Winter 8th, 514AV "I swear I'm not lying!" a highly animated voice came from the slender girl dressed in various mismatched colours as she spoke about the creature she said she had managed to slay. "It really was as big as that building right there!" Ila grinned as she pointed towards the building in front of her and behind the few people she had gathered with her ridiculous tall tales. She could see the looks on the faces of the five or six children that had also gathered and she grinned at them, bending down slightly so she was closer to their height and placing her hand on her hip, not worrying about dirtying or wrinkling the yellow shirt she wore. How terrible her ensemble looked. A yellow shirt paired with red pants would have been okay if it weren't for the royal blue cloak she wore to keep herself warm at work! "Don't worry. There might be more of them out there, but they won't be able to navigate through here. And besides, I'm sure that if I can defeat one, such big strong boys like you should be able to!" she giggled, ruffling the smallest ones hair slightly before standing tall again. "I'm telling you, this creature with fur as black as midnight came running at me. I was terrified, of course, but I didn't let that stop me! The only thing nearby was a rather tiny little branch! So naturally, I picked it up and waited for it to get closer to me, before I jumped out of it's way. I did feel kind of sorry for the poor thing, but it shouldn't have tried attacking me!" Ila grinned again, moving to a different speaking point and quickly scanning around to see if anyone that looked rich was nearby... They'd make a good target... "You good sir, care to listen to a tale?" she beamed, her arm elaborately snaking outwards to point at a man that didn't look rich, so to speak. He looked like a typical reputable man that could enjoy her takes and maybe donate a penny or two. When the man didn't respond, she frowned slightly, before bringing her smile back up as she remember that he might not speak the common language. Surely now would be the chance to show off to all these people if she attempted Fratava "Maybe you like story?" she spoke, not quite able to tell the discrepancies in her grammar. The man didn't respond, so she simply smiled, getting back to her story as she looked at the faces of the younger listeners. They seemed to be in awe, obviously not people who had not yet learned Fratava and couldn't tell how flawed her grammar was. "Now, back to the story. Where was I?" she smiled! looking down at the children before remembering roughly where she had reached in the tale. "Ah yes. So I grabbed this rather small twig and darted out of it's way, poor thing, before I realised that it had stunned itself. I was considering running away, but I realised that even though this creature was clumsy, it was far faster than me. Even if I'd have started running then, it would have caught up with me. Now I don't know about you, but I know that I would definitely rather be facing my enemy when it attacks than having my back to it!" Ila carefully watched the looks on the children's faces, trying to gauge what they wanted to happen next in the story so she could create the rest of her story. They were hard to read, each looking as enthralled as the others, with no emotional leakage in their sweet little faces, so she decided to tell this story like she always did. "So, while it was stood there I slowly crept towards it." she lowered her voice and moved closer to the children. "I got so close to it that I could feel it's warmth. I could have touched it's thick black fur and I would have done if it wasn't coated in a layer of dried blood. It was at that point that I wondered what it was and who it had encountered before me. They obviously weren't so lucky. "I carefully stepped around it until I was close to it's snout and I held the twig in the air, ready to dig it downwards and into the beast. Then it looked at me. It saw me with it's deep, red eyes and I saw into it's soul. It had killed so many and suddenly I was paralysed by fear." Ila sprang back suddenly, her next words becoming loud and almost panic stricken. "It reared up and swung it's massive head against me, knocking me to the floor. I could barely breathe! The impact had caught me off guard and I had allowed it to wind me and force all the air out of my lung. It was at that point that I was sure I would die!" Ila grinned widely as she scanned everyone's faces, watching the look of enjoyment on the children's and the look of slight amusement on the adults faces. Of course this story was a lie, but it was an entertaining one that would keep the young ones amused for a little while. "So there I was strewn out on the ground, barely able to even move. I tried to roll onto my front to crawl but that proved itself to be quite hard. I was completely helpless and this foul beast was about to charge again, when all of a sudden a man appeared!" Ila's eyes showed nothing but joy as she told stories. That was her passion, and fortunately she had managed to get a job out of it. "He was tall, really tall, with blonde hair and green eyes. And his shoulders were very broad. He looked like one of the strongest men I'd ever seen! And boy was I glad to see him! He helped me up and pretty much threw me out of the way. I wasn't so happy about that one but I was safe at least. "And then he stood in front of the beast, staring it down almost as though he was trying to aggravate it into attacking him. It was the most noble thing I've ever seen. Then the beast charged at him and he charged at it, I thought he was going to be killed until he all of a sudden turned into an enormous cat and attacked it. "I almost pitied the beast at this point, with this cat clawing at it's eyes and leaving bloodied streaks all over it. Then I remembered that it was going to kill me!" Ila continued detailing the fight, watching the looks of disgust, horror and joy worming across the children's faces. "In the end, the cat managed to defeat the beast. It wasn't a short battle, it must have taken at least five bells and the cat looked warn out. It turned back into the man and came over to me, asking me to help him into Alvadas to get medical attention, so I did. After all this cat man had just saved my life." |