Location [Location] The Docks

Where all ships, Zeltivan or otherwise, come into the city.

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

[Location] The Docks

Postby Perplexity on January 8th, 2015, 9:29 pm

The Docks


The docks at the harbor in Zeltiva put all other such structures in Mizahar to shame. There were four long piers that were capable of berthing ships with a crew of 100 or more -- even though no other city had such a thing. Twenty smaller piers were placed at regular intervals; on a normal day, about half of them were full. Ships, cargo, and people came in and out with dizzying speed and breathtaking precision. The Zeltivans were both the sharpest traders and the only true maritime power in Mizahar, and the quantity of traffic at the docks certainly proved it.

Any passengers arriving at the docks were immediately let into the city; as each ship had a passenger manifest, the need for record keeping had already been satisfied. Cargo was quickly offloaded into a waiting wagon, which could deposit nearly anything at any location in the city in half an hour or less. The stevedores and other laborers knew their tasks and did them well -- the Sailors' Guild would stand for nothing less, and in return, they earned far more than most people employed in manual labor could dream of.

All of this activity was supervised by Veraline Kendrick, the Dockmaster. She had an office in a wooden building that was set back some five hundred feet from the water. Should anyone wish to speak to the person in charge, it was to her that they would be directed. The interior of the building was surprisingly plush, with thick red carpets, and Akvatari paintings on the walls. Ms. Kendrick's doors were made of solid cherry, and they swung open without so much as a sound.

Ms. Kendrick herself was a heavily tanned woman with brown hair. She might have been fifty, but she was in excellent shape and condition for her age, and gave off an impression of someone who knew their business, and knew it well. She greeted any visitors with a polite nod, and a firm, "May I help you?"

Moderation Note: All ships are available for self-moderation upon gaining permission from a Zeltivan storyteller.

The Suvans Grace

Date of Commission: Summer 37, 505 AV
Class: Mizaharan
Home Port: Zeltiva, Sylira Region
Owner: The Sailor’s Guild of Zeltiva

One of the very few Mizaharan class ships that sails the seas, the sails of the Suvan’s Grace are a pristine white while the hull of the ship is painted in the traditional blue and gold of Zeltiva. The pride of the Sailor’s Guild fleet it is the largest ship in the Guild’s possession and regularly makes trips from port to port. The Suvan’s Grace, alongside its sister ship The Maiden’s Voyage, are a very recognizable sight in the ports along the Sebakem Ocean and parts of the Suvan Sea. For nearly a decade the Mizaharan class ship has towed cargo and people from one part of the world to another gaining a reputation as a ship blessed with fair weather.

On record the ship has never been taken by pirates though there have been a number of incidents in its relatively short history. To date there have been four attempts to take the ship by either Svefran or other pirates all of which have failed. The Sailor’s Guild makes a point to staff the ship with some of the most highly trained and capable sailor’s in its employ. Coupled with the light and heavy mounts that bolster the ship’s defenses it makes for an intimidating sight for all but the most seasoned of pirates. Passengers tend to rest easy under the watchful protection of the crew. Cargo very rarely gets damaged and of all the ships in the Sailor’s Guild fleet the Suvan’s Grace is always captained by the most experienced of sailors.

Thackery Gaines

Ship: The Suvan's Grace

Rank: Captain
Age: 47
Race: Human

Bio- Thackery Gaines is an abled bodies sailor who has spent most of his life traversing the high seas of Mizahar. He has a deep seated love for Laviku’s realm and always makes a point to pay homage to the Sea God before embarking on a voyage. He has been known to delay departure if he feels adequate sacrifice has not been made. He is a good natured man but he adheres to the principles of the Sailor’s Guild in that he expects discipline, order and professionalism from those under his command. When he gives an order it is to be obeyed first, questioned later otherwise one risks getting a taste of the Captain’s considerable martial prowess. A fine navigator it is rumored he passed up the chance to become an Administrator because he couldn’t see himself giving up his love of the sea to sit behind a desk.

Skills- Sailing (76), Navigation(Sea) (65), Leadership (60), Weapon: Cutlass (58), Astronomy (49), Brawling (37)

Gnosis- Oceanus (1)

Arthur Kline

Ship: The Suvan's Grace

Rank: Commander
Age: 42
Race: Human

Bio- Stern and organized, the First Mate and Executive Officer of the Suvan’s Grace is a dutiful man who believed that he would spend his life as an attorney in the halls of Zeltiva’s courts. It was not until he was in his early twenties did he realize that he had a passion for life at sea. He gave up his education in Law to pursue a life in service to the Sailor’s Guild and has not looked back since. He is a little less approachable than his Commanding Officer but what he lacks in terms of sociability he makes up for in being a steadfast listener and observer. He has a keen eye for potential and makes a point to give quick, concise guidance for those who appear lost.

Skills- Leadership (70), Sailing (61), Organization (54), Weapon: Cutlass (45), Navigation (Sea) (38), Law (26)

Gnosis- None

Mary Glass

Ship: The Suvan's Grace

Alias: Bloody Mary
Rank: Lieutenant

Age: 38
Race: Human

Bio- The salty Master-At-Arms of The Suvan’s Grace is a force to be reckoned with. She is no nonsense, all business, and always ready to give a lesson in what her fist tastes like. LT. Glass once held the rank of Commander. She had been a very hotheaded and impassioned sailor then who, in her pride, cost the Sailor’s Guild a considerable amount of money, lost a very large amount of cargo and cost several sailor’s their lives. She was stripped of her rank and very nearly booted out of the Sailor’s Guild as a result. She was saved however by the actions of Administrator Justin Hopeswell and has since risen back up the ranks to be assigned as the ship’s officer in charge of security. She takes her job very seriously and always makes a point to stamp out irresponsible behavior. However, it is known that she is very fond of a good game of cards.

Skills- Unarmed Combat (70), Weapon: Longsword (65), Leadership (60), Law (51), Dual Wielding (42), Sailing (35), Navigation (Sea) (26)

Gnosis- None.
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[Location] The Docks

Postby Perplexity on January 8th, 2015, 9:32 pm

All Aboard The Winder
A description of the crew members and merchants on The Winder.

The Captain
Name: Lina Seaglass
Age: Late 30s or early 40s
Gender: Female
Race: Svefra
Notable Skills: Leadership (70), Weapon: one handed swords (25), persuasion (20), swimming (20), navigation (45), sailing (20), shipwright (45), Mark of Oceanus (1)
Tavan: A medium sized dolphin
Responsibilities: Playing a part in crafting of The Winder, Lina was lucky enough to be present upon its auction some fifteen or twenty years ago. A former member of Zeltiva's Sailor's Guild, she was offered a job by Khafrekhan to captain the vessel, select and train a crew, manage ship repairs, and help plan trade routes. She delegates work to all of the deckhands, but relies mostly on the Lead Deckhand to relay orders.
Relationships: Lina is straightforward, and doesn't like being very open with her shipmates. She is pod mother to Rose and Arben, and a close friend of both Khafrekhan and Khashara. She cares about her friends and shipmates dearly, but would throw nearly everything away for the safety of her ship, even if it isn't technically hers. She is weary of newcomers to the ship.

The Lead Merchant
Name: Khafrekhan
Age: 50s or 60s
Gender: Male
Race: Eypharian
Notable Skills: Persuasion (45), auristics (75), hypnotism (20), leadership (45), politics (15), Mark of Xyna (1)
Responsibilities: Khafrekhan is by and large the head of the ship. Lina may be the captain, but it would have no income and no law without Khafrekhan. While Lina has the final word on who joins the crew, Khafrakhan is allowed a lot of input. He also has freedom in selecting his advisors, who work directly with him is planning efficient trade routes and work diligently in discovering untapped markets.
Relationships: Khafrekhan's most notable talent is his ability for sniffing out talent. Aside from Lina's children, he has advised the recruitment of every member of The Winder. Most think of Khafrekhan as a kind, welcoming soul, but no one would really know if he had ulterior motives for his actions. He provides comfortable income, safety, and a life of travel to the members of The Winder, and he is well respected for it. Khafrekhan was responsible for recruiting Loess as an apprentice. He is in good standing with Zeltiva's merchant guild; however the fact he hires mostly foreign merchants and shipmates creates some tension.

Merchant Advisor of Regional Trade
Name: Tafkhu
Age: Mid 20s
Gender: Male
Race: Eypharian
Notable Skills: Persuasion (60), politics (45), shielding (20), calligraphy (40), weapon: dual wielding swords (20)
Responsibilities: Along with the other merchant advisors, Tafkha answers directly to Khafrekhan. Tafkha spends most of his time studying regional goods, specifically which regions are in most need/want of certain merchandise. He also prepares written reports for liaisons or guild leaders, and keeps Khafrekhan informed about rumors, new potential markets, and possible threats to The Winder. In his spare time on the ship, he works with Khashara to ensure all merchandise is protected by shielding.
Relationships: Tafkhu, in his young age, is much more snide than Khafrekhan, who has spent many more years as a traveling merchant. Khafrekhan, however, notes Tafkhu's mind for politics and finer social nuances, and respects his fresh opinion on the market. Tafkhu doesn't yet get along with much of the crew, aside from Khafrekhan. He sees Khashara as a sell out for popularity.

Merchant Advisor of Resources
Name: Raphael
Age: Late 30s or early 40s
Gender: Male
Race: Human (mixed)
Notable Skills: Persuasion (20), geography (70), navigation (40), geology (45), weapon: bow and arrow (15)
Responsibilities: Raphael also serves directly to Khafrekhan as a merchant advisor. His specialty requires a vast knowledge of geographical information. With a keen eye, and access to the newest scientific literature, Raphael can sometimes predict the location of valuable resources before they are capitalized by other groups.
Relationships: Raphael enjoys the company of the other merchants, and most of the crew, but is usually very quiet. He has a loud laugh, but will mostly leave conversations to be controlled by others, peeping in when necessary. Khafrekhan and Khashara know him well to be a genius, but others just see him as an eccentric, middle aged man of unknown origin.

Merchant Advisor of Private Affairs
Name: Khashara
Age: Mid to late 30s
Gender: Female
Race: Eypharian
Notable Skills: Harp-playing (20), dancing (45), shielding (40), appraising (70), storytelling (20)
Responsibilities: Khashara works alongside Raphael and Tafkha in advising Khafrekhan. She, however, is concerned less with what is off of the ship. Her main responsibility is inventory--making sure all merchandise on board is safe, and keeping a detailed record of what is there. She works a lot with Tafkha, as he must be well informed to be able to advise where merchandise go and how trade route are planned accordingly. The both of them are also competent in shielding magic, and use it to prevent significant damage to goods on board
Relationships: For social reasons, Kharshara is likely the most invaluable member of The Winder. She is enthusiastic, artistic, and bolsters a good mood in others. Khafrekhan and Lina both respect her greatly, and she is adored by everyone else in the crew.

Lead Deckhand
Name: Mikhael Torrent
Age: Mid 20s
Gender: Male
Race: Human (mixed)
Notable Skills: Leadership (45), swimming (15), singing (45), cooking (65), medicine (20), sailing (20)
Responsibilities: Mikhael answers directly to the captain, Lina. He is in charge of relaying orders to deckhands, ensuring all of his subordinates are well fed and rested, and making sure everyone is on task.
Relationships: Where Lina's extra love goes to the ship itself, Mikhael is the true mother of the deckhands. He is regarded as the hardest worker on The Winder, providing most meals, ensuring everyone is taken care, and preparing everyone for the current task at hand. If someone has a question abut the ship, he is the first one you ask, before Captain Lina.

Deckhand and Weather-master
Name: Koga
Age: Mid 20s
Race: Inarta
Notable Skills: Meteorology (60), swimming (40), weapon: bow and arrow (45), leadership (15), sailing (20), navigation (20)
Responsibilities: Koga's unique ability to predict storms, even before early signs, has given him a special position on The Winder. He doesn't have any more say in regular decisions than the other deckhands, aside from deciding the course of the ship. His call-making has saved the Winder from quite a few repairs in the past 10 years.
Relationships: Koga and Loess share a unique bond--they both abandoned High Reach for The Winder, 10 years apart. Koga was only 14 or 15 when he joined The Winder. While he was first treated with suspicion by the existing crew members, Khafrekhan encouraged him to develop his skills as a deckhand, and to study a passionate subject with The Winder's library collection of books. He took a liking to reading reports of weather patterns, and soon took to making his own recordings and predictions. Despite his young age upon boarding, he slowly gained the respect of his other shipmates.

Deckhand and Bodyguard 1
Name: Arben Seaglass
Age: Male
Gender: Mid 20s
Race: Svefra
Notable Skills: Weapon: single handed swords (70), agility (45), swimming (20), shipwright (20), sailing (40), Mark of Oceanus (1)
Tavan: Medium sized dolphin
Responsibilities: Along with other regular deckhand activities, Arben is responsible for the physical defense of the ship. While many on The Winder contain skills valuable for combat, Arben, his sister, and Captain Lina are the ones in charge of battle tactics.
Relationships: Son of Lina and brother of Rose, Arben is rash, yet balanced by his sister's cold decisiveness. Members of the Winder know that the siblings are not people you want to piss off--in a dire situation, they're the ones who will be saving your life.

Deckhand and Bodyguard 2
Name: Rose Seaglass
Age: Mid 20s
Gender: Female
Race: Svefra
Notable Skills: Unarmed combat (70), reimancy: fire and air (45), swimming (20), shipwright (20), sailing (40), Mark of Oceanus (1)
Tavan: Medium sized dolphin
Responsibilities: Along with other regular deckhand activities, Rose is responsible for the physical defense of the ship. While many on The Winder contain skills valuable for combat, Rose, her brother, and Captain Lina are the ones in charge of battle tactics.
Relationships: Daughter of Lina and sister of Arben, Rose is calculating and intelligent. She is often sexually manipulative, but operates in a way not to make enemies she will have ever have to see again. It has been jokingly said that if anyone will be the downfall of The Winder, it will be Rose.

5 deckhands remain unlisted.

CreditCredit goes to Loess for the creation of The Winder and its crew.
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[Location] The Docks

Postby Perplexity on March 19th, 2015, 6:32 pm

Crystella's Delight


Date of Commission: Spring 19, 495 AV
Class: Schooner
Home Port: Zeltiva
Owner and Captain: Velazi Grant
Ship Description: The ship is a two masted schooner with white sails and a figurehead in the likeness of the captain's daughter, Crystella. Thus the ship name: Crystella's Delight.

Crew Description

Name: Velazi Grant
Race: Human
Rank: Captain
Age: 56
Skills: Sailing (66), Navigation(Sea) (50), Leadership (30), Weapon: Cutlass (23), Astronomy (40), Cartography (30) Intimidation (25)

Bio: A balding middle aged man with stern blue eyes, and a perpetual frown. He is of average height and on the lean side. Much as you might expect, Velazi runs a tight operation aboard Crystella's Delight. He expects all crew members to perform their duties efficiently, maintain a clean work environment, and diligent upkeep of the vessel. The only thing that really brings happiness to the man is mention of his daughter.

Name: Bernard Krell
Race: Human
Rank: Quartermaster
Age: 44
Skills: Sailing (50), Navigation(Sea)(30), Leadership (45), Weapon: Cutlass (40), Brawling (30), Storytelling (25)

Bio: A swarthy brute with an eye patch by the name of Benard Krell. He's Velazi's right hand man. Unlike the captain who is respected in a formal capacity. Bernard is well liked by crew and can often be found carousing with them at one dockside saloon or another. The quartermaster has a boisterous personality, but can also be very firm when the need arises. He is fond of telling the tale about how he lost his eye whilst in his cups.

Name: Rica Thompson
Race: Human
Rank: Carpenter & Surgeon
Age: 33
Skills: Sailing (20), Weapon: Dagger (25), Sewing (50), Singing (25), Medicine (40), Sculpting(wood) (40)

Bio: Having been trained at Zeltiva's Infirmary, Rica Thompson naturally took the important title of surgeon. She swiftly expanded that knowledge to include carpentry as well with thorough training from the crew's past carpenter. Rica can be found cursing and singing bawdy sea shanties right along with the others. She can be very stubborn at times and just as determined.

Name: Yanos Dremel
Race: Human
Rank: Deckhand
Age: 23
Skills: Sailing (20), Gambling (20), Weapon: Cutlass (22), Boxing (15)

Bio: An agreeable sort of man who works hard. His favorite pastimes are to gamble and drink plenty of kelp beer. He has a mop of unkempt brown hair that fringes green eyes. He is known to have a sweetheart in Zeltiva.

Credit goes to Jaiden for creation.
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