6th of Fall, 514 AV
Location: Jungle Wilds
Night had become a dull time. It was when the world rested, lights faded, and their travels ended. It could not be helped of course, such was the weakness of the mortal that accompanied Evalin and her Familiar. He had need to eat, sleep, rest... How inconvenient it was truly.
Thus what was the nuit to do when the servant was spent for the day, during the night time hours when there was little but quiet and calm? It was simple really. At such times Evalin had begun to take to meditation, to think upon herself, and what she was and where she was to go and to question all that there was. Who WAS Evalin...
This night she had created a platform of stone not far from the tree in which Gresshal entwined himself to sleep. She sat, legs crossed, hands folded carefully in her lap with fingers laced together in a relaxed position. As the night had come and none were about Evalin had little need to put on appearances and so her cloak and scarf, as well as her staff, were all left with the rest of her luggage at the base of the tree. She wore only her simplest clothing, and her hair was pulled back in an unusual display of ease.
"What is it I seek now...?" Evalin whispered, opening her eyes to look up at the clear sky above, "Where am I to go?"
Silence was her answer, but still the Immortal smiled and lifted her hands in front of her face, "This one has failed her mission in this land, that cannot be denied. Still, was there nothing of use to come of this failure?" She curled her fingers and lowered her fists down once more, "What am I now?"
"You are Master. From failure you have gained power, and with that power you shall do as you have always done. Continue to move toward your goal." The Irylid floated from around Evalin's shoulder, bobbing before her slowly, "But power is not enough. My Master must achieve full mastery of all of her new found abilities. Only then well she find what she seeks."
Evalin blinked, pondering what was said, "Perhaps so... but have I not mastered my skills? Am I not more powerful than any in this land?"
"It is not those of this land that my master must defeat."
she smiled, "Ah... Yes, it seems you are correct my dear Tsenrika... I am still so small, insignificant that the powers of others can still influence me. My curse is all the evidence needed to see this truth." Even as she said this she could feel the hunger in the back of her mind, "Then... I must break my curse and become something more than Mortal, more than Immortal. But to what end am I working toward?"
Tsenrika floated to hover over Evalin's right shoulder, "To the end that none may stand between you and the destruction of the chains of fate, be they mortal, or God."
"I see..." Evalin said, standing slowly, "Then... I must obtain the power of a God."
Location: Jungle Wilds
Night had become a dull time. It was when the world rested, lights faded, and their travels ended. It could not be helped of course, such was the weakness of the mortal that accompanied Evalin and her Familiar. He had need to eat, sleep, rest... How inconvenient it was truly.
Thus what was the nuit to do when the servant was spent for the day, during the night time hours when there was little but quiet and calm? It was simple really. At such times Evalin had begun to take to meditation, to think upon herself, and what she was and where she was to go and to question all that there was. Who WAS Evalin...
This night she had created a platform of stone not far from the tree in which Gresshal entwined himself to sleep. She sat, legs crossed, hands folded carefully in her lap with fingers laced together in a relaxed position. As the night had come and none were about Evalin had little need to put on appearances and so her cloak and scarf, as well as her staff, were all left with the rest of her luggage at the base of the tree. She wore only her simplest clothing, and her hair was pulled back in an unusual display of ease.
"What is it I seek now...?" Evalin whispered, opening her eyes to look up at the clear sky above, "Where am I to go?"
Silence was her answer, but still the Immortal smiled and lifted her hands in front of her face, "This one has failed her mission in this land, that cannot be denied. Still, was there nothing of use to come of this failure?" She curled her fingers and lowered her fists down once more, "What am I now?"
"You are Master. From failure you have gained power, and with that power you shall do as you have always done. Continue to move toward your goal." The Irylid floated from around Evalin's shoulder, bobbing before her slowly, "But power is not enough. My Master must achieve full mastery of all of her new found abilities. Only then well she find what she seeks."
Evalin blinked, pondering what was said, "Perhaps so... but have I not mastered my skills? Am I not more powerful than any in this land?"
"It is not those of this land that my master must defeat."
she smiled, "Ah... Yes, it seems you are correct my dear Tsenrika... I am still so small, insignificant that the powers of others can still influence me. My curse is all the evidence needed to see this truth." Even as she said this she could feel the hunger in the back of her mind, "Then... I must break my curse and become something more than Mortal, more than Immortal. But to what end am I working toward?"
Tsenrika floated to hover over Evalin's right shoulder, "To the end that none may stand between you and the destruction of the chains of fate, be they mortal, or God."
"I see..." Evalin said, standing slowly, "Then... I must obtain the power of a God."