7th of Fall, 514 AV
The night was young and fresh as Evalin undid the ties of her cloak and let the clothing fall to the ground. Quickly there after came her scarves, and robes until finally she was all but bare to the world. Her staff she leaned against the tree that acted as their shelter this night, and faintly she could hear Gresshal preparing himself for slumber as he had to every evening.
Stretching her arms high over head the Immortal closed her eyes, enjoying the reprieve from the sweltering humidity that plagued the days. Tsenrika floated a pace behind her, silent as usual, but there was a question there that Evalin could sense even without words being spoken.
"Indeed, I am well. My thoughts and pondering have lead me to a peace i have not experienced in some time."
The Irlyid's form shifted and shimmered, and in its place there now stood a complete replica of Evalin herself. The nuit could feel the works of magic through there bond as he came closer as well, thus even before his arms appeared around her shoulders she knew he has shifted to that male visage with the reflective blue eyes.
"Peace? Or is it simply calm?" He pressed his chest against her back, wrapping his arms around her and draping them over her shoulders. In this form he was about a head taller than Evalin herself, his shoulders wider, body bigger such that the Immortal could press her smaller frame into his to feel something close to comfort.
"Perhaps it is just calm." Evalin mused. Tilting her head back she opened her eyes to look up at Tsenrika who tilted his head and eyed her curiously, "Know you not the difference?"
She thought for a tick, wrapping her fingers into Tsenrika's as she did, "Indeed I do, but it is not so much that I do not know than that I am uncertain if it is in truth real or devised." Evalin had found herself in an odd state since the previous evening. Lost mostly in thought through the entire days travels, she had thought and wondered and contemplated on those aspects of divinity. What was it to be a Goddess? What was their purpose in this world? More importantly... How could they be slain?
"I have come to a realization as we discussed previously." She closed her eyes again, enjoying the embrace that none but someone who shared her soul could give her.
"Only a god may slay a god." Tsenrika replied, already reading the lines of thought as they passed through the girl's mind. In truth he had been pondering such things as well during their journey, and perhaps it was this reason that Evalin herself had thought so long and hard on this. The musings passed between them, moving from one to the other through the bond that would eternally link these creatures forever.
"Yes, but more than this I have come to realize." she patted the Familiar's hand and pulled away, turning to face him. She had to look up to meet his eyes, "If I were to become a Goddess, then would I cease to be who I am as Evalin?" Tsenrika seemed about to speak but the Immortal raised a finger to halt him, "If what we believe is true, then to become a Goddess means to cast off many things that makes mortals, and immortals, who they are. A sense of finality, of purpose. Driving goals and time become near inconsequential as a Goddess may not view time and goals the same way. One who can halt the course of the moon at will has little care then for what might occur should the winter come too early. This is because, now, much greater things are within his grasp, new worries and obstacles replace previous ones. If such is so... What if I were to lose this goal fueled by hatred at the injustices of Fate simply because the whims of Fate will not hamper the progression of another God's will?"
Evalin shook her head, resting a hand against Tsenrika's chest while the Familiar silently pondered what was said. After a chime, maybe two, the nuit felt a hand brush her cheek and she looked up to see the man smiling the smallest of smiles, "What wretched Goddess would forget that which she achieved power for? No my Master would never forget, for ingrained it is into the very fabric of her djed and soul this mission which must be completed. If Divinity were granted to you, my dear Evalin, surely you would take that very moment to strike down this enemy of the world."
The Immortal could not help but smile in return, "Do you think this is so?"
"There is no greater certainty in this world, of this you may rest assured."
7th of Fall, 514 AV
The night was young and fresh as Evalin undid the ties of her cloak and let the clothing fall to the ground. Quickly there after came her scarves, and robes until finally she was all but bare to the world. Her staff she leaned against the tree that acted as their shelter this night, and faintly she could hear Gresshal preparing himself for slumber as he had to every evening.
Stretching her arms high over head the Immortal closed her eyes, enjoying the reprieve from the sweltering humidity that plagued the days. Tsenrika floated a pace behind her, silent as usual, but there was a question there that Evalin could sense even without words being spoken.
"Indeed, I am well. My thoughts and pondering have lead me to a peace i have not experienced in some time."
The Irlyid's form shifted and shimmered, and in its place there now stood a complete replica of Evalin herself. The nuit could feel the works of magic through there bond as he came closer as well, thus even before his arms appeared around her shoulders she knew he has shifted to that male visage with the reflective blue eyes.
"Peace? Or is it simply calm?" He pressed his chest against her back, wrapping his arms around her and draping them over her shoulders. In this form he was about a head taller than Evalin herself, his shoulders wider, body bigger such that the Immortal could press her smaller frame into his to feel something close to comfort.
"Perhaps it is just calm." Evalin mused. Tilting her head back she opened her eyes to look up at Tsenrika who tilted his head and eyed her curiously, "Know you not the difference?"
She thought for a tick, wrapping her fingers into Tsenrika's as she did, "Indeed I do, but it is not so much that I do not know than that I am uncertain if it is in truth real or devised." Evalin had found herself in an odd state since the previous evening. Lost mostly in thought through the entire days travels, she had thought and wondered and contemplated on those aspects of divinity. What was it to be a Goddess? What was their purpose in this world? More importantly... How could they be slain?
"I have come to a realization as we discussed previously." She closed her eyes again, enjoying the embrace that none but someone who shared her soul could give her.
"Only a god may slay a god." Tsenrika replied, already reading the lines of thought as they passed through the girl's mind. In truth he had been pondering such things as well during their journey, and perhaps it was this reason that Evalin herself had thought so long and hard on this. The musings passed between them, moving from one to the other through the bond that would eternally link these creatures forever.
"Yes, but more than this I have come to realize." she patted the Familiar's hand and pulled away, turning to face him. She had to look up to meet his eyes, "If I were to become a Goddess, then would I cease to be who I am as Evalin?" Tsenrika seemed about to speak but the Immortal raised a finger to halt him, "If what we believe is true, then to become a Goddess means to cast off many things that makes mortals, and immortals, who they are. A sense of finality, of purpose. Driving goals and time become near inconsequential as a Goddess may not view time and goals the same way. One who can halt the course of the moon at will has little care then for what might occur should the winter come too early. This is because, now, much greater things are within his grasp, new worries and obstacles replace previous ones. If such is so... What if I were to lose this goal fueled by hatred at the injustices of Fate simply because the whims of Fate will not hamper the progression of another God's will?"
Evalin shook her head, resting a hand against Tsenrika's chest while the Familiar silently pondered what was said. After a chime, maybe two, the nuit felt a hand brush her cheek and she looked up to see the man smiling the smallest of smiles, "What wretched Goddess would forget that which she achieved power for? No my Master would never forget, for ingrained it is into the very fabric of her djed and soul this mission which must be completed. If Divinity were granted to you, my dear Evalin, surely you would take that very moment to strike down this enemy of the world."
The Immortal could not help but smile in return, "Do you think this is so?"
"There is no greater certainty in this world, of this you may rest assured."