An Average Day(Darrus)

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

An Average Day(Darrus)

Postby Minosayaa on October 19th, 2010, 5:02 am

Fall 30th 510 AV
(Darrus Frostfawn's home)
Early Morning

The fall sunshine had started to make it's way through the window and curtains to the sleepy eyes of a young girl waking her up. Mino's brown eyes fluttered open. She streched her arm- wait arms so she was humanoid."Huh. Must of changed while sleeping..." She mumbled and iched her head. She looked down to Darrus' father' sled dog who gave a muffled 'woof.' Mino smiled, "Mornin' to you too, Gramps." 'Gramps' seemed happy with her reply and made his way out of the room to leave Mino to wake up Darrus. Mino climbed up to where Darrus lay sleeping. She hovered inches from his face grinning and poked his nose.
If there is rain tomorrow
I wonder where you will take me.
Surely if I'm with you
That alone will make me happy.


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An Average Day(Darrus)

Postby Darrus Frostfawn on October 19th, 2010, 5:27 am

Darrus let out a small groan and turned away from the contact, pulling the covers over his head. In his mind he was riding into the city's gates, a crowd coming out to meet him, the whole city was there, even Morwen herself. Dragging behind his sled was the largest elk he had ever seen. The crowd quieted down and the queen opened her mouth to speak, probably some congratulatory speech. But before he could hear anything, he woke up to the sight of faint light filtering through his blanket, along with an unusual shadow blocking some of the light. "Good morning, Mino." He groaned, poking his head out of the covers and rubbing his eyes, trying not to go blind from the sun.

"I was hoping to sleep in today. I don't know why, I never can anyway." He mumbled, slowly sitting up, the blanket sliding down to cover him from his waist down. "Always something going on, be it someone scratching at the door, someone needing help in the kennels. I swear, it's like this place would fall apart without me." He complained. Darrus was definantly not a morning person. He turned his eyes to his bondmate, not at all shocked by her lack of clothes. He ran a hand through her hair, pausing to scratch her behind the ears for a moment. "Don't get me wrong, there are much worse things to wake up to than you." He smiled a bit, still a little drowsy.
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An Average Day(Darrus)

Postby Minosayaa on October 19th, 2010, 5:56 am

Mino giggled as Darrus played with her hair, "Granps went out aready." She smiled as a simple dress was tossed to her along with a pair of socks and some undergarments. "Did you dream about the deer?! Was Morwen there? I bet she was!" pulling the dress over her head Mino remembered her own dream, "I had a dream, that I was chewing on this really nice shoe!!"

Finished getting dressed Mino turned to her Bondmate giving him a large hug, "You keep dreaming about that big deer... I bet, it's out there just waiting for you to find it! Why else would you have the same dream so many times? We're gonna find him one day...Me and you! I know it." Mino looked at Darrus her eyes showed that she truely believed that this large animal was out there, just waiting, waiting for Darrus and she was gonna help him find it. If it ment so much to her bondmate, it also did to her.

"Are we having breakfast with your parents and the human pups?" She asked following Darrus out of the bedroom. His mother could cook like no one could. plus she liked the human pups.
If there is rain tomorrow
I wonder where you will take me.
Surely if I'm with you
That alone will make me happy.


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An Average Day(Darrus)

Postby Darrus Frostfawn on October 19th, 2010, 6:18 am

Darrus laughed a bit at the nickname she had given to Talos. It was hard to imagine him as being so old when they were nearly the same age. Then again, dogs did age faster. "And how did oyu know about my dream huh? For all you know, I could have been dreaming about flying or, uhhh, pudding." He said, failing miserably at throwing off the dream. It happened the same way everytime, always ending before he could hear the queen speak. "And it was an elk this time." He corrected, finally climbing out of bed and throwing a shirt and pants on. "You shouldn't get your hopes up though, there is no way there could be a beast that big. Besides, I doubt i could take something like that down anyway."

Over the past few weeks, the beast had been changing, some times a deer, others an elk, even a wolf a few times, always giant though, and he never got to see it before he was at the gates. He hadn't bothered to tell Mino though, knowing her she'd probably not stop hounding him, no pun intended, until they went out and took it down. Not that leaving it at a deer or elk was keeping her calm anyway. "Of course we are, and you call just call them kids." He said, rolling his eyes at the nickname she had given his siblings. He still couldn't tell if she was watching them or they were watching her on the few days when he went out without her. As soon as he stepped out of the bedroom he could smell his mother's handiwork in the kitchen. "Morning mom!" He said with a smile, sneaking up behind her with a hug. "Good morning dear, and good morning Minosayaa." She said with that familiar warm smile as she turned and laid out the food on the table. Muffins, juice, oatmeal, even some sliced elk. "Are the runts still in bed?" Darrus asked, grabbing some plates from the cupboard and setting them out. They always get to sleep in... "I wish you would stop calling them that. They are your brothers and sister." His mother chided, swatting his hand away from steling a muffin.
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Darrus Frostfawn
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An Average Day(Darrus)

Postby Minosayaa on October 20th, 2010, 1:51 am

Mino had mutter something about liking pudding as she followed Darrus into the yummy smelling kitchen. She followed Darrus and followed giving his mom a hug. "Human pups!" Mino yelled before charging into the pups' rooms. Waking them up was so much fun!

From the next room over giggles and squeels were heard as Mino roused the children. The noise of clothing rustling and a thump...or two. Mino emerged from the room, childern clinging to an arm and a leg and the last climbing on here back. " I found the human pups!" The childern wrestled with Mino for awhile, the room filling with giggles. Mino loved playing with Darrus' siblings. "C'mon pups, it's time to eat! Not tackle Mino! Mino wants food too!" she was able to say from under the pile of kids.
If there is rain tomorrow
I wonder where you will take me.
Surely if I'm with you
That alone will make me happy.


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An Average Day(Darrus)

Postby Darrus Frostfawn on October 20th, 2010, 2:18 am

"A quiet morning, is that really so hard?" He breathed silently to himself. He loved his siblings, there was no doubting it, he just wanted a single calm day to relax. No point in complaining about stuff you can't fix. He took a seat, helping himself to a bit of everything, waited until everyone else had gotten their own plates settled before digging in. "You know mom, I think Mino might be on to something, with the way you cook, I think you might really be from Winterflame." He joked in between bites, along with a wink thrown to his bondmate.
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An Average Day(Darrus)

Postby Minosayaa on October 20th, 2010, 2:40 am

Mino giggled happily, "Told you she was!" She said between mouthfuls of oatmeal and elk meat. In all truth she quite often put the meat in her oatmeal when people weren't looking. She couldn't help it... she was a dog. Dogs love meat, it was a fact of nature. "Umm Mrs. Darrus' mother, you wouldn't of happened to have kept the elk bones from this, would you?" She was trying to hint at the fact she would love to knaw on the bones. Darrus' mother always seemed to pick out the best elk for them to eat, always tender and juicy.

Mino was happy to be part of a family, and the Frostfawns were so acceptant of her and what she was. She thanked Morwen for Darrus and his family everyday. She reached under the table and took her bondmate's hand. Mino simplely smiled to Darrus. How had I been so lucky? I must of done something good in my past life....No doubt! Mino sat there happily holding Darrus' hand.
If there is rain tomorrow
I wonder where you will take me.
Surely if I'm with you
That alone will make me happy.


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An Average Day(Darrus)

Postby Darrus Frostfawn on October 20th, 2010, 3:28 am

Lilliana couldn't help but smile at compliments, as well as Mino's question. "Of course dear, how could I forget. But you have to finish your breakfast first. And you don't have to call me missus Darrus' mother, you are part of the family too you know". Meanwhile, Darrus allowed his hand to be kidnapped, returning the smile. Life had taken a turn for the crazy on that fateful day when he had inadvertantly purchased her, only to wake up the next morning to a naked girl in his room. He shook the thought from his head, although the last image he allowed to linger for a moment longer. For now, he was happy to just sit and enjoy the great meal, with even greater company.
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An Average Day(Darrus)

Postby Minosayaa on October 20th, 2010, 4:05 am

Mino nodded and continued to eat her oatmeal invention only now using her left hand as her right was holding Darrus' hand hostage. Picking up a muffin she began singing to herself," Ma-ma-ma-muffiins muffins muffins," She had only stopped when one of Darrus' siblings had asked her to spell muffin. "....M...A...F.....I...N......Muffin?" She asked looking to Darrus for an answer. "Muffin?" She was confused.

Mino finished her breakfast, "What are we doing today at work?" The word muffin was still swimming around in her head. She could spell some words, red, owl, elk, deer, bear, Mino, fish.... Mino picked up her plate and helped clear the table.

Taking the dishes to the sink for Lilliana to wash, not that she couldn't do the dishes...Lilliana just did them faster. "Umm Lilli-an-a can I ask you something important?" Mino fidgeded for a moment, " Can Darrus have tomrrow off, he's tired...He says he's okay..But, I sense different." Mino whispered in a hushed tone.
If there is rain tomorrow
I wonder where you will take me.
Surely if I'm with you
That alone will make me happy.


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An Average Day(Darrus)

Postby Darrus Frostfawn on October 20th, 2010, 4:41 am

Darrus had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing at the butchered spelling on muffin, even more so when she asked for confirmation. "Uh, close enough." He said, his body shaking a little bit with stifled laughter. "Today we are going out hunting." He said, finally regaining his composure. When it came to hunting he was all business. He was taking a life so that more could continue. He carried his own plate, as well as those of his siblings as the ran off to go play who knows what game it was this time.

"I'd love to help out with cleaning up, but I need to go prep the sled." He said, pausing to give each of the women a peck on the cheek, slipping the stack of dishes he had into sink and disappearing as fast as he had came. His mother gave a slight sigh. "I know he means well, but sometimes I think he takes life too seriously. I'd say he could take the whole week off, but he's the one in charge of his schedule." She admitted, scrubbing one of the plates, before catching the pleading look. "I'll see if I can talk him into taking the day off, he needs it." She said with that familiar warm smile. She dried her hands on a nearby towel and gave Mino a hug. "He needs you. He might not say it out right, but you add that flair to his life that needs. Now go, he can't leave without his partner".
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