heed to them. She walked to the very first bookshelf that she saw, and plucked off the first book that caught her eye.

It was an old thing but obviously well-cared for. The cover was a smooth leather, faded green and with light ware on the spine and corners. Katelyn opened it carefully and couldn't help but smile at the sound of the spine creaking. The first page was blank so she flipped to the next. Native Flowers of Sylira: An Illustrated Reference for Blooms in Every Season the title read. She flipped further into the book to a random page near the middle and was greeted by the drawing of a sunflower and tightly scribbled text all around it. Her eyes crinkled as her smile stretched a little wider, and she carefully closed the book before returning it to its home on the shelf.

"What do you think? First impressions?" Ser Whitevine asked after she put the guide away, and Katelyn turned around to beam at him.

"This place is amazing. I've never seen so many books in my life. Have you read any of these?" she babbled quickly and excitedly.

"Several of them, yes. One of the keys to being a good Knight is having a strong mind," he replied with a laugh. "Tell me, what are some things you're interested in? Things that you don't actually know yourself, but have always been curious about or wanted to learn?"

His question caught her off guard. Kat had to think a moment and try to form a good rebuttal. Her Patron waited patiently for the answers to surface, and when they came to her she spoke carefully.

"There are a lot of things I've always wanted to learn about, but I don't think they would benefit my training as a Squire."

"I'd still like to hear them," he urged easily and she shrugged.

"Alright," Kat continued. "Falconry has always fascinated me, and I've always wanted to learn how to cook. Not like a professional chef, but campfire meals. Limited ingredient recipes for when you're roughing it out there." She said that last bit with disdain. Katelyn hadn't been back out in the woods by herself since they'd found her brother. The place repelled her now. It felt forbidden--but this was no time for that. She quickly pushed the thoughts out of her mind and went on.

"I'd also like to learn how to hunt and fish--maybe garden. You know, I always had this dream of traveling to Zeltiva and seeing that big University. I used to wish I could be a student there. When I was little and my mother told me about it I used to pretend I was. She was born down there--but she never went to the school."
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[Syliran Archives] For the Love of Books

Postby Katelyn Marks on December 23rd, 2014, 6:08 pm

"Nothing that you could ever want to learn would do anything but help you grow. Being a Knight isn't all about swinging swords and charging into battle. A well-rounded background does anyone good, and having a wide variety of skills will do nothing but make you more valuable in the field. Hunting and fishing--you can provide food for your comrades. Cooking helps in the same manner. Falconry is also an invaluable hunting technique, but you can also work with messenger birds. Ravens, hawks, etcetera. Do you see?"

Katelyn smiled and nodded. He was good.

"I wanted to bring you here so you could get a start. This part of the Archives is public knowledge. Any Squire or Knight may access these books. Other areas are off limits to anyone but Knights or even our Grandmaster and Lord Knight. You won't find any amazing mysteries in this specific room, but you will never want for general information. Everything you said you'd like to learn about? There is a trove of books on these shelves that can get you started. I want you to read a few."

Ser Whitevine motioned for her to follow as he lead her around the bookshelves. He seemed familiar with the layout. There must have been some kind of logic to how it was all arranged, but she had no idea what it would be. He paced slowly down their faces, peering up and down along the rows of spines. There were all different colors, and the sheer number of books was a little overwhelming. So much knowledge in one room.

"Here," her Patron suddenly said and handed her a plain brown tome.

When he continued on she followed behind him distractedly and opened the book to its title page. The Basics of Modern Falconry by Jarrod Anders. A smile played across Katelyn's lips and she turned to the first page. The writing inside was neat and slanted, with swirling letters that looped elegantly across the rather thick paper.

"Another one," Ser Whitevine piped again and placed another book on top of the open pages.

Kat flipped to this one's title page next. Beginner Recipes for the Novice Chef. Her Patron soon found a third and she shifted her load to take it from him.

"That should be fine for now. Let's go find a table, shall we?"

She nodded and follow him to one of the empty tables in the middle of the room and helped herself to one of the surprisingly comfortable chairs tucked up next to it. She arranged the books in front of her and opened the one on falconry again then looked at her Patron.

"Are there a lot of different sorts of Knights?" she asked curiously and he nodded.

"Everyone brings something a little different to the Order although each is required to study a general set of skills as well. Along with that there are three main types, a few unofficial. We have the newest branch with are our Field Medics. They were formed just this season. Then there are standard Knights, we have several who are more like scouts, and there are Mage-Knights."

Katelyn's head jerked at that and she leveled an intent gaze on him.

"Mages," she repeated and again Ser Whitevine nodded.

She knew they were around, but for some reason it was different when her Patron said it aloud. A strange sensation stirred inside her--something like a mix of uneasy apprehension and overwhelming curiosity fighting for dominance.

"Do you know much about magic?"

"It's not my subject, no. Why do you ask?"

"Curiosity," she answered honestly and simply.
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[Syliran Archives] For the Love of Books

Postby Katelyn Marks on December 23rd, 2014, 8:38 pm

"I've just never seen it myself. It's something of a mysterious subject to me. To a lot of people really. It's not exactly something you see on a daily basis walking down the street. I've heard some stories, but who knows what's true and what isn't?" she continued.

"Well I can't say I'm able to answer any questions about it, so I'm sorry for that, and the Arcana books are restricted to Squires. The best person to ask would be an actual Mage-Knight or one of their Squires," Ser Whitevine said.

Katelyn couldn't help but feel disappointed. Here was all of this information and yet she still had questions that would go unanswered for who knew how long. She looked down at the book she'd opened and scanned the lines of neat handwriting. It was a simple introduction for the information held within and where to turn for what. Kat flipped a few more pages and stopped when a title caught her eye; Equipment and Tools of the Sport.

Her Patron opened one of the other books and consigned himself to browse the pages while she read. Most of what was one these next few pages were terms and explanations. The author had arranged them neatly into categories and she started at the top--gear for the falcon and the falconer. There was even a sketch of a hawk in full dress for reference.

A hood is worn by each bird during times between a flight to obscure its vision and block any sight of possible pray. This also helps create a more docile bird during transportation from the mews to a desired hunting ground. There are various styles between cultures but those in Syliras tend to be rather plain. The cap is slid over a raptor's beak and carefully tightened at the base of the skull by a pair of leather ties.

*See the next page for information on various mews and common designs.

Jesses are one of the most important pieces of a falconer's equipment. These ties are fitted around a bird's ankles and hammered into place with grommets. Their purpose is to safely secure a raptor when being handled by their trainer; both pieces are held between the thumb and forefinger of the falconer. Long lines can be tied to the eyelets for perching or weathering outside the aviary, flying exercises, and training wild or young birds without fear of them fleeing.

*See the process of exercising a bird further in the book, and the definition of weathering on the next page.

A gauntlet is an essential form of protection worn by all handlers to guard against a raptor's talons. Usually made from cowhide, deer, or elk, these large gloves are often different for each bird they'll be used with. Eagles would need a far thicker leather than a Kestrel or Peregrine Falcon. It's best to have these custom fitted by a professional leathersmith.
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[Syliran Archives] For the Love of Books

Postby Katelyn Marks on December 24th, 2014, 5:19 pm

Katelyn curiously flipped to the next page and was greeted by another drawing surrounding by various other small sketches. Little buildings, boxes, and platforms with names written beside them. The building was titled as a mews and a weathering yard, the box was apparently a simple mews as well, large enough for the bird to be housed in.

It seemed a little cruel to her, but what did she know? Next there were various perches. One she saw the rudimentary sketch of a man holding a long staff with what looked like a hawk sitting atop it. Others were smaller. Some close to the ground, some about chest height.

It was impressive, Katelyn thought. She would need a while to actually go through this book. More time than she had. She had two more to investigate after all, so reluctantly she closed the book and pulled the cooking manual in front of her and rifled through until she found the first page. It really did seem to just be a recipe book, full of thorough instructions for each to help someone cook along. The handwriting was a little poor but still legible, so she scanned the first one. Frying and Filleting a Fish.

Meh. Not right now.

Kat turned to the next recipe and stopped. The title simply read Rabbit. This one seemed to have a few subcategories. Rabbit stew and spit-roasted hare. Her eyes trailed down and across the two pages that these instructions took up, interested.

Slow Cooked Rabbit Stew

1 rabbit
10 black pepper corns, crushed
1 cup red wine
1 cup water
1/4 pound mushrooms, sliced
1/2 pound bacon, slices
2 carrots, chopped
2 onions, chopped
2 celery stalks, chopped
1 bay leaf
1/3 cup flour
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1/4 teaspoon dried rosemary, crushed
1/8 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed

That seemed more than a little overwhelming, so she flipped through the book until something in the back caught her eye. She smoothed the pages open and scanned what was written. It seemed to be simple instructions about various cooking methods. Boiling water, chopping, dicing, peeling, etcetera. It was enough to get anyone started, and there were even drawings of various cooking tools. Peelers, knives, pots, and pans. Everything someone might need to cook a meal.

"What do you think?" Ser Whitevine suddenly asked and she lifted her gaze.

"It's all interesting, I just wish I could take these books with me."

"Well, if you want to copy things you may, or you can even pay for entire books to be rewritten for you. Other than that most people come in and continue reading where they left off. I know it's harder when you're stationed a day away from the city," her Patron advised.

Katelyn nodded and turned to the third and final book she'd been given. It was plain and black, thicker than the other two. She opened it curiously and found the title in neat handwriting. An Examination of Sylira and its Various Cities by Sera Alexandria Whitmore. She looked back at her Patron and found him smiling.

"I read this when I was a new Squire myself, and I've come back to it several times over the years. I wanted to give you something a little more scholarly to look over along with those other two. I thought you might like it. Go ahead and rifle through. I have a few things I want to check so I'll leave you to it for now. I'll be back in a few bells," he explained before rising from the table and pushing his seat back into place.

She nodded when he made to leave, and Kat watched him disappear between the bookshelves and behind one of the closed doors along the wall. Somewhere she wasn't allowed to go most likely.
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[Syliran Archives] For the Love of Books

Postby Katelyn Marks on December 26th, 2014, 4:25 am

Katelyn flipped the book open when her Patron was gone and scanned the introduction. It was several pages long--mainly the reasons behind her writing the book and how she went about it.

I have traveled the width and bredth of Sylira researching the various subcultures in her great cities, from the gangs in Sunberth to the Wave Guard in Zeltiva. I have interviewed and observed, studied other researchers' writings and assimilated into dozens of groups over the last fifteen years. Here I have listed histories and biographies of the organizations and their cities.

The one location which you won't find much mention of in my writings is Ravok, for the dangers a Knight faces in the city of the Black Sun are too great to risk. At the very end of my book I have dedicated a few short pages explaining the Ebonstryfe and those who worship Rhysol, deciding a brief summary to be best.

Katelyn's heart fluttered in excitement. Ser Whitevine had been right to assume she'd be interested in this. It seemed he'd listened and learned a lot even during their short time together thus far. He was a fine teacher.

The Squire quickly flipped through the rest of the introduction--it was actually several pages long--and stopped when the word Syliras caught her eye. Her Patron had already spoken in detail to her about their city. The history wasn't a mystery to her, nor were the Knights. Of course she only knew what was allowed to her, but of that information Kat was not lacking. She scanned the pages summarizing the lawful city and couldn't help but stop flipping when the words Mage-Knight scrawled in neat letters leapt out at her.

Kat was quickly disappointed when she realized there wasn't anything very helpful written here about them. They were mages who joined the Order or Squires who expressed interest and worked their way up. Nothing about the magic itself except that they all practiced a mixture of offensive and defensive disciplines, then were also expected to be able to wield some kind close-quarters weapon like an axe or a sword. Everything else seemed just about the same.

That didn't sound very exciting. At least it wouldn't if she weren't so curious about the magic itself. Katelyn ran a hand across her jaw and flipped over a few more pages but found nothing. She wasn't sure what she was expecting. Ser Whitevine did say that the arcana books were only accessible to the Knights. If this had anything other than something deemable as public knowledge it wouldn't be out here.

She couldn't help but feel a little annoyed at the thought, but the Squire soon brushed it off and searched for the next chapter--the next city. No point in brooding about books she wouldn't see for who knew how long. By then she might not want to read them. When the following chapter on Zeltiva finally opened up in front of her the idea was mostly forgotten and she consigned herself to intent concentration.
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[Syliran Archives] For the Love of Books

Postby Katelyn Marks on January 5th, 2015, 8:00 pm

Zeltiva is one of the last remaining Old World cities in Mizahar. Built on a strip of land jutting out into the Mathews Bay at the base of the Zastoska Mountains, it's only two entrances are the port in the bay and the Mirahil Pass, which are both watched closely by the Wave Guard. The city's location has turned it into a jewel for trade, and the University of Zeltiva has long been an establishment that attracts masses of curious minds annually.

For years the city has been ran by an elected official titled Lord of Council, the Administrative Committee of the Sailors' Guild, and the Board of Regents of the University of Zeltiva. The city's relationship with our own has always been on the brink of uncertainty, though the past several years seem to be going well. Because of Zeltiva's geographic location their capabilities of growing food is very limited, and in turn they have relied on Syliras for food many a time.

Katelyn didn't care about the politics between Zeltiva and Syliras. Her brows furrowed as she skimmed down the page, trying to read quickly without missing anything that might be of interest. She searched for key words to jump off the page at her, but didn't find what she was looking for until she turned to the next one.

The University of Zeltiva is predominately located in the Old Quarter of the city. These buildings are some of the few remaining in Mizahar that pre-date the Valterrian. They survived the cataclysmic destruction thanks to the city's rather protected geography wedged between the southern mountains.

Kat read quickly through the next few paragraphs before stopping suddenly.

The University is divided into four distinct branches of curriculum. There is the College of Applied Skills, the College of Scholars, the College of Navigation, and the College of Djed. The University offers individual courses available to anyone, as well as sequences of courses that lead to a Certificate of Completion. Those who successfully compete the requirements to earn a certificate are recognized as experts in their chosen field.

The College of Applied Skills is considered a general trade school. Cooking, blacksmithing, cobbling, dentistry, and all manner of other trade skills are learned here. It is the largest of the four colleges and has the widest variety of courses available. The College of Navigation is the second largest of the four, and produce well-educated captains, shipbuilders, and sailors. They have close ties to the city's Sailor's Guild, and many graduates often end up joining upon completion of their courses.

The College of Scholars is a self-explanatory group. Students who attend this college are notorious knowledge seekers, curious souls, and several of the University's professors are previous alumni themselves. Many others become researchers, writers, historians, and anthropologists. The fourth and final college is also the smallest and most secretive among those at the University. The College of Djed is the school of arcana, and they teach only a select few whom they deem fit to learn magic. Its rules are strict and entry is a rigid process, but the college has managed to create an extremely safe learning environment for Personal and World Magics.

Katelyn released and sigh and leaned back in her chair. Why was it so hard to figure anything out about magic? Was it really that dangerous? Perhaps people were just selfish. She scowled down at the pages a moment before finally closing the book entirely. Her frustration was mounting and she didn't feel like reading another word written on those pages. Kat pushed the tome aside and pulled the falconry book back in front of her. She flipped it open and rifled through the pages, moving past the point in which she'd stopped before until a few drawings caught her eye.

They didn't seem to be the work of the author. Each one was striking--the likeness of the bird they depicted was very realistic and well done. There were several raptors on the two pages open to her, each drawn twice in two different poses. One perched, and another with their wings outstretched as if flying.
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[Syliran Archives] For the Love of Books

Postby Estrellir Konrath on January 15th, 2015, 8:01 pm


Observation +1
Interrogation +1
Research +4

Location: Syliran Archives
Types of Syliran Knights
Falconry: Basic tools
Cooking: Rabbit stew ingredients
Syliran Mage-Knights
City: Zeltiva
Location: University of Zeltiva

Shield Points +1 (for patron being in the thread)


This was an interesting little thread, although I’ve a feeling it was cut short at the end. Surprisingly, it says a lot about Kat as a person. If you’ve any questions or concerns, by all means PM me!
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