All Aboard The Winder
A description of the crew members and merchants on The Winder.
The Captain Name: Lina Seaglass Age: Late 30s or early 40s Gender: Female Race: Svefra Notable Skills: Leadership (70), Weapon: one handed swords (25), persuasion (20), swimming (20), navigation (45), sailing (20), shipwright (45), Mark of Oceanus (1) Tavan: A medium sized dolphin Responsibilities: Playing a part in crafting of The Winder, Lina was lucky enough to be present upon its auction some fifteen or twenty years ago. A former member of Zeltiva's Sailor's Guild, she was offered a job by Khafrekhan to captain the vessel, select and train a crew, manage ship repairs, and help plan trade routes. She delegates work to all of the deckhands, but relies mostly on the Lead Deckhand to relay orders. Relationships: Lina is straightforward, and doesn't like being very open with her shipmates. She is pod mother to Rose and Arben, and a close friend of both Khafrekhan and Khashara. She cares about her friends and shipmates dearly, but would throw nearly everything away for the safety of her ship, even if it isn't technically hers. She is weary of newcomers to the ship.
The Lead Merchant Name: Khafrekhan Age: 50s or 60s Gender: Male Race: Eypharian Notable Skills: Persuasion (45), auristics (75), hypnotism (20), leadership (45), politics (15), Mark of Xyna (1) Responsibilities: Khafrekhan is by and large the head of the ship. Lina may be the captain, but it would have no income and no law without Khafrekhan. While Lina has the final word on who joins the crew, Khafrakhan is allowed a lot of input. He also has freedom in selecting his advisors, who work directly with him is planning efficient trade routes and work diligently in discovering untapped markets. Relationships: Khafrekhan's most notable talent is his ability for sniffing out talent. Aside from Lina's children, he has advised the recruitment of every member of The Winder. Most think of Khafrekhan as a kind, welcoming soul, but no one would really know if he had ulterior motives for his actions. He provides comfortable income, safety, and a life of travel to the members of The Winder, and he is well respected for it. Khafrekhan was responsible for recruiting Loess as an apprentice. He is in good standing with Zeltiva's merchant guild; however the fact he hires mostly foreign merchants and shipmates creates some tension.
Merchant Advisor of Regional Trade Name: Tafkhu Age: Mid 20s Gender: Male Race: Eypharian Notable Skills: Persuasion (60), politics (45), shielding (20), calligraphy (40), weapon: dual wielding swords (20) Responsibilities: Along with the other merchant advisors, Tafkha answers directly to Khafrekhan. Tafkha spends most of his time studying regional goods, specifically which regions are in most need/want of certain merchandise. He also prepares written reports for liaisons or guild leaders, and keeps Khafrekhan informed about rumors, new potential markets, and possible threats to The Winder. In his spare time on the ship, he works with Khashara to ensure all merchandise is protected by shielding. Relationships: Tafkhu, in his young age, is much more snide than Khafrekhan, who has spent many more years as a traveling merchant. Khafrekhan, however, notes Tafkhu's mind for politics and finer social nuances, and respects his fresh opinion on the market. Tafkhu doesn't yet get along with much of the crew, aside from Khafrekhan. He sees Khashara as a sell out for popularity.
Merchant Advisor of Resources Name: Raphael Age: Late 30s or early 40s Gender: Male Race: Human (mixed) Notable Skills: Persuasion (20), geography (70), navigation (40), geology (45), weapon: bow and arrow (15) Responsibilities: Raphael also serves directly to Khafrekhan as a merchant advisor. His specialty requires a vast knowledge of geographical information. With a keen eye, and access to the newest scientific literature, Raphael can sometimes predict the location of valuable resources before they are capitalized by other groups. Relationships: Raphael enjoys the company of the other merchants, and most of the crew, but is usually very quiet. He has a loud laugh, but will mostly leave conversations to be controlled by others, peeping in when necessary. Khafrekhan and Khashara know him well to be a genius, but others just see him as an eccentric, middle aged man of unknown origin.
Merchant Advisor of Private Affairs Name: Khashara Age: Mid to late 30s Gender: Female Race: Eypharian Notable Skills: Harp-playing (20), dancing (45), shielding (40), appraising (70), storytelling (20) Responsibilities: Khashara works alongside Raphael and Tafkha in advising Khafrekhan. She, however, is concerned less with what is off of the ship. Her main responsibility is inventory--making sure all merchandise on board is safe, and keeping a detailed record of what is there. She works a lot with Tafkha, as he must be well informed to be able to advise where merchandise go and how trade route are planned accordingly. The both of them are also competent in shielding magic, and use it to prevent significant damage to goods on board Relationships: For social reasons, Kharshara is likely the most invaluable member of The Winder. She is enthusiastic, artistic, and bolsters a good mood in others. Khafrekhan and Lina both respect her greatly, and she is adored by everyone else in the crew.
Lead Deckhand Name: Mikhael Torrent Age: Mid 20s Gender: Male Race: Human (mixed) Notable Skills: Leadership (45), swimming (15), singing (45), cooking (65), medicine (20), sailing (20) Responsibilities: Mikhael answers directly to the captain, Lina. He is in charge of relaying orders to deckhands, ensuring all of his subordinates are well fed and rested, and making sure everyone is on task. Relationships: Where Lina's extra love goes to the ship itself, Mikhael is the true mother of the deckhands. He is regarded as the hardest worker on The Winder, providing most meals, ensuring everyone is taken care, and preparing everyone for the current task at hand. If someone has a question abut the ship, he is the first one you ask, before Captain Lina.
Deckhand and Weather-master Name: Koga Age: Mid 20s Gender: Race: Inarta Notable Skills: Meteorology (60), swimming (40), weapon: bow and arrow (45), leadership (15), sailing (20), navigation (20) Responsibilities: Koga's unique ability to predict storms, even before early signs, has given him a special position on The Winder. He doesn't have any more say in regular decisions than the other deckhands, aside from deciding the course of the ship. His call-making has saved the Winder from quite a few repairs in the past 10 years. Relationships: Koga and Loess share a unique bond--they both abandoned High Reach for The Winder, 10 years apart. Koga was only 14 or 15 when he joined The Winder. While he was first treated with suspicion by the existing crew members, Khafrekhan encouraged him to develop his skills as a deckhand, and to study a passionate subject with The Winder's library collection of books. He took a liking to reading reports of weather patterns, and soon took to making his own recordings and predictions. Despite his young age upon boarding, he slowly gained the respect of his other shipmates.
Deckhand and Bodyguard 1 Name: Arben Seaglass Age: Male Gender: Mid 20s Race: Svefra Notable Skills: Weapon: single handed swords (70), agility (45), swimming (20), shipwright (20), sailing (40), Mark of Oceanus (1) Tavan: Medium sized dolphin Responsibilities: Along with other regular deckhand activities, Arben is responsible for the physical defense of the ship. While many on The Winder contain skills valuable for combat, Arben, his sister, and Captain Lina are the ones in charge of battle tactics. Relationships: Son of Lina and brother of Rose, Arben is rash, yet balanced by his sister's cold decisiveness. Members of the Winder know that the siblings are not people you want to piss off--in a dire situation, they're the ones who will be saving your life.
Deckhand and Bodyguard 2 Name: Rose Seaglass Age: Mid 20s Gender: Female Race: Svefra Notable Skills: Unarmed combat (70), reimancy: fire and air (45), swimming (20), shipwright (20), sailing (40), Mark of Oceanus (1) Tavan: Medium sized dolphin Responsibilities: Along with other regular deckhand activities, Rose is responsible for the physical defense of the ship. While many on The Winder contain skills valuable for combat, Rose, her brother, and Captain Lina are the ones in charge of battle tactics. Relationships: Daughter of Lina and sister of Arben, Rose is calculating and intelligent. She is often sexually manipulative, but operates in a way not to make enemies she will have ever have to see again. It has been jokingly said that if anyone will be the downfall of The Winder, it will be Rose.
5 deckhands remain unlisted.
CreditCredit goes to Loess for the creation of The Winder and its crew. |