Solo What are your thoughts?

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This is Falyndar at its finest. Danger lurks everywhere - in the ground, in the trees, in the bush. Only the strongest survive...

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What are your thoughts?

Postby Evalin on November 16th, 2014, 6:11 pm


6th of Fall, 514 AV
Location: Jungle Wilds

Night had become a dull time. It was when the world rested, lights faded, and their travels ended. It could not be helped of course, such was the weakness of the mortal that accompanied Evalin and her Familiar. He had need to eat, sleep, rest... How inconvenient it was truly.

Thus what was the nuit to do when the servant was spent for the day, during the night time hours when there was little but quiet and calm? It was simple really. At such times Evalin had begun to take to meditation, to think upon herself, and what she was and where she was to go and to question all that there was. Who WAS Evalin...

This night she had created a platform of stone not far from the tree in which Gresshal entwined himself to sleep. She sat, legs crossed, hands folded carefully in her lap with fingers laced together in a relaxed position. As the night had come and none were about Evalin had little need to put on appearances and so her cloak and scarf, as well as her staff, were all left with the rest of her luggage at the base of the tree. She wore only her simplest clothing, and her hair was pulled back in an unusual display of ease.

"What is it I seek now...?" Evalin whispered, opening her eyes to look up at the clear sky above, "Where am I to go?"

Silence was her answer, but still the Immortal smiled and lifted her hands in front of her face, "This one has failed her mission in this land, that cannot be denied. Still, was there nothing of use to come of this failure?" She curled her fingers and lowered her fists down once more, "What am I now?"

"You are Master. From failure you have gained power, and with that power you shall do as you have always done. Continue to move toward your goal." The Irylid floated from around Evalin's shoulder, bobbing before her slowly, "But power is not enough. My Master must achieve full mastery of all of her new found abilities. Only then well she find what she seeks."

Evalin blinked, pondering what was said, "Perhaps so... but have I not mastered my skills? Am I not more powerful than any in this land?"

"It is not those of this land that my master must defeat."

she smiled, "Ah... Yes, it seems you are correct my dear Tsenrika... I am still so small, insignificant that the powers of others can still influence me. My curse is all the evidence needed to see this truth." Even as she said this she could feel the hunger in the back of her mind, "Then... I must break my curse and become something more than Mortal, more than Immortal. But to what end am I working toward?"

Tsenrika floated to hover over Evalin's right shoulder, "To the end that none may stand between you and the destruction of the chains of fate, be they mortal, or God."

"I see..." Evalin said, standing slowly, "Then... I must obtain the power of a God."

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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What are your thoughts?

Postby Evalin on November 16th, 2014, 8:08 pm


"What is it to be divine." Evalin whispered, stepping down off the platform. She folded her hands behind her back, looking over her shoulder at the floating orb, "What is it that makes the Gods who they are?"

"It is no one answer, but a mixture of many." Tsenrika replied. His form shimmered, and where once floated the Irlylid now stood an exact replica of Evalin herself.

"Power is certainly a quality." The Immortal replied, raising one hand and extending a finger.

"Power you have in part, but more could always be gained." Tsenrika replied, coming closer, "The Gods all share another quality. They have those which follow them, loyal subjects who would put life and limb to the service of their deity."

"A following then is needed." Evalin nodded, raising a second finger before lowering her hand, entwining her's in Tsenrika's as she turned to look at him, "But how does one gather such a following?"

The Familiar was silent for a tick, is fingers working against Evalin's as thoughts passed silently between them. "Become something that others shall idolize. Become a figure which others connect with, worship and follow. Transform from a pure being, to an idea that can never be vanquished."

"And be something that cannot be vanquished." Evalin smiled, "It comes back to power. A God is beyond mortals, beyond even Immortals such that their scope of possibility is nearly unimaginable. This strength, this terrible and magnificent might is what calls others to follow them so loyally."

Tsenrika traced a finger up Evalin's neck, pausing to pull on a strand of her hair while looking into the Immortals eyes, "Then my Master will become something the mortals cannot comprehend."

"A Goddess," Evalin said, taking the Familiar's hand in her own her smile broadening, "A Goddess of Vengeance."

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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What are your thoughts?

Postby Evalin on November 18th, 2014, 5:42 am


"What traits then are these Gods know to possess?" he slid his fingers over Evalin's cheek, caressing the cold flesh as he spoke in soft tones.

"Immortal beings, who cannot be harmed." Evailn replied, closing her eyes to enjoy the touch, "They may take whatever form they wish, and by sheer will can cast judgement down upon those that do not please them."

Coming closer Tsenrika wrapped his other arm around the nuit's waist, pulling her so that their bodies touched and their noses were mere inches apart, "My master may cast her judgement upon those with the strength of the fire of hatred and the icy of her soul. She can change her form at a whim, to be whatever she wishes."

"Not quite whatever it is I wish my dear Tsenrika," Evalin smiled, touching a finger to the Familiar's lips to silence him a moment, "That skill is still very limited to me, unlike that power to destroy and burn."

Brushing Evalin's hand aside Tsenrika shrugged, "Then one simply needs to gain greater command over such abilities. Master this skill, and my Master will be one pace closer to being very godlike herself."

With a laugh Evalin pulled away, folding her hands over her chest and tilting her head, "Be it hard for me to hear your words in a tone that is not underlain with sarcasm and tease."

"My words are of truthful origin spoken from the heart of this one who follows so closely to your ways. So close you are already to being that which you desire, that which can stand before the might of Fate and cast him down from his pedestal built upon the backs of his victims." He came closer once more, working apart Evalin's folded arms and she easily relented and let him pull her to him once more, "We shall work upon these traits that are desired and required to be hailed as a God, and then we shall gather a following and build something which not even Fate can ignore."

"Your words betray your motives." Evalin whispered as she wrapped her arms around Tsenrika's neck.

"And what has been betrayed?" He asked, tilting his own head to the side and raising an eyebrow. His hands came down to wrap Evalin's waist as he did so.

Evailn shrugged, "How know I that you shall not aid me to gain this power, to build this great force, and then betray me when all has been prepared without you needing to lift even a finger?"

The feelings that passed between their bond were of such strength and obvious nature that the intent could not have been portrayed any better had Tsenrika simply rolled his eyes and scoffed. Bowing her head and assenting to the Familiar's response the Immortal leaned back to look better into the creature's eyes, "Oh heart of my heart, forgive me for this doubt that had coursed so briefly through my soul."

"Be there no doubt in my heart, and thus there be no doubt in yours so think of it as never being so."

Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.
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What are your thoughts?

Postby Traverse on January 18th, 2015, 10:11 pm




  • Meditation 1 XP
  • Philosophy 2 XP
  • Planning 2 XP
  • Rhetoric 2 XP


  • Where to Go After the Failure in Falyndar
  • The Traits and Powers Required of a Would be God

Additional Notes :
Short and sweet, but enjoyable as all cryptic and complicated discussions between Evalin and Tsenrika always are. Oh the plots and plans of Goddess's ;)

If you have any questions, concerns, accolades, complaints, etc about your grade, drop me a PM and we can most certainly talk it out.

As always, Safe Travels!
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